Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a grandson in prose. Congratulations on the birth of a child grandson

Congratulations and wishes in verse and prose

We lived quietly, serenely,
But a miracle happened, suddenly.
Congratulations, of course
After all, your grandson was born!
And in taking care of the child
You are getting younger in soul -
Porridge, diapers, diapers ...
Let the baby grow big!

Today we brought you an armful of flowers -
You have become with us, friends, now a grandfather and grandmother!
And we hasten to congratulate you on such an event,
We wish you a great day!
May this moment be remembered for a long time,
The sun entered your home, with kindness and light!
May the granddaughter, to your delight, grow up quickly,
Fills your house with childish laughter and kindness!
The new status should now add strength to you,
So that my great-grandson and I could, also congratulate you!

Congratulations on the birth of your grandson,
Such joy suddenly appeared in the house!
We wish you pure health from the heart
To a nice boy in a blue envelope.
Let the sun shine brightly to the grandson in life,
Let the laughter sound like a trickle in the mountains!
May he meet happiness on his way
Let only joy shine in your eyes!

We all know how long you have been waiting for the day when the children will present you with this gift! How you dreamed of picking up and looking into your grandson's wide-open eyes! And finally the day has come! Now you are not only mom and dad, but also grandparents! We wish you health, financial stability, strength and vitality, as, undoubtedly, the birth of a grandson will radically change your life - it will make it more restless, but happier and richer!

Children's laughter, little hands, the smell of happiness
They settled in the house for years.
Congratulations / sincerely! Let it be
Your granddaughter - a boy wherever!
Let it grow healthy, pretty,
Smart, honest, kind and big!
Let him become an enviable groom -
I sleep / im and see / dim me / we are like that!
I / we wish / eat for his life to turn out!
In the meantime, let it be time for tender years
For you, slowly, my dear ones / ours, lasted -
So that the soul is fully satisfied!

You became a grandmother. And what!
After all, this title is an honor.
Let it not look like an old woman,
Years don't count here.
You are not bored at all
And sadness, of course, does not threaten -
Now you are a grandmother for a grandson
So may the Lord keep him!
Let it grow, without knowing worries,
Bathed in your love.
I congratulate you with your grandson,
You live long for him!

Our dear, newly minted, grandmother and grandfather!
Undoubtedly, the birth of children is the most important and happy moment in everyone's life. The birth of grandchildren only intensifies the feeling of euphoria. Enjoy happiness, love your grandson, indulge in moderation, teach kindness and responsiveness. It's time to read bedtime stories again, wipe your wet nose and pull up your ever-slipping pants ... Life goes on, with which we congratulate you!

Have you forgotten how restless it is in a house with small children? If so, then you are given a unique chance to brush up on all the nuances of this hectic but happy period of life. And all because today you have changed your status and turned from parents of adult children into grandparents! With what we sincerely and congratulate you! The silence and tranquility have come to an end, because from now on and forever a new owner has appeared in the house - your granddaughter! Despite his small weight and height, he has a strong character and no less strong voice, which you will feel very soon. But, believe me, these are all small things, compared to the feeling that will overwhelm you when you take your child in your arms! Congratulations!

Today you have become a grandparent,
You will have a granddaughter in education,
Let you not know sorrows with him,
And he will not be as restless as a top!
We wish there were no diseases
After all, happiness has knocked on your door
Walking with your grandson will be more useful for you,
After all, soon spring drops will knock.

The birth of a grandson is happiness
The birth of a grandson is grace!
And on this day, so happy
This is what I want to say to you!
Please accept my congratulations
That your lineage lasted again
After all, the happiness of this accomplishment
Words cannot describe!
Let it grow healthy, wise,
So that the honor of the family does not drop,
Smiles, and the word "grandfather",
I amused you more often!

sMS congratulations on the birth of a grandson

We congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter! We wish you only happiness on earth. After all, children are the highest reward that we are given in this world to have.

Well, your granddaughters are just a sight for sore eyes! As ruddy as a little darling. We are happy for him with all our hearts and congratulate you on his birthday!

We are glad that we can congratulate you on your first grandson! After all, it's such happiness to nurse a baby! We wish you that he grows up healthy and that he does not know grief in life.

Your granddaughters are just lovely! Handsome, cute, just stunned. We wish him to grow up healthy, honest, strong. So that he could overcome any obstacle in life.

We are glad that your grandson was born. We want to wish you all happiness. So that you have everything in the best possible way, so that you do not know what grief and attack are.

Congratulations on a wonderful event! Your regiment has arrived! We hope that the grandson will be a copy of his grandfather and a worthy successor to the grandmother's work!

Let me congratulate you on this day and ask you casually: even if not now, on the occasion of the birth of a granddaughter, will we drink cognac with you?

Congratulations on the birth of such a wonderful, strong, intelligent and handsome boy! Finally, you will find out what it is like to feel like a grandfather!

I can’t believe my eyes and ears: you - and grandma? No, this cannot be! Therefore, I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter's son! This will be more correct.

Guess the riddle: mom is in the hospital, dad is drinking, and you are in shock. What happened? Your grandson was born! Congratulations buddy! Let it grow strong and healthy - like you!

Choose another SMS with the birth of a grandson:

the birth of a little man who carries the whole abyss of human love and happiness. Let your grandson bring only joy, be healthy and strong, as well as surrounded by the boundless love of grandparents, mom and dad!

We congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter!

We wish you only happiness on earth. After all, children are the highest reward that we are given in this world to have.

A little man was born

and filled all your worlds. Now there will be no time for newspapers, TV series, knitting, and even the dacha will move away. May the strong man, who so easily defeated your habits, be happy!

Congratulations on the honorary title of grandmother!

Let all your most cherished desires come true in the kid !!! May it grow to all relatives for great joy !!!

I congratulate you on the birth of your grandson!

The family is growing, and this is also your merit. I wish you patience and strength, let the baby become your reward for the years of your own motherhood. Pamper him and love him, let him give you smiles and a feeling of happiness!

I congratulate you on your birth

wonderful grandson! May all doors on the path of life be always open in front of him, and you will have endless patience in order to direct him on the right path!

Your granddaughters are just lovely!

Handsome, cute, just stunned. We wish him to grow up healthy, honest, strong. So that he could overcome any obstacle in life. 5.09.2015

Surely you have repeatedly heard from your mother: "Well, when will you bring me a grandson?" That day has come, but instead of joy, there is often surprise on the face. Although it passes quickly, it can be easily explained. Surprise appears because a woman realizes the adulthood of her child. She does not know if he is a cat for an independent life. But whatever happened, it happened. Nothing can be fixed and she has nothing to do but accept the title of grandmother and put up with it. Of course, there will be a lot of happiness, the child's father will be unbearably happy about the birth of his son, and the grandmother will also.

That is why you need to make such a moment memorable and fun. Present the most memorable or grandchildren to your grandmother in prose and see how much brighter and more colorful the world will become. Grandmother will look younger before her eyes, studying and fiddling with her grandson. This is not surprising, her maternal instinct woke up again and she is ready to devote herself again to such a tiny creature.

In your congratulations, be sure to indicate that you really appreciate her support and are ready to receive help in any form. The grandmother herself knows this, and is ready to give everything so that the boy does not need anything. And what else is there to live for ?. Quite a logical and predictable feeling.

I congratulate you on the birth of your grandson! The family is growing, and this is also your merit. I wish you patience and strength, let the baby become your reward for the years of your own motherhood. Pamper him and love him, let him give you smiles and a feeling of happiness!

They say that the first child is like a toy, and the first grandchild is the first child. So congratulations on your first child! Undoubtedly, he will be the most beloved and the best, because he has such wonderful grandparents. We are confident that you will bring up a courageous, conscientious, intelligent and strong man from him who will become your protector in any situation.

Dear ones, we congratulate you on the birth of your grandson! And although you are far away now, the time has come when you will look forward to summer so that your granddaughter will come to visit you. And you will be happy to take him to the river, play with him and pamper him with delicious pancakes in the morning

How much grandchildren love their grandchildren! Probably even a little more than children. And all because when the kids were young, they themselves were young and were constantly in a hurry somewhere. And when grandchildren appeared, they became their main concern. Grandma always tries to cook something delicious for her baby. And the children feel the warmth radiating from her, and therefore strive to visit her. Granny carefully prepares for the birthday of her favorites, chooses a gift, and is looking for exactly the one that the birthday boy has expressed a desire to receive.

By the holiday you need to find and birthday greetings to grandsonthat you can fit into a beautiful postcard. Warm and gentle words will warm the hero of the occasion. And even if the child is still very young, in order to understand their meaning, he will simply play with a beautiful postcard. But over time, when he gets a little older and finds this postcard among the dusty papers, he will understand how strong the love and care that comes from granny is. After all, we all, both children and adults, want to feel the warmth of loved ones, especially when it is the vulnerable soul of a teenager, seeking understanding. Grandmothers are sometimes able to understand their granddaughter much better than mom and dad, and help him not only with a kind word, but also with deed. And after rereading the congratulations - in poetic form or in prose - we smile and our hearts become happy. And in order for the congratulatory test to be successful, you can familiarize yourself with the ready-made options presented on our thematic website.

Prose grandson

Today warm smiles shine on our lips, because this day made us incredibly happy grandfather and grandmother! Dear granddaughter, we wish you to be healthy and cheerful, mischievous and brave, smart and kind! May your life be filled with an endless sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions, countless smiles, unchanging luck, bright victories, countless achievements, reliable friends and care of relatives!

Beloved granddaughter, happy birthday! Be brave, strong, confident in your own strengths, pride and an example for the whole environment, kind and sympathetic to your loved ones. Of course, in order to achieve all the goals set, you must have good health, which we sincerely wish you. Know that you are our hope and support.

Dear sun, not so long ago you made our family happy with your appearance. We thank God for the joy and the light that you have brought into our lives. We sincerely love you and wish you the very best of the blessings of the world. Let your life be filled with love, kindness and warmth. Grow healthy and successful. May there always be close people nearby who will always lend a shoulder. Happy Holidays!

My beloved, dear, dear granddaughter! On a day that has brought so much happiness to all of us, I congratulate you. It seems as if yesterday you were held on handles, so small, and today you suddenly became an adult. I wish you to dream, bright and colorful, and I promise that all dreams, every last one, will come true. Happy Birthday!

Dear grandson! On the long-awaited day of your birth from me - only good wishes: unshakable health and trouble-free memory. Be merciful and grateful. Never forget that you owe a part of your successful fate and well-being to your parents. Be brave and wise. Fight obstacles on the difficult path to the desired success. Farewell fools and seek friendship of worthy people.

Beloved granddaughter, until recently you were a mischievous boy, and today you are already a man. Therefore, on your birthday, I want to wish you immeasurable happiness, to finally meet my beloved, and have children. And together with a young family to build a cozy house. Also, may the Almighty always protect you and help you find the right path.

Beloved granddaughter, today you have become a year older. And on this solemn day, I want to wish you to remain, as long as possible, the same cheerful, mischievous little boy. Let the true comrades surround. And most importantly, grow up as a brave little man so that you can always stand up for your relatives. Happy birthday dear, kiss you hard.