Happy birthday to mom. Congratulation to a woman on a birthday of an adult daughter


Today the queen gave birth

The beautiful princess

Well, why not be surprised

The magical process.

I want to congratulate you together

And daughter and mother

And wish you dear ones

Understand each other!

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

Congratulations to you today,

After all, you gave life to your daughter.

Let her have a birthday too

But we did not forget about mom.

May my daughter be happy with success,

Never brings tears.

It makes you laugh with a fervent laugh

May it be near forever!

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

Today your daughter was born,

And a few years have passed since then,

So let us congratulate you

With the birth of my dear daughter!

We wish you health and wellness,

So that daughter is your friend

So I could console you in difficult times

To consider you as an example

We wish you to blossom, sparkle,

And always shine with your beauty!

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

Daughter's birthday

And joy to you

Such are the moments

Let them multiply in fate

Sometimes we don’t notice

As time flies into the distance

But joy is not accidental

Let them stay longer!

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

The princess celebrates her day now,

And this is not a dream, it is a reality.

Today you are a glorious little daughter

Congratulations from us on your birthday!

We all have a common opinion,

That your daughter is not sweeter.

May joy, luck, luck

Always smile at her.

And our still wish,

So that she never knows to cry

To mom care, attention

Daughter always gave!

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

Congratulations, Mom,

My daughter has grown up.

Even more happiness

She brought it to your house.

For any mummy

Daughter is an ideal.

Beauty strikes

Let everyone on the spot.

Her eyes and heart

Let them burn with fire

And it will be happier

Daughter every day.

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

Today is jam day

My mother’s daughter.

Flowers, gifts, congratulations

For a naughty girl brisk.

Let the daughter grow obediently,

And life was only more interesting.

And to reach fabulous heights,

And God protected from all diseases!

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

Accept, Mom, congratulations -

Your daughter has a birthday!

This evening is the most important

The daughter will be the most glorious!

Will eat a delicious cake,

Congratulations will listen.

And let us accept wishes from us:

So that all her dreams come true.

To gifts, sweets, sweets

Gave her a thousand years!

May my daughter be happy

All adored and beautiful for all!

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

Today eyes shine

A mother's tear rolled down

After all, good memory is alive,

As a daughter, she gave birth.

She is beautiful and wonderful

And very interesting,

In love, I wish you to live

Keep each other carefully!

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

Congratulations, beautiful mother!

May it be warmer from my words.

You gave life to the very best

Wonderful of daughters.

I wish you health and happiness

Both of you on such a bright day!

Let everything be great and cool

Do not touch your shadow eyelashes.

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

Congratulations to your daughter today.

On a wonderful holiday - a birthday!

We wish her to be gentle and beautiful,

Always laugh, be happy!

To please my relatives, mom, dad,

Health to her, and strength, and love,

And so that in life she succeeds,

And all her dreams came true!

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

The beautiful daughter became an adult for a year.

Mom, with your dear birthday girl!

Happiness, laughter and joy let them come into the house,

The sun shines brightly in the blue sky.

Let your daughter know no tears, troubles,

May her desires stand the budget

It will be kind, affectionate, even mischievous,

Let the sorrows bypass you with her side.

We wish you great victories,

In souls to leave people only a good trace,

May life be magical and fabulous, not evil

In time, the king’s daughter will become his wife!

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

Happy birthday daughters,

After all, she suddenly became a year older.

Let the sparks of enthusiasm please you

In her happy girlish eyes!

Let her smile towards life

The surest way will find itself.

May you be both a daughter and a friend,

And in difficult times, let him always help!

We wish you joy, goodness, warmth - immensely.

Love and affection, tenderness, mind.

You wish to be a happy mom

Happy daughter for many years!

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

Happy birthday daughters

We want you to bloom

Like spring beautiful flowers

To find happiness in life.

So that my daughter respects my mother,

Always obeyed her in everything

To never offend

And sometimes she shared secrets.

So that fate doesn’t separate you,

Affectionate and kind was.

To give a lot of happiness

And she protected from various troubles.

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

Daughter's birthday is again

And mother does not hide tears.

Well, really believe that quickly

Did her baby grow up?

We’ll raise the first toast for mom,

What a little man gave life

She spared no strength and raised

And now, you have a beauty!

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***** Congratulations to mom on her daughter's birthday

Your daughter has a birthday today

We have a reason again

Congratulate you now:

Gave birth once in the night

You are the most beautiful daughter.

How many years have passed - no matter

You are brave like mom

Gently protect her

Adore, love, wait.

Congratulations on this date,

And along the way we notice:

You are a supermother for your daughter,

These qualities do not take away.

And I congratulate you on the holiday, I suddenly!
  Your daughter’s holiday touched you too,
  Let your daughter be like you
  May her good days await happiness ...
With her beautiful glorious
  Happy birthday
  I hasten to congratulate you today!
  I want to wish with great pleasure

He will meet his fate, let it blossom like in a fairy tale
  And gives you many happy minutes.
  Congratulations on the birth of my daughter,
  So that there were reasons to say to her “I love”. Always a lot.

So another year has passed, so unique and unforgettable. Your daughter has become even older, although for you, your dad and mother, she is still the same baby. She will remain so, even when she gets married and she herself becomes the mother of your grandchildren.

Happy birthday to mom

Happy birthday daughters
  May she be happy
  And pleasing to the eye.
  Let her be a friend
  To you for this life.
  Let her find
  An enviable groom.
  Let it be in the heart
  Your kindness.
  Let it surround you
  Only beauty.

And the years do not stand still -
  Congratulations again
  With the birth of a wonderful daughter
  And only wish you happiness!
  May they bypass adversity,
  So that peace and joy be in the house
  Always nice weather
  It is in the family, as in nature.

Back to your little daughter
  Increased years
  And tell me, mom -
  Are you glad or not?
  Maybe I want it again
  Agu and wa?
  Or get married soon
  Would you give it time?
  Whatever it was,
  Congratulations seriously
  Be happy both
  To the very tears!

Happy birthday daughter
  Mom, smile
  Happiness days and nights
  Let them pour into life.
  Multiple joy
  Let him enter the house,
  Only grace
  The road is waiting for you!

You are the mother of a wonderful girl
  And I congratulate you on this,
  Happy, smart and pretty
  Let your daughter be.
  Family blooming for joy
  Let it grow year after year,
  Without knowing resentment and sorrow,
  It’s fun in life.

Happy birthday greetings to your daughter

Here again, a year has come, you, daughter, have become older,
  But now you have a great time
  You have grown up, and everything is subject to you,
  Only youth left your yard.

You are for the mom and dad - the sun and the berry.
  For grandparents - you are in the window light.
  Happy birthday, daughter, may all dreams come true
  Nobody in the world is dearer to you.

Be the funniest
  And the happiest
  Good and tender
  And the most beautiful!
  Be the most attentive
  Most beloved!
  Simple, charming,
  May everything come true
  What do you want yourself!
  Love you faith
  Hope, good!

Be the funniest and happiest
  Good and gentle and the most beautiful,
  Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
  Simple, charming, unique,

And good, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles leave the road in impotence.
  Let all that you want come true.
  Love you, faith, hope, goodness!

Sweet, beloved girl dear,
  You are my ray of sunlight, a flower of the field.
  I sincerely congratulate you today
  May the wishes come true on your birthday!
  May your path be easy and happy in life,
  May the tears not fog your eyes forever.
  May the soul be filled with joy motive
  A small but dearest man of mine!

So that there were more beautiful days in life!
  They will make a wonderful year.
  Yes, there will be, daughter, your efforts are not in vain!
  Yes, the Almighty will protect you from adversity!
  Let only really be with you
  Faithful and sensitive, best friends.
  Be always beautiful and charming,
  Just be happy, my dear!

Walking with a smile of joy in life,
  Never get tired of work
  woes not know
  Well-being, blooming health
  Happy birthday
  sweet daughter
  I want to wish!

I wish you happiness big and bright,
To easily succumb to accomplishments
Many difficult roads covered
We wish you success, inspiration.

I wish you only happiness!
I'll never hurt and betray
Let's wish more happiness
We wish health, happiness.

I wish you health and strength!
Never lose heart, for no reason don't freak out
Good health, happiness and love
A lot of good sweet and happy years.

May heaven keep you
Never let us down
Victory and fun to you
We wish a lot of happiness on the way and good.

I wish you patience and peace,
So that the children respect you,
Victories and eternal prosperity
A lot of health to you happiness.

I wish to be great in shape,
So that love and warmth will warm you.
Successes and victories always.
A lot of joy and without hassle.

Let your childhood be with you
So that age is not in a hurry for you,
More happiness and goodness
Victory to you in the maelstrom of life.

I wish you many years to live.
Never be in decline
Many earthly joys to you
Mighty health, vigor, patience.

Let the heart always triumph.
Never cry or chatter
You will find many friends this year
Victory, happiness and luck.

I wish you eternal good
Never fool yourself with trifles,
Victories in service, in personal life.
There will be much joy and light.

I love you alone more than life
All my thoughts are always about you
Daughter, dear, happy birthday!
I only wish luck from my heart
And only joy! So that every day in fate
Happiness alone always carried you
May your cherished dreams come true
And may you always be with me!

My dear girl,
My darling beauty
Happy Birthday, I congratulate you!
I love your look, your walk.
And I wish you that day
Happiness is the ocean - without edge,
Only joys in your fate
And good luck, dear daughter!

You opened your eyes that day
And smiled tenderly at me
As if in the best tale
Sometimes that seems in a dream.

You grow and smell beautiful
Friends envy you.
Let only gasp on adversity
Sorrows will pass, only gliding.

Let the doors be all open
The roads will be without barriers
And misses are washed away so quickly
Like the sound of rain and winter hail!

Beloved daughter! Happy holiday
Our whole family was going to congratulate
To make this day memorable and cherished,
Like the first trill in the spring of a nightingale.

You are our joy, hope, support.
Such clever women forever not to be found!
We want to wish you again and again
Not only on your birthday to shine!

Let your heart remain open
And sadness will never settle in it
It will not be broken inattention
And forever burns with the brightest fire!

Our beauty! Good luck and happiness
We want to wish love and health!
Let all bad weather pass by
So that in life with joy just scream!

My daughter is dear, a ray of light in the dark,
Mom wishes you happiness and good on this day.
So that you always remain affectionate and tender,
Only joy and luck were destined in life.
Know that I’m always with you, I’ll understand and help everything,
From the winds and hurricanes, I will save my sun.

Happy birthday, my beloved daughter,
Happy birthday my sun
Be the same baby beautiful
And find your happiness in life.

I wish you inspiration
May dreams come true in life
And let in the bright hour of the birthday
You will be the happiest.

Happy birthday, daughter, beloved,
You shine like a ray of sunlight
My most unique
Smile, love and dream!

Be always sweet, kind and affectionate -
May warmth be in your heart
Let life be a beautiful fairy tale
With a castle, a prince and a white horse!

Happy birthday my joy my happiness
Let all the bad weather pass you by
Let the warm wind of good luck blow
May happiness come to you in addition.
Be kind, smart, my daughter,
Generous, affectionate, beautiful,
May your dream come true always
May fate be happy.

Darling darling
Congratulations, dear!
Always be my dear
Happiest ever.

May you be lucky in everything
Let life flow smoothly
No offense and no sorrow
Without longing and without worries.

I'll always be with you
In word, deed and soul.
Happy Birthday,
My baby dear!

Happy birthday, my girl.
You have already become very big.
You are insanely good by yourself
So always stay that way.
Live and do not be sad
Have fun rather
Love yourself darling
Come on, smile soon.
Be healthy, go ahead,
go to your dream soon.
May the flight be joyful to the soul,
And you hurry to enjoy life.

Birthday greetings from mom

My dear kitten, my daughter,
You are my blood, I love you!
And I want to congratulate you on the holiday now,
Today, dear, you were born with us!
May happiness and success be in life,
We know, of course, you are the most beautiful of all!
You grow beautiful and be loved
And do not forget your mother, dear!

My wonderful baby
You have grown up very quickly!
Now in everything - my help,
You know how to do everything a little.
I want your bright holiday so much
Brightly decorate with flowers.
And wish you my angel
Become happy in the world itself!

Daughter, dear! The sun is clear!
Delicate you are my mischievous breeze!
You are all magical, gentle, clear
Young, beautiful and cute flower!

Stay always pretty, sociable,
Generous in feelings and sincere laughter,
Be wonderful and delightful!
May happiness, love and success await you!

No girl is more beautiful, you are the only one.
Happy Birthday, dear daughter.
I’m ready to embrace maternal love,
I understand you even at a glance.
I wish, my bunny, to be always happy,
Good to be, but if necessary, a little obstinate.

Friends laughing at home laughing
Solemn readings
I made a cake for everyone
In honor of a daughter's birthday.

What a happiness year after year
Watch your daughter grow up.
Like a new turn in life
It is getting bolder.

I'm so proud that my daughter
Among loyal friends
That between her she is
And mother is her friend.

I wish my daughter no trouble
To live without knowing sorrows
Confessions, big victories,
Krovinochka dear!

Happy birthday to you
With joy I fulfill your dreams.
May there always be joy in your life.
Tenderness for you will never subside!

What can I wish for my dear?
Be the best? Be the most beautiful?
There is no louder in the world, more important voice.
I wish you happiness, my daughter.

Happy birthday to you, daughter, congratulations
I wish you happiness and good luck,
Successes always please mother
Let a bright star illuminate your path.
May, illuminated by love,
Your years pass in joy
May peace, prosperity and health,
They will always stay with you.

My darling sweet little daughter
May your days and nights be joyful
May happiness surround you everywhere
And let life astound with its charm.

I wish you luck on your birthday
Wonderful dreams are always fulfilling,
Love, understanding and prosperity,
Your talents are always recognized.

Always be cheerful and beloved by all,
Beautiful, blooming and unique.
I'm proud of you, I love you very much,
I pray for your fate and fortune.

You’re mom’s happiness, dear daughter,
Always be successful! Walking through life
Always choose the right path
And mother, please never forget!
I believe you're lucky in life
Love will not pass you by
Good luck will come no doubt
My daughter, happy birthday!

How quickly time into the distance sped away:
You became an adult girl
And I remember everything once,
I shook you in my arms.

You are always a child to me
I pray as before for you
I ask for health and good luck,
So that you live a life loving ...

Be smart, gentle and happy
And always do it with honor
Be fair to all
With good walk in life together.

Mom wishes her daughter a happy birthday

Happy Birthday Congratulations!
Let your eyes shine
Let the soul have fun
You, daughter, are good!
And like mom, I wish
To have happiness! I know
You will always be loved
And you won’t forget about mom!

My sun, dear little daughter!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Bright day and a dark little night!
I wish you to be happy!

I congratulate you, my dear!
Stay always young!
You are my love, for sure I know!
And you are my happy angel!

Every year, more and more beautiful!
You become my daughter!
And I admire you even!
I won’t live a day without you!

Here comes the year again, you’ve become a year older
But now you have a great time
You have grown up, and everything is subject to you,
Only youth left your yard.

Instead of her came the time of growing up,
It is time for hope, success and love.
Hold fate by the tail, it is your creation.
Catch good luck ray, live, love, create!

Dear beloved, bright man,
May the path be marked with the seal of happiness.
Happy birthday, honey, I wish you
Only love and happiness, hugging tightly.
Remember, mom sincerely cheers for you,
To live more beautiful, better, more fun.

My little beloved
I wish you forever
You stayed sweet and funny
Of course, happy and beautiful!

You are the most beautiful creature!
I don’t know how I lived in that ignorance
Not being familiar with you
With my beloved daughter, dear!

Be, daughter, wiser than your mother
Sometimes dare even dad
Baby, be successful in business
In fact, appear, not in words.

You're lucky in this life
Both happiness and love will come to you
But know how big you would not become a lady.
Your mother will be on your side forever.

Mom wants to wish her beloved daughter a birthday,
Charming to be yourself, grief, ills do not know!
Angel, may the Guardian protect you from evil,
Let life give you pleasant surprises!
I wish all the brightest colors of life to my daughter,
For the health of her strong glasses I raise everything
Have fun, dear, have fun from the heart today,
Enjoy the full holiday!

Happy Birthday,
My dear girl!
How i love you
Golden baby!

I want you to always
Glowed by the sun
To whatever you want
With ease achieved!

Let your loved one wears
Only on hand
So that happiness is near
In life and dreams!

You are my scarlet flower
You are my dear little angel
You are a bouquet of red roses.
I love you to tears.

Happy birthday, congratulations.
I wish you to be happy.
Islet of great love
I wish to find.

I ask an angel from heaven
Protect you from everyone.
Let the enemies go out of the way
And diseases will get around.

I, as a mother, will tell you:
I love more life.
Without you, there is no point in her.
Be happy, do not be sick.

Happy birthday, daughter
My little star.
The happiness of the infinite
I only wish.

Let you make mistakes
They don’t scare in life
Spots and sun
Sometimes there are.

And my advice
Let them not annoy -
Mom to you daughter
Only good wishes.

May you be yourself
Affectionate, beloved.
Let you go through life
You are happy way.

Quickly open your eyes
My little kitten,
And meet your birthday
My beloved child!
Daughter, my dear,
I adore you
And with your holiday now
I heartily congratulate you!

You are my scarlet flower
My favorite angel
I congratulate you
Happy birthday loving!
You are beautiful like a toy
You and I are like girlfriends!
Be always happy yourself
Congratulations! Your mother!