Cap for a group of VK. How to make a cap (cover) for a group in VK

In this article I will tell you about the new function of the social network VKontakte.
  More recently, the opportunity to make a hat in a group or community. This allows you to slightly change the look of your group and stand out from the rest.

The new hat looks fresh and more beautiful than the old avatar.
  You can also place more information in the header, add a phone, the official website and the logo without overloading the image. That is why it is worth making a hat in the group.

What does a hat look like in a group or community of VKontakte:

Today I changed the cap in my community, by the way, join the community, new articles appear there immediately after publishing them on the blog. My community now looks like this:

How to make a hat in a group or community of VKontakte:

Let's move on to practice, first you need to create this header in any image editor.
Caps sizes for VKontakte group: 1590x400  pixels

Prepare in advance the image of the desired size, after which there will be only a few clicks and your group or community will have a large vertical header.
  After preparing the image, go to the community page and go to the Community Management page:

Once on the community management page, you need to find the line "Community cover" and click the download button:

By clicking download, select your pre-prepared header for the group (size 1590x400 pixels) and click save and continue:

Everything! The cap in your community is set!

How to make PICTURE  for VK headings and for anything at all:

If you were looking for instructions on how to make a beautiful picture on the Vkontakte header, and not how to install it on the site itself.
  Then this course will help you.

This is the best course for photoshop, for beginners.
  I suggest you familiarize yourself with the training option that offers
  Zinaida Lukyanova - the creator of the project "Photoshop Master" - the largest portal for Adobe Photoshop in the Russian-speaking space. In terms of the quality of training, this method is practically not inferior to a personal tutor, but it costs hundreds of times cheaper and is accessible to everyone.

I hope the article was useful for you, and you learned how to make a header to the group or the VKontakte community.
This social network does not stop updating its site. Over the past year, a lot of updates have affected this network. For the better, time will tell.

I like the new social network design more, and the ability to add products to groups is also very   useful. I think VKontakte, meets business, but will a regular user suffer from this? This question will only time.
  , comment, share this article in social networks.
  I wish you good luck and new subscribers.
  Sincerely, Sergey Sadovnikov.

Sp-force-hide (display: none;). Sp-form (display: block; background: rgba (250, 108, 108, 1); padding: 15px; width: 100%; max-width: 100%; border -radius: 0px; -moz-border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; border-color: #dddddd; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;). sp-form .sp-form-fields-wrapper (margin: 0 auto; width: 710px;). sp-form .sp-form-control (background: #ffffff; border-color: #cccccc ; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; font-size: 15px; padding-left: 8.75px; padding-right: 8.75px; border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit -border-radius: 4px; height: 35px; width: 100%;). sp-form .sp-field label (color: rgba (255, 255, 255, 1); font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold;). sp-form .sp-button (border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; background-color: # f5ff2e; color : # 171717; width: auto; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; box-shado w: inset 0 -2px 0 0 # e4f000; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 # e4f000; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 # e4f000;). sp-form .sp-button-container (text-align: right;)


Graphic elements in the design of the Vkontakte community capture the attention of the visitor, retain it, and also increase the awareness of a group or a public among thousands of similar communities. In addition, the graphical menu makes it easier to navigate through sections of the group, helping participants and other users of the social network to navigate the structure of a large community.

A search in VK or viewing a portfolio of designers will show many successful examples of the design of Vkontakte groups, from which you can build on the selection of the cover menu for your community.

The following dimensions of the Vkontakte group are used:

  • The page cover is shown at the top, for the entire width of the public, the size is 1590 x 400 pixels;
  • The large avatar is a vertical banner of 200x500 px (2: 5 aspect ratio), shown at the top right;
  • A small avatar, a round picture, is shown in each message of the group, size 200x200 pixels.
  • Picture of the menu for the Vkontakte group, width 510 pixels, height - 307 (so that the bottom edge of the menu nicely coincides with the bottom of the large avatar on the right).

If a cover image is loaded in the community settings, then the large avatar on the right is not displayed.

How to make a hat for the Vkontakte group yourself

To make the heading of the community look beautiful, all its graphic components must be decorated in one style (set of colors, logos, fonts) or be part of the same picture. When you create a group of Vkontakte yourself, the first step is to prepare a background image. This may be a thematic picture from free photobanks (for example,

Open the picture in the graphic editor. Trim or scale to size: length 1590 px, height 400 px.

Then you can put the necessary inscriptions (group name, slogan, call to join the community). Now you need to upload a cover to the community. To do this, go to the menu item "Community Management":

Click on the “Download” message in the “Community Cover” field.

In the next window, select the cover file previously prepared on your computer, and click on "Save and continue."

Now your group will have a new cover. Take into account that in this case the vertical picture of the large avatar on the right will not be displayed.

  • The picture or photo should correspond to the community theme.
  • Use high quality images.
  • Do not violate other people's copyrights on images (currently, free drains offer a large number of photos and illustrations).
  • Do not overload the cover with details.
  • If you put a photo of a person on a hat, it is better that he does not look at the visitor, but at the most important element on the page (menu, website address, message about the promotion, call).
  • Use high-quality fonts and check that the labels are legible at any scale.

The dimensions of the caps in the public Vkontakte in the new design

After the redesign of this social network occurred, a new design element appeared - the cover. This is a large horizontal orientation image of 1590 by 400 pixels. The cap for the group Vkontakte is a static picture. Large enough to place on it a bright, memorable photo or image and the name of the public, the company's slogan, the name of the site, the schedule of work and other inscriptions.

How to make a menu for a group of VK in the new design

The process of registration of the menu of the Vkontakte group consists of the following steps:

  • Preparing a list of menu links (these can be pages, community sections or external sites).
  • Preparing the background image.
  • Drawing on the background image labels and "buttons" menu.
  • Cutting the image into pieces.
  • The inclusion of a wiki page.
  • Loading a graphic menu and formatting it with wiki markup.

The background image should be 510 pixels wide, and the height depends on the number and placement of menu items. To work with images, you will need a raster graphic editor, below are examples using free and easy Paint.Net.

Immediately you should plan the placement of menu items so that the picture can be cut into fragments of the same size. This is important for the menu to scale normally on the screen of smartphones or tablets.

Vertical menu of the VK community with items in one column

Open the picture in the editor. Use the Text editor tool to write menu items over the background. To make the menu labels noticeable, they can be distinguished in several ways:

  • Circle around;
  • Change the background color under the letters;
  • Add a shadow to the letters.

Below in the screenshot, each item is highlighted in one of the ways.

The next step is cutting the image into pieces:

The process of cutting the image can also be performed using a convenient online tool

Then in the “Community Management” menu, go to the “Sections” item and in the “Materials” section, select “Restricted” (this means that only the group administrator can create and edit pages).

Click save and go to the main group. Near the section with information about the group appeared the item "Latest News".

Go to this section and click edit. Change the title to “Menu” and then click on the camera icon to add an image.

Click on the added picture and in the properties window specify the link to the desired section.

Vkontakte automatically reduces the image to 400 pixels and inserts extra tags. To fix this, go to the edit mode of the markup.

Each image tag starts with “[[” and ends with “]]”, consists of three parts, separated by “|”: image ID, properties and link. It is necessary to adjust the size of the images and insert the tag "nopadding" in their properties. Properties of images are listed through ";".

After saving changes, the menu creation is complete.

Menus with horizontal or multi-line items

In this case, the preparation of images is also performed, but with the source cut and vertically. Cut slices are loaded through the page editing interface. The mutual position of the rectangular fragments is set using the wiki markup in VK. Each image tag with a link described in the previous section is placed inside a table cell.

Table design rules:

  • The beginning is indicated by the symbol "(|", the end of the table - "|)".
  • Additional properties are specified after the "| ~"
  • A new line starts with "| -".
  • Each cell is separated by a "|".

To eliminate extra spaces, you need to specify the parameters of the “fixed nopadding noborder” table. The layout of the graphical menu of 2 columns and 2 lines looks like this:

And the menu itself in the group:

Avatar size of the group in the new design for the design of the public VK

In Vkontakte communities, two avatar options are used:

  • A large rectangular banner 200 with 500 dots is shown at the top right, if the cover is not loaded.
  • Miniature 200x200 pixels, shown in posts and in discussions in the form of a circle.

Do you want to decorate your group in VK (Vkontakte) and create for it a unique cap (cover)? In this article I will talk about what size and format it should be, how to add a header to the VC, just lay out the PSD source (photoshop format) of the desired size template.

How to make a cap (cover) for a group in the VC?

What is a hat in a group in the VC? This is just a picture, the size of 1590 × 400 and the format - JPG, GIF or PNG. It is located on top of the VC group, looks like this:

Step 1. Create an image of the desired size.

First we need to create the picture itself, for this I used Photoshop (you can download a ready-made PSD template). Open Photoshop, choose in the menu "File" -\u003e "Create" ("File" -\u003e "Create").

A window will appear where you need to download the image dimensions, we will have a width of 1590 px, height 400. Color modes can be left as default. Click "OK"

I want to note that the image may be larger, when adding an image, the VC itself proposes to cut it to the size it needs. Above the width of 400 px I do not advise adding something, VC cuts off part of the picture.

As a result, we get a clean sheet, we need the size. Next we draw what we want to see in the cap and save our creation. My template looks like this:

Step 2. Change the header in VK group.

Next we need to upload our image to the VK group. To do this, go to our group, in the upper right corner (under the group avatar), click "three points" (...), from the dropdown menu, select "Community Management".

A window will appear with a suggestion to upload an image, click "Select file"

We select our image and a window appears with the ability to crop the image, since everything corresponds to the desired size, click "Save and continue"

As a result, we will see a message stating that the cover has been successfully downloaded, then just go to our group and admire the resulting effect.

You can change the cap (cover) as many times as you like.

So we created our own cap for the group in VK.

You can also take one of the proposed templates in this article: