Delaware is the first state. Delaware (state): description, notes, history and facts Landscape and climate mind

Delaware is stashed at the pivnіchny skhoі kraїni. Vіn divide the coastal zone of the Delmarv Pivostrov from Maryland, from the pivnіchі sudіdіt from Pennsylvanієyu, and at the vіvnіchі dvizhuє from New Jersey. Delaware is made up of three districts, named after the English counties: New Castle, Kent and Sussex. The capital Dovir is a friend of the size of the city.

Restashovaniya at the very heart of the Atlantic region, Delaware is known for sprats of air from New York, Philadelphia and Washington. Atlantic beaches attract tourists from all over the world. Historical reminders of the formation of the country. Here you succumb to the native Americans, as they lingered on the shores of the state for a thousand years, prosteg for the struggle of the early settlers, as they took their fate from the struggle for independence. In Delaware, you can find out about the beginning of the amazing history of the DuPont company.


The lands of Delaware were populated by thousands of thousands of years. Before colonization, two tribes lived here: the Delaware, also known as the Lenape, and the Nantikok. People ate, fished, bobs, garmelon and corn. The budinki were built from the trees, grass and soil. In 1609, the English voyager Henry Hudson saw the Delaware inlet and reached the coastline, and through the river Ser Samuel Argall, there was an hour of swimming at Virginia vipadkovo bay. Himself vin calling the inflow De La Ver. The Dutch settlers in 1631 began to be the first to settle here, but without confrontation with the local populations, they were beaten. Kіlka rokіv because in 1638 the Swedish settlers ruled at Fort Kristina, the smallest Wilmington - the largest city of Delaware. The Swedish settlement prospered for the sake of commerce. Kіlka razіv panuvannya over the lands passed from the Dutch hands to the British. In 1682 he became part of the state of Pennsylvania, and only until 1704 he added his order. During the hours of the American Revolution, the inhabitants of the state of Delaware were not inspired to gain independence. Irrespective of those that were practically not fought in the state of Delaware, a lot of people served as soldiers in the Continental Army. The stinks became famous for their baked battles, for which they won the prize for baked battles and took away the title of "blue curly". The blue trigger has become a symbol of Delaware. After the war, Delaware was the first to ratify the new US Constitution and the first to join the union on December 7, 1787. Vin became the first state of the USA, and from that hour on the honor of being called the "First State".

Significant reminders

Mansion Duponiv "Nemours"

If the American craftsman Alfred Dupont, having made friends with his other squad Alicia in 1907, became pampered with gifts. The most important of the gifts was becoming a new house, a kind of wine for the squad on 3 thousand acres of land near Wilmington. We hired the famous architects Carrera and Hastings to design a mansion in the French style of the 18th century. Alfred called the mansion "Nemours", in honor of the French city. The promptings of the booths of equipment for the rest of the word of technology. A rich innovation at the booth was found by Alfred himself. The mansion is a small corner of the Old World, vikonanie at the style of the European royal families. Inter'єri with common French furniture of the 18th century. Budinok is a lonely garden, full of gilded statues and glittering fountains. The 102-room mansion, inspired by the Versailles architectural spore, in which Marie Antoinette shuffled the lintel in the view of Louis XVI.

M uzey Winterthur

People come here to marvel at the interiors, de Henry Francis Dupont is alive and has received friends. 175 rooms, furnished with a rich collection of antiques. At the walls of the mansion there is a unique collection, which consists of 90 thousand different exhibits. The whole history of the entire era is represented by antique furniture, ceramics and slabs, slabs, textiles with unique embroideries, paintings and engravings. The museum has a unique collection of soup bowls.

The Winterthur Library was founded in 1952 in order to present to a wide audience scientific and recent materials about the American decorative and urban art. The library is known as a scientific center for the dead cultural, cultural, social and intellectual decline of America from the colonial hours until the twentieth century.


Wilmington-Philadelphia Airport New Castle is the largest airport in the region and costs 10 miles from the center of Wilmington and 25 miles from the center of Philadelphia.

Sussex Airport in Georgetown is 15 miles from the coast. You can get to Philadelphia for 22 miles, 20 miles to Washington, and 30 to New York.

The flag of the state is made up of a dark yellow rhombus on a blue cloth. The date of entering before the split is inscribed under the rhombus - “7th breast 1787”. The coat of arms at the center of the ensign is in the form of a shield with horizontal green, blue and white swirls. On the smugs one can see a sheaf of wheat, a head of corn, and a beak on the grass, to speak of a broken state. Above the shield is a display vessel. The farmer raises the shield with a motif of evil and the soldier with his right-handed towel. The motto on the ensign seems to be: "Freedom and independence."

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Tanya Marchant

State of Delaware

In original: Delaware
Capital: Dover ( Dover)
Shipping to US warehouse: 7th breast 1787 year.
Area: 5300 sq. km
Population: 885 thousand osib (2009 рік)
Most places: Wilmington, Dover, Newark, Milford, Seaford, Middletown, Elsmere, Smyrna, New Castle, Georgetown.

Delaware became the first of 13 cob states in the United States. This state engraved the leading role in the wake of the American Revolution (1775-1783). On December 7, 1787, we first ratified the Sovereign Constitution of the United States.

Delaware is up to the group of pivdennoatlantichnyh states of the United States. Vin occupies a part of the island between the inlets Delaware and Chesapeake. The state is divided into three districts: New Castle (New Castle), Kent (Kent) and Sussex (Sussex). Place Dover (Dover), located in the center of Kent County, the capital of the state of Delaware.

Delaware is an industrial state. Most of the handicrafts of craftsmanship have been handed out to the county of New Castle. Same there, and also in the vicinity of Wilmington (Wilmington) live over two-thirds of the entire population of the state.

In the industrial areas of Delaware, there are also anonymous factories and factories. Prote pіvden the main rank is overwhelmed by the rural region. Farmers from the purest Delaware supply various products to the markets of Washington (DC), Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York.

The state has remarkably low taxes, and the taxation system is favorable for business development. Therefore, there are a lot of head offices of various companies in America located in Delaware, despite the fact that their manufacturing buildings are located in other states.

The history of the large-scale industrial development of Wilmington is connected with the history of the all-world famous Dupont family.

French immigrant Eleuthere Irenee du Pont established his first gunpowder factory at Brandywine Creek near Wilmington in 1802. The company "E.I. du Pont de Nemours”, as one of the largest chemical industries in the world. By far, the DuPont concern is considered the largest enterprise in the United States.

Delaware has a lot of old-fashioned houses. Old Swedes Church and Hendrickson House are the oldest museums in Wilmington. Budіvnitstvo tsikh budіvel was completed in 1698 roci.

Name the State of Delaware

Im'yam "Delaware" was the name of the Indian tribes of the Delaware River valley. And the river, from its side, took it off in honor of Lord de la Warr - the governor of the colony Jamestown (Jamestown colony). In the same name, "Delaware" later became the name of all the Indians of the Lennapey tribe (len-NAH-pay), who lived in these parts for the time being.

Before the speech, im'ya Lennapey with a miscalculation - one of the mov of the Algonkwan group - simply meant "people". The ancestors of the Delaware tribe - the Lennapey Indians - were the first aborigines, such as European seafarers, who arrived to America from Holland, England and Sweden on the cob 1600.

The Indians-Delawares are also called the tribe of "didusivs", the remnants of this tribe were already respected among the Indian tribes of the beer-shidnoy America as a tribe of peacekeepers. The Delaware were often requested by other tribes to be arbitrators in that superechka. The Delaware were also well known as zhorstok and inveterate warriors. Prote from the Europeans of Delaware took away the path of peace.

A lot of early land sales agreements, which were signed with the Europeans of Delaware, were in the past understood by lease agreements, but the Indians did not understand those, in which way the land could be an object of purchase and sale. In my mind, the Earth lay with the Creator, and the people of Lennapey no longer quarreled with it, in order to purge themselves and protect themselves in the cold.

If it’s bad, I’m going to get expensive for a long time, the Europeans went from ships to the American coast, the Lennapey Indians shared the land with them. The gifts of the Europeans who took over the Indian land were not recognized by the natives as a payment for it. The stinks were greeted with their symbolic gifts of foreigners - the generosity of the Indians is evident.

On the 17th of spring 1778 Delawarey - the first among the tribes of the American aborigines - signed the favor of the Indians and the recently formed US order. Ale potіm stink, stretching for a long time with battles, they gave the Europeans their lands on the road of their nefarious pushing on the west (on the back to the lands of Ohio, then - to India, Missouri, Kansas and, finally, to the Indian state).

Less than a little land of Delaware was lost to the ear of the 18th century from the power of the Indians to the large people of Lennapey. Other Indians of the Delaware tribe were reluctant to migrate to the Oklahoma Territory. Small groups of Indians-Delaware have flowed into the reconnaissance before Canada and today occupy reservation lands in Ontario (these are the Delaware tribes near Moravianton and Mansi-Delaware).

Unofficially name the state of Delaware

"First State"- Oskolki Delaware the first of thirteen American states to ratify the Sovereign Constitution on December 7, 1787.

"Diamond State"- This name, according to the legend, was given to the state by Thomas Jefferson. Vin calling the state a "diamond" - at the link with a miraculous strategic camp, as if taking Delaware on a similar coast of the USA.

"State of Blakitny Pivnya"- so prizvisko Delaware otrimav for zahoplennya yogo meshkantsiv pivnyachimi battles, addiction to such a stench carried through the battles of the American Revolution.

Delaware State Ensign

The blue color of the ensign is the color of the colony. At the center is a diamond, up to which the coat of arms of the state of Delaware is placed. Below the diamond was written: “7 December 1787” - the date when Delaware became the first state of the United States, praising the Constitution of the state.

The blue color of the ensign of Delaware became the color of the military uniform of the soldiers of the army of Washington, for the time being the official color of the US army.

state coat of arms

The coat of arms of the state and sovereign friend were first adopted on September 17, 1777. On the state press it was written: “Great Druk to the State of Delaware” and the dates of the changes applied to the coat of arms: 1793, 1847 and 1907 pp.

The symbols of the coat of arms mean:
Snip of wheat- a link from the coat of arms of the Sussex region and represents the strong support of Delaware.
ship- The symbol of the New Castle region, as it is famous for its shipbuilding industry. It also means a great deal of trade, like a state.
Corn taken from the coat of arms of the Kent region. Symbolizes the strong economic base of the state.
Farmer from motikoyu- symbolizes the main role of the farmer in the strong state of the economy of the state of Delaware.
Soldier of the militia with a musket- to the riddle about the soldiers of the people's militia, who gained freedom for the country under the hour of the revolution.
Bik– represents the importance of the galusian creature of the economy to the state.
Water(Above Beak) - symbolizes the Delaware River - the main transport and commercial artery of the state.
Motto- Adopted in 1847 rotation. "Liberty and Independence" - Freedom and Independence.

Commemorative dates for changing the coat of arms of the state:

  • 1793 - the figure of a farmer and a militia soldier was removed from the coat of arms.
  • 1847 - reinstatement of the position of a farmer and a soldier; the motto of the state was placed on the coat of arms.
  • 1907 - modernization of the coat of arms of 1777 with the addition of the words "State of Delaware".

On May 9, 1895, the emblem of the bula was voted for the Peach Blossom Card.

Delaware is a garden state. At that time, there were over 800,000 peach trees there. Farmers in Delaware made thousands of dollars by selling peaches to local markets. So, in 1875, about 6 million peaches were harvested from gardens in the state.

In 1953, the rotation of the Peach Card was voted the official State Card.

Ptah Delaware

April 14, 1939 is one of the symbols of the state's acceptance of the Blue Hen Chicken. This bird often acted as a symbol, which was victorious in numerous political campaigns and huge support to the state.

Under the hour of the American Revolution, the soldiers of Captain Jonathan Caldwell, recruited in the Kent area, took from them pivniks of the Blue Kurk breed, leading their fighters. For an hour, soldiers and officers fought pivnyachi battles.

The fame of the blue pivniks spread among the soldiers of the northern army, and the citizens of the state of Delaware, who fearlessly fought in the battles for the independence of the country, associated with these good birds.

Delaware state tree

On January 1, 1939, the American Holly was adopted as one of the symbols of the state of Delaware, and the whole tree was venerated by one of the most important villages in the state.

Often the whole tree is called Rіzdvyanim gostroleaf or evergreen oak, the shards of its leaves do not change their sap of dark green colors. Especially the garnius gostroleaf vzimku, if in the middle of the green leaf, instead of drops of blood, small bright-red berries are visible.

In Delaware, a tree can reach 60 feet in height and reach 20 inches in diameter.

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Let's make America dearer to you and learn about how people live in their little corners. Taki state yakі , we were talking about yakі mi in the past articles, everyone is on hearing. And today we are virushaymo in one of the smallest US states - Delaware. Chuli vzagali about new? 🙂

Looking back at those who live less than a million people in the entire Delaware, it was a great success for the guest to know for an interview. thank you Aleni Reinhard, as she herself wrote to me with a proposition take the fate of. Won vede Instagram blog @meetme_outdoors about the everyday life of a #non-immigrant in the USA, like Olena Zhartoma calls herself.

- Oleno, tell me, be kind, how long ago and why did you move to Delaware?

Delaware is the motherland of my man and I came here only through a new one. Even if it’s not alive here, for the first time, but after my arrival, we were victorious in power here, even if it’s a little bit.

Streets of Delaer State

- If you have already succumbed to the state, how did you get back to you? Why did you once again turn your respect?

Small, left-handed, right-handed - already another state. The population of the entire Delaware is smaller than that of native Krasnoyarsk.

- Do you live in some part of Delaware? How does nature resonate with you?

We live on the state cordon, near Pennsylvania and Maryland. Sometimes in a day you can cross the cordon once.

Delaware is a state of greenery, here the diversity of roslins is famous, among them there are fluent ones.

Sonyachny Delaware

- Tell me, please, about the climate of the state. How comfortable is that summer in Delaware? How to pass spring and autumn?

In general climate is warm. Vzimku temperature does not fall below - 15 degrees. ale here more vologo, especially in the region of Krasnoyarsk. In the cold and the frost is cold, and it is important to endure the sinter. I’m dancing like Snow Guronka. Natomist spring and autumn are already garni.

- Oleno, how do you look at the everyday life of Delaware on the butt of your place? How do you love the locals? Do they often go up in price to other states?

My place, Newark, student. The center of the place, in fact, is the campus of the University of Delaware. To that there are students who live there, as if they are still exercising, then they are at the bars at home parties. Well, it’s clear that the sportsmen of the Maidan are actively victorious at the time of the day.

It's hard to judge people in the state, because my family is not standard, it is not similar to the average static family of right-wingers. Ale, as I understand, the mists are not particularly active, the best respite is at home, the best sunset is a home party. Go to the beach, but also in our state.

Delaware Desert Landscapes

- What are the pluses and minuses of life in Delaware you could name?

Samy head plus at Delaware - allowance for sales tax tobto pay stіlki skіlki it is written. Those other tributes are less.

Also, the state has a lack of outlets. People come here to shop from other states.

Main minus - ecology. Already, everything is summarily with water, all the water-bearing places are zabrudnenі. Everywhere else it didn’t go anywhere, then on all the maps of the water zone, a chervonim was seen.

One more minus - crime. Here, there are impersonal skirmishes, just stealing away. Dover and Wilmington are especially appreciated.

Third minus can be called small area state. Enavit hot, scho all within a radius of 2 years, no more. Then close to the beaches, New York, Washington and Philadelphia.

What are the areas and specialties for work, for your caution, are needed in the state? How about the situation with the market for practice?

There is a job in the state, but as a matter of fact, it is the essence of enlightenment (mistceva), or as our diploma has been evolved, you can know the work, and I guess, it’s not easy. I still haven’t closed my eyes on the decree, but I’m still feeding the monitor and the bachelor, there are a lot of vacancies for engineers.

And yet near Delaware, near the capital Dovіrі, to be found the largest Viyskovo-povtryana part. My person has made 2 contracts there.

- Delaware is aware of its loyal legislation in the sphere of business, through which the most rich companies are robbed as a place of registration. Can you report more about it? For the development of some kind of business, in your opinion, the whole state?

I don’t know how thin I am, but the main point is handouts. Too many people register their companies here, or work in other states. And Delaware is the state of banks. Їх is registered here rather richly.

- What can you say about the illumination near Delaware? How kind, in your opinion, yoga rіven?

I can tell little about schools. I know how much, the stench can be the middle rіven. Yak and creak, є better schools, є gershi. The privates have a lot of knowledge. Ale Os University, University of Delaware, Vvazhaetsya not only good, but also expensive.

- Can you get by at Delaware without a car?

Can't. Abo will be more difficult without a car. Here there are no shops near the cheap accessibility, administrative organizations of roaming in different places Let's say, if you want to work near the capital, we made out the shirts at the court, the big city. Navit a childish hospital to be in a different place.

How do you see the place near the Delaware

- Who, in your opinion, would like to live in Delaware, and why would you see this state as an option for moving?

Syudi is rich enough who is the best in terms of economy and work. Also, it’s important, I’m guessing, varto move. Although the staff is small, there are not so many people, but everything is close.

- What kind of hostility did you have about the bagmen in the state? Do you easily make acquaintances and friendships with them? How many stinks do you need to splurge?

Tі, z kim me had a chance to get to know, easy to talk to, good-natured, to smile. Ale tse no more nizh znayomstvo. Friendship, on the surface, does not trap, but we did not become more close friends. E friends of a man, ale stinks know children.

- Oleno, do you know any movies or books about Delaware? What are the facts in the history of which state?

Specifically, I won’t name books and films about Delaware, but only the territory plus Pennsylvania and New York. the same place, where America was born, where the first ships arrived, where important pods were raised

There are a lot of historical places here, Viysk forts, old forts, and little houses. State Delaware vzagali є the first official staff America. Same wine 7 breasts 1787 roku first from 13 colonies ratified the Constitution USA.

Delaware is an important state in American history

- What is the most important thing for the state? How do you feel?

The most important pod_ya fate, in my opinion, - american football cup. A lot of people in Delaware are cheering for the Philadelphia Eagles. In pThe stench played a good season, so the whole state is like a fool z'hav. Peremogu, everyone went to celebrate Christmas at the parade at Fili ( approx. ed.- Philadelphia). The people there were faceless.

- Is Delaware popular with tourists? Chi varto tudi їhati for repair, and if so, then if it’s better to do it?

There are a few tourist places here, but, I’m guessing, a lot of people don’t know about this state. Tourists-Americans buvayut, but most of them get their hands on the beaches.

Delaware come soon, for example, in sickle. It's so bad here autumn, if the leaves of the trees are filled with the most manic sights.

- Yaki 2-3 months at Delaware varto see?

Delaware beaches, old center Historic New Castle, trade centers - outlets (shopping without sales tax). More near the capital racing track, after all, an American trick, people here are inspired by majestic natovp

On the territory of the military unit aviation museum vіdkritiy for vіdvіduvachіv. There are presented various American litaks, and to bring ours to this show.

- How popular is this cuisine in Delaware? What (i, bazhano, de) varto try?

The closer to the beach, the more crabs. Krabi and crabcakes(Crab cakes) - the best thing to try here.

Well, our country Philadelphia is famous for its cheesecakes what is seen in Delaware cuisine.

- Calling to those that Delaware is such a small state, how many Russian people are there? Are they held in Delaware by the Russians?

Who would change the price 🙂 Practically for the sake of my name here, I’ve only shot 4 Russian women here. Yes, our pediatrician is Russian, but there is a resident of the hospital (timchasovo here). So is another generation of Russians, who were born in America.

I didn't grind no Russian visits, no Russian shop visits. The nearest one is located in Philadelphia, but in another state. There is a whole Russian region.

This article is quiet, who wants to know more about life in the USA. Success The States of America are the largest power with a hard economy. Ale won the union of smaller regions, the skin has its own laws, the tax policy is too much. Our article is dedicated to only one such region under the name of Delaware. This state is more than cicavi. An area of ​​five thousand square kilometers is three times larger than Rhode Island. Beyond that, Delaware is another smallest state in the US. Ale, even yoga is often called the best. Why? Like Kiev, where the Russian land came from, and Delaware played a key role in the formation of American sovereignty. There are still few other facts about the state, and we will bring them lower.

De-rolling Delaware?

We borrow the small island of Delmarva, which juts out into the Atlantic Ocean. The width of the yogo from fourteen to fifty-six kilometers for a dozhini is 155 km. The largest state (before Rhode Island) was surrounded by Maryland at sunset, New Jersey at once, and Pennsylvania at night. For the rest, Delaware has a cordon of cicavia. Vaughn is an ideal arc. Yakshcho select the center of the stake, the wines of the distributions directly at the city court of New Castle. This cordon is called the Twelve Mile Arc. With a population, then Delaware is a state with a permanent population of three less than a million people. Prote for the greatest number of wines in the USA. Three days a week, the state is divided into three districts: Sussex, Kent and New Castle. I took away my name Delaware not because of a nickname, and not because of the tribe of Indians who lived here, but because of a title. The first governor of the local lands was Thomas West, Third Baron de la Warr.

History of colonization

Before the arrival of the Europeans, the lands belonged to the Algonquian master tribes of the Lenape and the Nanticocam. The first settlers were the Dutch, who fell asleep in 1631 fort Svanendal (“Valley of the Swans”) on the spot where Luis is now located. In this rank, Delaware is a state, one of the first in the country, settlements by Europeans. Ale beyond the river, the colonies perished under the hands of the warrior Indians. In 1638 p. the Swedes fell asleep the trading post of Christina, from which later the town of Wilmington arose. And in 1651 p. the Dutch prompted Fort Casimir, which at once turned into the New Castle. Sweden and Niderdandy crossed over for a long time through the territory and navіt led between themselves viyskovi dії. The Dutch overcame, but celebrated their triumph of the unfortunate. In 1664, the English, without deafening war, occupied the province of New Netherland.

History at the US warehouse

Delaware is one of the first states to ratify the Constitution (1787). Vіn entering up to thirteen povstalih against Great Britain colonies. If in 1776 the war broke out for the independence of England, the three districts began to be called the Delaware State. One more fact. Under the hour of the Gromadyansk war, Delaware, speaking for Pivnochi, wanted to be a state, for whom slavery was legal. And if you saw the Proclamation about the ban, then as a result of the referendum, all the territory hung against the 13th amendment. Obviously, the practical result is not enough. Ale legally Delaware ratified the clause schosing slavery, less than 1901, forty years after the Lincoln Proclamation.

Geography and climate

The lowest state of the country. Yogo's greatest point is the hump at the forefront of the Appalachians (136 meters above the sea level). Raztashovaniya Delaware on the Atlantic lowlands. The climate here is mild, shards from the mountains of Pennsylvania at night cover the plain territory from the cold winds. The best time to watch Delaware is summer. In addition to the spicy subtropical summer, tourists will get a bonus - I will stretch the coastline from the wonderful beaches - South Bethany, Dewy Beach, Lewis, Rehoboth. At the same time, the Atlantic Ocean is already adding to the climate. Dovir is the administrative center of the state of Delaware, and other places may have different weather indicators. In the distance from the coast, the climate is not subtropical, but continental, with cold (up to -20 degrees) wintering and scorching (up to +40 degrees) wind. Near the Atlantic, seasonal fluctuations are less pronounced.

State of Delaware

Looking back at the small number of people in the state, rozrakhovuvat zustrіti from the new great metropolis of the year and speak. Ale, there are great places in the new, all the same. Wilmington, New Castle, Georgetown, Smyrna, Milford, Middletown, Seaford, Elsmir and Newark. The capital of the state of Delaware, Dovir, is by no means the largest place. Yogo population to become less than thirty two thousand people. And the largest city in the state - Wilmington - has less than seventy thousand inhabitants. Delaware is suitable for lovers of a quiet provincial life. Here you can sing "one-sided America": zhodno malice, more townspeople know one another in disguise, small shops, quiet cafes ... Staring at the map of the state of Delaware, you can sing at the beer place of Odessa. Yogo was named after the Ukrainian place on the birch of the Black Sea.

Dovir and Wilmington

The capital of the state is a little quiet place. Vіn literally virіs dovkola budіvlі district court. This place has a lot of historical life. And not far from Dover, one of the largest military bases in the United States has been laid out. Vaughn tsіkava tim, scho krim direct recognition vikoristovuєtsya like timchasovy mortuary for the Americans, yakі perished beyond the cordon. The economic and cultural center of the state of Delaware is Wilmington. New people also do not marry historical futures. Tourists enjoy Dupont's garden (founder of the chemical concern), Art Museum, Copland Sculpture Park. Uzdovzh river Kristin saved a few quarters, zbudovanyh the first Swedish settlers, with a Scandinavian flavor. This place has one of the oldest churches in the country - Holy Trinity (Holy Trinity). Vaughn was raised in 1698 roci i, scho naytsіkavіshe, dіє dosi. At the brewery in front of Wilmington, the Hagley Museum was sold. This exposition reveals about the plight of the workers hired by Dupont in the 19th century.

Delaware State Reminders

The skin place in this administrative unit of the USA has its own flavor. Newark is known as the state university and the school of figure skating. Milford - museums and ancient life. Also, in Delaware, the distribution is different according to the age of the world, a double-pronged place. Beach holidaymakers should see the resort town of Rehoboth River (Bethany, Dew Beach, Fenwick Island and Lewis) in the last days of sickle, if there is a funeral for jazz, which marks the end of the summer season. So Delaware is led by pivnyachi battles. Tourists from various places in the United States will marvel at the gambling zmagannya. For this reason, Delaware is also called the "Blue Pivnya State".

Delaware (Delaware) - the state, roztashovaniya in the beer-shidny region of the Delmarva brewery. Pivnіchny cordon pass in order from Pennsylvania, western - from the state of Maryland, pіvnіchno-shіdny - from New Jersey. The territory of the state is divided into 3 districts: Sussex, Kent and New Castle. The capital is Dovir. Great places: Wilmington, Newark, Smyrna, Middletown. The area is 6445 km². The population becomes 907135 osіb (2011 rіk). Delaware is considered the 1st state of the USA.

Reminders to the state

Great popularity among tourists are: castles of the Dupont family near the Brandivine valley; the Rockford Tower; the Hegli Museum with a gunpowder factory built in 1802, a school, worker's booths and a spinning factory built in 1814; the historical town of New Castle, the Amstel House mansion and the museum of the Old Court House mansion; The exotic beaches of Lewes and Rehoboth stretch for 30 km.

In Delaware Inspirations Memorial Mist is one of those that found two-span suspension bridges near the world (2 mts). In addition, in Delaware City - Fort Delaware Historical Park, in Millsboro - Nantikok Museum of Indians, near Wilmington - Scandinavian Church 1698 Holi-Trinity, Opera House, Fort Christina Historical Park, in Greenville - the center of the Virgin Maryland , which is available for over 300 years.

Geography and climate

The territory of the state stretches for 154 km, for 14 to 56 km. On the way down to the Atlantic Ocean and the Delaware inlet. Delaware roztashovuєtsya on the equal mines. On the pivnochi you can see the front of the Appalachian plateau Pidmont. The highest point of Delaware is the Elbright azimuth (136.5 m above sea level). Between Wilmington and Newark, the Atlantic Waterfall Line was drawn up. There are small rivers here, which take the cob on the Pidmont plateau, establish waterfalls of 23-24 meters and then fall into the Delaware Stream and the Delaware River at the exit and the Chesapeake Stream at the entrance. The climate is calm maritime, the great influx of maє land with the Atlantic Ocean. The average temperature of that amount of rainfall in the state is significantly different depending on the temperature and rainfall in the state.


In 2010, the GDP reached $62.3 billion. The state is sitting in the 9th place for the equal average income ($34,199). The state legislature has been empowered in such a way that it is possible to register various corporations here. Nearly 20% of Delaware's revenues come from handouts. In the countryside of the Russian state, poultry production, pig breeding and the production of dairy products are widespread. Farms grow apples, soybeans, barley, corn, wheat and potatoes. In the rest of the hour, they began to engage in the cultivation of grapes and the production of wine. There are no brown copalins here, only everyday materials are seen (zhvir, sand). The state has improved the production of chemicals from gums, plastics, petroleum products, herbicides and liquids. In addition, cars are picked up here, smoked beverages are produced, papers and textiles are turned. There is a large air base here. Great respect is attached to the development of tourism.

Population and religion

The average population density is 179 inhabitants per km². Racial composition: white - 68.9%, African American - 21.4%, Asian - 3.2%, Native American - 0.5%, representatives of other races - 3.4%, two and more races - 2.7% . The largest ethnic groups among the population are: Irish - 17%, Germans - 14.5%, English - 12%, Italians - 9.5%, Mexicans - 3.4%, Puerto Ricans - 2.5%. Over 91% of the population speaks English at home, about 5% - Spanish, 0.7% - French, 0.5% - Chinese or German. According to religious authority, over 80% of the population of the state consider themselves to be Christians.

And what do you know...

The cordon between Maryland and Delaware is changing a sprat of land, as a result of which the baggies of the judicial houses live territorially in different states.