Maliovany comics. Yak malyuvati komiksi

Greet, dear Skillville bags! Seasonal razpovim yak little comics. The statute is better to have a zagalny character, which describes the last of the work, it is necessary for the establishment of a new comic, and not the technique of painting (it’s better for you to look like painting to an art school)! Yak butt, I vibrav comics "Rabbits Against Magic", the creator of what J.Lemon Viklada is like comics himself, so materials are available.

Ear of corn abo ideya

Zvychayno, I make it necessary to virishiti shho malyuvati. Professionals authorize everywhere they pull Sketchbook, or album, or notebook, in which signs and markings are right there and then, ice on the horizon will show an idea. There is also a stink, call out the little elements of the awakening, people on the streets: all those who have fallen into their eyes. Inodi stench to bring technology. So the idea itself is not to sit at the work table, but rather to transfer it to the papier.

J.Lemon, the creator of the comic, seems to show up to 90% of the ideas. Also, the quality is important, not the quantity. So do not fall into the head, as it’s empty in your head, go for a walk, relax, joke natchnennya!

J.Lemon wondered if one could find the simplest life situations to build up new barvs, if transferred to the comics, so it could be possible to look for this special funny situation!


For that, as you knew the very idea, as you are getting involved in life, you need to make a chornovka zamalovka. J.Lemon skarzhitsya, how the stench at the new one of the chornovs, but the wine cannot be taken away from the wine. So, look at the chornovy version of the robot, which is readable, in other words, you can know how to use it to decode your squiggles!

Singingly, you will have a lot of cross-over or overshadowed, sometimes you will have to rewrite the words by the number of times (before the speech, just for spelling and punctuation!). It's okay, it's a part of the process.

calm place

Apparently, according to the first point, the idea can be brought to you all over the place, and there are people who are hunted down, or, say, on the bus, or on the shopkeeper in the park it will be problematic. You need a quiet kutochka, you can reliably namaluvati everything.

On the picture, there is also a J.Lemon chain of workstyle. In the photo there are 3 new hard disks, meeks and grasses and books. I want J.Lemon to be right-handed, all olivtsi and penzliks are in zberigє zberіva, so wacom tablet and laptop with his right hand. You can mark a lot of paperwork, or with one of the head edges of the sheet, the paper and the image and the illumination. At the room in the photo there are 3 dzherela electric lights and 2 magnificent windows. For a normal robot, an artist is not guilty of being of any kind.


The photo below shows a standard frame for painting panels. Kozhen rectangle with a size of 5 by 3 inches. It’s easy to finish taku, you can see it from cardboard, or even spare you for an hour or so. J.Lemon made another panel template with 3 rectangular 10.5 inches by 3.5 inches.

To transfer the little ones to the computer, you know the scanner, in this order, the maximum size of the panels should be stored in the size of your scanner.


Faber Castel is one of the best olivts. J.Lemon painted the side, in the photo below, behind the help 2B.


J.Lemon vikoristovuє plastic frame, in order for the letters of the boule to be of the same size (so, the text can be painted). In the ideal it is possible to create a fancy font and not to be able to print it on a computer.

end texts

Now there is a circle of letters circled in chornil. On the whole stage, you can complete the final edits, or you can go back to remember the text, if you don’t know how to do it. Moreover, you may want to correct this reasoning, so everything will be visible, if you want to remember.

outlined characters

To circle J.Lemon, Robert Simmons 785 vikoristovu і Pelikan vikornilo. It's a pity the synthetic penzliks are not that good. Some of the smallest ones are the Windsor and Newton 7 series.
Even more importantly, victoriously good stuff! Deyakі other details J.Lemon pre-sold with Pigma Micron handles or Copic Multiliner (08 or 05 sizes). The edges of the frames can be outlined with the Kuretake Sumi Brush. J.Lemon custard with feather pens.
I will hand over the malyuvannya on respect to the economy. Infectious accessibility of programs for painting (Adobe Sketcher), in which behind the tablet you can reach even higher results (if I have to get to vitrate on the tablet itself, and then take an hour to start the robot with the program).

the end of the circle

J.Lemon is eager to start out with the outline of the characters, the protest of the rosebud will be called from the navpaki: a selection of the background will be grown.


When the background is added, replace the penzlick with the pen, or the marker, so that the whole robot does not get smoked.

erased olivets

J.Lemon start rocking the pose of your workmanship, so you don’t get confused about it. On the whole stage, you can note and correct the shortcomings. If you need to see more black linen, you can go in before you help more black line.

For an hour, you can see the olive lines in the sight of how important it is to vikoristovuvat good papyr, in order to erase the lines in them. Girshe dirki can be just thrown onto your little one a cuvette with black water or water!


Bring the scanner to the black-and-white mode і 600 DPI.

rozpodil panels

The scanned image can be viewed in any photo editor. Now it is necessary to develop the panels and compose them as needed.

Shari and additional treatment

Now it is necessary to develop our images only black and white. Without the obviousness of the transitions from the old. In Photoshop, for the price of displaying the threshold setting. Without this, the picture will not be so clear and smooth.

In Photoshop, the threshhold setting is d.b.n. Posted by \ u200b \ u200b128, SVYAP J.Lemon will 140. Let your little one hit you on the spot. If you want to miss out on the elements of large areas (you shouldn't just be scared for an additional magic wand) and turn on the color palette.

Now robimo is a new roving ball. The whole ball is guilty, but with a ball with lines, when rosefarbovanny DO NOT climb over the cordon.

rosefarbuvannya background

We went to one of the smallest parts. The first process can be accelerated for the help of all the same to the tool "charming stick", seeing the regions and filling them with one color. On the images below the boules are seen and grown up with big dialogue bulbs. In order to enter a ball with fancy big bulbs, there is a ball with numbered letters.

More rosmalyovka crumbs

Call me first to fix the background from the background, add T of characters. Try to make sure that the characters can be grown on top of the background. I know my victoriously charming stick, I can see the small dishes for decorating.

Now we will start to grow up the characters

For the sake of rosfarbovuvati characters, call out the background. The principle of robots is the same as in the background.


At all stages, it is necessary to take another look at your robots and to correct their irregularities and shortness. Professionals on the whole stage can find grinding around elements.

Preparation for publishing on the Internet

So, see who you want to show your robots to? Zberigaєmo all images in the required format: visoka separate building (I think not more than 1920х1080).

Hooray, you're done!


For a great and detailed comic, it is more beautiful to take A3 sheets, and for a simple one to finish A4.

Generate olivtsev marks, distribute leaves on the outskirts of the sector and procrastinate the cordon.

Create sketches for the skin frame, drawing the composition, and then detailing.

On the computer, write the replicas in the prepared marks.

Already to reach the comics for a long time, it is impressed by the independent genre of literary and imaginative art, and a great number of young artists who have successfully worked and with interest in the genre of comics. Everyone knows that the genre is imposed on the manner of painting the singing rules, and the rules are not easy to play quietly, although it may be the author of the comics, but I don’t know what to look for, what will happen to them. Yak looming over me comics, Everybody respects and other publications?


Persh, don't fix the little things, come up with and write down the plan and plot of your comic. In comics, the plot is always guilty - in the first place of the stench, it is reimagined in the simple of a little one, amortized by the senses. Late, think over the plot line and write down the possible remarks, and also come up with the images of the main characters.

Throw in the frame of the Maybut comics - as well as the visualization of the image in the skin lines. Lately, draw the images of the main characters, formulating their style.

To find out the stem of the comics from the preparatory olivtsevny handwriting, as varto robity accurately and subtly. Razkreslite the sheet into sectors, criss-cross the cordon 0.5-1 cm, in the fallowness as the size of the sheet.

To finish sketching the composition of the skin frame, and just then fix the details and prodding. The little guy is guilty of being easily read from the frame, and the actions of this element for greater efficiency can go beyond the frame of the frame (for example, vibuhi).

I’ll grow up to be an olivist for all the cadres, take care of them. For a whole lot, pick out the carcass and farbah, if you pick up the rosefarbovuvati and contour the little ones by hand. I will really help you in the environment of the contours, I will give you a rapograph - I will allow you to work fine and clear lines.

You can also choose to play the posters of a variety of different types. For painting and decorating, the comix needs to be scanned in the resolution of 300 dpi and finish the editing in Photoshop.

When scanning the little ones, it will be a revenge for the deyak, there are a number of defects and smitty - there are defects that have increased the scale of the little one and a small eraser with hard edges. At the Select \ u003e color range, click on the small area to see all the fragments to the file, if you want to delete it.


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It’s common practice for comics to move quickly from the category of hobby to the main type of income. On the right is not only a lack of quality in the product, but also the low quality of the Russian spouse. The main secret of the happy comic artist in the correct genre.

You know

  • - album for painting;
  • - olivtsi;
  • - eraser;
  • - lusterko;
  • - additional comics.


Recognize vivchati robots of the classics in the genre - from home artists in comics. We recommend you to read the knowledge of the genre of robots by Stiva Ditko, Robert Howard and ін. It is also a good idea to see the products that Warner Communications and Mirage Studious are releasing. At all stages, you will be astonished, what you want to do: writing scenarios for comics and illustrations for them. It is also an alternative option, if the author of the comics immediately displays the offense to the function.

Take your painting tips to perfection. Beast with special respect for accents, which, as a rule, are put in comics: anatomy, mimics, images of perspective and in. First, start before writing the first comic, you need to learn easel babies, master the practice of portrait painting and painting from nature (landscapes). I will become a great professional artist to educate. If you want, do not expect a great success of comics. Most of the artists in the comics of amateurism and self-taught. For the screenwriter, it is important to break the text according to the script layout, to write the lines succinctly and to convey the message from the viewer directly.

Video by topic

Small comics are foldable, there are no extra small ones. The author is guilty of being present not only in the art, but in the writing style. Until then, good nobility is needed by the theory of malunka: to induce compositions, vibrate colors and correct tools.

Viber method of painting: classic, or on a computer. For the first time, you will need to have a clean arch paper, an olive hardness, a liner and a good eraser. As long as you are taking a serious look at the comics' doors, you can add a special stolen style. You will also need a lamp and an automatic sharpener.

If you want to draw comics on a computer, then you will be able to use a graphical tablet. Tsey pristіy allow for the help of a special pen to open the image without the middle in the graphical editor. You can choose to use it as a custom program, just allow it to be simple (Photoshop, PaintToolSAI), as well as special add-ons for comics authors (MangaStudio).


The basis of any comic is characters. It is not only to think over the character of the character in the details found in the details. Both of these are the main motives, as it is for me to marvel at the light, as people are befitting of them and so far. More beautifully, there are some cards, in which the pre-story of the character, his love and unloved speech, and also will bring the role in the plot closer.

Recommended not less than two main characters: protagonist and antagonist. Tse add the tsykavinka plot. The prototype and the foldability are more important. It is also not easy to rob all characters in one stat. Pretty girls, who play other roles, never get more popular than the main character.


Not importantly, paint your mind or tell the story - do not paint the comics, if you don’t guess the plot. Do not allow you to place the frames correctly and accurately depict the heroes.

I especially respect the varto come otochennyu. At the bottom of the book, the author himself describes the mice of roztashuvannya heroes, vikoristovuchi metaphor. You will also have a chance to see images and a dark forest, and a room to add to it, and a lot of it. To that it is more beautiful to describe the skin scene in words (you can record or dictate on a dictaphone), and even then proceed to the image.

Remember about warehouses for the creation: prologue, presentation, setting, development, culmination, distribution and epilogue. It is not necessary to include everything, but the stench will help you to correctly develop the plot.


Remember that comics cannot be repaired and finished with turns, for these parts you can see them on smoothies. The first shot is guilty of a revenge on the details found, so as to allow the reader to immediately enter the atmosphere. Kozhen okremiy turnout is guilty of revenge on the end, like a paragraph in the text.


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On this site, let's try namalyuvati comics... Small comics are awkward, especially when you see people. For the whole little one of the comics of the victoria, the schemes of painting people are simple, so the pictures of people are deprived of schematic. The plot of the whole comic of simple and three-dimensional comic. Tse and є is the basis for encouraging comics. For the short and forgive me, the text is guilty. If you will be vikoristovuvati zanadto a lot of text, then the comix will be boring, anyone, even does not want to read it a lot.
A short script is required for the skin comic. The scenario of this comic is as follows: people go down the gatherings from the front, then go to the street. However, there is a wonderful noise coming through the door. Immediately in your head, a thought rushes about those who are on the street with a gun. Win with sharp open doors and back, but there is no more working with a hammer. A baby comix rozbitiy on 4 stages.

1. Yak malyuvati comics. basics malinka

Foldable when the characters are painted the same, it is important for the little ones not to "overwhelm" the details. The simplicity of the plot and the depiction of the characters is the basis of any comic. Figuri and individuals guilty but are numbered schematically, without special details, and numbered in a lightly created view, in the style of multiplication. If you get the tsikh rules, it will be easier for you to repeat the main figures of the heroes of your comics.

2. Yak namalyuvati dialogue in comics

Mayte on uvaz, where a dance with a zigzag-like contour conveys a booming sound, and boasting navpaki, dumki or quiet rozmova. Make the dialogue of the heroes of the comic vishche malyunk heads people, or in the empty mystsyah malyunka.

3. Details of the design of the comics

To visualize third-party noises, it is necessary to show signs of warning. Draw your heroes of comics in dynamic and active poses, in the simplified manner of a little individual and mimics.

4. Details of the design of the comics

Movniy Bulbashka is guilty of perebuvati for the rules of the one who speaks first. Make your guilt short and straight, so do not take a lot of money for a little. For pink bulbs, you need to rob the edge of the contours with teeth, for bulbs with clear text, or for an hour you sleep, pick the shape of the crimson.

The foldability of a small portrait of a human being in a clever transmission of the people's camp, a glance, a glimpse, etc. Especially the price is needed in the small comics.

Anime is a special technique of a Japanese baby by an olivtsem. Little ones, in the style of animation, are seen from the other genres of painting of comics, the first for all the time, as the eyes are painted and the faces.

To make your eyes look correct, it is necessary to work in a step-wise manner, but it looks like a very useful and folding element of any little people, including comics.

In the imaginative mystery, it is not the accuracy of the proportions and the lines of the baby, but the image of the head, the most important. For people in comics - their mood, character, the look of the eyes, which are some of their peculiarities.

At the end of the day, the little eyes of the people, and the olives, are posed in stages, so that you can help little comics.

Transfer: Mikhailo Gerasimov


Bagato hto zapitє me, as I paint, and as I circle comixi extinguish. The theme of the floor is popular, since I have broadcast all the viclasts in the whole material. Singingly, me varto bulo zrobiti tse earlier. For the professional I INKERI (contouring), and I would like to speak fiercely about the outcropping of the carcass, I am also tucked in and painted by an olivist, but those who are most often done for everything here, on the Philippines.

Once in the same article, I read that the robot over the comics is eagerly important, but I didn’t believe it. Now, since I am engaged in comics myself, I will wait a little longer with this dummy. The main difficulties, I vvazhayu, lie in the rosy features of the genre. A lot of people come to the qiu sphere with ochikuvannym, as far away from reality. The comic artist is highly specialized in the area of ​​activity, it is absolutely visible from any other forms of imaginative art, such as painting, caricature, and animation. As soon as you are a good artist, it doesn’t mean that you will automatically be a good comicist. In the whole genre, there are no words of power in their only nuances, and about them I am going to talk lower.

First of all, you will not forget, blame it, please, who you are checking out of the robot in comix-business. Maybe you just want to make money in such a manner, or maybe you just want to create a mystery, like what people will be crazy about. If you need pennies and knowledge, you have a direct road to great companies, to the "Marvel", "DC" and "Image" kshtalt. But do not forget at the same time, comic business, especially for great companies, such as "Marvel" and "DC", and you will have a chance to see the kind of product that will be sold. And tse means engaging in mystery, we will add it for the mas, and moreover, it will all work for you to meet the inevitable deadline. If you don’t want to sacrifice your creative individualism, you are engaged in commercial mystery, in the whole company you don’t want to try. In such a way, you need to go in small vidavnitstva, on the "Caliber" or "Fantagraphics"; resentment and vision to publish a number of weird comics, whose creators are seen to individual artists. And even more beautifully, see the robotic hair yourself.

If I turn around until I’ve lost sight of it, if I’m even a good artist, it doesn’t mean automatically, but if I’m a good comicist, I would like you to find it easier in such a way. In comics, we are guilty of zooming in on the history in pictures. A good comicist is able to develop garnishing history on decal sides without being blown away. As soon as you find a crafty artist, or you can't rob one swamp in one day, you can't tell the kar'ara in the comics. You need a virobiti style, like allowing you to be able to paint instantly and well, and quickly. In addition, the issuance of comic books is regularly, most often, on a regular basis. And tse means a bagatogodinu robot mayzhe skin day of skin tension of skin month of skin fate. A good comicist is guilty of giving such robots to them both physically and psychologically, so that they can cope with the grip and stresses that are inevitable in the absence of deadlines. It’s like such a distribution is to be paid for, think about how you’re going to want to destroy your life, you’re busy with your life. And also, read on!

I want to go to the last line of the contour, at the bagatokh comics, over the ones I work, є my additions and in the olives of the little ones. I viklady my world on a tsyu theme with the most beautiful rank, as much in my strength, and I am glad that you do not need to learn more from them.

There are two ways in which I can help you to start playing small comics. The first vivchati mystery and painting from the real life, and the other just inherit the style of the artist. Bagato sullenly frowning, having read about other possibilities, altogether read, be weasel, distant, and I will explain everything to you. I will give you a handful of other possibilities.

Enjoyment and cloning

It is natural for the artists to start working on the little things, hoping for the mystery of the one who won’t want to. If I have repaired the little ones, I have read the albums of "Tenten's Prigod" Erzhe, so naturally, my little ones looked even more like a new one, I wish they were more primitive. If you want virtual, you want ni, ale helpless artists, who have now become even more famous, have repaired their careers as a clone of someone else's. Barry Windsor Smit repairing a Jack Kirby clone. Trevis Cherest became the only Chergov faceless artist in the old low clones of Jim Lee. Billa Sinkevich felt a great fit, as soon as she seemed a little closer to Nila Adams. On the ear of Dale Keyones' car, it was important to hear from the robot of John Byrne. The style of Jim himself is a miraculous and long-lasting fusion of John Berne, Mike Minnol, Kevin Noule and Barr Winzor Smit. With the rocks, however, the leather artist viroblyaє his own powerful style, I will increase the evidence of that, which stench has been repaired. Artists simply need a starting point, like a mint yakir, from what stench and how to remember their rist. Wanting in business (comix-business) to such a practice it is widely accepted to be put out of praise, it has given birth to such a rich car'єr in the distance, so, at my glance, it is also put in a serious glance. For a given moment, it’s absolutely legitimate for me to create a painting of comics, in this world, in which I’m going to join the serious ideas of the imaginative mystery, including the proper self-development of the so-called anatomist ... Be-a-kind artist Volodya in a masterful manner of painting, and the skin from them is vyroblyav and stretching the entire rock of post-practice and modernity. Ale yakscho pochatkіvets artist is only copіyu vіdbuvsya, tsoo imperfect. In fact, if you are busy with one copy only, I will rest the barrel on you. The artist needs some kind of intelligence, what kind of lines, vigines, shapes and objects are needed. I can see it through the intelligence of the basic principles of art. I vvazhayu, so the very same information about babies, and maybe a newcomer, make him a povnotsіnnym, equal artist-comicist, with his own vigorous, unique style.

Persh nіzh reads to that, as a little comic, people trail to that, as an artist. See the olives and take care of everything you want to know about yourself. Paint trees, birds, buses and cars, and wrap yourself with all the other details. Naivazhlivishe, vividly, little people. Be amazed to be quiet, hto will leave you. Wrap up respect for those who stink to walk, how to sit and how to stand, and how to sit on the walls. Imagine people, look more beautifully with a sprinkle of color, and then again hope for one. To the one who fixes the artists, I would not please the little people at once, we would like to admit it, so it’s reasonable that, as the fabric is bare, I would allow you to significantly reliably depict the folds on the overalls. I brought back the bachiti, richly cracked by the cob by the artists, the image of people, on the same folds they were randomly cropped, without any sense and logic. One is enough, but I grimace.

Chi did not skimp on the purchase of decilkoh books on anatomy. Among them I would recommend books from the series "Yak Maluvati" illustrated by Burne Hogarth and "Figure Drawing" by Andrew Loomis. Recognize all the thoughts of the human body and try to remember it, as you can see the stench when looking ahead, backward and sideways. You are not obliged to remember exactly how you want to call yourself, demanding all the nobility, de stench of roztashovani, skilki іkh, і as kozhen m'yaz will go from the іnshy. Viconize, tiny little words in the correct proportions until quiet times, as long as you can’t start to work, don’t look into such anatomical proponents.

The upcoming crock of the bannya of yaskravikh іustrovanyh magazines. I would be happy with the magazines for bodybuilding and fitness, they could bachiti, like the m'yazy, like the m'yazy, like the m'yazy, bend over, bend over and blow up. A lot of artists paint muzyazi too much, and it’s an hour to go good, especially in the hands of such an artist, like Simon Bisli, the king of great muses. Ale some artists, lacking intelligence in anatomy, depicting the majestic minds, those only not on their own mice, and the whole robot is just awful.

Well, little girl, well, it will happen to you that there is no need to buy your images, on such a stench without any clothes, I say without heat. Tim for you, kids, who are under 18, will be surrounded by books by Andrew Lumis. Yogo little women are just beautiful. Come on, get the books of the same Lumis, plus I'd please add a couple of vip releases to the Playboy magazine. If you can see a little woman, in my sight, you are calling for a lot of obscene magazines for the "Hustler" magazine, which will not bring you a stench of corny. Hiba scho vzhe is even more self-sufficient. :) It is important for you nobility, as you paint naked as soon as possible, so, if you want to open the album on the "Gena-13" standart, well, you should know better. And if you speak seriously, you need to be able to do it, as I have already said, you need to be able to do it, be it a human being without clothes, you need to dress it up.

I have seen one of the smallest ways to achieve this victorious mirror and make the twist of my own vile denunciation. Zrozumіlo, individuals, as I paint, I am timid gimmicky. Go to the magazines about cinema, because they have a lot of frames from films and posters, the smell will give you a reserve of dark gloomy signs and majestic versatility of faces. I also scroll through a lot of magazines on top of the illustrated releases of the "National Geographic Partnership", that is why they depict people with very attractive emotions and virases. The illustration is based on a number of photographs known to the magazine itself. I was sick of the great pratsi not to kill the little ones with the exact copy of the signs, so here you can already go to the message about the rights to publication.

Ale navit, even though you are still in the same place, still kindly little people, all of which is not enough. It is important for you to take in the same kind of painting everything. І in the center "everything" includes bricks, cars, wood, creatures, litaki, buses, ventilators, computers in zagalny, everything! Vivchennya, especially in tsyom vypadku, supremely important. If you need to paint a horse, be a weasel, do not go wine! Look for photographs, look for books, look for magazines, look for a book from the series "Yak Maluvati" about those who are little creatures, so there are special rules in painted horses. At comics, I often bach the horse in such positions, as the woman could not accept it alive. If you need a little chobot, go, know a couple and put it in front of you on the style. Everything that can be painted on the comics smoothies, including the found details, is made correctly. One is a nastily painted detail on the frame side to ruin the whole side of the side. For example, they saw in the foreground a dumb rolling (Hulk), and then, in the background, a jeep, more than a fridge in the future. І everything, the entire panel is copied. Turn me around, do not mischief for an hour on painting the backdrops because the stench is so important as the head of the figurines. Often I myself have to work on the backdrops for more than an hour, below the images of people. It is especially important, if you want to create a character like Lyudyni-Pavuk or Batman, so that you will have a chance to see a lot of small images with high wakes.


Otzhe. Now, if you are still, you know, you have acquired a lot of additional material not only from the site, but also from the lack of dzherel, go for it! Fix the little things. Ale є is still one joy, as if you were not going to forget. Yaksho vi maєte namir malyuvati superheroes for great vidavnicheskie companies, remember, you see the image of the comics. Little ones for your publication, do not let the nicholas out of your mind, but you are too small for your needs. Yaksho tse vibuh, it is not enough just to show sleeping. You can tse zrobiti yakomog more ruinivnim. Let all the navkolishnє react to the new one. Don't wake up when a week comes up, and shirts of newspapers fly on all sides. If the hero is dashing, he should be so hard that the reader sees the blow. Let the roach of your fist fly away from the roof, the sludge and hair of your hair. Give the speedlines, let me know the beggar blow.

Persh nіzh vi proponyte your robot in any form, you should remember it again. Most of the types will be shukati in the comic special format that you proponate, and if the format is not easy for you, it is better for everything, your robot will be deprived of respect. All the efforts you put into the whole list will be lost for nothing.

Also, there are more types of comics, painted on the porch with a size of 11 "x17" (A3 format), which can be stored from 4-5 sides, on the skin from which there is the last of the frames. I’m going to see you on uvaz, so on the skin side, on which history there are victories, but at least 3-4 frames, no less. And more beautifully. Some posters, some illustrations for the whole side. Behind him, the viewer cannot judge about your health in the history of the Vikings. Be guilty of showing people in peace and in life. Everywhere, it is necessary to show the backdrops. You can’t overpower because of the origin of your robots, so there can be an abyss stink. Know your favorite photographer and provide photocopies. Write your name, all addresses and telephone numbers on the skin arch. Contribute to the parcel a supervisory sheet, in which you introduce yourself, and contribute as well as your previous work (as well). Do not write chi in words, as you can namaluvati te chi te. Your robot will tell everything perfectly for itself. Try to keep it short, so you don’t need to see the viewers. Put in the same envelope, having written on your new address and glued a stamp, and the stench might have been passed on to you.

I do not give up if you remove the sheet from the window. Turn me on, I have a ton of such sheets in my house. Those that are pictured were sent to me by the Marvel company in 1993. I cut off such leaves as a skin type, which you can only guess. "DC", "Dark Horse", "Velient", "Kitch Sink", "Fantagraphics", "Keliber", "Imid", and especially "Marvel". Tsyogo whistled b, who would be evil, ale inodі same tse nadikhaє you, replace that, shob zbentezhiti. Risuch. Bazhannya. Zoserezhen_st. Preparedness for victims. Straightness. If you are guilty even if you want to correct the robot, you will need to do all the hard work. And if you, really, you want to finish it hard, and try to finish it hard, robot, respect it, be yours.

Yaksho we were able to reach it, I’m wandering! Tse is a very great croc for you. All else will lie down to you. Tighten the belt, PRIK yourself with a lance to the table and fix the little things.

I think it is unlikely that there is a world of contouring of comics. Be a cob artist, be a pragmatic artist, small, and contouring. In the ideal, the artist CAM is guilty of outlining his own mastery of the olivtse handwriting, only the smallest marks can be said so that the robot will grow yo. At virobnistvі komіksіv, however, there are two processes of distribution and recognition of two different people. Altogether, it’s just that the albums are to blame for the moment, and this kind of robotic regards will be greatly appreciated. However, once an hour Є, I vvazhaya, my robots are more beautiful to the artist to circle himself.

However, having trampled a couple of rockets with the contouring man, I started to cinuvate the robot and on its own, and crossed over, vreshti-resht, but for the most part, I was already fluttering on the right. It’s quite rocky, and it’s hard to navigate the contours of the contours. Most often they are used with "armchairs", adding some kind of artistic gift. I just have a lot of sleep, some visibility, a lot of good value. With great delights, I came to the conclusion that the contouring process was going to be more powerful for an hour, and not painted by the olives. I will explain my position to the viklad.

First of all, you should be guilty of learning about the developmental tools, which are necessary for the contouring mother. To paint an olivist you will need a little olivets, an eraser, a sharpener, templates and a line. The contributor needs more money. Below is a list of all the tools I have been victorious.

1. Thin steel pir'ya. For contouring, the tse is the number one tool. Most often, they use the number 102 of the Hunt company, but in the principle of the stench they can be good, the abi vi could have achieved a great efect for their help. There are a lot of contours of the will of the guessed form, because they have even a nasty little tip, and with one stroke you can draw a line, change and change from thin to goods. You need to wet the pen in the carcass without a tip, and in another hour you will see it to the end. I vvazhayu, how can you buy one at a time of all types, as only you can know, and viprobuvati skin. The choice for the victorious is that you will be given the best. For me, I had a lot of time to finish it with such a pen, so that I could sound like a little mechanical handles, but after a couple of months I would be drawn into the distance.

2. Mechanical handles. From them I give the rewire of the Rotring pen, from 0.1 to 1.2 points. With them I am inviting myself to trace the contours of architectural and technical objects. Once I circle them around them and myself, if I see them, I can’t reach the godfather. Most often in this hour, I will use a pen with mechanical handles on one robot.

3. Brushes.Інші artists use brushes often, not me. I am a zasosovy brush for hair, leaves, herbs and for special features. And such a "master of penzlya", yak Jeff Smit, paint practically everything with penzel. Such volodinnya penzlem is less needful to reach. I am going to pass the sable penzliks of the Windsor and Newton company, and with them I will go through even more smooth and subtle lines.

4. Touche and papir. Without a concave ink and without a concave paper, as you didn’t try, if you can’t make a good line contour, especially as a feather, which is often buvay, flaky paper. Call me the vicorist carcass of the Higgin s-varieties "India" and "Black Magic". Stay viglyadaє on the arch, duzhe-duzhe chornoi. Papier may be important and often є for those who have a headache contour. Call you with a paper, the company will take care of you, on a yak vy pratsyuєte, and here it’s a lot of garnishing papir. If I had finished my work in the Wildstorm company, the papyr, like the stench they overpowered, the bullet would be even harder. However, in a dozen hour the company created its own position, and the quality of the paperwork became better, not earlier. The price has accelerated the robot for me and, in all visibility, for the same contours, also. Todi Scott Williams gripping a good cigarette. I think you can buy a skin grade paper for you, for your dummy, you could use it, and try on the skin from them, change the carcasses, reconsider, as the stench will come together at once. Pratsuyuchi here, on the Filipiny, I am a vicorist papir, I’m called here “kartolin”, won’t napivglyantseva. On such a surface, it is important to look like an old man, so it looks a little more smooth, it is not necessary. However, for a robot, I still like to extinguish it її vikoristovuvati, so on my line I go more neatly, without blots.

Since I’m at the San Diego comic-con festivals, I’ve played Geoff Darrow there, and I’ve gotten the fight back, having finished off the originals of his robots. Win vikoristovuvav to finish tovsta tracing paper, the name of which I can not guess at once. For the development of the contours of the wine, use only poster pir'yam or handles for painting. Olivtsev's contours of their robots winin robbing on the porch, and then drawing them, overlapping tracing paper on top. Why didn’t it come to my mind ?!

5. Markers and pens for painting. At the closest hour, I climb quickly with handles for painting, for that it’s just okay with them. Innocently, I use the Pentel markers to iron the objects, or even to procrastinate between frames. Alle, I would not recommend them, I would not recommend them, especially if you want to, I would like to original. It is necessary to note that on some types of paper, your contours are not completely bloody. Sire tini and siri lines, leaning on the vidrukuvannoy side, become nasty. I backed up most of the ugly vigiladayut originals, with unevenly overworked shadows, putties, hard-cornered frames, etc. Ale, like a rank, in the course of a friend, everything goes through the black color, and everything is visible. However, it’s a lot of contouring to ignore the uniqueness of it, and if they were original, they were accurate and beautiful, just from love to mystery and, mindfully, beguile to a higher price, in that kind of business, as it is known to be known.

6. Bila Farba. Call the price "Pro White", for there is a rіdina for korektsії, the stench vikoristovuyutsya for correcting gratuities. Turning me out, I was not steadily swallowing the robbery, and the leathery time the farba was skinning my skin. Vona vikoristovutsya also for the image of specialties, for example, if it is necessary to squeeze juice, with breezes. I also scorch with white farboi, apply it with a penzlik, if I paint hair or grass on black aphids.

7. Tsvyakhi і різці. So, you want it, you want it! They scratch the little ones on top of the curly papyr ball of ink. This technique folds efficiently or quickly. Jae Lee is often vicious in his robots.

8. Cosmetics and patterns. In this number, there are flights (I want especially to see a rewire instrument, which is called a "straight-line" by the point, tse the same flight, ale offend and a dart, so you are allowed to go, the edge, tripe) round and elegant) and protractors.

I am glad to be quiet, hto krystutsya tricytniki and liniykami. Glue the coins to them from below with tape, and the stench of trochas was poured over the surface of the baby. Do not allow the carcass to gag on the tricycle, if you use it with a robot with a pen or mechanical handles.

It's a skinny day, first to fix the contours, I knead my hand and wrist, drawing curves (arcs, viginis), cola and straight lines on the edges of the paperwork. Especially I get magical, so that my arcs are more smooth, in that sense, on the line, in all this, I am not guilty of being irregular, "bullies". Cola, I wipe the yakomog more rounded and wick it, so it won't wipe off that mischief, as I closed it. Straight maggayusya conduct, as you can do not raise your hand to the table. Infectious, I roam all the minimum, ten quills a day. However, if I have only fixed it, for an hour I have only been able to work through the same day and paint one arcs, then grab a hand to easily draw lines of this type. The price of mindfulness is helpful for any contouring person with the painting of hair, human figures, leafing and everything who can know the curve of the line.

The mind of the artist

Malunok z "Stone" (No. 3), Avalon Studios

Angry frame, namaliyaniyah Uїls partachiti, and on the right wіn, I outline it.

It took me an hour to get used to the contour of the new one. Whenever you need it, try to correct the image over the whole issue of "Pekelny police" (Hellcop), to get stuck up to Gilbert Monsanto's olivine lines and intelligence, which you want to show them. And then you will stick to the Wilsi partachi, and you will need more than an hour. Reasonable to the artist's thought, those who should avoid reaching the rich contours, and the very ones who lead the contouring from the blind tracing of everything that would not be painted there. First and foremost, you need memory, being a contouring artist: you are an artist.

Really vivchіt the olivtsevі lines, applied by the artist, and try to be vivid, what is it for those that you want to do. As it looks like a line, or a form, it’s good for you, don’t trace it to you. Get in touch with an artist and power up with a new one, too. And if you don't get to the artist, if you circle it with such a rank, then it will become more comprehensible for you. Do not circle anything, but do not ruminate.

The part of your robot is in the quality of the contouring, it’s clearer, it’s nagolosti on the way that the artist has portrayed. If you bache, I’m out of my hands, having painted a round object, say, a planet, or a ball, or the window of an eye, in your mind, that in my idea the objects are guilty, but ideally round or elegant. Do not circle your arms around this, instead of replacing the templates. If you bachite. As an artist out of his hands, stroking a pistol, and do not circle out his hands, see to replace the whole line. Tse I call the artist's robot.

As long as you have a lot of special \ u200b \ u200b home ownership with an artist, it is important that you do not "hammer" your style with your own people. However, the rule is not absolute. For the sake of all, lay down all of your opinions with the artist, and because of the fact that you can do it all at once. So, with Gilbert Monsanto, the artist of the comic "Pekelniy police", the type of "Avalon Studios" I had a lot more to say, and I often allow myself to think very well, not for the purpose of being self-asserting, but for being clear feud from malunka. Downstairs there is a glimpse of the fact that I may be on uvaz.

Perche, when I think about it, tse those, how on a pencil little mask the mask is made crooked, to the right you can beat it up, as I have “corrected” її. Those are the ones I’m scattered and round filters, how to go out from the mask, the eyepieces and symbols. There were three folds on the right side of the files. I put a texture on them, yaku in olivtsi do not zrobiti. Now? Ymovіrno, so that the stench stinks more beautifully, and I shattered so, so that Gilbert gave me the good on the tse.

On the originals of the malunks, the lipnin in the arts above the entrance behind the figurine is given only at a stretch. I got involved and pictured the linen on the way to read it more clearly, to show that it would be better for us.

I am radium, so when I trace the contours for "Pekelny police" I \ u200b \ u200b can use such freedom. I am more generally and with a greater radiance I see the robots and see my contributions to those, so that the album has become more beautiful. But I can only work for the one that is allowed to me, and I will not really help someone to fix it myself without consulting your artist and viewer.

Suggestions about superheroes, westerns, biblical motives, you can see historical reports, you can create tsikavimi, smut - add pictures. Comix - a lot of magazines, only as illustrated.

What are the comics?

The comix is ​​a collection of paperwork at once, or books, albums are ready, in which you can talk about. The text is not enough in them. In the main event, it is displayed in pictures.

According to the recent history, they are young, from the rise in the pivstorinka, to the whole situation in the little ones.

With the head vidminnoy rice of all comics є the notification with pictures. Moreover, on the view of books, de lustratsii deprive the reader of the text, in a new head - a whole lot of babies, and the smallest part of the text will explain the details of the report.

Yak namalyuvati comics for pochatkіvtsіv? It is necessary to read it for the sake of getting started before the robot.

The skinny blackness of the graphic-informative genre is guilty of mending and finishing one thought.

Zvychay the first side to serve as an entrance, in which the author conveys the main ideas. The reader is guilty of intelligence, in any period of time there is a story, de і hto the main hero of the whole action.

Moreover, the great frame is guilty and consummate the whole comic. The author of the masterpiece has a message about those who were eating in kintz, or in epilosis, as well as the occasion of the hero's check.

reading of the comics

The skin creator of the given genre has his own style, his own singing heroes, the manner of the baby and the plot of history.

In order for the nobility, like namalyuvati comics, it is important not only to see little people, but also to read the creation of those people. Notification of all kinds of authors can be nadikhati, nashtovuvati on the idea of ​​the plot.


Comics show absolutely different genres. Along with the greatest success for this year's day, talk about superheroes from DC or Marvel. Shanuvalniks of cich vidavtsіv comіxіv do not hate to talk about themselves, criticizing the history and manner of painting. However, the very same two "monsters" in the graphics industry have such heroes, like Superman, Batman, Lyudina-Pavuk, X-Men and so far. Such genres came to light from the USA, de і invented, like namaluvati comics step by step.

In the land of the sun, going off has its own special and even great culture of anime. Vaughn is called "manga". The text in such comics goes from bottom to top and from right to left.

It is common in Tokyo to go through a series of young people in small history, like people who create a professional life, and know how to make an anime-comic.

The classic baby includes the form of chotiroh smog іlustratsіy. Wine can be yak color, as well as black-and-white. Simple comics can namaluvaty namaluvaty pohatkivtsi artists, however, it does not mean that the plot or the pictures in the cartoon will be primitive. In some cases it is necessary to spend even more robots with them, adding about the last and the second.

Even more important and the whole category is quiet, if you read the comics. Children do not go through the folding plot, prompted by the scheme invented by the author. The stench also doesn’t make it possible for the hero to think about it. In childish comics, the thoughts are often drawn from their heads, and the gloomy ones are drawn from the company.

Pіdruchnі materіali, abo Yak namalyuvati comіx olіvets

In order to make a simple comic on a few sides, it is necessary to take a different view of an extravagant olivtsa. One of the blue colors is guilty of subtly leading the line, the one who is fat, and the third one will not be able to do it.

Obov'yazkovo slid in front of him a clump of eraser gumoks for robots. For that, as a result, we went through the history behind the help of a handle for a few seconds, you need to learn in detail, like a comic olivtsem.

It is necessary to take a piece of archives for the paper for the very moment and another piece in reserve. Besides, there is a sharpener and a line on the work table. Stil is guilty of good visvitlyuvatisya. It’s not guilty that they’ve taken over objects, as they’ll overwhelm the hands of the artist.

At a great professional participant, who knows how to paint comics, special markers, olivtsi, felt-tip pens, gel pens or ink. In a dozen hour, the creator of this genre can be intelligent, but it’s time to collapse the distance and transfer his twists to the virtual version. Yakіsnіshіmi and occasional vvazayutsya comіxes, as they paint for the help of special

The first stage of that, yak namalyuvati comics

The main and the most basic stage of the cartoon stem is the idea of ​​the plot, in which there can be a folding walk. However, a lot of authors are surrounded by the ear of the simplest history. It is easy to see, like namalyuvati komіksi olіvtsom step by step.

In the first place, you need to come up with a short story, anecdote or a story. The text is guilty of buty minimum. The dialogues of the heroes should be circled in the form of a hmark or a square. It’s a good idea to write down all the turns of the day and see the most important questions from them. Late in the post, the creator of this genre is guilty of recording the entire plot on the porch. If it’s okay, then it’s also necessary to write it out in stages.

The skin needs the text to be divided into squares, in which case it will be printed on the image. Most of the time, the whole thing was repaired and finished. Alone guilty, smoothly pass into іnshe, at the end of the author's thought.

For this, it’s the plot of detailing and thinking, it’s the hour of little time.

other croc

Now about those yak namalyuvati comics for notifications. Clearer images of people or creatures is a crazy plus in any kind of animation. Ale can do without it. In the graphic genre, as in any other mystery, the fantasy is surrounded only by Lyudin herself.

You can independently come up with those comics, and set them apart. The winners are absolutely new and author's style, as a result, you can make an army of shanuvalniks.

If the arkush of the paper appears before the artist, the guilt is visually guilty of dividing it into a number of parts. Daniy Krok allow rozplanuvati, yak namalyuvati komіksi olіvtsom step by step. The empty squares will have one after the other small fragments of history.

In humans, there is not much power to copy exactly one and the same little one, so there is no wondrous thing that the hero will change every now and then.

Great frames in comics mean the triviality of the art created in them, and others - to be in different rows, and serve to create the main idea. A great frame can see one or two or three podії.

Extra frames do not require any, at that hour, as the great guilt, they were thoroughly missed. The reader wants to play not only the protagonist, but the very same moment of podіy.

miss the hero

Little hero is not so easy. It’s a very good idea to visit for a filthy artist. All on the right in practice. You can see a little bit of skin.

The author will have a chance to create a bagatorazovy on the porch of one and the same people / zvira /, vigadan stem. To do this, let the robot lie down, є for simple pleasures, like comics:

    do not fold into the little one with a lot of details, їх if you repeat it neatly;

    DO NOT rewire to copy the same position and disguise, but on the front image;

    do not be pragmatic to perfection, even the comix is ​​guilty of bringing satisfaction in the direction and lightness of the robot;

    DO NOT get into the robot all at once.

The main character is more beautiful than the image in the center. Vin is also guilty of turning closer to turning, which is what є.

croc third

The basic rules behind the comics are painted:


The heroes of the comics were not impressed by any promises. They should be straightforward, without folding words, or even adolescents.

The picture is on the top of the list. As the author cannot resign himself, he needs to write a book, and not to paint.

The word for skin, which is about the hero's voice, needs to be enclosed in a square. Winzvychay vuzky і small, ale letters in new can be seen. Dialogues are written by friendly letters.

Think of the heroes, it is accepted to circle around with a bulb.

If you want to dream, then your thoughts in comics will appear like a gloom.

The noise is transmitted to the hail, powered by the same punctuation marks, selected at once.

The cry of the hero can be laid in a colo with thorns on the back.

There is little information about those who are going to see a little sketches before the hour, or perhaps a bit of wine behind the squares of the comics. The stench can be between them, from above and below.

And the dialogues themselves, who think about heroes, in classic genres paint over their heads.

For an hour farbuvannya it will be necessary to overload the smiles, or in a short time, they clearly saw the stench and did not get angry with the little one.

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