Congratulations to the daughter at the top and prose, cool greetings in the afternoon Congratulation at vіrshah for my daughter happy birthday \u200b\u200b ...

Donechka, donka, my dear angel,
Let the moon shine brighter over you,
Let your eyes forget, like sumuvat
The way of vistacha forces to say goodbye and probachit.

Donechka, donka, I'll take care of you,
In your thoughts or in your heart, be yourself.
In the afternoon \u200b\u200b people, daughter! Lower snowstorm,
Let the skin day be scary, like a flower!

Donechka, sonechko, dear girl,
Mother's-tat's joy, soul.
You are a needlewoman, our handyman,
Rozumnitsa, light, is good.

Let God give you the best,
Let everything be put together, as you like.

Let me be healthy, I'll be able to,
Let your dreams sink in.

Daughter, my dear
Happy National Day to you.
A million beautiful trojans,
Dreams of beautiful, grassy thunderstorms,
Less than distorted friends,
Turboless, bright days
I spring warmth,
What a beautiful life Bulo!

Holy today is great, the posture is doubtful.
I want to greet Donka soon,
Aje won svyatkuє your national day
From the impersonal top, best friends.

Come on, donka, you are being protected
An angel with his white wings.
Let me break it with a light sickle,
The heart will always have joy, love.

Happy to you, great, healthy,
The biggest and most beautiful kokhannya.
Let me save the sky for you in pain,
Life will be full of luck, kindness.

I, like zavzhd, have mercy on you -
Nіzhna, povіtryana, cheerful.
In the spring, like nibi zmagayuchis,
Under the clear sun it blossomed!

I pray for your people's day
Love, hope, beauty,
Share high happiness obіtsyaє
І clear thoughts of simplicity!

Donechka is cute,
Daughter native,
I live today for you.
Happy, good luck
I love you.
Come on and trite
Ale, all OK - lyublyachi.
Forever I will entrust you,
What I entrusted to my shoulder.
Come on, you will be satisfied with your share,
Laugh merrily, love hot!

Axis and grown up,
Became a river older
Dear and wise
And richly beautiful.

Mom is bugging -
I will immediately feel the world:
Become more beautiful
I richer

More in all senses -
Better and more beautiful
be good, be good
I three times a day.

Chi do not try, daughter,
Be similar to everyone
Be yourself
Price me more expensive.

In the afternoon \u200b\u200bthe people, shortening these days!
In the afternoon \u200b\u200bthe people, the bottom of the river.
Chi do not stop bazhat you
Live, don't know, don't know trouble.

To reach your heights
I krokuvala innocently to the point,
For the fall, following the schob is angry.
Remember what I believe in you!

Softness, love, warmth of change,
Schob entrusted - mitzna support.
For the one who will name his own,
We have the strength to burn for you burn.

Know that I will entrust you,
Live your life without colivan.
Remember that success is a struggle.
And in wrestling - great efforts to you!

Donechka, beauty -
Joy and hope.
May you have a happy life
I love is boundless.

Let them call the world,
envelop the soul,
Be your favorite
І for relatives needs!

Accept, donka, congratulations!
Be healthy, radio, badyora.
At the heart hi sya nathnennya
I love the soul.

Happy National Day!
Do not let the side bypass confusion,
Well, and happiness is lower,
Follow you everywhere.

National Day today at my daughter
I give you our ticket
A lot of radio days in your life
I'll write in memory of you a couple of rows

You brought hope into our lives
And we love you
With you, our life has become light
Great happiness mi vіdchuvaєmo

Bring joy and laughter into the whole world
I turn to you more than once
Rush forward and only to the top
Don't blink the glare of your eyes ©

Daughter, happy day \u200b\u200bpeople!
You are my whole life mood
What I did without you, I don't know
With you, I forget about the trash.

Your life does not know the image,
I give you
All for you. Your mother. ©

In the afternoon \u200b\u200bthe people of the world
Our donkey! It's safe to say
We simply don’t tea souls in it,
I, zvichayno, mіtsnіshe obіnyat.

Be, donka, the same kind
For family and foreign guests.
Stay good-natured,
Make not a enemy, but a friend!

You go through life without a litter,
With a proudly raised head.
Come on, bring your share to the reward
Longevity of unearthly success! ©

My little girl is a queen
Let you sleep peacefully
Let's not torment nightmares
Let everything be given in life for free,

Let them laugh at you
All people, pіdtremati in bіdі
Let them all be ready,
With warmth of soul and kind word!

Let everyone go out into the world,
Let people be kind to you,
Let the joy of gladdening the soul,
And love to sit in the heart! ©

Today is the People's Day of Donechka
І all blessings my їy bazhaєmo
Bazhaemo happy rich-bagato
Shchob bula wide road

Povna light and warmth,
Gentleness, caresses and kindness
Let me shine for the joy of my eyes
You often laugh

Reach your goals
Let your dreams be consecrated
And you will be the queen of beauty! ©

Glancing at the window a giraffe,
Vіn brought a scarf,
Shchob grіv її vzimku
Tie a downy scarf!
The girl has a birthday -

The cat brought tea from the oven,
And the dog for obid -
Savory kilograms of zucerok,
Shchob donka pіdrostal,
I didn't forget about the animals! ©

Heartily to you, donechko, vtaemo
Happy anniversary and now,
With a wide heart, you bazhaemo

Good health, goodness and light,
Wisdom, happiness, love and success.
On the dovge of life, support, for the sake of.
In the soul of you there is no stingy, bright light.

Let me help you to send friends.
Without їх adzhe support for life is not possible.
Let it sound stronger, -
You have a birthday today. ©

Receive our bread and heart,
In the afternoon \u200b\u200b your people, donechko, lower, dear!
Let the life of value find good, eternal,
Your heart will be forever, our caress and kohana!

Bazhaєmo mi tobi always healthy mіtsnogo,
Good luck to everyone, svyatkovogo, vіdmіnnogo mood.
The order of the companion of the nadіy, dbaylivy, virny,
Bazhan and nadіy your yaknaishvid vikonannya.

Optimism in the soul, good luck and harmony,
Yaskravih, unique podіy impersonal tobi.
Sob you reached majestic success and glory,
All the best and light in your lot. ©

My maiden of the same fate,
Sholom my great greetings,
Good luck, my dear,
View of the threshold

Too far to crouch,
Never mind
Have a good read at the school
I, obviously, do not lint ...

Please help me soon
Zustriti impersonal friends,
Schob stink pіdrimali,
Helping hand!!! ©

My daughter, you are so
In the daytime I give you people,
And in the father's way, I will embrace,
I'll tell everyone how much I love you.

Heaven has a little more sun for you
Shine in the sky, lower lyublyachi.
Let no hot tears roll,
Only with a laugh you go through life.

Let's be clean, great celestial,
Schob nіkoli ti did not know turbot.
Zustrila for your love
I never warmed the snake. ©

Our only daughter!
They meet their own people!
A year has passed - you have become older.
E more beautiful life!
You will find the Kazakh prince,
І back, let everything that you dream about
I'm more and more gladly!

Congratulation to the Donets Happy Happy Birthday \u200b\u200b

How good that God gave me
Such a beautiful daughter
Cho otochyuchim won
For the rose and the gift of yours is worth it!

Let my maiden wake up
Luck smiles!
Come on in happiness, in joy, in love
All life is bathing!

My beautiful creation
Impersonations of goodness, daughter, ty,
You yourself have charm,
Don't let your dream come true!

Vіtannya dear dontsі in the afternoon \u200b\u200bpeople

Be happy, my love!
Let your dreams come true in lines.
Donechka, I'm giving you
Happy National Day, God bless you!

Vіtannya dontsі vіd batkіv

My star, beautiful donka,
Today, like spring dew,
Cheerful strumochkoy your voice dzvinky
І sonechko in fluffy hair.

Accept my gift - father's heart,
What do you love forever and take,
Be happy, beautiful and happy
Let your angel shine with wings.

Vitanya daughter

Less traffic jams and bushes
On your life path.
Happy National Day, daughter,
Your majestic love!

Come on under the bright packaging
Check gifts and hello!
And on the holy leaves
Be bright and happy!
Come on a miracle birthday
Everything is soaring!
Let your voice sound
I happy smile of friends!

Congratulation at the vіrshah for my daughter happy day \u200b\u200bpopulation

Nini holy and salute:
Tobі tsіlih 5 hvilin!
Once it happened like this,
We cut pineapple
I put quiet jazz,
Abo hit the Beatles.

And all the more wine,
Whip'emo is for you,
Sob bula beautiful,
Sob for good, zavzhdi bula,
Shvidko p_drosla
Radiant, happy!

Happy donation day \u200b\u200bpopulation:
Vitaemo girl,
I'm smart, I'm beautiful!
Razumnitsa, beauty
We are terrified!

caress the sun,
The sky is clear,
golden grain,
Pregnant flower,

Bird, fish, intestine,
Bunny fidget...
Although the words did not fade -
Time to eat cake.

And if you want a cake, what with candles,
Let's call our baby on the cob.

Schob zbulisya, honey,
All your dreams,
We are kind
For all life distance.

Happy daughter's visit \u200b\u200b

It's a happy day, on people's day,
Sholem to you for the soul of peace:
Sob you are young, like green bula,
Sob beautiful and bright tulip blossomed,
So that the lower one could compete with the tickets,
A love for mom and tata bula!

Our joy! You are charming,
Turboless and light
With birds you sing miraculously,
Dancing is easier than a blizzard.

Give generous laughter
Enchantment povna,
I you, our fish,
All this is rooted.

Be happy, our joy,
Reasonable, strong growth,
Cup of Kazkovo luck
Let me check you in front.

Greetings happy birthday \u200b\u200b for daughter 5 years old

Viide dawn vranci in the garden.
Marvel: you've already hit five!
All birds will chirp,
Song, goodness and good luck!

Axis to you, donya, cherry pie!
Take care of your troubles.
Shchob vіdkrila these hundreds of roads,
Sob promin sun falling on the threshold!

Axis of you lines, gifts and smiles.
Know: you are more beautiful today!
Let's not catch up to the hour of the god,
Let your sleepy life be yours!

In the afternoon \u200b\u200b people, our daughter!
Axis of chamomile, cornflowers.
Polovih flowers bouquet.
None more beautiful than daughters!

Zaplіtayuchi їy lines in braids,
І be-like a passerby sleeping:
Skilki hit you?
Stilki, skіlki letters in the share!

The building is povitryane, like a haze.
Good day will be a charge, close.
Hope not to be deprived of any.
Ee in a dorozi know you are sure!
My big daughter is in love!

Teach love don't strum in the night!
About n bring you as a gift smіh.
F Іvі і be forever more happy than everyone!
Let's go far with you!
E still not gloomy evening of Blakitny!
You will find your joy on your way!
I hide behind your pearly day
I will beat you up!

Shelter for daughter

V autumn whistle
In kalyuzhі, circling,
Leaves fell.
T was born.

Togo Monday
Boom rain and thunder.
Axis why gray
Color your eyes.

Happy birthday \u200b\u200bdaughter's birth

Helps to cook borscht,
Pіdmіtati pіdlogu and miti.
You know, on National Day
There is no better daughter in the world!

I shout to you: "ay!",
Happy People's Day.
Small vchora bula,
And today she grew up.

Glasses, dumb hairs,
I, like krila, two hands.
Sponges, like a beautiful poppy.
Everyone recognizes: it’s so!

All day carry you
cooing pigeons,
Strіchki yaskravі in a braid,
The sky is clear of dew.

Congratulation at the vіrshah for my daughter happy day \u200b\u200bpopulation

Go to your way
All birds will be blue!
I will you grow
Beautiful, string, stylish!

Let it be in the joy of life
I'm happy in your lot!
І hai handsome prince
Knowing in your kohanna!

All the leaves have unfolded.
So it's my daughter's birthday!
Tear the leaves
Skilki tobі rokiv. Confess!

Virostay dear, curly hair,
Be rich in life of glory,
If you have a lot of laughs, let me
I send the sun on the road!

Let spring pass, winter -
You will be restless.
Life beats your whim:
Axis of wines, your kazkovy prince!

Congratulations on the birthday of the daughter

Daughter is dear! Hello to you \u200b\u200bpeople
I came to visit with beautiful verses!
To indulge you youth eternal bloom,
Sob bula ti zavzhdi and goodness, and sweetheart!

Abi was more happy with happy meetings,
Shchob share prihilnoy, happy Bula.
Shchob of love zіgrіvala, like a spring evening,
Schob good luck zavzhdi behind the threshold of the check.

To know your handsome prince,
Let them come once on a white horse!
Sob all life, mute at the dance of the enchanting one, has become confused!
Let everything be seen in happy days!

Happy birthday \u200b\u200bdaughter's birth for 19 years

The Kazkova Nich gave me to you.
An hour has passed, my daughter has grown up!
In the afternoon \u200b\u200b people, my dear little girl!
Know: today, holy, I’m glad!

none nineteen Donetsk mine!
I'll bring a bunch of verses as a gift.
I want good health, goodness and beauty,
So happy today and all the beautiful you!

Today there will be guests, great friends!
And everyone will be crying with my donut!
And there will be zalitsialniks to grant you a letter,
So that you were happy and happy!

Kind of like a dream
Sleep your soul.
In the afternoon \u200b\u200bpeople, with new rock!
Yak ti, donyu, good!

Be kohan and beautiful,
Save your luck!
Do you hear the rustle of the quaver?
Tse happy crumbs!

Happy daughter's bath \u200b\u200bpopularity

Today you came into the world,
Over the sun, in the sky, vibliskuchi.
Our loves, dear people,
Our donechka is expensive.

And all the birds sleep for you
I vіrshi again fold the poetry
Whose light is for you, for you
Our dear and dear.

Let the wind bring sadness,
From your hundred of troubles, blowing tight.
Chi don't get stuck slozi veil
Your eyes, our joy is holy.

Vivacious, sensible growth
Shchob Bulo smaller pardons
On an untraveled path
What is sometimes so cunning.

Know what's in order with you
Your friends are close people
Tі, who in life you nіkoli
Don't hurt, don't sue for anything.

Happy birthday \u200b\u200bfor my daughter

The heart beats like a bird.
You are so easy today!
Life has more on the side,
Sontsya - in the dark.

More guitar music,
More friends,
More joy, bazhanih
Dear guests.

The wind is fresh in dear,
Warm, kind words at the top,
I in J7 more juice,
I love - in the eyes!

Our sun, light,
Be healthy and grow
Kind, reasonable and happy,
Generous, lagidnoy, beautiful,
Glorious, radio and sweet
And by the people, lead the kohanoi!

Vitanya daughter

Help you want rich:
So that I knew my happiness,
So that the road was straight,
For which you went in life,

So often you laughed,
So that the light was just around,
Sob naviki with you suffocated,
Come alone, but your best friend.

can you please:

Donechka, Happy National Day to you! This is a bright day \u200b\u200band I want to indulge you with joy, happiness, good luck with all your luck! Let all your life be filled with warmth and light, let you take away the respect and fate of loved ones!

Today you have become grown up to the whole river. Ale, do not hesitate, strimky big rock in the life of the skin is inevitable. Think more about those, so that you can live your day better. Todi ti pobachish, like a wonderful life! Happy National Day, little girl! I wish you happiness!

Donechka, you are the dearest person in the world for me. That's why I want to bless you on this beautiful Day of your people of all the best! Let life not be stingy with joy for you, and let sorrows and failures avoid you!

Happy is that mother, yak zumila wiggled her daughter. Praise that daughter, as she made her mother happy with her successes. Thank you, donechko, for those that I have! My happiness is not between, you are my joy and in the meantime. I wish you happy people's day and I want you to enjoy the relish of a happy happy life.

The road and the daughter is in love! You grew up so incomprehensibly ... Ale mi, like before, you love me and ready to support you in heavy blasphemy! And on your National Day, we would like to indulge you, so that there are fewer such whilins. Let your life be more cheerful and happy moments, and let it not be a misery and sumam! Successfully reach the heights, continue to know yourself in your life!

Loved daughter! With skin rock you have grown up, the number of your instalments and plans is increasing. For the sake of your heart, it’s more serious, to the one who wants to live a new life, may it be a leather day. Those who in life cannot do without problems and difficulties, know the skin. It’s important for one person to live. To that we generously wish you to see a faithful friend, for which you could spread joy and tears! Let your life be filled with understanding and love! Happy you!