Dream interpretation of walking barefoot in the dust. Why bare feet dream

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What does Barefoot dream about - you see a barefoot person in a dream or see yourself barefoot - not one of your hopes that you cherish recently has come true; every step you take is under the control of ill-wishers; you are too open for enemies, and they, foreseeing your steps, warn them; your enemies are one step ahead of you

Star dream Dream Barefoot to go to what dreams?

Dream Interpretation of dreams: Walking barefoot - to a serious illness and shame, especially if you walk through the mud. Terrible rumors are spreading about you that turn out to be true.

Explanatory dream book Why does Barefoot dream of walking on a dream book?

Why see Barefoot - Running is a nuisance.

Dream Interpreter of a Psychologist Z. Freud Why Barefoot dreams of walking:

Barefoot - Running barefoot in a dream means that in an intimate life you are not shy about expressing your feelings and emotions. This makes your relationship especially close and trusting.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller What Barefoot Dream about:

Barefoot - Wandering barefoot at night, in torn clothes - means that your hopes will fail. Some evil forces will hinder your every action, as this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Female dream book Why barefoot dreams of walking on a dream book:

Running barefoot - Running barefoot in a dream means that in an intimate life you are not shy about expressing your feelings and emotions. This makes your relationship especially close and trusting, as such a dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

Go barefoot, be - Poverty, lack, obstacles.

Spring dream book What is Barefoot dreaming of walking on a dream book:

Barefoot walking - Walking barefoot in a dream - to impoverishment: to see bare feet in the mud - to money; to see bare feet in blood - to enemies, according to the dream book this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream of walking barefoot:

Solves a Dream Book: Walking Barefoot - Good Luck in Business

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit Dreaming in Barefoot Walk

In a dream, what barefoot dreams of going to - Buying a home, success in business, profit

Autumn dream book Why barefoot dreams of walking on a dream book:

Walking barefoot - Wandering barefoot in the grass is a delight.

Summer dream book Why barefoot dreams of walking on a dream book:

Barefoot walk - you someone lay out the whole soul.

Moon Dream Book What is Barefoot dreaming of?

As interpreted by the dream book: Barefoot run - Poverty.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Walking barefoot in a dream

To walk barefoot in a dream - You will acquire a property.


Why dream of walking barefoot?

The legs in the kingdom of Hypnos are connected with the fate of man. Therefore, everything related to this symbol is so important. Shoes, their quality or lack thereof are important signs. They report in which area of \u200b\u200bthe sleeping life significant changes will occur.

You can often hear the opinion that walking barefoot in a dream is impoverished. But the interpretation of such dreams largely depends on its details. For example, walking barefoot through puddles and mud at night and seeing your footprints means that soon the sleeping person will have unpleasant events that will leave a serious mark on his fate. If a person in a dream walks through a quagmire and his shoes are drowned in it, this is a loss. In the event that the shoe flies from the right foot, then there will be material losses. If the left shoe remains in the mud, this is a sign that in the near future there will be a break in relations with a loved one. To note with horror that own legs in the blood means that merciless enemies will appear in the real life of the sleeping person.

In dreams in which a person walks barefoot, it is important to note all the details: what time of day the action takes place, the quality of the road, if there was a shoe, then how it looked. All this will help to understand the prediction that is contained in the dream.

Climbing uphill barefoot is a sign that the grief will soon be overcome. However, if the sleeper reaches the peak, it means that in real life he will achieve what he wants and success will come to him. There is a negative interpretation of the dream only if in a dream a person can hardly climb mountain trails.

Walking barefoot along the beach - to a date with a nice person. If a sleeping person wanders barefoot in water in a dream, her condition is of great importance. Walking in clear clear water is a good sign. He reports that soon the fate of the sleeper will change for the better. To hear the murmur of water - to the news. In the event that the dreamer wanders barefoot through muddy muddy water, this portends quarrels and troubles.

If a sleeping person runs in a dream barefoot by the hand with his beloved person, then in real life he does not hesitate to show sincerity in intimate relationships. If a person sees a dream in which he wanders barefoot through dark streets at night, this portends him to the collapse of hopes. Evil people who will soon appear in his life will contribute to this. If a person takes off his shoes in a dream, and, surprised to notice that his legs are in the mud, such a dream reports that in the real world he will soon become rich. Walking barefoot in a crowded place and not being embarrassed at the same time means that in the near future the sleeping person will need to “lay out” his whole soul to someone. If a person walks barefoot in a dream on sharp stones and experiences pain from this, then events will soon occur that will cause him mental suffering.

To understand what dreams of walking barefoot, you need to pay attention to the emotions that cause this event in a sleeping person. For example, if a person in a dream is saddened by the lack of shoes, then in reality he will have experiences in personal relationships.

To find in a dream a pair of beautiful solid shoes is a favorable sign. He reports that in real life a sleeping person will have a fateful meeting with a man who will soon become his spouse. If the shoes found are torn - to a fragile relationship.


Close Barefoot Man

Dream Interpretation Close Barefoot Man  dreamed of why in a dream a close person is barefoot? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a close person in a dream barefoot by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot Run

Running barefoot - worry about your own defenselessness.

Do not worry! Barefoot dew is the best defense against all diseases.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

Wandering barefoot at night, in torn clothes - means that your hopes will fail. Some evil forces will hinder your every action.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot Walk

Walking barefoot - home acquisition, business success, profit.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot Walk

Wandering barefoot in the grass is a pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot Walk

To go barefoot in a dream - to impoverishment: to see bare feet in the mud - to money; to see bare feet in blood - to the enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot Run

Running barefoot in a dream means that in an intimate life you are not shy about expressing your feelings and emotions. This makes your relationship especially close and trusting.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

If in a dream you ran barefoot, then in an intimate life you are clearly not shy about showing your feelings and emotions. Such openness and frankness will make your relationship especially close and trusting.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

Seeing yourself dreamy in a dream (if it makes you feel uncomfortable): is a sign of your insecurity and many difficulties in life. Such a dream warns that in the current state you have very little chance of success.

A dream encourages you to somehow hedge yourself to overcome inner uncertainty, or temporarily postpone any business.

At the same time, if walking barefoot gives you pleasure: such a dream promises that good luck will accompany you in everything.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

Do you see a barefoot person in a dream or see yourself barefoot - not one of your hopes that you cherish lately will come true; every step you take is under the control of ill-wishers; you are too open for enemies, and they, foreseeing your steps, warn them; your enemies are one step ahead of you.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot Run


Walking barefoot is business success, profit, wealth.


Barefoot dead man

Dream Interpretation Barefoot dead  dreamed of what a barefoot dead man dreams of in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a deceased barefoot in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

Dream Interpretation - Dead

See also Corpse.

Auspicious sleep. See the dead man - expect a change in fate. For an unmarried girl to see a male deceased - for a speedy wedding. If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her. If young - will find a peer. The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom would be poor. If you saw the deceased in a good expensive suit or a rich shroud - your future husband  will be wealthy. If a dead man dreamed of a married lady, she would have an admirer, who, however, would keep her distance. Over time, a romantic passion can develop into good friendship. This fan will be rich or poor - it depends on how the dead man was dressed.

If the dead man dreamed of a man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision. Seeing a dead woman in a dream is a long and happy life. Kissing the deceased on the forehead - to recover from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased, decorated with flowers, a mournful crowd around - for entertainment in the company of friends. If you dreamed that the coffin with the dead was carried to the cemetery, such a dream promises a long and fascinating journey in which you will make many new friends. If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, a dream also bodes you a pleasant trip to distant lands. To wash the dead man is a well-deserved pleasure. Equipping a dead man for burial - luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the deceased is your acquaintance or relative, the meaning of sleep refers to the person you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of your friends, you will make a dizzying career or sue a large inheritance. Close the coffin with the dead man - you will be able to make a decent condition in a relatively short time.

Imagine putting flowers in a coffin to a dead person. The deceased is dressed in a luxurious expensive couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. No less luxurious is the coffin, trimmed with gold and precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

The dream in which you see the dead as your relatives portends them many years of well-being, if they are actually alive; if they are already dead - such a dream portends a change in your mood, which will depend either on the weather outside the window or on which foot you got up from.

Seeing your beloved as a dead person portends a sad parting with him. Seeing yourself as a deceased is a matter of concern and disappointment if you are modestly and hastily buried in a dream, and if solemnly and with a multitude of people, such a dream suggests that soon your circle of friends will expand significantly and you will become widely known.

A dream in which a ghostly dead man committed suicide portends treason on the part of your husband or lover.

A dead man executed as a criminal is a harbinger of insults and insults that will be inflicted by close people in a state of extreme excitement by the saying: “What is sober on the mind, then the drunk on the tongue”.

To see a drowned man or a victim of an accident means that you are facing a desperate struggle to preserve your property rights.

A dream in which you are surrounded by the revived dead, turned into ghouls, eager to drink your blood - such a nightmare portends a lot of annoying troubles in your personal life and worsening social situation.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased in his apartment portends divisions in the family on the basis of alcohol abuse. A talking dead man who asks you to help him rise from the grave - to evil slander and slander.

A deceased person who fell out of a coffin - to an injury or malaise, falling on it - will soon receive news of the death of someone close to him. Finding a deceased in his bed means success in an unpromising business at first. Wash and dress the dead man - to illness, bury - they will return to you what you did not hope to get back.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

To see another person or oneself as a deceased is fortunately.

Seeing your son dead will be a joyful event with the addition.

The dead man eats - a disease.

The dead man gets up from the coffin - the guest will arrive from the side.

The dead man comes to life - heralds news, a letter.

The dead man cries - portends a quarrel, a quarrel.

A dead man with tears collapses - portends wealth.

The deceased in a coffin - portends a material gain.

The deceased who stands - portends a great misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

Dream Interpretation - Dead

To see the dead man means he asks for the repose of his soul.

I saw a dying man - you need to put a candle in the church and give for repose.

The dead are dreaming of bad weather.

Dead in the summer dream - to rain.

Dead in winter - to the snow.

If the deceased calls to himself, behind him, or says: "I will take you" - a very bad sign.

Dead parents - to death, your parents came for you.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

The following interpretative options are usually associated with the appearance of the dead in a dream: normal presence, resolution of issues, and condemnation.

It may be a little creepy to remember a dream in which a deceased person visited you, but in itself its appearance does not carry a large semantic load for the whole dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeping person sees the deceased alive and unhurt, just a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant actor in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by the recollections of some event, the participants of which were once both sleeping and dead. It is likely that in a dream in this way latent sadness and regret appears that there is no longer a person who was dear to you.

The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you do not have what they need, or their behavior causes you certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow related to the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is a certain amount of condemnation or joy in such dreams.

  The “judgmental” dreams show us the dead either simply dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings, because we are not able to do anything to change the situation.

What character traits were the dead endowed with during life? (For example, Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agness was mean as a snake, etc.)

Did their dream behavior coincide with the real one or was it contrary? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him.

Dream Interpretation - The Dead (Fathers Assassin)

To death, conversations, failure, change of weather, they need to be remembered; deceased mother - severe illness, grief; dead person - you’ll be sick, utin will overcome, to bad weather (rain, snow), quarrel, to change of housing, bad news, to death (to the sick); meet the dead man - for good, good luck // illness, death; man - success; woman - obstacles the dead come to life - obstacles in business, loss; to be with the dead - to have enemies; see the dead alive - long summers // big trouble, illness; see the patient dead - he will recover; hugging a dead person is a disease; to kiss - longevity; to give him what - loss, loss; move the deceased, endure - bad, sadness; to congratulate is good; talking - interesting news // illness; calls with itself - death.


Man's bare feet

Dream interpretation Bare feet of a dead man  dreamed of what a dream in a dream Bare feet of a dead man? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a man’s bare feet in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bare Feet

See Barefoot, Legs.

Dream Interpretation - Bare Feet

Dream Interpretation - Walk or Run Barefoot

Avarice, dishonor.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

The house is a nuisance.

Talking dead man - bad weather.

Moving a dead man - shame or illness.

To step on it is the news of death.

Sleeping with him is a success.

The living dead - the return of the lost.

Dead man asking for a drink means a lack of remembrance.

Dressing the dead man is a disease.

Lying between the dead means a serious illness.

And wearing a dead man is death.

Seeing the dead is a new love.

Killed to see - work.

To die in a dream is to have flaws.

Holding onto a strangled rope is happiness.

To remove the loop from him is death.

Kissing is a good deal.

To strangle someone - to put out the matter.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

If in a dream you see yourself barefoot, then you will find many troubles and feelings, poverty and loss of livelihoods. If you try to step carefully so as not to hurt your legs, then your friends will support you in difficult times and you will be able to safely avoid a big scandal. However, a dream can have a completely different meaning if you dream that you went barefoot on a long journey. Such a dream portends wealth, prosperity, acquisition of property, success in business and high profits. Sometimes a dream predicts success in a dubious and risky business. Being barefoot in a dream and in rags is a sign of losses and losses due to circumstances that will not depend on you at all. Walking barefoot along the street and being afraid to step on glass fragments is a sign that you made a mistake that could seriously damage your reputation. See interpretation: shoes, running.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

to see oneself alive in a dream among the dead means living among hypocrites whose hearts do not accept the words of Truth. The Qur'an says: “You will never make the dead hear” (Sura Rum, 52). To see yourself dead among the dead means to die from some kind of innovation or to go far and not return.

Touching a dead man in a dream is to become a victim of a vile and vile act. Carry the dead to wealth. Accompany the dead man in a dream - to be sent on a long journey and to gain there a lot of good.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

A dead man dreams of rain, in general - a change in weather or an unsuccessful end to some business or unexpected danger.

A quiet or cheerful dead is a good sign.

Noisy or sad - bad.

Giving something to the dead is a bad dream.

Taking something from a dead man is good.

If you dream that you are dead and you are being taken to a cemetery, you will lose your job.

If a dead person comes to life, unexpected news or the return of something lost awaits you.

Moving or dressing the dead man is a disease.

To take off his clothes is to the death of a relative.

Sleeping with the dead is to success.

Kissing is a romance with a famous person.

Wear - to death.

If the dead decays, crumbles, - this is a good dream, promising relief, liberation from evil.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dead man, deceased - as the dead dream alive, there will be great trouble or weakness. Another meaning: long life. If, sometimes, you speak in a dream with the deceased, then soon there will be some interesting news. He dreams of the dead - it will rain; to a quarrel, and more to a change of weather. The dead dream of snowstorm and rain. The dead man - rain, snow, and from the family - must be remembered. The dead man is unkind. If the late parents dream about it: mother or father (or both together), then this is an exact sign - there will be something bad in the family - either with a person or with cattle. Parents from that world let their children know that something bad will happen. The dead mother dreamed - there would be some sorrow. In sleep dead  says: "my clothes are torn," then you need to give someone the poor clothes - stop dreaming. The deceased calls with him or says: "I will take you," then you will die. And as he drives away, he says: “Do not follow me,” then you will live.

Dream Interpretation - Dead


Says dead in a dream - it's all true.

A deceased in a coffin - to material profit.

A living dead man - to the news, a letter.

Having risen from the grave of a deceased - to the guest from the side.

Standing dead - to great misfortune.

Crying dead man - to a quarrel, quarrel.

The deceased crumbled to dust - to well-being.

Opening the coffin and talking to the dead is unfortunately.

Kissing a dead man - to health and longevity, if in fact he is alive, if he died - then to a change in weather.

Talk with a deceased who was a friend to you in life - to arrange your affairs well and behave with dignity.

To see oneself dead - to experience an unprecedented surge of strength and inspiration, to approach the peak of luck.

To see deceased relatives, friends or relatives - to fulfill secret desires, to receive help in a difficult situation.

To see a dead man and take something from him in a dream - fortunately, wealth.

Congratulate the dead - to do a good deed.

A dead man eager to see is a sign that he is poorly remembered.

The dead are alive alive - to great trouble or weakness.

They saw a living person as a dead person - you will live a long time and get rid of grief.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

Barefoot - to loss; respect; go through the dew - health, dew pricks - beware.


Go barefoot

Dream Interpretation Go Barefoot dreamed of why in a dream Go barefoot? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Go Barefoot in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

If in a dream you see yourself barefoot, then you will find many troubles and feelings, poverty and loss of livelihoods. If you try to step carefully so as not to hurt your legs, then your friends will support you in difficult times and you will be able to safely avoid a big scandal. However, a dream can have a completely different meaning if you dream that you went barefoot on a long journey. Such a dream portends wealth, prosperity, acquisition of property, success in business and high profits. Sometimes a dream predicts success in a dubious and risky business. Being barefoot in a dream and in rags is a sign of losses and losses due to circumstances that will not depend on you at all. Walking barefoot along the street and being afraid to step on glass fragments is a sign that you made a mistake that could seriously damage your reputation. See interpretation: shoes, running.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

Barefoot - to loss; respect; go through the dew - health, dew pricks - beware.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

This is a sign of close contact with the earth, with the basics of life.

However, to be barefoot, having lost your shoes, means to experience uncertainty.

Walking barefoot on the ground, experiencing pleasant sensations, is a sign of prosperity in any area.

Anxiety due to lack of shoes - past mistakes will lead you to failure.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

If you see yourself barefoot, they will rob you.

Dream Interpretation - Go

Walking in a dream at a brisk pace means that in reality you will encounter unforeseen obstacles. Walking on the carpet - glory awaits you in the future. Go hunting - friends or a loved one cheat on you. Walking on masonry portends anxiety and fear about loved ones.

Seeing yourself walking in a meadow suggests that in reality you yourself will aggravate in relations with friends and only lose their trust and respect. Going through a swamp in a dream - to make trouble from the bosses, through water - to joyful events, through the forest - to quarrels in the family, along the field - to gossip.

Walking in a dream over a bridge over a stormy, foaming river is a sign that soon you will achieve your most cherished desire. If you walk along the dew and feel that you have already gotten all your feet wet, this portends troubles, illnesses and hardships that will force you to go about your own business, which will also not lead to success.

To dream that you are walking in the mud, in reality portends the loss of the trust of friends and respect in your own family, which will be caused by your thoughtless behavior. To see other people walking through the mud portends dirty gossip about you coming from people from your inner circle.

Walking on rails and sleepers in a dream is a sign that you will achieve great happiness thanks to your skillful conduct of business. Walking through a railway crossing portends a time of anxiety and exhausting labor.

Walking in a dream among the snakes swarming around you means that you will live in constant fear, lose your loved one, and egoists will encroach on your place in a friendly circle. Walking in the rain, from which even an umbrella does not save, is a harbinger of pain that awaits you after a disagreement with a friend.

Walking in a dream on a rope at a breakneck height means that you will take part in some risky transaction, but you will be lucky enough to get out of the water. To see how others are walking along a tightrope in a dream means you will benefit from a successful scam.

For a young girl, a dream in which she walks through a stormy nettle thicket portends that she will receive several marriage proposals from different fans at once, which will make her a difficult choice.

Walking in a dream on the back of a crocodile portends that you are in danger, with which you will have to fight hard, trying to get out of them yourself, and you will succeed, but in the end you will become more withdrawn and distrustful in relationships with people.

Walking in a dream on ice that is still fragile means that you will step aside with your calmness and risk losing the respect of others by being captured by fleeting joys and cheap pleasures. To see relatives or acquaintances walking on the ice - in reality, experience anxiety for their state of health.

Seeing in a dream that you are going to a pawnshop to lay your things foreshadows that you will be accused of an act that you did not commit, but provoked your double on him.

Dreaming that you are going through the gate predicts disturbing news; misunderstandings and missteps are possible in the business sphere. To see how others pass through the gates - in reality your work will go down as a result of many failures and uncomplicated circumstances. If a young girl sees in a dream that she is seeing her lover off, who leaves to serve in the army or goes to the front, this means that in reality she will hear bad news about him.

Dream Interpretation - Go

Walk alone on a road or trail.

Tip of the day: you pull the usual burden of everyday worries. Can you have a vacation?

Walk alone through the field, forest, labyrinth.

Tip of the day: you are confused in some kind of problem. Ask an authoritative person for advice.

Go over the bridge.

Tip of the day: complete your plan. It will bring you success.

Walk in the crowd.

Tip of the day: no one understands you. Take a closer look at your surroundings. The one you did not take into account before can support you.

The three of us go together.

Tip of the day: you have a case for which you need to be collected. Luck is likely. Mobilize your efforts

Dream Interpretation - Go

Going fast in a dream means fast-paced events. See interpretation:

Walking in the meadow is a sign of good news or a meeting. Walking in circles - obstacles and delays in business. Moving towards someone means that you are approaching a goal. Walking away from someone (what) - or in a dream means that you are moving away from the goal. Wandering along the grass is a sign of a slow, measured course of life that suits you perfectly. Going around in a dream is a sign that you will find a way out of a difficult situation. Walking on water in a dream is a sign that you will come out of a difficult situation with honor. Going through the field in a dream - to gossip. Such a dream predicts that your frivolous behavior will cause gossip around your name.

Dream Interpretation - Go

To go in a swamp — to trouble in water — to unexpected joy in the forest — to a quarrel.

The field to go is to gossip.

Go quickly - obstacles await you.

Walk slowly - beware of losing time, which you will have to regret, harm from being late, the possible end of love of happiness.

You go knee-deep in the mud - to profit, sorrow.

Walking knee-deep in water - to joy.

Turn back - to loss.

You go in a circle - you can meet an old friend.

Walking with a heavy burden in a dream is a sign that your work will be well paid.

The ditch on your way is a portent that obstacles await you, annoyance.

Deep moat - dreams unfortunately.

The deep ditch is overcome - success awaits you after misfortunes and failures.

A lot of holes in your way - mean worries, longing.

The ramp, the embankment in front of you - to the difficulty.

Cross the embankment to overcome obstacles.

Fall through the embankment - your work may be in vain.

Someone walks on water - wealth and glory may soon await him.

Dream Interpretation - Bare Feet

See Barefoot, Legs.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot Walk

you get a property


The boss was sitting barefoot

Dream Interpreter Head sat barefoot  dreamed of why in a dream the Chief was sitting barefoot? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream The Head was sitting barefoot, reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

If in a dream you see yourself barefoot, then you will find many troubles and feelings, poverty and loss of livelihoods. If you try to step carefully so as not to hurt your legs, then your friends will support you in difficult times and you will be able to safely avoid a big scandal. However, a dream can have a completely different meaning if you dream that you went barefoot on a long journey. Such a dream portends wealth, prosperity, acquisition of property, success in business and high profits. Sometimes a dream predicts success in a dubious and risky business. Being barefoot in a dream and in rags is a sign of losses and losses due to circumstances that will not depend on you at all. Walking barefoot along the street and being afraid to step on glass fragments is a sign that you made a mistake that could seriously damage your reputation. See interpretation: shoes, running.

Dream Interpretation - Head

If you dreamed that you were talking with your boss, then in real life you have to experience many worries and worries.

Received a reprimand from the boss - a bargain will take place in reality. This dream portends to the young leader great success in all matters.

I dreamed that you yourself became a director - soon you will be taken by surprise. Perhaps you have to fight for the implementation of plans that are not destined to come true.

If a young woman sees in a dream her boss naked, then her financial situation will not improve too much.

I dreamed that you were in an informal atmosphere with your director - in reality no one will help you difficult situation. You have a very strong opponent and circumstances are not in your favor.

D. Loff wrote of such dreams: “Relations with the boss in a dream can have two interpretations.

1. A person dear to you who is not related to your work, for example, your spouse, sibling, one of your parents or close friend, becomes your boss.

If someone from the “non-working” environment becomes the boss, most likely you think that this person puts excessive pressure on you and controls your life too much; with your secret permission, relations with this person pass into the plane of dominant control on his part. The place of action of such a dream can be either a place of work or a completely absurd situation. And the place where you and your newly made chef work is connected with the area in which you experience excessive control on his part.

2. Consider the reverse transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, spouse or someone else who is completely far from the role of a career mentor.

If the boss breaks into your personal life in the image loved oneperhaps it's time to evaluate your work: workaholism is a destroyer of many families.

If your work has filled the place allotted to other people in real life, most likely it's time to evaluate the emotions invested in it. A positive aspect of such a dream can be the collegiality displayed in it or a warning about the depletion of emotional resources caused by your work.

In conclusion, we say that if you dream of your boss in a familiar, working environment, it means that for some reason at work you are in a state of stress. Generally speaking, having dreams about your work - especially if it is an unremarkable dream in the current time period - is a sign that you have earned or are not doing the job on time. ”

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

Barefoot - to loss; respect; go through the dew - health, dew pricks - beware.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

This is a sign of close contact with the earth, with the basics of life.

However, to be barefoot, having lost your shoes, means to experience uncertainty.

Walking barefoot on the ground, experiencing pleasant sensations, is a sign of prosperity in any area.

Anxiety due to lack of shoes - past mistakes will lead you to failure.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

If you see yourself barefoot, they will rob you.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Relations with the boss in a dream can have two interpretations:

1. A person dear to you who is not related to your work, for example, your spouse, Siblings, sisters, one of your parents or a close friend, becomes your boss. If someone from the "non-working" environment becomes the boss, most likely you think that this person puts excessive pressure on you and controls your life too much; with your secret permission, relations with this person pass into the plane of dominant control on his part. The place of action of such a dream can be either a place of work or a completely absurd situation. And the place where you and your newly made chef work is connected with the area in which you experience excessive control on his part.

2. Consider the reverse transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, spouse or someone else who is completely far from the role of a career mentor. If the boss breaks into your personal life in the image of a loved one, it may be time to evaluate your work: workaholism is a destroyer of many families. If your work has filled the place allotted to other people in real life, most likely it's time to evaluate the emotions invested in it. A positive aspect of such a dream can be the collegiality displayed in it or a warning about the depletion of emotional resources caused by your work.

In conclusion, we say that if you dream of your boss in the usual working environment, then for some reason you are in a state of stress at work. Generally speaking, having dreams about your work - especially if it is an unremarkable dream in the present time period - is a sign that you have earned or are not doing the job on time.

Dream Interpretation - Head

Dream Interpretation - Head

Head - Seeing yours as in reality - fear of this person lives in you, gain his trust, and your fear will pass. Stranger - you are missing the boss "from above." Look for a subordinate position or role, and you will feel more comfortable. Seeing yourself as a boss - your ambitions are justified, and if you put a little effort, you will be satisfied. Sleep talks about the unresolved issue of subordination.

Dream Interpretation - Head

To talk with the boss or to be the boss himself - a dream promises success in all matters with the patronage of an important person.

Imagine that you and your boss are on a friendly foot. You are at a party together and drink wine at the Brudershaft.

Dream Interpretation - Head, Amir

indicates in a dream the boss of the one who saw him in a dream at his work or elsewhere. And he also points to the marriage of a single, so that then he becomes an Amir in his house, i.e., the head. Whoever sees that he commands in a dream, there is a fear for that person that he will be shackled and imprisoned, because according to the hadiths on the Day of Judgment, each ruler will appear before the Almighty with his hands tied to his neck and nothing will untie them except the justice that he set in life.


Barefoot man

Dream Interpretation Barefoot man  dreamed of what a barefoot man dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a barefoot man in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

If in a dream you see yourself barefoot, then you will find many troubles and feelings, poverty and loss of livelihoods. If you try to step carefully so as not to hurt your legs, then your friends will support you in difficult times and you will be able to safely avoid a big scandal. However, a dream can have a completely different meaning if you dream that you went barefoot on a long journey. Such a dream portends wealth, prosperity, acquisition of property, success in business and high profits. Sometimes a dream predicts success in a dubious and risky business. Being barefoot in a dream and in rags is a sign of losses and losses due to circumstances that will not depend on you at all. Walking barefoot along the street and being afraid to step on glass fragments is a sign that you made a mistake that could seriously damage your reputation. See interpretation: shoes, running.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

Barefoot - to loss; respect; go through the dew - health, dew pricks - beware.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

This is a sign of close contact with the earth, with the basics of life.

However, to be barefoot, having lost your shoes, means to experience uncertainty.

Walking barefoot on the ground, experiencing pleasant sensations, is a sign of prosperity in any area.

Anxiety due to lack of shoes - past mistakes will lead you to failure.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot

If you see yourself barefoot, they will rob you.

Dream Interpretation - Bare Feet

See Barefoot, Legs.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot Walk

you get a property

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot Run


Dream Interpretation - See yourself barefoot

To poverty or to illness.

Dream Interpretation - Bare Feet

If you dream that you are running barefoot, it means that you tend to openly express your emotions.

Obviously, the feet tell us about close contact with the ground, forward movement and lightness. But such a dream does not always portend good news. For example, if you see yourself or some stranger in a dream of a barefoot person, this may mean that your hopes, which you cherish recently, may not come true. And also, this means that you should be prepared for possible gossip and scandal. If you see that you give away your shoes and walk barefoot yourself, then this may mean that you may get envious or rivals. Be careful and more alert.

But good news, such a dream can also bring you. If you dreamed that you were walking along the seashore, then be sure that such a dream indicates that you will have a successful outcome in all your life endeavors. A footprint in the sand from a bare foot suggests increased attention from men. It may also mean that you are waiting for a vacation, summer vacation at sea with a hint of a spa romance.

Interpretation of dream books

Different dream books explain this dream differently. And in most cases, the outcome is not always favorable.

The moon dream tells us about poverty.

If you walk through the mud, then the starry dreambook speaks of serious illnesses in the near future.

Miller’s dream book says that walking barefoot and in disheveled clothes means that soon your hopes will be completely and irreversibly destroyed. And be careful, because it can also mean that something or someone will impede your success.

Freud's Dream Book. In an intimate life, you are not afraid to show feelings for a person, which leads to close and trusting relationships.

Dream interpretation of Azar speaks of ruin and property collapse.

Islamic dream book portends good news. To see such a dream means that this person is a good believer and his failures will stop in the very near future.

Such a dream does not promise, a lot of all the good that I would like. But whatever the dream books say, always trust your heart and what you yourself first of all feel. Each dream book, in its own way, interprets dreams and you should not go in cycles in it. Take a look around, maybe this is just a warning or a signal to be careful. But just do not forget about your experiences, think, maybe you were thinking about something for a long time or worried about something and this, like in a mirror, was reflected in your dreams.

Legs without shoes in a dream indicate the uncertain nature of the dreamer. Also, such a dream often portends poverty. To find out what bare feet dream about, you need to consider many details.

Unpleasant events will occur in the life of one who is in the dark. If this happened during the day, then the dream loses its negative meaning.

The dream, in which your bare feet were covered in blood, promises a fierce struggle with enemies. It will be extremely difficult for you to win in this battle.

The mountain will have to survive the dreamer, who barefoot climbed the mountain. To achieve the desired will be the one who climbed to the very top.

If you wandered barefoot along the beach, then in the love sphere you are planning positive changes. Very soon you will meet with a nice person. The dream in which you walk barefoot in clear water has a favorable interpretation.

Triumph and success portends a dream in which traces of your feet remained in the sand. Also, such a dream may indicate that soon you will be paid a lot of attention. Most likely, this applies to the opposite sex.

Well, if you went barefoot and felt pleasure from it. In this case, you will find success and career advancement. You can expect an increase in profits in the very near future.

The dream in which you walked on dirty water prophesies quarrels and unpleasant news. Disappointment awaits those who were barefoot in the room. The collapse of all hopes promises a dream in which you were barefoot and wore torn clothes. In addition, you really need to beware of ill-wishers who try to harm you in any way.

Those who felt uneasy about the lack of shoes would have to recall past mistakes. Soon you will have to answer for what you did a long time ago. If you, possibly, the direction of your actions is chosen incorrectly.

A dream in which you walk barefoot and experience pain from this warns of mental suffering. You should be prepared for the fact that loved ones can greatly upset you and even betray you. There is a risk of being deceived by a loved one.

If you ran barefoot in your dream, it means that the dreamer has a very brave and open character. You love everything new and gladly take up any activity. This also applies to the intimate sphere.

The dream in which you went barefoot in some crowded place speaks of the need to open the soul to someone. It can also indicate the loneliness of the dreamer and his desire to find a loved one.

Valuable Reader Comments

    Still, the interpretation of dreams depends on many nuances - indeed the same thing, it would seem, can mean a lot depending on the context.

    • Yes, of course you are right. So many nuances.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was quickly going towards the forest along the road. (Apparently, I came to nature with friends, I’m coming from the camp). It started to rain. I remembered that I had left one book in the forest, which was very important for me, and I was afraid that it was wet. In a hurry, I forgot to put on my shoes. I'm walking barefoot on the grass. Nearby is a friend. (Former lover. We were good friends with him, there was sympathy, love, but it didn’t come to relationships). I did not pay attention to why he was coming with me. I think: what to do? After all, there are pebbles, and then suddenly the glass is broken, and I'm barefoot? And then a friend offers to carry me on my back. I am surprised, but I agree, there is nothing to do. Come on. And then he says that it’s hard to carry me, and almost cries from the pain in the back O_O. I am worried about him, but he carries me, despite the pain. We are coming. I see a book wet. I'm taking it.

    • Lana, your dream may be the forerunner of a new relationship. Rain speaks of an emotional outburst that may happen to you the other day. An important book for you is getting to know what you already know. In this case, it may be that something happens with your friend. Most likely, the initiation of your relationship will happen after some unpleasant event for you, it made you go barefoot in a dream, and he came to help you. In life, a similar situation can happen again. However, this person does not need what he cannot give you. He is limited in his capabilities.

      • Many thanks!

    Hello. I had a dream. I ran in a dream from someone man, he scoffed at me, barely escaped from him. I ran to a village, people stood there, I asked them for refuge. One woman agreed to take me to some abandoned building. Before going after her, I saw that I had bare feet (barefoot), and I asked her, I couldn’t go like that, I had cold feet. And I ask for shoes. The woman gave me shoes, the old one will suit you. I put them on, they were Bolshevik. We mean we are going with her to this building, and there is security, we are hiding from it, so that we also do not see. That woman somehow climbed up to the roof quickly, but it was hard for me, I was in a hurry, and she tells me, it’s easier to put your foot up there and barely got up. On the roof there were many abandoned children, like an orphanage, they were looked after. I saw other people living there too, all of them are well in abundance. Also hiding from someone, they have their own world. It’s like I’m trying on other shoes cleaner. I don’t remember what happened next.

    • Liana, a dream may dream of overcoming difficulties and problems. Often, cold feet in a dream are a symbol of ill health, the common cold, the very sensation of cold feet. Shoes may also not show relationships with someone important to you, in this case it will gradually improve, although it will not be easy. Perhaps advice from your own person will give a hint.

    Hello! Please tell me, broke up with your girlfriend. She lives with another month already and had a dream. What does it mean? Here is what she sent: “Hello. I dreamed about you today. I rang the doorbell, I opened it, you stood, like dressed, but barefoot, without shoes or socks at all. I asked why you barefoot answered that it happened. This is not a good dream. ”

    • Vlad, a dream says that now you are free from relationships. Shoes dream of relationships, and bare feet - on the contrary, it happened. By the way, the fact that she had a dream can say that these relations were important to you. She seemed to have conveyed your experiences.

      • Thank you for the interpretation! Many thanks!

        Sleep: I run after my friend’s child so that she doesn’t run away. It’s getting dark on the street, I’m running in socks along the road, the ground is frozen, slush, puddles, a little dirt. I try to cross puddles, dirt. But the socks, it seems, remain clean and dry.

        • Olga, you will be able to go through some period of excitement and anxiety with a much smaller number of worries than you thought at first. Dirt and puddles on the road - obstacles, worries. Running is an experience and anxiety. Clean and dry socks after such a run is a very favorable sign.

    Good day! Tell me, please, the interpretation:
      Wife had a dream; she sat and smeared her legs with condensed milk, but on the tube it was written: to use in emergency cases, and her son was dressed in iron, such as boots (such as a ring on his legs).
      A woman stranger walked around the apartment, apparently with her daughter.
      And her husband dreamed with an open vertical wound of the chest, blood from the wound did not run. And at this time her husband was talking and laughing, her organs nearly fell out ...

    • Vlad, this vision may indicate health problems in your loved ones. This is said - a wound (that is, an indication of relatives), flesh (meat dreams of ailments). Smearing with condensed milk is probably a problem from the past, but it also speaks of some kind of treatment. Iron on the son is also not the most pleasant sign. The boots themselves promise the road, iron - a symbol of something official. It is possible that you will have to visit a clinic or hospital. Go to sleep rationally, if there are symptoms, then pay attention to them.

    Good afternoon! I dreamed that I was looking for some way, and on the road I met a guy with a girl. He leaves the girl and comes with me. The road is difficult, sort of like, over a bridge. I walk with ease and in front of me a puddle, I easily step over it and go out onto the land (the puddle is dirty). I pay attention that it is very difficult for him to go, he is tired and exhausted from this path. Then I see that he has crossed the path and is tired on the shore and has a wooden stake in his right side (groin). I don’t remember, but there may have been blood. I leave him and move on. In real life, this man is very dear to me and I always assumed that he was not free. Now I have no connection with him and am very worried. Maybe a dream speaks of an illness? If I analyze a dream, then I leave it (in many of my dreams I don’t want to communicate with him), but in fact I always initiate our communication. And now I am looking for communication, and silence on his part. I don’t understand anything, maybe dreams are lying?

    • Judging by the dream, you have a rather complicated relationship, ambiguous, inconstant. True, a dream can say that he has problems. Puddle and dirt - experience, manifestation of emotions, anxiety. Stake in it - there is a problem that bothers him. If it is possible to communicate with him, then this may become clear from his behavior.

    And the other day I saw in a dream This man in socks. He showed that his sock was wet and pointed to a puddle. I turned around and saw a puddle (it was crystal clear).
      I gave him my clean white sock (not new, but clean)
      Tell me please!! Thank you very much in advance!!

    • Perhaps the dream says that he has difficulties. And you will somehow help or support him, at least not by deed, but by advice.

    Thank you)))

    Good afternoon! Tell me, please, I had a dream, where the guy I'm interested in came to work for us (we work in one place) without shoes, barefoot, but in clothes. And I look at his feet in surprise and clearly see his toes))) (clean and neat) and, it seems, he got a little flu or something.

    • On his part we can expect a sincere conversation. It is possible that he will need help.

    Good afternoon! Please tell me what this dream is for. I will be very grateful. I dream that my beloved man (met for more than 3 years, broke up recently, not a month has passed) is walking barefoot in the snow! Looking for me. Met. He sat in the snow. I started shaking the snow off his feet and scolding him for getting sick. She worried and began to warm his legs with her own hands. It seems he cried, but I don’t remember exactly that moment ....
      Thanks in advance.

    • Regina, usually sleeping with bare feet is not favorable. He shows vulnerability and openness to problems for the person who happened to be barefoot.
        The presence of snow reinforces the negative meaning of sleep. As a rule, it speaks of a lack of harmony, an unstable position.