Dodatkovy material for protection of nature. Suchasnі problems and protection of the navkolishny middle. International Zeleniy Khrest

Protection of nature- a complex of entries for saving, rationalizing and renewing the natural resources of the Earth, including the species growth of flora and fauna, the richness of nadr, the purity of the waters and the atmosphere.

The role of nature in the life of human suspension. For people, nature is the middle of life and dzherelo iznuvannya. Yak is a biological species, lyudin needy warehouse and 4 vice of atmospheric food, clean natural water with salts, roselins and creatures, earthly temperature. It is optimal for the people of the dovkilla - the whole natural camp of nature, which adapts normally through the processes of the circulation of words and flows of energy.

Yak a biological viglyad, the people of their living are not more living in the middle of the earth, not more living organisms. However, tsei infused indiscriminately with this majestic inflow, as the people will be fed to the nature of their own pratsi. The re-creative infusion of human suspension into nature is inevitable, it is inevitable that one will be able to adapt to the world of development of the suspension, increasing the number of that mass of speech, which will be received before the state's turnover.
Zmini, which are brought in by people, at once swelled up large-scale plots, which were re-created to the threat of destruction of the existing in nature, and the transition for the further development of productive forces. Dovgy hour people marveled at nature yak on an unprecedented scale of necessary material benefits. However, stykayuchis with negative inheritances of their own inflow into nature, the stench of a step-by-step perekonannya in the need for a rational victorian and protection.
Nature protection is a system of scientifically rimmed international, sovereign and large-scale visits, directing to the rational vikorystannya, leading to the protection of natural resources, to the recovery of the natural environment from the hardship and shaking of people to the corners of the May.

The main meta of protecting the nature of the field among the friendly minds is the life of the spirited and coming generations of people, development, science and culture of all peoples who inhabit our planet.

Vycherpny and non-viable natural resources. Natural objects and phenomena, such as Lyudin's vicarious process, are called natural resources. To them, the atmosphere is rendered povitrya, water, runt, korisny kopalini, sonyachna radioacia, klimat, roslinnist, tvarinniy svit. Behind the step, the stench hangs out for a drink and a drink

Pick up resources, at their own heart, are added to new and new ones. Until new ones are introduced to those resources, as they do not appear or be renewed in hundreds of times more often, the stench does not turn out to be.
Before them, naphtha, kam'yane vugilya, metal ores and a large number of cinnamon copalins are mentioned. Stocks of cich resources are built around, protection is built up to a big vitrazhennya.
The most important natural resources are soil, height, food light, as well as mineral salts, like Glauber's and kitchen, which can be found in lakes and sea lagoons. The resource is constantly being updated, as soon as the necessary skills are needed, and the efficiency of the victoriousness is taken up by the tempo of natural renewal. The resource is being renewed with a wide variety of things: creatures - a few rocks, foxes - 60 - 80 rocks, and the runts, who have lost their love, - a stretch of thousands of years. Revisiting the pace of vitraction over the shvidkistyu of the creation of the Veda until the end of the general knowledge of the resource.
Non-operational resources include water, climate and space. The vast reserves of water and the planet are not available. The basis of їх storage is salted water
Svitovoy ocean, ale їkh leave little vicorist. In the surrounding areas of the waters and the oceans, it is possible to wander with naphtha, by the entrances of the by-boat and industrial enterprises, with wine from the fields, kindling that otrutokhimikativ, pogirshu, and the living of sea dews and tvarins. Good water is needed for people, it is a natural resource. Problem nice water from skin rock to stiffen up at the sound of exchange of rivers and lakes, growth of vitratic water to grow and consumption of industry, obstruction of waters by virobny and by-boat entrances.

It is necessary to add vitrazhannya and suvora protection of water resources.

Climatic resources - atmosphere and energy in the morning - unprecedented, but with the development of industry and transport, it became very difficult for dim, saws, and swirling gases. In the great places and industrial centers, the hardship becomes more important for the health of people. The struggle for the purity of the atmosphere has become an important environmental protection concern.

To the space resources, sleepy radioactivity, the energy of the sea tides and the power of the sea waves are rendered. The stench is unacceptable. However, in localities and industrial centers, sleepiness changes greatly through the slowness and waste of food. Tse negatively influences the health of people.

Principles and rules for the protection of nature. The first principle is to be built up to the point that the manifestation of nature may not be of great importance to people and may be judged from different points of view. It is necessary to go to the skin disease because of the interests of the young women and the protection of the power of nature itself.

So, the fool is to look, the first for everything, like a dzherelo tree and a chemical sirovini, protects a water-regulating, runtozakhisne, klimatotvoryuche meaning. The person is important as a place to see people. In such cases, there is a different plan for the business.

Richka cannot be deprived of a transport backbone, but a vehicle for the construction of hydroelectric power stations. It is not possible to vikoristovuvat rychku yak mіsce runoff from industrial waters. Richkas are delivered by the sea with biological speech, necessary living organisms. Tom vikoristovuvati rychku leish for the brownish one galuzy, as it often booby, is irrational.
It is necessary to make a comprehensive check on the cinnamon of the young galuzei virobnitstva, protect health, tourism, to protect the purity of water and renewal of new water supplies.
Another principle of the field is in the need for a superb field of minds for the protection of natural resources. Yogo is called the rule of regionalism. Particularly tricky is the collection of water and forest riches.
On the ground, there is a lot of mischief, and there is a shortage of good water at once. The surplus of water in інshih mіstyah will not cover the twisted encampment with water in arid regions. There, de lisiv is rich and the stench has not been mastered, but in the forest-steppe regions, near the central industrial and densely populated regions of Russia, there are few, few resources are required to be taken in more intensively, in the long run.
The rule of regionalism for food and drink. One and the same kind of industrial creature in some areas will require suvoroy protection, in others, for a high number, a powerful and intensive industry.
There is not a lot of subtle, less intensive use of the resource there, in fact, at the instability, at the same time, in some cases the resource is overused.
It is a rule of regionalism that the natural resource itself in the rural areas is growing and growing because of the fact that it is a resource in the world of performances in Danish hour.
The third principle is that the protection of one object means that the protection of one object immediately means the protection of those objects that are connected with them.

Protection of the water from the zabrudnennya - just one hour protection of ribs, scho in the new. Preserving the additional line-to-line height of the normal hydro-geometry mode - and the advancement of the erosion to the ground.
The protection of comahoid birds and ores of fossil flies is a one-hour protection of the foxes from the shkidniks.

Often nature has a kind of protylezhny character, if the guard of one object is responsible for the shkodi. For example, the protection of an elk by means of mice should be carried out until it becomes overpopulated, and the process of setting up an elk in a forest through a period of growth. I mean the school of elevation of the figures of African national parks to see the elephants, so that the overworld inhabits the cities. That is why the protection of the skin natural object is sp_vvvidnosya with the protection of the other natural components.
Otzhe, the protection of nature is complex. It is not the sum of natural resources that is guilty of protection, but the natural complex (ecosystem), which includes natural components, due to natural links, which were formed during the process of trivial development.
The protection of that victorious nature - at the first glance, the two oppositely straightened out of the people. Protect the antagonistic rubbing against the mids by the dyami nemaє. There are two sides of that very manifestation - the placing of people before nature. To that food, like inodі set, - to protect nature, or vikoristovuvati її - not for sense. Protect the nature of the treasure. Without it, we are ill-humored є the progress of the human suspension. Nature needs to be protected in the process of rational vicariousness. It is more important to be smart about the spirits of the country, the region, the social traditions and the culture of the population.
The main principle of protection of the navkolishny midst is protection in the process of її vikorystannya.

Pravovi ambush the navkolishny midst. The rules and the principle of protecting the midst of the midst of the past are vikonuyutsya todi people, if the stench loses a legislative character.

One organ that can efficiently and effectively coordinate the forces in the guard of the midst of the midst is the state. Oskіlki bezpeka that Zdorov'ya people bezumovno vazhlivіshі for Prybutok whether yakogo pіdpriєmstva, the Square od of usvіdomlyuyut kerіvniki of companies Vigoda od vikoristannya vtorinnoї sirovini chi ni, stink povinnі doklasti maximum zusil i zrobiti all mozhlive, dwellers ubezpechiti navkolishnє seredovische od shkіdlivogo vplivu virobnichoї dіyalnostі ... At the end of the day, the author thinks it is necessary to conduct a short analysis of the normative acts that regulate the activity of the enterprises, so that it’s difficult to get around the problem.

First and foremost legislator - tse Constitution Russian Federation (1993) .

Article 42 guarantees the right of a citizen of Russia to be friendly to a child and reliable information about her. Ale in front of the people’s fasting of food, as you can really seize your concrete constitutional right. Do not wicked summaries, but if you are a group of people, you will be effective, not a family of people.

Article 30 of the Constitution says that the skin has the right to communicate for the sake of its interests.

The constitution gives rise to the formation of the rights of the hulks, which can be victorious.

In an hour, the suspension is more active in responding to the development of the organs of power, in order to aspire to the ecological rights of the community. Meetings, demonstrations, piqués have become a common phenomenon in the context of cymbals. Conduct this, come in, slid memory, it’s inadmissible to look at it’s destructive huge order scho bulo is not a long time ago. Shares є without the middle reaction of the suspension to the development of the ownership structures, to catch the suspension interests. To that, seizing their rights with such a path, it is necessary to the nobility of Article 31 of the Constitution, in which it is said, that the citizens of the Russian Federation may have the right to go in peacefully, without zeal, to hold zbori, meetings, demonstrations, go, pikety.

Constitution transferring another form to the seizure of the rights of the community - the court. Won is guaranteed by Article 46:

The skin community is guaranteed a court of law and freedom. Rishennya and dії (for lack ofіalnіstіnіt) organs of state power, organs of mice samovryvannya, community organizations that posovikhs You can be oskarzheni before the court.

The right to a court judge is enshrined in the legislative act, and the violation of the right to the violation of the Constitution.

Krim Konstitutsii, we need to get a sense of the offensive laws.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of the navkolishnogo natural middle ground" (Tsey Zakon was adopted on the 19th century, 1991, joining in the 3rd birch, 1992).

Maj rozdil II "The right of the hulks in health and friendly navkolishn natural middle ground" is of great significance.

Rozdil obey Article 11. The statute guarantees the right to health protection from the unwelcoming inflow of the natural environment caused by the state's dignity, accidents, catastrophes, spontaneous hardships. And it is even more important that you come in at the statti, which has the right to take care of it.

Article 12 of the regulations for increasing the importance of the hulks at the guard of the natural environment. At nіy more specifically, the basic rights of the hucksters, fixed in the Constitution, are completely protected by the natural environment.

Article 13 is signed by more important community organizations. The price of increasing the importance of increasing the importance of the big people, however, later I have two more important points: the community organization may have the right to recognize the state’s environmental expertise and recommendation for participation. I, nareshty, another part of the Law, part V - "State Ecological Expertise". I can easily understand the statute of the whole section: statute 36 - "The connection between the state ecological expertise".

The Law "On Ecological Expertise" imposes on those, that the establishment of the status of ecological vimogs is carried out not without the great dignity of the state, but just be it.

It is necessary to memorize and the principle of ecological expertise, fixed in the statute 3. What is important about them: the presumption of potential ecological problems, be it a state and insightful action; The principle that was consolidated earlier by the Law "On the protection of the natural environment" and the repetitions of the Law "On the ecological examination" is the necessity of carrying out the state environmental examination before the evaluation of the general expertise of the state

1. On the territory of Russia, 24 thous. enterprises, wikidayut shkіdlivі speeches into the atmosphere and waters. The words cannot be caught or foreign to technological processes. Closely 33% of wikis are given by metallurgical industries, 29% - by energy, 7% - by chemical and 8% - by industrial enterprises. More than half of all wikis are transported into the atmosphere. Particularly important is the situation at the places with the high concentration of the population. Russia has seen
55 mіst, de zabrudnennya dovkіlla reach douzhe high rіvnya.

2. The quality of water and the main great rivers of Russia is estimated as not good enough. Through the availability of waste water, it is unsuitable for the robot, the technical efficiency, the low pressure of 82% of waste water, which is thrown by the enterprises into the rivers, does not end up being cleaned.
3. For the rest of 50 years from the agricultural turnover of Russia, it went down
1 million hectares of natural land. 1/4 of the Silk-and-Gospodar lands were cured before the erosion. Not unbearable swelling of the processes of swamping runts, overgrowing with chagarniks and others. A lot of lands have been destroyed before the hour of the rooting of brown copalins, wake-up, road and other robots.
Reclamation will require close to 1.2 million hectares of land. Great Skoda lands
Russia has acquired nuclear viprobuvan. On the grounds of Novoi Zemlya (as of 1992), 118 surface and subterranean nuclear vibuchs, inherited from them, were created. In addition to the Chornobil accident, radioactive speeches have become obstructed in Bryansk, Tulsk, Orlovsk, Kaluzka and Ryazan oblasts.
Growing obstruction of lands with solid entrances, gas vikids, acid boards, pesticides and minerals. A reversal on the nitty-gritty show
Russian Federation, to avenge more for the norm.

4. Great losses of uncommon natural resources. With the form of cinnamon copalins, close to one third of zaliznyak is consumed, 7.6% of honey ore; The amount of oil from naphthonic layers is taken up by 30%. Schorichno in Russian
The Federation approves 45 billion tonnes of input into the pre-industrial sector, їх
20 million tons should be kept up to non-utilized toxic rivers. The stench is often formed on the territory of enterprises, uncontrollably shedding at the canalization, at the ravine and yari, on the halls of solid side-by-side entrances.

5. The basic principle of protection of the natural environment (article 3, section
1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of the natural environment").
At the state, management and іnthіy efficiency, we need a negative inflow to the camp of the new natural environment, state organizations, enterprises, establish, organization, community
The Russian Federation, foreign legal entities and communities are guilty of the following basic principles:

Protect the life of that healthy people with the priority of protecting the life of that healthy people, the establishment of friendly ecologic minds for life, the good and the recovery of the population;

Scientifically based on the information of ecological and economic interests of the household, to ensure the real guarantees of the rights of the people in health and friendly for the life of the natural middle ground;

To rationalize natural resources based on the laws of nature, the possibilities of the natural environment, the need for the development of natural resources, to protect the non-turning heritage for the natural environment and the health of the people;

Dotrimanny vimog nature protection legislation, failure of the current vidpovidalnosti for їkh damages;

I am familiar with the robots and with a clear call with the huge organizations and the populations of the virgin nature protection establishments;

Happy country and protection of the atmosphere

Zmіna the warehouse that obrudnennya atmosphere. Life on Earth is young, the docks are the earth's atmosphere, the gaseous envelope, and the living organisms of the thirsty inflow of cosmic vipromynyuvans and fast coli temperatures. Atmospheric turn-arounds are energized by aerobic organisms. If you want to be more important than meaning, it seems like "you need a good fortune." If you can live without a human being, you can live a life of a child, without a water - a small dib, then death from a poison will persist in 4-5 min.
p align = "justify"> The most important value for all living organisms is always a permanent warehouse of atmospheric food. Nyu takes revenge on nitrogen (Ng) 78.3%, sour
(0 ^) - 20.95%, carbon dioxide (CO ^) - 0.03%, argon (Ar) - 0.93% by volume of dry food, a small amount of inner gases. Bet lead to become 3 - 4% of all obsyagu povitrya.

Warehouse is growing up to go to the rakhunok constantly go through the processes: vikorstannya gases by living organisms and seeing them into the atmosphere.

Have the rest of the rock the deyak is seen to change the balance of nitrogen in the atmosphere with the help of the state's dignity of people. The fixation of nitrogen has grown, the inclusion of atmospheric nitrogen to the foldable chemical spoluks when the nitrogen is good. The hopeful change in the atmosphere through the destruction of soil-creating processes in the great territories, for example, in the Western Siberia.

However, due to the great amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere, the problem of its balance is not as serious as the balance of acidity and carbon dioxide. Seemingly, it is close to 3.5-4 billion rubles, instead of the sourness in the atmosphere, it is a thousand times smaller, at least at a time, and the main producers of sour green roselin have not been.

Deyake zbіlshennya ЗІ in the atmosphere positively signify on the productivity of the growers. For example, we are saturated with carbonic acid gas for a thousand times less, less at a time, to which the main producers of sour - green roselin have not been built.
The life of living organisms is susceptible to everyday life in an atmosphere of acidity and carbon dioxide. The natural processes of living in carbon dioxide and souring that їkh necessary to the atmosphere is balanced.

With the development of industry and transport, kissen is victorious in the process of mining. So, for the sleeping of young species, the fire at a time is required from 10 to
25% sour, scho viroblyaєa green roselin. The hopeful sourness changes into the atmosphere through the fast areas of leaves, shrouds, steppes and the improvement of empty territories. The number of producers of acidity in aquatic ecosystems will speed up through the harboring rychok, lakes, seas and oceans. At the same time, it’s about 150-180 rockets of sourness in the atmosphere, which can speed up by 1/3 against the current change.
An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will occur immediately because of the increase in the atmosphere. Over the last 100 years, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by 10-15%, and up to 2000, up to 25%, so from 0.0324% at a time up to 0.04% before the end of the century.
Deyake zbіlshennya ЗІ in the atmosphere positively means on the productivity of the growers. For example, saturated with carbon dioxide gas and turning greenhouses increases the yield of vegetables with the help of intensifying the processes of photosynthesis. Protect the growth of CO in the atmosphere to produce collapsible global manifestations. The carbon dioxide gas is highly permeable to short-term sleepiness, but it will not overwhelm the heat exchanges, such as from the heated earth's surface. Tse phenomenon otrimalo name the greenhouse effect. Vvazhaєtsya, scho for the greenhouse effect the temperature of the Earth to
2000 to move by 0.5-1 ° С. The pre-heating of the lower spheres of the atmosphere allows the burning of the fire. It is especially good on the territory of the great places, the temperature of the central parts is 2-4 ° C above the average for the given area. Adjustment of the middle temperature of the lower spheres of the atmosphere
The earth can be affected by the ice of Antarctica and Greenland, which is brought up to the level of the Holy Ocean, the flooding of the lowlands of the continent, the strengthening of tectonic processes, the change of the climate.
There is a filthy effect even a filthy one that damages the atmosphere.
Mechanical particles bring up sleepy spaces, increase the health (albedo) of the Earth, change the heat. The overhaul of these processes can lead to an increase in ice caps at the poles, a sharp cold and cold weather, and an increase in ice caps.

In the given hour, the thermal balance of the Earth will be adjusted, so that the paths of the keruvanny will be known.

The obstruction of the atmosphere can be natural and piece (or anthropogenic). The natural atmosphere is surrounded by volcanoes, stormy weather, powdery storms, fox burns, wine into the atmosphere of salt crystals. In the norm of nature, dzherela does not cause the suttas to create an atmosphere.

Dzherels of piecework to serve as promises, transport and wikidi. The main head of the enterprise is the industry. The stench vid_lyayut in the atmosphere nezgor_li particles of fire, saw, soot, ash. In industrial districts, there is 1 ton of sawlogs per 1 km2 per day. Induced by the chiefs of the night saw into the atmosphere of the cement backwater.

The main chemical zabrudnyuvach of the atmosphere is a clean gas (SO), which can be seen when burning stone oil, shale, naphtha, when drinking water, honey, alcoholic acid and alcohol. The syrupy gas is responsible for the acidic planks.
With a high concentration of hot gas, saw, dim at the vologu calm weather in the industrial areas of winikє 1 "x" liy, abo vologii, zmig - a blast fog, so dimly wipe out the life of people. In London for an hour I can do this through the scaring of the Legend and the heart ailments from 5 to 9 breast 1952 p. died on 4000 more, less zavichay.

Intense sleepy viprominuvannya cheery speeches, scho vikidayutsya into the atmosphere by industrial enterprises and transport, can enter into reactions one by one, establishing highly toxic spoluks. I will be able to take such a view by naming it a photochemistry.

In great places and densely populated areas, the air in the hardened atmosphere passes from industry to motor transport. With the swirling gases, foul gas, nitrogen oxides, and carbohydrates (including those that may be carcinogenic) come into the atmosphere. At deyakі sorts of gasoline, like an antiknock agent, tetraethyl lead is added, when in the atmosphere with swirling gases, other particles of a lead saw come into the atmosphere. Most of the It’s difficult to get out of the car with disgusting engine and idle running.
The most insecure atmosphere of the whole environment is radioactive. It is not enough to become a threat to the health and life of people, creatures and growls are not only generation, but they live, but they do not live through the appearance of numerical mutational calories. The traces of such a mutagenic flow into the dewline, the creature that the human being vivchen is nasty and importantly transferred. In the areas of radioactive radioactive disruption, there are a number of people who have fallen ill with leukemia.

Dzherelami radioactive obrudnennya є experimental vibuhi of atomic and water bombs. Radioactive speeches are seen in the atmosphere every hour when nuclear waste is prepared, by nuclear reactors of power plants, during decontamination of radioactive inputs and outputs.

The infection has become zealous, but there is no such small dose of ionizing viprominuvannya, as the bullet is safe.
Serious negative inheritance for people and other living organisms due to the difficulty of drinking chlorofluoromethanes, or freons. Їх vikoristovuyut at refrigeration units, at vyrobnitstvі napіvprovіdnikіv and aerosol balonchіv. Vitik freon should be produced before the appearance of a thin ozone ball in the stratosphere. When freons are distributed from ultraviolet exchanges, chlorine and fluorine are seen, which combine with ozone. Є It is not safe that the ball of the ozone screen will change drastically and it will lead to the growth of a number of illnesses for cancer of the shkiri through the penetration of the hard into the earth. ultraviolet vipprominuvannya... Vitonchennya ozone screen, povava
"Ozone" drocks are designated over the territories of Antarctica, Australia, Pivdennaya
America, deyaki regions and Eurasia.

Come in and protect the atmosphere. During the last hour of the local atmosphere, the atmosphere was swiftly diluted with a lot of clean food. Drinking, dimming, gases rose by twisting currents and fell on the ground with a board and sig, neutralized, entering into reactions with natural spillovers.

The infection of the wickedness and the swiftness of the wikids will transform the capacities of nature before the breeding and neutralization. To that, special needs come in for a comfortable atmosphere. The main zusillia at a time are directed to the zapobіgannya wikidam of the strangleholds in the atmosphere. At new and new enterprises, they will install saw-catching gas and gas purification facilities. This rank covers about 3/4 of all Wikids. In the Danish hour, there will be more thorough ways of cleansing.

The most important point of view is the process of introducing unavailable technologies, the existence of such industrial complexes, in which all the vicarious systems are located, whether they are coming from industrial enterprises. Unspecified technologies are similar in processes, such as in the biosphere, in the case of nemans, some of all biological visions are utilized by the different lanes of ecosystems. By means of such technological processes, there can be closed loops of power and water, in some cases there are wikis of views in the dock.

The directors of the latest developments in the field of production will be introduced into the practice of taking into account that they will be able to reduce and prevent obstruction from the turbulent gases of automobiles. Frequently, it is difficult to reduce, they are installed in the engines of cars, filters and additional attachments, including supplements, which take away the lead, organizing the clean flow of transport on the streets, without frequent changes in the robot's engine. The cardinal revision of the problem and the obstruction of the atmosphere by road transport is the replacement of internal combustion engines.
Construction of gas turbine, rotary, sleepy and dormant engines was built.

Naybіlsh promising for oversupply - electromobiles. Some of the models are not fully understood: they have a relatively low speed and a short run without recharging, which does not allow them to compete with other cars. In order to change the toxic speech in the swirling gases of cars in some countries, switch to other types of fire, replace gasoline, for example, methane, alcohol.

More important in the struggle because of the difficult atmosphere is the greening of places and industrial centers. Roslin zbagachuyut we will turn sour. On trees and shrubs, up to 72% of the values ​​of some grains are sawn and up to 60% of sirka dioxide. To that, in the parks, squares, gardens, I saw dozens of times less, now on all the streets and squares.
A lot of species of trees and chagarniks are seeing phytoncids - biologically active speeches that drive bacteria. Green roses regulate the microclimate of the place, glaze and reduce the noise.

Zagalnі figi of the legal regime of natural resources

Due to the legal regime of natural resources, it is reasonable to understand the prevalence of legal methods and approaches to regulate suspicious water from the earth, water, water, and other natural resources, such as the protection of power, protection and protection.
They are taken to the out-of-town part of the course of the law of the navkolishnogo middle-class by those who give them more information about the rule of regulation of all power on the natural wealth, as well as the out-of-the-box right to come in to secure the rational vicariousness and protection. The stench is analyzed at the boundaries of the main legal institutions of the law formed in Russia. Such institutions, due to their nature, are complex, some are governed by norms, such as those of legislation about food, and acts of the other halls of Russian legislation - administrative, civil, administrative and administrative.
Zagalny rice legal regulation power, vicariousness and protection of natural resources are taken from the principle of zagalny interconnection and interconnection with nature, within the framework of an integrated approach to the regulation of all kinds of bugs, around the middle of the landscape. Natural resource acts of legislation, regulating the protection of "own" natural resources, transferring, at the same time, being able to take care of it, you can also protect the other natural resources of the midst of the world as a whole. Tse rule viplya from st. 36 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation about the intercourse of freedom of implementation of the master of natural resources. Thus, the achievement of the goal of rational vicariousness and protection of natural resources can be secured for the addition of one-hour and comprehensive regulation of all kinds of information, such as natural resource acts, as well as acts of the other halls of legislation.
When regulating natural resource management and protection of high-quality injections with natural resources є vimogi schodo:
the fundamentals of the regulation of nature conservation law, including the regulation of nature conservation law (natural and special environmental protection, with respect to the purpose of environmental protection and environmental protection), legally significant principles of environmental protection, submission of environmental protection, nature conservation
information security nature conservation and protection of natural resources, as well as rights to information about the country of natural resources, dzherel legal information, area and vitality, cadastre of natural resources, monitoring of the environment and environment and environment;
Ecological norms and standards for standardizing the quality of soils, water bodies, atmospheric deterioration, standards for the protection of natural resources and standards for the boundary permissible infusions on the ground, the atmosphere, sometimes, drive;
assessments in addition to the planned activities for land resources, vodi, nadra, roslinny resources, objects of food and vyroblenya at a number of special visits and protection, as well as organizing and carrying out stately and suspicious ecological expertise.
In other words, - the protection of the visibility of ecologic vimog for an hour of preparation and acceptance of ecologically significant state-of-the-art solutions;
licensing and arrangement of agreements on environmental management and development of ecologically significant activities;
ecological certification of natural objects, goods and services;
environmental audit;
healthy entry to safety rational nature that protection of the navkolishny middle, including the regulation of the planning and financing of visits to the spheres, pay for environmental protection, environmental insurance, enter the economical incentive;
ecologic sovereign, vidomch, virobnicheskogo and community control at the galusi of rational vicariousness and the protection of lands, waters, overturns and ob'yktyv navkolishnogo middle ground;
stagnation of entry into disciplinary, material, administrative, criminal and civil-legal vidpovidalnost for breaking the rules for the protection of lands, waters, nadr, forest, atmosphere
p align = "justify"> Deyaki specific rules go to the regulation and protection of natural resources in the presence of the characteristic of the institute of right to the right middle ground. For example, one hundred percent ecological standard, or regulation of licensing and arrangement of agreements on the right to corroborate, or lease of natural resources.
Some of the specific legal requirements will come in to be seen in a wide range of resources from natural resources - land, water, atmospheric weather, roslinny light, objects of food - the skin borrows its own special, its own mind from nature. Smell vikonuyut specific functions at the satisfaction of the needs of the people. All the main reasons are the need for a differentiated approach to the legal regulation of the protection of this natural resource and its protection with regard to the specific features. To the peculiarities, there is also a characteristic of the legal figure of this natural resource.

It is important to assess the legal regulation of the protection of lands, waters, nadr, leaves, atmospheric sunshine, food items, it is important for the nobility as for the country, and for the specific features.

Peculiarities of the legal regime of atmospheric weather

About'єktom regulation at the boundaries of the right of dovkіllja not vzgalі, but atmospheric vvіtrya. The Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Drinks
- »I do not regulate any kind of blue stuff. It is not possible to get to the atmospheric twist as well, but to be found in compressors, cylinders, etc. Vidnosini from the drive to the power supply and the capacities, which are used by the capacities, are regulated by sanitary, including civil, living legislation. The criterion for the interconnection of the atmospheric drink and the first drink is to serve as the natural link of the first from the natural environment.
The atmosphere is one of the main life and important elements of nature. Nasamper, vin є an indispensable dzherel souring, as if there is a need for all the living Earth. With the characteristic of the special importance of the life of the people, they will be greeted, so that they can live without losing a few pounds of hilin.
At the atmospheric food and atmosphere, the sunbath of the bezel is ecologically and socially corny authorities... Winner as a guide of the Sonts energy, to serve as a captive of all the teeth of the cosmic vipromynyuvans, establishing the basis of the weather and climatic minds on Earth. In the economic activity of the suspension, the atmosphere is actively exploited as a transport commune. Nareshty, the atmosphere is the center of the vision of gas-like and saw-like approaches to human activity.
A special feature of the legal regime of the atmospheric twist and those of the physical authorities cannot be subject to the right of power, some of them are not traditionally more important than the master. Win can be individualized from the fact that the article is about the right of power.
Not being the master of the atmospheric twist, but at a particular moment over the territory of the state, there is my sovereign right. Tsі rights vyplivayut from the power of the state of th natural dovkіlla. Be it a power in the boundaries of its own open space, there is all the rights of territorial supremacy, sovereign sovereignty, the right to victorious atmosphere. According to the Regulations of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation is a state of mind and sovereignty of the world of the Russian Federation;
What is the vastness of the sphere of legislation about the protection of atmospheric chills? This is where the boundaries of the sovereignty of Russia are established over the growing expanse. The protection of the atmospheric food can be taken care of at the boundaries of the practically energetic victorian of the open space and practical to the camp of the atmosphere. The singing world between the laws of the country is established by the lush height boundary, which can reach the letters or the lithuanian annexes. However, it seems that a shkidlivy inflow into the mill of the ozone ball of the Earth appears during the exploitation of ozone-controlled rivers on objects that are roasted on the ground.
It’s like a niyakiy іnshy natural resource, atmospheric, like “not a name” of political cordons, making one the middle of life on a global scale.
As well as such natural objects, such as earth, nadra, water, creature light, the subject of legal regulation, including the regulation of viciousness and protection, then the regulation of atmospheric weather can be reduced to a lesser extent in the least. So, Art. 40 and 41 The Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Drinks" is to transfer the regulation of atmospheric food for industrial and national consumers. When designing enterprises, constructing and constructing those facilities, as well as when establishing and understanding technological processes, the possession of the blame must be transferred in, so that you can make sure that you are minimally needed for atmospheric protection. Allowing food for the wanderers may need to be surrounded, not protected by organs, as there is state control over the protection of the atmosphere, in case, if I am going to make the atmosphere wrinkle, like a lot of healthy people I am

I want it to be practical not to get a special one to pick up food for technological needs, the atmosphere, as a natural resource, is to be exploited even more intensively. For example, a modern jet liner during the flow from Europe to America for 8 years will use sour style, but for an hour you can see 25 yew. ha lisu. Povitrya є a necessary element of virobnichny processes and іnshoї state dіyalnosti.
The order is governed by the Law of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation "On the protection of atmospheric damage"; Federal law"About ecological expertise" and іnshі normative acts.
Oscillations in the process of anthropogenic activity on the camp of atmospheric weather appear chemically, physically and biologically, the legislation regulating the current protection. Moreover, such a standard, such as physical (noise, electro-magnetic fields), is regulated most of the time at the boundaries of the third-party law. Main legal zasobami receptionists atmospheric povіtrya Je normuvannya yakostі povіtrya ambient, boundary side of admissible vplivіv okremih Jerel, regulyuvannya rozmіschennya Jerel shkіdlivih vplivіv to atmosphere ekologіchna determination of price proektіv of companies that іnshih ob'єktіv, ekspluatatsіya yakih suprovodzhuєtsya zabrudnennyam atmosphere dozvіlny povіtrya mill; You can see that all the price is on the prevention of the degradation of the atmosphere in front of the flow of human activity.
Prior to the specific regulations of the legislation on the protection of atmospheric damage, it is necessary to regulate the weather and climate (Article 42 of the Law "On the protection of atmospheric damage"). Diy, straightened on the piece, I will become the atmosphere and the atmospheric manifestations of the people's goals, it may be less than permissive for the permissiveness of those state bodies if you don’t mind, you won’t be brought up to an unwelcoming flood on the weather and climate. Such flooding in the weather is carried out in silky and popular and extremely significant purposes
- napril, for zapobіgannya vipadannyu grad chi doschu abo, navpaki, for stimulating falloff.
The new military legislation regulates all types of activities, which are supervised to be used as a powerful injection into the atmosphere, including:

Development, design, maintenance and introduction into the operation of new and reconstructed enterprises, construction of those facilities, perfecting the existing and new technological processes and operating and operating

Design, production and exploitation of cars, boats, ships, and other overseas installations;

Distribution and development of places and other settlements;

storing the use of roslin, stimulants for growth, mineral goodness and other preparations, storing which is allowed in the people's state;

A view of brown copalins, vibuhovs of robots, distribution and exploitation of terikonov, vidvaliv and zvalisch. Legislation has to transfer low intakes for the protection of atmospheric food. Zocrema:

It is not allowed to carry out the operation and operation of transport and other oversaturated installations, in the wikids of which in the place of foreign speech, the standards have been established;

It is not allowed to distribute near the living rooms of a commercial nature, as well as possession, which is caused by noise and vibration;

To get into the operation of new and reconstructed enterprises, to build those facilities, which do not show them how to protect the atmospheric weather. In practice, such a fence is far from being hungry. For obvious tribute, visit the enterprises, as they know they are put into operation, as a rule, they will not forget to install them. Smell function with the urahuvannyam urahuvannyam uzgodzhenih standards of wikidin foreign speech, tobto. it is allowed to explicitly violate the standards of the boundary permissible concentration of foreign speech, in the atmosphere.

Attach that additional information

Shvidke zrostannya population of the Earth otrimalo name demographic vibuha. As for the phenomenon, it is important to judge by Russia, de population, fixing it since 1993. Little did it change, and go to Western Europe, it’s growing even more, but I’m better to follow the data of demographic statistics to China, the countries of Africa, Latin America, the advent of Asia, and the population is growing at a fast pace. On the ear of the capital, 1.5 billion people lived on Earth. In 1950, the population grew up to 2.5 billion, and then began to grow rapidly by 70-100 million people. In 1993 p. The number of the Earth's population reached 5.5 billion individuals, so it grew in time from 1950 p., and in 2000 p. transfer 6 billion. Do not be blamed on the reasons for the demographic vibuch, obviously, it is the fault of the supervisors of the nature of the Great Territories for the life of the house and the community establish, the automobile, the airport, the airport and the pasture. Hundreds of square kilometers violated tropical foils. From the swarms of the number herds to the steppe and the interruptions were
empty. The mandate from the demographic vibuch became the scientific and technical revolution. Lyudin mastered nuclear power, rocket technology and viyshov near Cosmos. Win vinayshov computer, having opened the electronic technology and industry of synthetic materials. The demographic vibuch and the scientific and technical revolution have brought about a colossal improvement in the utilization of natural resources. So, at least 3.5 billion tons of naphtha and 4.5 billion tons of kam'yan and brown vugilla are usually obtained from the light. For such a pace of life, it became obvious to pick up a bag of natural resources at the closest hour. Immediately, the gigantic virobnistvs came in and became more difficult for the community, and the population was healthy. Everybody has a promise rozvinenikh lands a great expansion of nabuli crayfish, chronic legends and heart-and-death illnesses. The firsts scored on the flush of the win. Starting from 1968, the Italian economist Aurelio Pecce became a regular pick in Rome of the great fakhivts from the Russian lands to discuss food about the future of civilization. They gave the name to the Roman club. Spring 1972 p. The first book came out, prepared by the Rome Club, with the characteristic name Mezhi Zrostannya. And in the middle of the same day, the UN held an international conference near Stockholm, with the new middle class, that development, which covered the material about the complication of this high-flown infusion on the health of the population of the Bagatioh region. The participants of the conference went to see, shho lyudin from sub'ekta, like vivchav the ecology of tvarin and roslin, the new minds herself can recast to the object of various ecologic doslidzhen. The stench came to the end of the country’s world, because of the call to set it up with the help of special powers. During the conference in Stockholm, ecology came across the protection of nature and began to see the present great value ... In the rural lands, the ministries, departments, and committees of ecology have become established, and it’s their head start to monitor the natural environment and fight against hardships to preserve the health of the population. Have SRSR 1973 p. The Commission for the Protection of Nature and the Rational Protection of Natural Resources was launched under the Presidium for the sake of the Ministry. On the basis of 1987 p. bulo approved by the State Committee. The first uryad of independent Russia has been given the name of the Ministry of Ecology, altogether because of the new renaming into the Committee, and the word ecology has been deprived of its speedy name (Derzhkomekologiya). A theoretical basis is required for carrying out the education from the ecology of the people. This is the basis for the collection of Russian, and that of the foreign and foreign prelates were recognized by V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere and the inevitability of the Evolutionary transformation to the sphere of the human mind - the noosphere. Ecological problems of concern beyond its scale can be cleverly brought up to the local, regional and global, and for its own development of different tasks and development for the nature of scientific outlets. The application of a local environmental problem is a plant that throws its industrial waste into the river without cleaning it, making people healthy. Tse-violation of the law. Organize the protection of the midst of the community, or to find a huge guilt through a court of law to penalize such a plant and under the threat of a threat to close it. Especially science is not needed in its own. By the application of regional environmental problems, Kuzbass can be found - mayzhe is closed in the mountains of the Ulovin, filled with gas-coke ovens and the dims of a metallurgical giant, about the capture of some during the emergence of those who do not think about the situation in the Aral Sea, the winter areas scho lie down to Chornobil. For the resolution of such problems, the science of education is required. For the first one - the distribution of rational methods for the treatment of dimovy and gas aerosols, for the other - for the exact hydro-logical dosage for the implementation of recommendations for the improvement of the drainage in the Aral Sea, for the third ґruntіv. However, anthropogenic influx into nature of such proportions that there have been problems of a global nature, about yaki on the ear of the XX century. nіkhto do not go to nіgіvіt pіdozryuvati. As soon as you forget about the economic and social aspects, and if you don't talk about nature, you can name such global environmental problems that people have for the 20th century. : globally warming climate, hanging an ozone ball, vinifying the forest cover of the Earth, emptying great territories, obruding the Holy Ocean, changing the species growth of fauna and flora. Naukova doslіdzhennya is not only needed for resolving problems, but for finding out the reasons for these problems, it is simply unfortunate without them. One ear of the other half of the XX century. warming up the climate є with a reliable fact. We see it in more mild, less earlier, winters. The average temperature of the surface ball of the twilight, roughly from 1956-1957, when the First International Geophysical Rik was carried out, increased by 0.7 ° C. On the ekvatorі it is warming up, a little closer to the poles, it’s more so. Beyond the Polar stake there is a syagaє 2 ° C. What is the cause of this manifestation? One thing is that it is the result of burning the majestic mass of organic fire and seeing into the atmosphere, great quantities of carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse, tobto. accelerated heat transfer from the Earth. Інші, docile on the wines of the climate in the historical hour, the anthropogenic factor of warming the climate is not necessary, and it will tie up the phenomenon from the more sleepy activity. The connection with the warmer climes of the vine is low in nutrition. Yakim є prospect of yogo fake promotion? How much warmer it is for the increase in vaporization from the surface of the Holy Ocean and how does it fit for the number of fallen goods? Yak rozpodilyatimuyutsya behind the area and fallen? The first row of more specific food that can be found on the territory of Russia: in conjunction with warmer and out-of-town health care facilities, you can cleanse dry land in the Lower Volga region in the Pivnichny Caucasus; how much more to the flow of the Volga and the forgiveness of the Caspian river; how much the entrance to the permafrost in Yakutia and the Magadan region is located; Why will you become lighter in seafaring from the coastal coastlines of Siberia? At all times of the meal, you can give an exact view. However, for the whole of May it was carried out developmental science studies. The environmental problem of the ozone ball is not the least of the foldable in science. Won was born in 1982, if the probe was launched from the British station in Antarctica, at a height of 25-30 km, it showed an increase in ozone reduction. In quiet time over Antarctica, the ozone pattern of small forms and razmіrіv is reestablished for the whole hour. In the past, the same dira Bula was seen over the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, over Spitsbergen, and in the winter months of Eurasia, over Voronezh. The hanging of the ozone ball represents a great deal of greater reality for all living things on the Earth, but not the fall of a great meteorite, and ozone (trichatomic mushroom, how to set up in the stratosphere due to the ultra-summer shriveling for the rakhunok ... Yakbi is not ozone; The hanging of the ozone ball was grabbed by the yak disciples, and the th order of the bagatokh lands. There were some jokes about the reasons. With an ear of age, it fell on chlorine and fluorine-carbohydrate, so it gets used to refrigeration units, so called freon. The stench is fairly easy to oxidize with ozone, which itself is worthwhile. Bulo has seen great sumi for fun by their deputies. However, refrigeration units stagnate most of the time in the land with warm and hot climate, and ozone dyrki most likely to appear in the polar regions. Tse wiklikalo podiv. Then the bulo was installed, so that the ozone is rich in rocket engines of modern lithuanians, it is flying on the hoists, as well as during launches space ships that fellow. For the residual nutritional status, the ozone balloon needs detailed science. The last cycle of the necessary development of the most rational methods for the piece-by-piece renewal of the amount of ozone in the stratosphere. Robots in a whole lot are already available. Ale chi is deprived of the idea of ​​transmuting nature? Qi enjoy the practice of nature conservation? At what point do people change their position to a new natural environment? First butt. For a long time ago, the ribalism of the Norwegians was taken over by one of the heads. Ribu fishing went across the ocean to miles off the shores of Iceland and New Foundland. They fished overwhelmingly oseledets, albeit in a small number of whitefish, and European salmon, which through the fiordi came to the mountains of Norway for spawning. Nearly 20 years ago, the Norwegians were good at changing salmon fishing technology. When the ribs come to spawn the stench, they block the path from the small fiddles by the sea with a fine mesh. When ripening, the fry of salmon will creep in small rivulets near the fiord, and they cannot leave. Їх for an annual period of time with some ribbed minced meat, and sometimes with some other bur'yanom, as well as for the coast of Norway. Young salmon grow quickly, after 3-4 days they reach 9-10 kg wagons, for which it is easy to catch the nets. A new way of breeding that fish allowing Norway to produce small videoclips of salmon from tens of thousands of tons up to 500 yew. t, tobto. more yak by an order of magnitude. At any European restaurant it is possible to dress up Norwegian salmon for a reasonable price. And the Norwegian ribalka became rich in life. The biggest butt of the docile worm of natural ecosystems can be breeding sea molluscs in Japan, China and V'utnam.
In the cich lands of the country, the species of benthic sea molluscs have been living with the hedgehog for a long time. However, the last two ten years have elapsed single breeding... The great areas of the coastal milky water of the whole country have been cleared up from the bottom fauna in front of them, and then populated with these species of molluscs, which are the best to grow. I don’t know how many of the traditional sea mollusks were swallowed earlier, but in the rest of the rocks there was a total view of 5 million tons of sklavas, and it became the main reason for the food balance of the population of the Azov Peninsula. With the application of rational environmental management, one can also serve the Lisian government of the Nimechchin, they have defended the law (and the law is taken into account), but the area, as they occupy the fox, is not guilty of being less for 27% of the entire territory of the country. There are no fallen rotting stubburs of trees near the forests, and there are no fallen trees. Lisi Nimechchiny are all second and only one. For planting, select tree species from garnoy, mitsnoy wood and well-known growths. Up to a height of about 600 m of fox is stored from beech, and in the mountainous regions of Nimechchini - from a special type of yalinka. A beech can easily grow a village - for 45 rubles, a yalina - for 60 rubles. If you want to reach such a wind, you will be wobbling, and the areas, which have become sound, will be planted with young trees. Such a way of conducting the fossil government will secure Nimachin with the necessary wood that will not destroy the ecological rivnovagy. In the forests of Nimechchina there are noble deer, goats, wild boars and hares, nesting birds and birds. Try to show those people who are put up to the natural middle ground, yak being panuyuchim at the vik noosphere. To get a better understanding of the ecology of the re-creation of the biosphere on the sphere of the human mind - the noosphere, at the entrance to which all the people of the mind, but it’s a part of the society of the noosphere, if there is no broadening, but the growth.

Effortlessly available to witness, the ecological situation in Russia in the 20th century. - One of the most dysfunctional on earth. In the period of publicity, 200 years of Russia have made the population environmentally healthy even when the waters are difficult. For the program of "brudite place", close to 30 places were built for the cleansing of all the interfering entrances of the world, but the effect is minimal.

During the last few hours, up to 50 nuclear enterprises have been classified as secret, and since 1994 the fate has been lost, with a lot of microbes infected by radioactive inputs. Vibuchs coming into the atomic strike at the Chelyabinsk region (1957) and the nuclear reactor of the Chornobil AES near Kiev (1986) led to radioactive contamination of great territories. Differing incidents of accidents on naphtha gas pipelines. Widely widened is the obstruction of the waters by the runoffs of industrial and silskogospodar enterprises. In the 1990s, the rocks in Russia were repeatedly referred to as cholera sleepers through the filth of purification of water. Tim is not the man, get used to it, come in quickly to change the ecological situation and to get used to it.

You can go in between environmental protection and two groups - functional and territorial. First allow for the sight of a group of the most threatening species (for those, more, natural complexes) and for the defense of the fence;

The fundamentals of the nature protection legislation of Russia are formulated in the Law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of the middle class", adopted in 1991, and in the Law "On the natural territory, which should be especially protected" in 1996.
The science of nature protection in Russia was restored from the organization of reserves, and the stench will lay the foundation, a hard frame of its own kind national systems SPNA and protect nature as a whole. Nini in Russia has 99 reserves. The stench occupies an area of ​​32,700 yew. ha, or 1.91% of the gains in the area of ​​the Russian Federation.

National parks є state-owned establishments and landowners on all or part of the territory, the state's activity is fenced off or surrounded. The priority is the education and the origin of the nature of the population. On this day at Russia 33 National Park... The stench occupies an area of ​​6 731 yew. ha (0.39% of the RF area).

The deputies are the territory, de fence of the environment, the nature of the environment, for example, the cutting of the forest, the building, the melioration of the polyurethane. Created for the protection of the surrounding species and natural complexes. Monuments of nature behind the regime are close to the reserves, ale є okremi ob'ykti, call out small for the area. For the status, such as zakazniks, we can be called federal regions.
Рідкісні that perebuyut before the threat of a threat to see if the goods and the roslin are brought in before the Chervona book of the Russian Federation. Approved to the station. 65 to the Law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of the natural environment", so you see it everywhere you go to the state vicarious, to fence off the power, which leads to the speedy number of cich roslin and tvarin, how the middle of the ryeshivan live.

A recent change in power in Russia, tucking resources in wild nature with a smaller world, no more reform ahead. However, for the natural resources themselves, the worms, too, have grown, even more than a hundred times. The first result of the weakening of the sovereign control For natural resources, poaching has become an illegal form of wild creatures and roslin. At the same time, there was a lot of poaching (illegal shooting of hoarding people, vidrobots of khutra is too small).

Objects of poaching were vids, brought to the international Chervona book, Chervony books of the USSR and Russia. To the lands of the near and distant foreign countries, there were lots of live falcons (also the Saker Falcon and Gyrfalcon are popular on the Blizkoe Descent of spritny birds); In the region, the situation was unfavorable to the Distant Descent. Through the cordon at the edge of the Far Descent, the most popular among the general medical parts of the animals, of the most common species, were transported. The tiger, musk deer, vedmid, Morski Yizhaki, trepangs.

The nature of the need to protect the Conservation nature is taken care of by the state and local authorities, industrial enterprises, community organizations, and community organizations. In 2001, the law “On the protection of the navkolishny middle” was adopted. He said that a big man of leather has the right to be friendly to the middle class, to take a negative one as a result of overpowering natural situations, as well as the power of people.

Scho pidlyagaє protection - the rules of safety when connected with detached and microorganisms; - veterinary rules and rules established for the fight against ailments and schoolchildren of roslin; - rules to protect that nadr vikoristannya; - rules for the protection of ribbons For the violation of the rules, the state was punished with a fine, or you can save your will on lines from 2.5 to 8 rockets.

In 2002, some folks have already hunted great territories in the regions of our land, which are not only tall, but the living quarters and dachas that have been built close to the fossil massifs. Dekilka misyatsiv the firemen with a risik for life fought against the fire. And the reason for the borrowing is not so fast: the kinutia kimos near the dry grass of the gaps, the bagatta not repaid by the tourists and the navmisny pidpal. The law of transferring punishment for the lack of protection from the fire, yak caused the foe to burn, at the sight of a fine, for letting go of the will by a line of up to 2 rock, and for the moment I got up to 8 rock.

Reserves at Russia Nina at Russia for 101 sovereign natural reserves with an outlying area close to apt. km. in all natural zones from the polar kestrels to the subtropics in 70 sub-regions of the Russian Federation.

Dіyalnіst zapovіdnikіv Leather іz Reigning zapovіdnikіv buduє his dіyalnіst vіdpovіdno to іndivіdualnogo "position about zapovіdnik", scho vіdobrazhaє osoblivostі funktsіonuvannya that regime receptionists teritorії particular zapovіdnika (napriklad, reglamentatsіya tourism on teritorії, vidіlennya zones obmezhenogo prirodokoristuvannya for zabezpechennya funktsіonuvannya kordonіv that іn.).

Directly, robots in Grinps are called campaigns. There are 8 campaigns in the Russian economy: Lisova Antinuclear (against radioactive contamination of the colony midst) Toxic (against the chemistry) The project for the climate (for the prevention of catastrophic wines for the climate)

Zrobimo visnovka 1. The protection of nature is a good idea, how to stand in front of the Russian state, and in front of the skin of a hulk. 2. Land and natural resources are protected and protected as the basis of life and activity of the peoples of Russia. 3. The state is concerned with the protection of nature, as a rule, it is necessary to establish the observational rules for the protection of nature, and punishment is quiet, which is created by its own children. 4. In the protection of nature, take on the fate of voluntary community organizations and community members, who are talking about their land, their own maybut. Protecting nature, the stench protects Batkivshchyna. 5. Kozhen the hulk of goiters zberigati nature that dovkilya, dbaylvo put up to natural riches. 6. Protection of the dovkіllja will demand ob'єdnannya zusil usіh lands. Russia takes care of the fate of the international sportsmanship for the protection of the navkolishny midst.

The protection of nature in our region is the most important complex of entry into the folding ecological situation, which was inclined to be promoted in the bagatokh regions of the country. This kind of business is borrowed from Russia. There is a clear lack of international organizations, which control the camp of the midst of the world throughout the whole Earth.

Organizations for the protection of the navkolishny middle in Russia

The protection of navkolishn'o nature is the one that makes the skin of the lyudine grow. Most often, through the bewilderment and negligence, technogenic catastrophes and massive complications are seen around themselves. Protect the nature of the demand for private, and on a global scale. All should be done for little. Kozhen is guilty of controlling himself and his loved ones, do not smitit, and be put to the point of nature.

The protection of nature in our region is regulated by the actions of bagatoo organization, which is special for the whole. The main ones are pointed at the bottom:

  • VOOP - All-Russian Association for the Protection of Nature.
  • Ecological
  • RREC - Russian Regional Ecological Center.
  • "Zeleniy Khrest" ta in.

VOOP bulo was adopted in 1924 rotsi, wono din and seogodnі. With the head mark of the suspension є the protection of the dovkill. The participants will conduct a complex of visits to the school for educational development of fauna and flora. Success in engaging in the education of the population, in the implementation of the mass. Participants advise the sub'ektiv of nature conservation, engage in environmental protection and bagaty.

Ecological ruch in Russia is an admittedly new phenomenon. 1994 The partnership "Zelenikh" was founded, which appeared on the basis of the organization "Kedr". Until 2009, the role of the ecological political party was called so, but the activity was added. Rukh "Green", with its own mark, vvazhaє the change of being placed before the new state of power and population. The participants vvazhayut, so deprived of organized political visits can reach the result.

REC z'avavshis for 2000 rock. The center was approved by the Academy of State Service and for the President of the Russian Federation. The main goal of the REC was the improvement of links from the sub-centers of the world's regions. There is a need for the advancement of ideas to ensure the well-being of life. Heads of dialogues with environmental organizations can stabilize Russia, provide the standards and methods for protecting the new community.

The unsettled organization of "Zeleniy Khrest" appeared also recently - 1994 to rock. Meta of participants is the vikhovannya of the population of the building of life in the good nature of nature.

International organizations for the protection of the midst

In all, there are a lot of such spilnots. Nybilsh vidomimi є:

  • "Grіnpis".
  • Wildlife Fund.
  • International "Zeleniy Khrest".
  • International Union for the Protection of the Navkolishny Middle East and in.

Come and protect nature

The law on the protection of nature speaks about those who are guilty of the skin, rationally vikoristovuvati that according to the ability to change natural resources.

It is necessary to preserve the purity of the waters, lis_v, atmosphere, to see about navkolishn_y light - representatives of flora and fauna and іn. Come in to protect nature:

  1. economical.
  2. Prirodnichі.
  3. Techniko-virobnichi.
  4. Administrative.

Uryadovi programs to protect the dovkill play the majestic role of the Earth zagalom. In the surrounding regions, it is far to reach the highest results. Ale is the need for intelligence, there is more than one ric on everything. We will use our butt to serve as a nature conservation program for the purification of waters Through a sprinkle of rock, the prosperous result is obvious. However, the complex is more expensive.

Please come and get used to the regional level. In 1868, Lviv took the decision to protect babak and sarn, as it is allowed to live near the Tatras. The directors of the Diet, who had chosen, and accepted the solutions of the creatures, began to seize and hid them away.

At the connection with the ecological situation, it is necessary to establish a complex of entries, which will intertwine the natural resources in the industrial area. Vikoristovuvati otrutokhіmіkati bulo hardened. Also, before the complex of entrances, you entered the program:

  • renewal of land;
  • establishment of reserves;
  • cleansing the dovkilja;
  • OK


The protection of nature in our land is rich in why it spirals on the principle of the robots of international organizations, we want to have a regional character. "Grіnpіs" is the best spіnota, as it is represented in the 47 countries of the world. The head office is located in Amsterdam. Dyuchy director - Kumi Naidu. The state of the organization is 2500 people. Ale at "Grіnpiсі" work and volunteers, they have close to 12,000 people. The participants promote an ecologically clean way of life, call on people to seize and protect the dovkilla. Problems, like to reject the virishity of "grinpisivtsi":

  • protection of the Arctic;
  • zmіna klіmatu; fight against warms;
  • the whale's promise;
  • radioactivity andin.

International Spilka for the Protection of Nature

International organizations for the protection of the midst of the colony appeared in the early hour. In 1948 the Holy Union was established. The price of international non-commercial organization, the main method of which is to preserve the development of the representatives of the food and rose-tree light. The union has joined the 82nd territory. Bulo vіdkrito ponad 111 uryadovyh and 800 uncommon installations. In the organization of pratsyu, 10 thousand people are in attendance. The members of the split vvazhayut, so it is necessary to take care of the world. Resources Slid Vikoristovuvati Rivnomirno. The warehouse organization has 6 scientific committees.

Holy Fund for Wildlife Conservation

The protection of nature in our land is a warehouse part of the international fund. Qia community organization To take care of the preservation of wild nature in the world of light, to take care of your own balance, to harmony between people and to all, so that I can feel it. The symbol of the Fund is the great panda, the yak is listed before the Red Book. Organizational to carry out unlawful visits, before which to enter:

  • Lisova program;
  • protection of wild species;
  • klimatic program;
  • ecology of naftogaz genera and in.

Protection of nature in our land - the binding of the skin resident of the land. Only at once it is possible to preserve the natural magnitude of the navkolishny light in an unconstrained view.

There are hundreds of young international organizations - young people and people who are not ordinary, who are engaged in the nutrition of ecology. Naybilsh is authoritative їх - Organization of the United Nations (UN). One of the most important in the field of activity is sports in the protection of nature. The UN broke up and adopted a special principle for the protection of the new community, such as images, springs, at the Declaration of the Stockholm UN Conference (1972) and at the All-Union Charter of Nature

Under the United Nations, the functions of such specialization are established - international mіzhuryadovі organizing the protection of the dowry.

UNEP(UNEP - United Nations Environment Program) Chinniy from 1972 і є the main subsidiary body of the UN. The main directions of UNEP activity: health of people, sanitary conditions of the child; protection of lands, waters, zapobіgannya emptied; protection of nature, wild animals, genetic resources; education, professional training; trade, economy, technology.

UNESCO(UNESCO - UnitedNationsEducational, ScientificandCulturalOrganization) Organization of the Ob'ednanikh Nationals for Nutrition of Education, Science and Culture . Isnu from 1946 p. It was created for the sake of welcoming the world to the international security, the powers of the state in the field of education, science and education. To take care of the organization of the information about the midst of the community and of the resources, the current critical ecological programs, in which 100 powers are employed. Naybilsh vidomoyu dovgostrokova mіzhuryadova program "Lyudina and biosphere". The sphere of activity of UNESCO also includes the sphere of organizing the protection of natural objects, carried out to the all-time decline, providing additional assistance in the development of ecological education and preparation of fahivts of ecology.

WHO- All-round organization of health protection. Closed at 1946 p. To take care of the problems of hospitality, fight against the difficulties of the atmosphere. In the direct lines of the VOOZ: sanitary and epidemiological monitoring of the disease, analysis of statistical data about the incapacity of people in connection with the camp of the disease, the sanitary and hygienic examination of the diagnosis of the disease.

FAO(FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Approved in 1945. to take care of the food supply of food safety around the country and all the world. Directly FAO's activities: rationalizing natural resources, protection and conservation of lands, food, trees, biological resources of the Holy Ocean.

WMO - Svitova meteorological organization. Діє з 1951 р. engaging in the analysis of the climatic changes that are connected from the complications of the midst of the community, the process of transferring the difficult conversations in the biosphere. WMO functions at the boundaries of the global system and monitoring of the dovkill (DSMOS). At my own house, within the framework of the PSMZ, programs are being implemented to monitor the atmosphere, transcordon health, the health of the people, the Holy Ocean, save the new resources of the land.

IAEA- International Agency for Atomic Energy. Have copied 1957 r . Functions under the UN guideline, rather than a special setting. Zdijsnyu program "Nuclear safety and security and security". The main directions of the IAEA's activity: the distribution of the rules for the maintenance and operation of the AES, the examination of the projects and the active AES, the assessment of the inflow of radioactive materials into the middle, the establishment of radio safety standards.

To most vidomikh uncommon international organizations should be as follows.

International Split for the Protection of Nature and Natural Resources(IUCN). Creations in 1948. Spіvrobіtnіtvu mіzh uryad, national and international organizations, as well as other individuals to feed the nature and protect natural resources. ISPP edgotuvav Book of International Chervona(10 volumes). Cycle of the IUCN: implementation of regional programs for the protection of the midst; preservation of natural ecosystems, rose and tvarinny light; preserving the native and vivid species of roslin and creatures, memorials of nature; organization of reserves, reserves, national natural parks; ecology education.

All-round Wildlife Conservation Fund most private international ecological organization. Completed 1961 r. Dіyalnіst to the fund Polyag at a given financial support for nature conservation visits. The environmental projects of Russia have already invested $ 12 million.

Roman club international organization disorder. Completed in 1968. The main form of this activity is the organization of large-scale events from a wide range of problems, especially in social and economic activities, including such as the use of natural resources, the development of economic resources, population, growth of the economy.

Grіnpis - there is a large organization, which is on the verge of the degradation of the new community. Made by Canada 1971 p. I have the status of a full-fledged member of the official sposter at low international conventions for the protection of the new community; I have seen it in 32 countries of the world, including in Russia, de jogo official representative since 1992.

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