Welcome to the day \ u200b \ u200b

I wish Onuk happiness and good luck,
Don't let your fucking mind,
Nekhay everything, which is important in the whole life,
Otrimaєsh zgodom ti.
Mi lucky bazhamo,
І in the life of some peremog,
In the afternoon \ u200b \ u200b the publication of vitaєmo,
Live happy, rich rock_v!

Life has a folding science -
It's not easy to learn!
This year, on the day of the nation,
Bazhaєmo mi all-all -
Listen to your elders
I vikonuvati my world.
Ty is our joy and our smirk,
Be hungry for a happy one!

Grow your granddaughter for the joy of the great family.
Be honest, strong, kind, fair.
Health, joy, luck to you!
And the smut, all the worlds were scared

Your onuk was born, nareshty,
Proud and mother, and father,
And you want to give me a favor
More often to help your loved ones,
І onukі radіti, so,
Let’s not poke you bida!
Bazhaєmo only prowess,
І nikoli do not sumuvati!

Є you now have a granddaughter
Glorious, miliy peasant!
Happily tonny to re-match you,
Vidovgo checked qiu godina.
Dovgikh-dovgyh rock_v bazayu
Without the severity of ailments.
I didn’t mean that
Great-grandson is the day of the nation.

Ti became a granny for onuk
I can't describe Happiness!
First taking yogo in your arms
Raptom zrozumila, navisto ty dikhash.
All the hopes got involved,
Mustache is most beautiful, well іsnu ...
Let me be happy in my life,
Zd_ysnit mriya be-yak.

Ti became a grandmother - i axis
A granddaughter in your homeland!
Winning dreams and loves,
Let’s be happy!
Newly get involved in all the world,
Yaki plekash ti ...
I give my grandmother a nice article,
I'm so glad for you! Tsіlu!

Voice a little heart beat -
You have an onuk!
Ty, yak prick beauty,
I wish it was a granny now!
God bless youmu good health
Give it to my father's love!
Nekhay shvidshe pidrostaє
I will become yours!

I wish you happiness,
Nicoli for life do not give up
Good luck, positive attitude,
A little more light of kindness and warmth, I will please.

I want you to get ahead
Shcheb health'ya bulo mіtsnim,
More genial and creative changes
I’m healthy and happy.

I will like you beer in the lazne,
Everything is wonderful
Good health and good luck!
Bagato gifts of merry tobi.

I bang you, good luck will be with you,
Nicoli do not be in the fall,
More than a tsykova us all rozpovili
Good luck in life, on robots.

Let all your bazhania come here,
You could write with yourself!
I wish you success, happiness,
More warm phrases.

I will indulge Sonechka, joy, to the world,
She didn't demand anything from you,
I have overcome everything and luck!
More good miles and happy rockies.

Let there be people until you find it fair,
Your family is yours.
Peremog more, less drams.
I will give you more happiness.

Don't go around the bad luck
They loved and admired them,
More light of kindness and warmth I will please
Good health and happiness.

I will please the boss by laughing at the start
Nicholas are not ill, I are not chhati,
Healthy mіtsnogo, luck,
More joy and light.

I will please, dear,
Little ones were born,
Mighty health and love for rich rock.
Bagato Happiness and Gotіvki.

If our children are vigorous, for the impatient cheeks, appear onuks. Be a grandmother and a girl who wants to take in his arms a creepy little one, his blood, his progress on the whole earth, peep into the clear child's eyes, and indulge in them immeasurable love and cunningness. Hiba, you can change the joy of combining with onuks?

Happy bachiti, like a little boy running along the corridor down the corridor simple hands and shouting "Baba Pishli"! I will conclude with a tasty touch from the soul.

Yak, the joy of wondering, yak, the little one will try to savor the tsukerka with non-robbery little fingers, gently guide it into the mouth, and according to which it is disguised, the smile is wide pleased. They want to baluwati, grant them their respect, love and turbot - all those who, perhaps, didn’t give our children to our children. Yak is the joy of the day of the people of the baby! Until the end of my life, it’s zzdalegіd, it’s hard to vibrate the needs and tsіkaviy donuts.

It is important not to forget about the words of the day of the day. Yaksho vіn shche zovsіm maliy - you can not only wimoviti, but write on a beautiful list. Qia will remember all life.

Dytina virosta and through a little rocky, picking up the porch on the mezzanine, stumble upon an old leaflet, on yakyi they wrote the words grateful to the day \ u200b \ u200b The tsia znakhіdka melodiously did not find it and warm it up, to remind the heart of easy confusion and love.

The child grew up in the snarl of the intelligence of the senses of the words. Chi do not stomp yogi with fierce pranks. More beautifully as you wimovite all the kilka sliv nice hello in the afternoon \ u200b \ u200b the publication of the Kohan Onuk, as it will be said from a wide heart. To naviate a yorzhisty child in the heart of the soul, you will be quite aware of how you love, appreciate, how you are worried and worried.

Warm, kind, caressing words are welcomed from the grandmother and the child's mind to remember and develop the soul in the folding moment of life.

Our pustun has grown up,
Mi onuka is every nation day!
Yak viris vin! І slyozi razchulennya
Zdatny viclicati mili is our Šibenik!

Grow great and be kind, be happy!
Do not enchant your father!
Let everything be fine in your life!
Don't forget your grandmother with your friend!

Our dear onuk, grow
Good, honest, noble!
І on the living Shlyakh
You will be great!

Nemaє family ties dear
Yakshcho raptom take the sum -
Remember, we expect it to be possible!
Happy People's Day!

My onuk is dear, I am so written by you!
Ty becoming such a garnish, kind, smilivy!
I'm not hoping for you!
Ti and mit do not sit without delay!

Happy People's Day with you!
I am from the soul of my miles I am wandering!
For all the best, in the light є,
I'll give you a good day!

Do not describe that joy and happiness,
If you know that onuk will be born,
I got into trouble at once,
The first sun filled me with rapt.

Live and know, well it will be forever,
At home, you know you know,
Your nation's day will have no effect on everything,
Happiness in your life, call you!

Not so long ago, ty buv zovsim child,
І year spent a spoonful for you,
Tilki is dumb now your pelushok
Ale yak earlier beloved to you.

Onuk my, onuchok! Happy Day to your People!
Take a gift from my soul,
Happiness, joy, love for good luck,
Hilarious, find-looking!

Let us be happy for the day,
Bring joy and success!
I'll give a bootie I'll love you,
Living in the light of the capital.

I am in the afternoon \ u200b \ u200b
To you, my golden onuchok!
I bless your skin!
I love you, I am written by you!

Happy People's Day Vitaimo!
Let's hear it bootie bazhaєmo!
Love dad and mom
Dida with the shanuvati grandmother.

With classmates get on well,
Help the readers,
I grow up a good onuk,
We will be happy soon!

In the afternoon \ u200b \ u200b publicity, miliy onuchok!
Be happy and lucky!
Do not manage and do not be ill,
Laugh fun!

Give me a share for you as a gift:
Castle, yacht і "Ferrari",
Well, mi їy everything that is possible
At the same time, it’s possible!

Ty is our son, our happiness,
In you, there is only a caress!
Granddaughter, namagaєmosya participation
Let's take it, just make a kazku!

Seogodnі, in thy majesty holy
Mi vitaєmo s day \ u200b \ u200b
Grow great, ty our empty!
Be attentive to repeat!

Mi in our rock is richly known,
You want to help with joy,
Ty young, mi rozumієmo ...
Don't sleep with me.

Trim strike and the word stiiko,
Know your friends, those who are above, those who are old,
Marvel at all this life,
And not from the positions of the ephemeral!

Onuk was born, vitaєmo!
І urochisto bazhaєmo,
Yogo whip and pestiti
I want to give you praise.
Kazki, books to read,
Pisnі spіvati і viconuvati
All the memorable worlds,
They could write to him.
Let it be strong and healthy
I have everything similar to you.

You have a new year onuk,
So richly at once I want to say.
Mriya shmatochok your zbuvsya,
The granddaughter of the kid was overshadowed.
Let your granddaughter grow up to be healthy,
Delight your fathers and you with yourself.
Do not give a share to the new one with a suvor,
First of all, you shouldn't be just a class.

Axis i became a grandmother, checked all the way.
New, terms, please contact me.
Yak young lady bigash, not nudged nudga.
I visit my granny during the day \ u200b \ u200b the publication of the onuk.

Let me welcome you
We are new-born onuk.
All thoughts and all turbos
Now only about new.
Let the growth of the little boy know-it-all,
Mitsnym, rosy flakes.
Happiness hai nadіynnym buda,
Mіtsny significant circle.
You are healthy and patient
The road is not easy.
You need to forget for an hour
About uncomfortableness and spokiy.

Didus and granny -
Call of scratches.
Sit down soon
The miracle of turbidity;
І virshik about a bunny
You have fun,
About the heroes of the Kazkovs
Prospіvaє to you pisenka.
І in the great elder
Eager for you.
Onuk - dzherelo joy,
I want to leave it not big.

Onuk was born at the homeland of your desires,
And the whole world is changing.
Pobazhaєmo, we are happy,
Good, happy, smart, beautiful.
Well, God bless your health,
Let us be successful in life buv,
Loving mom with tatom,
And not forgetting about my grandmother, and not forgetting!

From what eyes sit,
Frequent heart knocking?
Babtsyu with dіdom vіtayut.
Aje have you born onuk!
Get it tight and nudga,
Life in a new way.
After reading the folk stories of Onuk
New hour saw.

Everything, friend, say "by the way"
Kolishny life and colishnyh turbots,
Take a new call to yourself,
Ninya granny ti, not hto.
Guess about the strollers-pelushki,
Ty pam'yataєsh shche, to what?
Let your cotton grow healthy,
For a new I will give a toast!

Having been born to your granddaughter,
You have a lot of fun!
Little toddler do not give it to spritnym buda
To love a woman with a father,
Let the healthy ones grow,
Wonderful light,
Well, you love you,
Pamper, praise!

I wink you with onuk,
It’s a joy, there’s no word here.
Good growth, healthy lad,
Nicholas do not know bid.
Raduє nekhai family
Winning talent and mind.
Well, dydovi will be drawn,
See yourself as an eagle.

From a wide heart, I sleep in gratitude,
I wind everything around,
I would like to send you,
You have a miraculous onuk.
Malyuk, God bless you,
І axis marvel at you soon,
Nadіyno in the elder of the teacher,
І mіtsna support for you.
Let the growth be great and strong,
I rainbow nehay tat i mum,
Everything will be stable in life,
Once again, I've been to you!

Grandma with dіdom duzhe radі,
It is dumb for them in the city -
Dovgooch_kuvaniy onuk was born.
Oh familniy born prodovzhivya.
Let your growth be healthy,
"Staykim" to difficult suvorim:
Not being afraid of anything,
Ale without a drive did not fight.
Most often, do not read books,
Taumnitsi life is rozkriva.
And if the hour comes
A selection about you.

Babusey and dіdusem
Steel vie now!
Glorious, little granddaughter
After knocking the doors to you!
Є now to whom to see
Trouble yours!
Pestiti, undead, baluwati,
Vicupati in love!
Tomorrow virost in cholovika -
You will be proud!
Thank you for everything!
Engage mrii!

At spadkoєmtsiv - spadkoєmets,
Yak is not here to dance,
Onuk was born - to mean
Let's fight!
We will play in the picture,
Throw a brush in the domino ...
Stiy, didu, tse zanadto!
Ale graft all one thing.
Ninі babusі і dіdov
Svitliy in the life of the priest year,
I will sleep with you on onuk,
Let everything be good!

Do not stand there, on the sidelines,
Come and wonder.
Raise all the pellets,
Do not call, I would like a third.
Babu with the dіdom vitaєmo,
With onuk, maybutnim dad.
I am healthy,
Let the growth be done well.

In one of the found days
Your granddaughter has come to light.
You laughed at nothing,
Trim for small handles.
Turn around, if you please
Everything is in the life of your breast!
Pulling on the bewitching hood,
Їy fairy Kazok to the prophetє
Bouquets trojand and beauty,
І visit the little prince.
Vona is similar to mriya.
Taku is important not to shake!

Don't you get too hot,
The status of a grandmother and a grandmother,
Know now vi onuka,
Tse tsila peremoga!
Now read everything to you
Dissolving children,
It will be great at once
More fun at once!
Don't forget about it,
Vihoyuchi onuka,
You are gone
By mutual guarantee.

Ah, siva head,
Around the light went.
I am on the lavtsi strip and skok,
I now have a granddaughter.
Do not need pills,
I would like a keg of beer now!
With the sense of life,
Yak I checked yogo.
Miliy, my glorious granddaughter,
Be on the lookout for health!

Yak dovgo vi checked
Yogo come.
I axis manual
Granddaughter People's Day!
Nekhay did i baba
Gotuyut іgrashki,
Pelushki, povzunki,
Cupboards, bryazkaltsya,
Lіzhechko lіzhechko,
A slicker, a housekeeper ...
Nehay tse will not
Great shock for you!

Now spokiy i nudga
Badness has sunk into rock.
To the people, vitaєmo, onuka!
The first axis of the turbot is low on the ridge.
Come on, wih the boy,
Bezcinniy dosvid to help you.
Aja was whipped by the wee little one,
Shcho giving the way to life for the mriyam!

It became like that
God has sent you for the joy of a little onuk.
Now there won't be an hour to get sick,
Forget about nudga, about beating in the back and nudga.
Get it to you, de child maidan,
De store with іgrashki varto,
Why is it really nice to make some chocolates,
Yak shvidkoy bird carousel fly!
Warmly grandmother and dida vitaєmo.
From the young fathers - evasion.
We accept the turbot.
Let your booths be a childish smirk of sensations!

Oh, do you have a syncope?
Yak is not sin? Win a little bit?
Oh, heartily!
Win garniy lad.
Let the growth be great and strong,
I bring joy to your booths,
Adzhe for babus and dida,
Onuk - tse, mabut, everything!

Our pustun has grown up,
Mi onuka is every nation day!
Yak viris vin! І slyozi razchulennya
Zdatny viclicati mili is our Šibenik!
Grow great and be kind, be happy!
Do not enchant your father!
Let everything be fine in your life!
Don't forget your grandmother with your friend!

Our dear onuk, grow
Good, honest, noble!
І on the living Shlyakh
You will be great!
Nemaє family ties dear
Yakshcho raptom take the sum -
Remember, we expect it to be possible!
Happy People's Day!

My onuk is dear, I am so written by you!
Ty becoming such a garnish, kind, smilivy!
I'm not hoping for you!
Ti and mit do not sit without delay!
Happy People's Day with you!
I am from the soul of my miles I am wandering!
For all the best, in the light є,
I'll give you a good day!

Do not describe that joy and happiness,
If you know that onuk will be born,
I got into trouble at once,
The first sun filled me with rapt.
Live and know, well it will be forever,
At home, you know you know,
Your nation's day will have no effect on everything,
Happiness in your life, call you!

Not so long ago, ty buv zovsim child,
І year spent a spoonful for you,
Tilki is dumb now your pelushok
Ale yak earlier beloved to you.
Onuk my, onuchok! Happy Day to your People!
Take a gift from my soul,
Happiness, joy, love for good luck,
Hilarious, find-looking!

Privit onuk in the afternoon \ u200b \ u200b
We have chosen this year here,
Bazhaєmo joy, luck,
І in the life of great miracles!
Let me see happiness in my dear heart
Burn thousands of vogn_v!
Would you like to share Daruval's share,
Smiles of loved ones and friends!

Let us be happy for the day,
Bring joy and success!
I'll give a bootie I'll love you,
Living in the light of the capital.
I am in the afternoon \ u200b \ u200b
To you, my golden onuchok!
I bless your skin!
I love you, I am written by you!

Happy People's Day Vitaimo!
Let's hear it bootie bazhaєmo!
Love dad and mom
Dida with the shanuvati grandmother.
With classmates get on well,
Help the readers,
I grow up a good onuk,
We will be happy soon!

In the afternoon \ u200b \ u200b publicity, miliy onuchok!
Be happy and lucky!
Do not manage and do not be ill,
Laugh fun!
Give me a share for you as a gift:
Castle, yacht і "Ferrari",
Well, mi їy everything that is possible
At the same time, it’s possible!

Ty is our son, our happiness,
In you, there is only a caress!
Granddaughter, namagaєmosya participation
Let's take it, just make a kazku!
Seogodnі, in thy majesty holy
Mi vitaєmo s day \ u200b \ u200b
Grow great, ty our empty!
Be attentive to repeat!
Mi in our rock is richly known,
You want to help with joy,
Ty young, mi rozumієmo ...
Don't sleep with me.
Trim strike and the word stiiko,
Know your friends, those who are above, those who are old,
Marvel at all this life,
And not from the positions of the ephemeral!

To my beloved onukov i bazhe
Read, be friends with discipline,
I will know you right to the soul,
Grow as a happy person!

Nokhay joy of supervodzhuzh onukov
From the sun and the light of the month!
Say hello to the ocean,
Be sure to be on the crest of the wicked!
Let’s become a lover of a robot,
Good luck leading you!
Take everything you can, from life,
Be happy, please share!

My onuk, my pride,
Athletic, apologetic and smart,
Let there be kindness and firmness,
I buy, becoming a schhob - a champion!

Be happy, my granddaughter,
Healthy in mind and soul!
Let the good life come to you,
I will be light and great!

Onuku - to the boy's boy,
Being friendly with technology,
All scientific bases
Lost viviv,
І in space
Zirki novі vіdkriv,
Well, і with a dіd і grandmother
Grungy friends!

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