Veterinary care for the mother's daughter and grandson. Funny congratulations on the anniversary of mom and grandmother

You lived your life in vanity,
In turbot about children, on the right.
Pratsyuvati got up at dawn,
Spending all day on your feet.
Sorry for the image, our brutality,
For the sharpness and the praise of the promo.
You will laugh less and say, exhausted,
What you love and will cherish.
"Thank you" I want to say children and grandchildren
For your kindness, your sincerity,
For the generosity of the soul and for the lower hands,
For mіtsnu our family.
And on the day of my anniversary, God bless me,
Health for fate and days,
So that you don’t scold the filthy scoundrel.
Vibach us again!

You are mother and grandmother at the same time,
We greet you urgently:
With your jubilee, with a roaring smile,
With an enchanting figure and a waisted bunny!

We love you crazy,
Bazhaemo: live long, do not know sorrows,
Drown in the ocean of luxurious flowers,
Krokuvati across the expanse of crystal bridges.

Be happy, our dear mother,
І with a skin day \u200b\u200b get up, less, more beautiful,
Always laugh for us,
Shchob blisk, in your glasses, povіk not zgas!

Grandchildren, you, adore podvіyno -
You are the best diamond in their childish share.
So be with us all life,
So that the whole family was happy at once!

I love, I love, I love
Our grandmother and mother dear
Today is with an anniversary.
Happily, life of old fates, bazhaemo.
Let your joy not leave the houses,
Let prosperity be in the new,
Let the flow of life flow through the river.
Let it go, bless you everywhere!

Saying "thank you" is not enough
You talk so much about us.
Bula ti onukam another mother
І zashaєshsya їy contagion.

Charming world of love and light
You told us forever.
I, hovering over the anniversary,
Tobі bazhaєmo mi lyublyachi:

Let the sun not go out at the heart -
Dzherelo light and warm.
Come on in life, you will be richly happy,
Love, hope and goodness!

Holy mother, best grandmother,
We are writing to you, a man is jealous of you.
Vіk yuvileyny over you do not have dominion:
Rocky is not a perishkoda, abi bulo happy.

You butt for daughters, srazok for onukiv,
The number in the documents has become just a sound.
Style, charm and in the eyes of a smile.
String, as before. Wazhish like a fluff.

Better for all cooking food cheesecakes,
Onukam often give cute toys.
Holy mother, best grandmother!
Loved, embraced, valued, valued.

Dear grandmother and mother,
We chose to say to you:
"With a round date we are together,"
Mitsno and with the soul I want to embrace.

You are wise and dear,
Laugh more often, don't be sick.
Mi tobi bazhaemo, richly happy,
Leather day, not only in jubilee.

Happy Anniversary
grandmother and mother,
A lot of joy, bazhaemo,
Be happy yourself.
Let's do it all go into
Vmit, easy and simple,
Let your eyes smile forever,
Let the tears come.
You are unforgettable for us
You know
It's just necessary for everyone,
Viruchae in life.
I appreciate you, for sure,
І at once shkoduєmo,
What time, how much is loved,
We can’t say.

You are the best mom:
Good and beautiful
I grandmother - super,
So be happy

Start laughing
Forget the turbos
Try more often
Having sunk into the sight of robots,

Know hoch hvilinka
For help, tea,
For laughter and heat,
Sob to live, not nudguyuchi,

Happy anniversary to you
We are all vitaemo
I live more cheerfully,
Good luck!

With Yuvileym, it’s swearing, loving ones,
I bazhaemo this day - happiness for you,
Let good luck shine, visvitluє way,
The joy is inexhaustible, do not let me fall asleep,

Z Yuvileyem, matusya, vtaemo mi,
Bazhaemo, so that all your dreams come true,
Let me be healthy, I make you glad,
Take care of grief, all your family!

Mommy, happy birthday to you,
Here your children, grandchildren were taken,
I say at once lyublyachi,
There is no room for boredom in your booth,

Be happy, like on the same day
If the skin from us has come into the world,
If our shadow was given up,
Like your look shining happily,

Let's go rich-rich once,
Let's take the axis together,
And your smile makes our eye happy,
I am tobі u vіdpovіd sіyavsya!

You are a miracle lord, miracle mother,
You can’t add, you can’t see!
Turbota is in the blood, you are spovne with love,
Garnoy and wise in the light of the people!
Thank you, dear, you are our amulet,
Be it weather - in the speck, in the slumber, in the snow!
You are our sonechko, you are our amulet,
Thank you for your long, joyous fates!

Single, native, unique
We say “thank you” all day long.
For kindness and a heart of gold,
Mi, dear mother, You are welcome!
Just don't hesitate and not old
Don't torment your heart
Not in the world Among mothers
More dear to you and nothing better.
Let the rock not make you old, no way,
Mi, children and grandchildren, everything is loved by You!
I'm healthy, I'm good,
Live for a long time. We all need you!

Our dear, dear,
Let not you be your own.
You are young
And beautiful forever!
So sit like this
You are on long-term rock,
Be you a bright star
I do not fade in any way!

We say bazhaєmo directly, -
What else do you think! -
Be healthy our mother
Let's get hot!
I bazhaemo mi, like a child, -
Lost a hundred of children! -
Sob you were in the light,
I entrust you with me!

Want me and grown up, bazhaemo,
Like in a childishness, crouch down to the matus,
Look into your eyes,
All vidstani zmіtayuchi!
So you want such buti
Like our mother and father.
Children, friends and life to love,
Like a creator commanding people!
Survive and lament
І thoughts zavzhdi buti instructions.
Like mom, dress fashionably,
Help me with joy, look.
Such a beautiful buti
V'yazati, beautifully stil nakriti,
Vіd close bіdi vіdganyati,
Until all the turbota show!

Our mother is dear,
Qi lower rows - tobі.
The cutest and most beautiful,
The most good on this earth.
Don't go sadness into your booth,
Let the sickness pass by.
We would put the whole world in the valley
I gave you one.
Ale and that would be not enough,
To voddat for your kindness,
We are all life, our dear mother,
In front of you in an unpaid borg.
Thank you, dear, for those who grew,
For those who did not ask for anything.
What grief and joy the delachi navpil,
In the best part of the world, you bless us.
Beautiful, turbotliva, lower lower,
You are good for us today and forever needed!

Mom, Happy Anniversary,
We welcome you.
I'm happy and healthy
Longevity will be given.

Shchob ti, mommy,
Most of all she laughed.
Through us and onukiv,
Less embarrassed.

You are young
Well, like rocks.
Come on, just joy
Beat the weather.

Dear grandmother and mother,
Happy jubilee, we live,
Come without tears, grief and deceit
Your future days will be.

Let the smile be filled with good,
It's so easy to see it on the heart,
Come on in joy and happiness badioro
Shine with warmth of your appearance.

Let the order be all relatives,
From kim they called a little abo blood.
Let them call merry be-yak,
And plant love in your soul.

Thank you for those that we have!
Dyakuyu for fairy tales, merry songs.
Such a twist and honor!
Thank you for those that we live together.

Thank you for what we can name
You're just a grandmother, and a mother.
We are happy to ask the Lord to give,
Come on, you will be happy!

Kind of children and onukiv privitannya,
Dear mother, dear, beloved.
Whose anniversary is people's day
Bazhaemo, that you were happy.

Healthy you, light, kindness,
Good luck will always be instructed.
The heart will have a lot of warmth,
I life filled with love charge!

Our mother and grandmother, our dear little man!
Happy anniversary, happy birthday!
We wish you joy, success and good luck!
Who is holy on earth for us is your national day!
Good luck, good health, happiness - thank you for the soul!
Accept our low uklin with gifts!

Happy anniversary,
Mommy is native.
For turbota vdyachni,
You are one.

We thank the sea,
I smile ocean.
Illuminate our path and distance,
You are the ultimate talisman.

Let's go for all the vistachae mist,
At your affectionate heart.
For food, be it for life,
You must know.

Today we all got together here
Mama's welcome with її juvileєm,
Let me live my happy life,
I don’t know negativity, I don’t know if I’m sick!

All children and grandchildren will graft you send,
Mi Shiro is loved by you, dear,
You give us joy, calm and calm,
Health and strength to you pobazhaєmo.

Our sweetheart, in love,
Tremblingly \u200b\u200b in the heart is taken,
On the day of your anniversary
Mi vitaemo, afraid of the troch.
You are our happiness, our sleepy promise.
The one that is strong, bright, clear, powerful.
We couldn't live a day without you!
I to that in the whole day of biganina,
I vanity, and hvilyuvannya, and tremtinnya.
For congratulations, the day is beautiful.
Daughter bazhaє you be happy
And get so beautiful,
Good, lagidnoy, lower, kohanoi,
Dbailivo usima saved by relatives!
Onuks care for the health of the foreigner,
Uncharacteristic and boundless!
І for grandmother and grandchildren
Bagato descended to the place of entry,
New friends and new acquaintances,
Your kindness is full of people!

Today we climbed into the booth,
Dear your people.
You know, in jubilee,
You won't forget us.

Take gifts from us,
Shvidshe for grandchildren zustrіchay,
Kviti, leaflets, zukerki
І pozhannya dovgih rokiv.

Poured shvidshe savory tea,
Cook your favorite onukiv.
And the children will drink a cup,
I kiss and hug.

Our mother is dear,
Nothing better for you in the world.
Happy anniversary,
Everything is with you
Peace, happiness and love,
We know that everyone needs stench,
I am healthy for a hundred years,
Live in abundance and without food,
Remember, love pies,
You are bigger than them,
Sob vystachilo children grandchildren ...
Teach great-grandchildren by the way ...

I love, I love, I love
Our grandmother and mother dear
Today is with an anniversary.
Happily, life of old fates, bazhaemo.
Let your joy not leave the houses,
Let prosperity be in the new,
Let the flow of life flow through the river.
Let it go, bless you everywhere!

Dear grandmother and mother,
We chose to say to you:
"With a round date, we are together."
Mitsno and with the soul I want to embrace.

You are wise, nayridnisha,
Laugh more often, don't be sick.
Mi tobi bazhaemo richly happy
Leather day, not only in jubilee.

Our mother is dear, the most beautiful grandmother in the world, we wish you a happy day. Let your life be happy and bright days, calm and peaceful nights, let you be so full of such a troublesome, sweet, kind, beautiful, beloved and miraculous. Let it be warm and quiet at your house, let love and joy live in your heart, let it be a beautiful mood, and strong health.

Happy Anniversary
grandmother and mother,
A lot of joy, bazhaemo,
Be happy yourself.
Let's do it all go into
Vmit, easy and simple,
Let your eyes smile forever,
Let the tears come.
You are unforgettable for us
You know
It's just necessary for everyone,
Viruchae in life.
I appreciate you, for sure,
І at once shkoduєmo,
What time, how much is loved,
We can’t say.

Holy mother, best grandmother,
We are writing to you, a man is jealous of you.
Vіk yuvileyny over you do not have dominion:
Rocky is not a perishkoda, abi bulo happy.

You butt for daughters, srazok for onukiv,
The number in the documents has become just a sound.
Style, charm and in the eyes of a smile.
String, as before. Wazhish like a fluff.

Better for all cooking food cheesecakes,
Onukam often give cute toys.
Holy mother, best grandmother!
Loved, embraced, valued, valued.

Our mother is dear,
Nothing better for you in the world.
Happy anniversary,
Everything is with you
Peace, happiness and love,
We know that everyone needs stench,
I am healthy for a hundred years,
Live in abundance and without food,
Remember, love pies,
You are bigger than them,
Sob vystachilo children grandchildren ...
Teach great-grandchildren by the way ...

Yuviley, mother, come
Without a ring and a knock,
congratulations accept
Kind of children and onucivs.

My love to you
We give without excess,
Sob everything is in your life
It was quiet, smooth.

Sob the road of troubles, sadness
They didn’t joke at the booths,
Shut up, mom,
Bula entrusted us.

Happy jubilee road
Glorious, kohana,
Our grandmother and mother,
The most beautiful.

Be healthy road
Low sholom tobi uklin.
Kozhen, who to please you,
Into your kindness sighs.

Give joy and turbota,
All my family is on you.
Take care of yourself, dear,
Aje is the only one.

Dear grandmother and mother,
Happy jubilee, we live,
Come without tears, grief and deceit
Your future days will be.

Let the smile be filled with good,
It's so easy to see it on the heart,
Come on in joy and happiness badioro
Shine with warmth of your appearance.

Let the order be all relatives,
From kim they called a little abo blood.
Let them call merry be-yak,
And plant love in your soul.

Kind of children and onukiv privitannya,
Dear mother, dear, beloved.
Whose anniversary is people's day
Bazhaemo, that you were happy.

Healthy you, light, kindness,
Good luck will always be instructed.
The heart will have a lot of warmth,
I life filled with love charge!

Happy anniversary,
Mommy is native.
For turbota vdyachni,
You are one.

We thank the sea,
I smile ocean.
Illuminate our path and distance,
You are the ultimate talisman.

Let's go for all the vistachae mist,
At your affectionate heart.
For food, be it for life,
You must know.

You are a miracle lord, miracle mother,
You can’t add, you can’t see!
Turbota is in the blood, you are spovne with love,
Garnoy and wise in the light of the people!
Thank you, dear, you are our amulet,
Be it weather - in the speck, in the slumber, in the snow!
You are our sonechko, you are our amulet,
Thank you for your long, joyous fates!

Single, native, unique
We say “thank you” all day long.
For kindness and a heart of gold,
Mi, dear mother, You are welcome!
Just don't hesitate and not old
Don't torment your heart
Not in the world Among mothers
More dear to you and nothing better.
Let the rock not make you old, no way,
Mi, children and grandchildren, everything is loved by You!
I'm healthy, I'm good,
Live for a long time. We all need you!

We say bazhaєmo directly, -
What else do you think! -
Be healthy our mother
Let's get hot!
I bazhaemo mi, like a child, -
Lost a hundred of children! -
Sob you were in the light,
I entrust you with me!

Want me and grown up, bazhaemo,
Like in a childishness, crouch down to the matus,
Look into your eyes,
All vidstani zmіtayuchi!
So you want such buti
Like our mother and father.
Children, friends and life to love,
Like a creator commanding people!
Survive and lament
І thoughts zavzhdi buti instructions.
Like mom, dress fashionably,
Help me with joy, look.
Such a beautiful buti
V'yazati, beautifully stil nakriti,
Vіd close bіdi vіdganyati,
Until all the turbota show!

Our mother is dear,
Qi lower rows - tobі.
The cutest and most beautiful,
The most good on this earth.
Don't go sadness into your booth,
Let the sickness pass by.
We would put the whole world in the valley
I gave you one.
Ale and that would be not enough,
To voddat for your kindness,
We are all life, our dear mother,
In front of you in an unpaid borg.
Thank you, dear, for those who grew,
For those who did not ask for anything.
What grief and joy the delachi navpil,
In the best part of the world, you bless us.
Beautiful, turbotliva, lower lower,
You are good for us today and forever needed!

For being mothers, there is nothing more important in the world, lower children. Let it be different for them, it’s strongly imaginable, let it be different for us, it’s not worth it and shy like a filthy vchinka, for mothers we ourselves will be born like children. The love in their hearts is simply over the top, and ideally it will grow stronger, if the daughter goes abroad, and the son becomes friends.

Do not worry too much and your own children, if they grow and create their own powers. Know that you read at once and seriously think about those who better give you a gift during the day .

How better to welcome the most important person in the world? The most important and most welcome gift for mothers on this day will be the fact that I am loved by the child at once with my man, stink happy and united one for one. And as a wise vikonan, you can proceed to other tricks. For example, as a warm welcome in the afternoon \u200b\u200bfor the mother of a daughter and son-in-law, you can prepare a great bouquet of flowers, ideally - її loved ones. You can put it in a confectionery cake as a greeting in the afternoon \u200b\u200bthe birth of a mother in the form of a daughter and son-in-law. The plot can be as-is-yakim - from a kvіtkovo in mother's favorite colors, to thematic in the style of a profession.

A good gift for mom will also be your child's sake, as you can arrange, for example, in the style of a video recording with photographs. Otherwise, in the old way, you can create a typical wall newspaper with hand-written photographs and vital writings.

Give your mom a fashionable modern photo frame that wraps and holds a photo sprat. Classes at a time with digital photographs, which are changed according to specific tasks depending on the hour.

I want to welcome you, dear!
My dear man,
Healthy, happy, road,
You became my mother for a century.
I believe that you laughed,
Let your father-in-law carry you in your arms,
Sob all your dreams were called,
News of the day I want to row the water!

Our little girl is dear,
We have one like this:
Noble and sweet
For your son-in-law, entrust goodness.

You help us with us,
You don’t throw at all.
Happy National Day to you!
Son-in-law and your daughter.

Mommy dear, mother-in-law of gold,
Your people's day has already come.
We heartily care for you with a man,
Come on, you'll be all right.

To me, please, for the sake of life,
Shchastya zovsіm did not fit into the hands.
I'm healthy, mom, I didn't let it down,
The heart of the song was sleeping, and the soul was laughing.

mother road,
Accept on your national day
See me love
Kind of son-in-law - povaga.

Do share I ask you
I'm healthy, strength,
Another 100 Happy Rocks
I would ask.

Prayer and mrії
Don't let me take off,
Give me love, joy
Your life will come back.

Mom, happy your day! You are dearer to me for all in the world, that one is closer to you than to know anyone. It's not surprising, even from childhood itself, you are the best friends, like sharing all the secrets. You swayed me not only as a diligent daughter, but as a good squad. Today, with my priceless man, and your beloved son-in-law, I want to indulge you with grace, goodness, longevity and health, even more important for everything. To my very orders to the bajans, those that you didn’t demand in any way and always laughed. In the afternoon \u200b\u200b my dear mother, be happy!

I want to welcome my mom,
We're out for two.
Please be healthy, happy,
The heat of the soul, so that it does not go out.

Be forever protected by God,
All prayers are for you.
Spared mother taka
Mother to us in our share.

If I, for the sake of everyone,
Mom said the word.
Roca rocked, like light dim sum.
Bula girl, became a lady.

Get the order, my dear
I'm healthy, mom, we're the only family.
You entrusted, mother, and praise the gods!
Now I will pass the word to my son-in-law

On the Day of the People, it is accepted daruvati
Kviti, krishtal, perlin namistin thread ...
I grant recognition: You are my mother.
I love, I love and I will love you!

Mom is in love, good mother-in-law,
Let your life be filled with happiness,
Live more and more, and easier,
More famously you will have good luck and success!

Let the skin day give rich fun,
Special happiness, receiving whilin,
Mom and mother-in-law, happy day to you \u200b\u200bpeople,
Let the light go ahead, check it calmly!

Daughter and son-in-law came on National Day,
They brought me a lot of congratulations,
Mother-in-law and mother-in-law tezh,
People are dumb, lower, dearer!

Be the same day, and nothing happy,
Young, cheerful and beautiful,
Good, lower and suvoroy, ale troshka,
Sob don't forget my path.

To the booth, de so smell of pies,
I to love, which cannot be said in words,
Warm to the heart, that everyone in the world knows
Understand us and accept!

Happy People's Day, dear mother!
To me you bazhaєmo in the soul,
So you didn’t hesitate at all,
Sob grandchildren grew up.

We are lucky to be rich, rich.
I still foresee all to comprehend.
For pardon, do not bark us strictly.
Happy National Day! Your daughter and son-in-law.

Dear mother of letters, kindness,
Let laughter make your heart smile.
Let them sing for ever and ever,
І share of all sumnіvi rozvіє.

Happiness, joy, mood,
Let sadness rush away.
On the miracle day of your people
Loving son-in-law and daughter live.

Mommy, mommy, you are nice with us,
At the booth, without a hitch, nagolovnіsha,
Beautiful, kind, just wonderful,
Dbayliva, lower and charіvna.

On your National Day, accept warm words for us:
Let it be just a moment to get confused by the head,
Come on, I'll be healthy,
Bring the bouquets away with the beauty of the native,

Let the mood be radiant,
Let the unpacking of gifts be accepted,
Let all the bazhannya wink,
Let them all change for the better!