Dani tsiku z viborіv. Vibori in Russia passed for a record low turnout. Voice over at home

Nearly 6,000 vibrating campaigns have finished. Judging from the previous results, without sensations: the representatives of the party of power were able to go faster and for the edge of low activity of vibrations.

First results

For the previous tribute to the Tsentrviborchkiy, in the regions (with the blame of the Kaliningrad region and Karelia), there were direct elections of governors, they were leading the officials. For example, in Buryatia, 87% of votes were voted for Oleksiy Tsidenov, in Tomsk Oblast, for Sergiy Zhvachkin - 58%, in Sverdlovsk Oblast, for Evgen Kuyvashev - 60%. Parts list United Russia"Having cut off 45.4% of votes at elections to the Sakhalin Regional Duma (at another meeting of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation with 16.3%), to the city councils of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - 49% (here at another meeting of the LDPR – 20.6%), to the City Council of Vladivostok - 39.5% (Communist Party - 22%).

The highest voter turnout was recorded in Mordovia (71.2%), Saratov (52.4%) and Bilgorodsky (47.5%) regions. In the second regions, the won was the lowest for 40%. Karelia (23.5%), Novgorodska (24.8%), Kaliningradska (26.3%) and Kirovska (27.2%) regions were outsiders in the middle of the “governor” regions. At elections to municipal councils of regional capitals, the activity of viborts was lower, and Vladivostok set the absolute anti-record of the day - 12.7% (div. Table).

The turnout to settle down to the picture is complete, here you can see the trochs of vyshcha, not on the vibors to Derzhdumi, means the intercessor of the secretary of the general director of "United Russia" Evgen Revenko: "We say" dyakuyu "to all vibors. For the party, the vibration is even more important - the serious sleep of the common vibrations through the rik of the federal vibors. "

Experts of the first results and also did not win. “At the same time, I felt a lot of words about the corny of a natural low turnout and about the visibility of the suttas,” - ironic political scientist Kostyantin Kalachov. - Damage and fairness is less, the ale logic here is simple: less competition means less damage. " The tendencies of intelligence - the attendance at elections of governors of the region, none of the deputies, stands for the political scientist Andriy Kolyadin: “Calling the voices of the vote is the activity of vibrations in Mordovia, Bilgorod and Saratov regions. The attendance at the Sverdlovsk region is not suitable for me [visok]. " The bomb and the sensation of leaving without trap, even the political scientist Mikhailo Vinogradov: “One can see the bully and the bazhannya to the center, the uniqueness of the turnout, the suspenseful passivity, and the failure of the headquarters part. Shvidhe for everything, the turnout for a large territory will be recognized by nature - such as it is due to the electoral traditions of the region and the kind of campaign. "


The Central Exhibition Complex didn’t fix critical damages, as they could fit into the results of the vote, the secretary of the committee, Maya Grishina, called: “It’s a beast of a bagat, as you can’t call it skargs with a piece. Out of 318 skarg more than half - about illegal propaganda on the day of silence. All facts will be transformed, fixed ”(quote from“ Interfax ”).

Sposterіgachі from cim not suitable. At the municipal elections near Barnaul, 5.6% of votes were taken from the regional warehouse with official events, close to 20%, so that the leather quarters voted enough, even the coordinator of the "Voice" Stanislav Andriychvlyuk: hto have already voted before the deadline. "

Behind the words of Grigoriy Melkonyants' voice of the voice, Grigoriy Melkonyants, “Vykidni vkidannya” bully at the elections of the governor in the Saratov region and at the elections of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory. Skargs about those who had seen tickets of the "program-free lottery" in the Sverdlovsk region at once from the bulletins were also on the card of the destructive "Golos". The sacred lotteries were victorious as a testament to the tool for increasing the turnout, vvazhaє Melkonyants: “It’s broken down even more rudely, there’s not a lot of normal assessments of such law enforcement agencies and vibrators. When we ask the Central Exhibition Center to give a legal assessment of such events, the vibrations get involved through the process - people walk on them do not hurt the formation of the organs of power, but the prizes. "

Opposed parties may have few complaints. The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Gennady Zyuganov, once again saying that we are in favor of the vibors "at a more friendly hour", and that at the same time "there are a lot of hulks of zealous pratsyuvati in their gardens and cities that need to stock up on food until winter." The leader of the event Sergei Mironov saw the large-scale completion of the vote in Barnaul and the fight against "mass falsifications" in the Krasnodar Territory, where the party sent nearly 900 representatives: Yaroslav Nilov (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia), stating that the turnout will change from fate to rik, "I lower the level to the power and institute of vibors", and if, in the yogi party, "check other tours at the governor's vibors".

Moscow specifics

The turnout at municipal elections near Moscow at 18.00 became 12.01% (the experts of the pro-Kremlin Foundation for the development of the community's support were predicted at the level of 10-15%). The place of mayzhe did not have any information about the vibori, but the head of the Mosviborchkiy Valentin Gorbunov said at the end of the day that he was abundant: “I think that in Moscow they don’t know about the choice to deprive the one who doesn’t want the nobility about them. Yesemes was cut off, newspapers were cut off, everything was cut off. " "Yak was informed, so was the attendance," Ella Pamfilova told him.

Behind the words of Gorbunov, zodnyh skargs, like demanding an engagement of MDIK, didn’t fit for a few weeks. However, the former deputy of the State Duma Dmytro Gudkov, the headquarters of which has approached close to 1000 candidates, having seen an anomalous great number voices in the house: "There are more than four times the alternate rocks." The voice also called the vote at home the greatest problem in Moscow. The turbulence of the Vikings and the fate of social activists among the home-based voices of socially unprotected groups of hulks, like Melkonyants: “Mabut, they are shy about them, and for the low turnout, they can be virile. That is why this technology appears even more significant at municipal elections near Moscow. " The intercessor of the head of the Central Exhibition Complex Mikola Bulayev called the tsi say "poached", and Gorbunov saw that the skarg with the drive to vote at home did not come to the MDIK.

Behind the words of Gorbunov, at the end of Saturday, nearly 60,000 applications were filed about the vote at home, and the number is not residual. U 2012 p. at Moscow bulo 158 thousand "homeworkers", adding win. Berezna 2012 р. Municipal elections at Moscow boulevards are united with presidential ones. Turnout for presidential choices in Moscow, Todi became 58%.

At the same hour in advance, the vote of Moscow's measures Sergiy Sobyanin voiced the head of Novo-Peredelkin governor Yuriy Nosenok and his first defender Svitlana Antonov “for gross damage”, and also talked about replacing all the heads of the village’s workers. The drive was a vikladen on YouTube video, in which Antonov handed over to the DCK representatives the envelopes and instructions about the robot with the hitchhikers. Antonova was prompted to send a message to the power supply of "Vidomosty". In addition, for a few weeks the results of the completion of voting in the "Aeroport" area were canceled, a few envelopes with voting bulletins of vibrations, which voted before the deadline, changed a few quietly, when I applied for the completion of the vote.

For such a turnout for the opportunity to get enough money and mobilize people, 450-500 people, Kalachov, "ale to get rid of the demand with boils". The first problem, on your mind, was not in the land of attendance: “Opposition could not pump up their daily order, demonstrate the reality of one plan and the other. Head topic- you want, Sobyanin at 2018 r. Having become a real competitor, vote at a time - this is not how people were told. And Sobyanin gave them his big columns. Everything is even more technological. " Behind Vinogradov's words, the level of turnout in Moscow for cleanliness, new risikov for the federal order of the day is not set, but "it is forgotten." ".

Voting for vibors

For the sake of the vibrations on the site, the service is made from the joke of your own vibrating file. For tsyogo enough bulo to enter the address of the restoration in the row of a joke.

In addition, information can be recognized by the telephone number of the Single Previdia Service in Moscow.

Electronic voice

Some districts have successfully completed the experiment from electronic voting on vibors. Muscovites have the ability to vote for an additional smartphone, tablet or computer.

Dostrove golosuvannya

Lately, his voice was heard, but he couldn’t come to the choice for an important reason (through the admission, revision, the robot, the body was too healthy). The price can be broken from 28 sickles to 7 spring at the evening hour at the weekend.

Voice over at home

For quietly, he didn’t want to come to the election of deputies at the MFR behind the camp of health, the ability to vote at home was transferred (for a month of post-re-establishment). In order to hurry up with her, Muscovites could call on the phone to their vibe, or ask someone from the familiar representatives of the vibe comic about the vote at home. Quiet, hto heard the voice of the udom, on the day of the vibration, the members of the professional vibor comic began.

On the 18th birch in our country, a vote was held outside the cordon, before the hour of the Russian community they robbed the head of the state for the next 6 years. Eight candidates nominated for the posad of the new president of the Russian Federation, 85 subordinates of the Russian Federation took part in the call, and approximately 111 million viborts. Pidib'єmo pidbags of the president's vibrations and information about the residual results of the vote 2018 r.

List of applicants

In total, in the period from 18 breasts to 12 days, 70 applications were submitted to the Central Exhibition Complex for the placement of the head of the Russian Federation, the middle means 46 self-sufficiency and 24 representatives of state parties.

The results of the committee have registered 8 candidates:

  • Volodymyr Putin (65 years old) - dignified president, self-employed. The result for the last vote is 63.6%.
  • Pavlo Grudinin (57) is a candidate for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, who will take the fate of the elections for the first time.
  • Sergiy Baburin (59) - visuvanets from the "Russian National People's Union". Previously, not taking part in the elections of the president.
  • Volodymyr Zhirinovsky (71) - candidate for the Liberal Democratic Party. Becoming a presidential candidate for the fourth time. The result for the 2012 choices for rock is 9.35%.
  • Ksenia Sobchak (36) - candidate at the Gromadyanskoy Initiative. I have submitted my candidacy for the first time.
  • Maksim Suraikin (39) is a visuvan from the Communist Party of Russia, who did not take part in the elections before.
  • Boris Titov (57) - Party of Growth, having previously submitted an application for participation in the vote.
  • Grigoriy Yavlinsky (65) is a sponsor of Yabluko's party. Vostannє vyuvavsya at the President of 2000 rock, for a new vote of 5.8% of the huge.

Vibors turnout

According to the Central Exhibition Complex, the voter turnout was 67.47%, which is replacing the 2012 indicator to rock, since 65.34% of the residents of the Russian Federation took part in the vote.

Water hour is such a rіven huge promises the population is not an absolute record - in 2008, if Medvedev was in the middle of the president’s posad, the turnout dropped to 69%.

The purity of the voice

Uninvolved on a modern technical basis, vibrating boxes near webcams and electronic screenshots, while vibrating near certain regions of the country, bullets are evident in the fact that bulletins have been sent and the most damaged.

Likewise, until the day of vibors, a great grip was put on the giant ZMI and the stove before participation in the vote from the side of robotic teachers of budgetary installations.

On the thought of the Associated Press, in fact, do not put the sums in the poverty-stricken overthrow of Putin, the absolute majority of votes voted for the new one.

Vibration results

For the tribute of the Central Exhibition Complex

The Center-Vibrator has submitted such dues, eliminated 99.83% of the bulletins for processing. Residual bags will be bare in a few days.

Dani Exit polls

The statistical difference is to become from 0.7% to 2.5% fallow in the amount of the indicator (0.7% for indicators below 1% and 2.5% for indicators in the food of 10%).

Opituvannya spent Vibirka Putin Grudinin Zhirinovsky Yavlinsky Sobchak Titov Baburin Suraikin Invalid bulletins
VTsIOM 132601 73,9% 11,2% 6,7% 1,6% 2,5% 1,1% 1% 0,8% 1,2%
FOM 112700 76,3% 11,9% 6% 1% 2% 0,7% 0,6% 0,7%

Yak and ochіkuvalosya, the results of the previous vote confirmed the residual results of the elections of the President of Russia. Putin 's way of getting better and setting two new records: picking the maximum number of voices from the top one and in the most spontaneous way, some of them took part in the vibors earlier.

President's plans for a noviy term

In the course of his traveling campaign, the rank (and new) President of Russia rozpochav implementation mobile obitsyanok... Zokrema, Putin, having approved the low level of bills for the advancement of his demographic reform.

When the president voted to hold a press conference at his mobile headquarters, before an hour of what kind of news about other events. Behind the words of Putin, at the closest hour, it is not a plan to prohibit global changes to the Constitution of the land, but from the personnel reshuffle in the district, it will be necessary to get out of the way, if only depriving him of the message of the new state of affairs.

The president hasn’t made a name for himself as a contender for the prime minister’s posad — you can get the posad for Medvedev.

September 18, 2018, Russia will host the election of the President of Russia. Exactly about 8:00 a.m. there were vibrations of letters and vrants, and a lot of Russians also voted. The results of the vibration can be viewed on the website of the Fairgrounds for the end of the vote.

The first vibrators were shown near Russia on the 17th birch about 23:00. It’s an hour on the Distant Descent, it’s already an hour to vote. Stop casting your votes for your candidate from Kaliningrad.

From the very ranks in Russia, people go to the door for voting. For the tribute of the Central Exhibition Complex in the far distant kuchka of the Russian Federation, a lot of hulks have already voted.

You can use a skin-friendly way to support the vibrating process online by going to the website of the Central Exhibition Complex at the "Fostering on vibors" distribution. From the published information, 80% of the vibrating files are owned by video cameras, which broadcast vibrations online.

The first results will become available in about a few years after the close of the vibrating files. All information is translated on the great video in the Central Exhibition Complex, there are representatives of the ZMI. For now, there is a show of frames in on-line mode from all vibrating files.

You can see the results of the president's elections on the website of the Central Exhibition Complex

The federal TV channels broadcast the president's vibrations. At the mode of the real hour, you can marvel at how the Russians vote at the small cocks of the country.

Sposterіgachі estimate the attendance of viborts at the president’s election is good. In the bagatokh regions of Russia, the turnout was already 40-50%. Actively vote і at Krimu, de, as it is called "Izberkom", the situation is spokіyna, the community is actively robbing the head of state.

The real clock of the Russian TV channel sees a vibrating process. Nearer to obіdu vіdomі pershі opituvannya sotsіologіv. When you go out of the box for the vote, carry out the experience of vibrations. Over the night, you will see the front results and the return polls.

How to know the results of vibrations in the Internet

Effort to be able to view vibration results via the Internet. A marathon "Nich Viboriv-2018" will be held for everyone.

The first official date will be given away from injury. Then the advancement of the night to the Central Exhibition Complex comes along with the information from the most vibrant comics. The world has a hopeful tribute on the video to the Central Vibration Committee to show the results of the vibrations.

Marathon "Nich Vibors-2018" will allow you to hold discussions on the political theme of the middle of politicians, magazines and political bloggers. Also, the vibrating process in all Russia will be shown online, the first official results and data from the sociological services.

Moreover, the marathon has a lot of spasters, like running after the wounded on the vibors. The stench of informing the hulks about the situation on the vibrant boxes in the whole of Russia.

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