Skіlki walk in hіpsі for rhinoplasty of the nose. Rehabilitation of rhinoplasty: please for a skin day. Smell in the nose for rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a very modern way of getting ideally beautiful rice. An important role is played by the development of the rehabilitation period and the knowledge of the child being involved. Langet vimagє of a special look and a big shutter.

Only the retailer has taken all the rules and attributed the doctor to the guarantor of the rejection of the result. The new period of renewal to the body is trivial for the production of one rock. The most important period is the first two months of operation. To that the patient is guilty of being respectfully placed to the ground and to the ground behind the signs of self-esteem.

Keep an eye on the gypsum bandage

In the first few days of the surgical engagement, there is a strong swelling. As a rule, it will take 2-3 days to pass. It is not easy for a patient to skar on the discomfort of the day. Tse vidchuttya, as a rule, go through a stretch of choter days.

Gipsova bandage serve as the basis for fixing the shape of the nose in the period of operation. You know through the day of the invoice.

  • Increase the uniqueness of the overworldly physical activity, especially in the first days of the operation.
  • Chi not scratch n_s for the help of a toothpick. One wrong roll and bandage fall. It also improves the risk of infection.
  • lie down pain you can see it behind the help of the ice, which can be applied to the gips. Dodatkovo slid dotrimuvatisya special children, yak vyklyucha vzhivannya fatty їzhі.
  • quickness rosemovie and not chhati, so how can you bring Langeti to the redemption.
  • With a hold of chotirhoh tizhnіv pіslja operatsії dumb bismarck.
  • Chi not wet hips , so yak water can be shaped. It is imperative that you carefully grasp the stitches behind the timbers, so that they do not change the structure.
  • In any case, do not change the design for mіtsnіst, This can lead to the destruction of the structure.
  • Strongly hardened live alcohol drink, so yak a stink to provoke bleeding.
  • It is necessary to maximally cleanse the exposures from drinking straight sleepyheads exchange.
  • Never spend an hour in pools for saunas.

With nasal grips on the nose, it is allowed to:

  • wear eyepieces.
  • zamaskuvati material tonal cream.

The process of knowledge of gіpsu

The procedure is practically painless, it includes:

  • establishment tampons, with special antibiotics and antibiotics in the noses. The stench of vikoristoyutsya for additional fixation of steins and textiles.
  • nobility langeti.
  • gіgієnіchna processing of the finished procedure.

Those who, through the words, know the hypsis for rhinoplasty, there is a lot in what to lay down in the form of shrinkage of tissue. Likari are available for the whole period from 7 to 10 days. In addition, in the interests of the patient, he sees all the recommendations and the basic rules.

The visualization of tampons is the mucous membrane of the nose in a special look. For a lot of vikoristoyutsya vatyani sticks, as before snaking in peroxide water or special oil.

The procedure can be carried out with a pickling of ethereal extract of peach, apricot, grapes, migdal. Їх Dozіlno viroblyaty dodatkovo pryvannya nasal sinuses with salt roschin.

Wear a bandage for the operation to get better, not put up with the discomfort through tampons in the nasal passages. As a rule, hips is known after 7 days for rhinoplasty and on the 7th or 10th day after surgery with a straightened septum. In any case, the residual decision about the date of the nobility can be accepted only by the surgeon who has operated on you.

Guilty, but it’s obvious that it’s self-aware of the hips for rhinoplasty to categorically fence. Moreover, the patient should be fenced off with his hands, “fix” it, or rub it, wet it with water or wet it with water. Obviously, as if the contact of hands with a gypsum bandage is inevitable, however, it’s not a problem. Slide to be even more respectable and to show protection.

Do not inadvertently mischievous or mislead hips, for rhinoplasty, follow the simple rules of behavior:

  • Squeeze in more carefully, wipe off exposing with cold water, or with water of the room temperature, do not wet the bandage.
  • Clean teeth carefully.
  • Uniqueness the boisterous manifestation of emotions, wake up to take care of the person (and the nose) of the miraculous calmness.
  • Never put on the eyepieces! Not for the zoru, not for the reading, not the dream!
  • Sleep and sleep in position on the back with raised uzgolov or on high pillows.
  • Wipe the warmth wipe it and wipe it out. Unique solid products and blend the assortment on the jaw muscles.
  • Do not magnetize to clear the empty nose behind the help of the "in" sticks. At the same time, I wash with salt rinsing or wadded turundi.
The rules are those recommendations that are intelligent, and that they do not take care of any oversight. Patient remembered about those, that the result of re-correction is not enough to lie down from the respectable and disciplined position before the instructions, taken from the surgeon. Lack of joy for a doctor when rhinoplasty clogs up with development, including medical and functional character (stike nasal damage, infarction of wounds, abscesses, bleeding).

Otzhe, how do you wear gypsum for rhinoplasty? Yogo know on the 7-14th day of the operation, or just for you, say only plastic surgery. With a hand, be a rite to pour it onto the gipsov splint to get rid of it.

In the case of children of the clinics, a special plastic fixator should be replaced with a special plastic fixator for the middle third of the specimen. Victory of the alternative fixer does not skew or change the rules of the early operation period. All of them need to be cleaned up, but the fixer, yak and hips, is known on the 7-14th day of the operation. If it’s too late, we’ll call for rhinoplasty to fix the bandage earlier, not for septoplasty, but in general, you can choose.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical method for correcting nasal deformity by means of a nasal deformity, which is useful for the improvement of the functional stance, or for natural purposes. In a large number of operations, it is traumatic, and the period of rehabilitation for rhinoplasty is characterized by triviality, possible side effects and serious accelerated events.

The smell of good health is not the only cause of emotional and natural problems for the patient, but of serious damage to his health. There is a lot of reason to lay down due to the qualifications and advice of the surgeon, individual peculiarities of the patient's body, and in the face of the last recommendations of the doctor in the new period.

Special features of rhinoplasty

One of the features of the cycle of operations is the unmatched transfer of tissue change during the period. In the deyakiy world, it is tied with a small amount of soft tissues in the area of ​​the nose, which opens up for its deformity with operative scars already in the period of renewal. In addition, the revitalization of the process is trivial and strict intercourse. Smells to reach the visnazhliv for the children of the children, and the rest often do not receive the patience after the recommendations of the surgeon. According to the statistics, close to 30% of operated people require, in conjunction with the cym, in the correction or repetition of plasticity.

In order to change the turnover of some operational effects and the recovery of possible and partial quickening, it is necessary not only to correctly follow the recommendations of the doctor by holding out the current period, but the operation of the process is determined by the manual

Briefly about the ways of quick access

Due to the nature of the operative access, all types of operations are combined into 2 groups:


Flying in the carried out razrіzіv not only in the nasal empty, and th, smut, in the area of ​​the last folds of the nose, including across the vertical ridge folds (columelli), but also in the nasal folds. It allows you to change the tissue flesh and burn out by eliminating the power of manipulation on the nasal cysts and cartilages. To carry out the "open-up" operation when there is a significant amount of surgical involvement or the need for repeated correction.


When carried out, one or more drops will be seen from the side of the nasal emptying, so that without breaking the integrity of the school and setting on any of the operative scars. For a lot of flesh, including shkіra, it is necessary to survive for the future manipulation. The ability to access the cartilages and nasal cysts in all types of operations is generally sufficient for usuning typical natural shortcomings. At the same hour, the rehabilitation of the closed rhinoplasty is lighter and with less time. To that in the clientele of plastic surgery, it is important that the zakryty method is used.

Sorting efficiency and acceleration in the period of rehabilitation

The period of the operational renewal of supervising is poorly accepted, albeit regular side effects of surgical engagement and young early and early childhood, which can be supervised by undesirable natural habits.

Side effects є:

  1. Hematomas and points of hemorrhage are without middle in the area of ​​the nose, near the pink and in the periorbital zone, and in some and subconjunctive hemorrhages of a varying magnitude, which are tied from the tissues of the tissue during surgery, during the period of time during the technical
  2. There is a swelling of tissue swelling in the area of ​​the nose and before the eyes, as you can go to the cheeks and go down to the bottom.
  3. Increased temperature in the first 1-2 days during the operation.
  4. The complication of the dichotomy is manifested through nіs, and sometimes it is not uncomfortable, tied with a thick mucous membrane and bloodstains underneath.
  5. Smell visibility.
  6. Timchasov chastkovo for an outrageous deterioration of the sensitiveness of the children and all the schools in the operative zone.
  7. The development of the timchasovoy asymmetry of the nose through the soft fabrics of the uneven ridges.

All of them are overwhelmed by the phenomenon, which leads to discomfort, in some sense, and step by step to pass for 7-14 days, є by regular means, and not to be carried out until slower. However, by stretching out the rehabilitation period, you can and earnestly accelerate. The main ones are:

  1. Development of microbial infection and development, zooming in with it, additional acceleration.
  2. Determination of necrosis of the skin, cartilaginous or cystic tissue, invoke the accumulation of overworldly rostins, pooddennya of sudins, coagulation with the mark of a pimple of bleeding, and infarctions. All factors of health lead to destruction of blood supply to tissue and, apparently, to necrosis (necrosis).
  3. Risk-free production of operative seams, as well as the formation of a coarse cicatrix.
  4. The formation of hypertrophic and not only ruin the natural results of the operation, but also leads to a deterioration of the functional character (difficulty of the nasal dysfunction and deterioration of the scent).
  5. Deformation of the nose.

Due to the frequent acceleration in the period of rehabilitation, other people (due to the surgeon's guilt) borrow the reasons, due to the inadequacy of the doctor's recommendations.

Step by step for rhinoplasty

The rehabilitation period is to be repaired from the moment the gauze tampons are inserted into the nasals, as the nasal dysfunction is overridden (ale the smell is unbeatable) and the langeti is applied. The triviality of the main period, amalgamated by a large operation, as well as visibility and individual features of the patient's body, become from six months to 1 rock, and in some cases it is more. Cleverly in the new development chotiri etapi.

Stage I

It’s triviality to become 1-2 times. The main meta of the first stage is the prevention of cystic and cartilaginous structures and soft tissues of the nose. You can reach for the help of special fixators or (in part) hypoxia langeti, as well as the introduction of hemostatic tampons into the nasal passages, as well as to prevent additional tissue fixation.

Do you want to put on gips?

In the course of the operation, the repair of cartilage and cyst, as well as soft tissues, is observed. Gipsova langeta, unaffected by those who do not feel like a wicked person, a feeling of discomfort and discomfort, allowing:

  • fix the residual necessary shape and anatomical proportion of the nose;
  • to get rid of cystic and cartilaginous plates;
  • clean up the operation zone from an unremarkable new mechanical injection;
  • when adding an antiseptic preparation in the ball of a hypodermic dressing, the vicon has a role in helping to drive the development of infections.

II stage

The triviality in the middle becomes 1 day. To fix the visible bandage. In addition, the knots of hemostatic tampons from the nasal passages and the cleaning of the remnants (due to the visible clot of blood and crusts) are antiseptic, or 0.9% sodium chloride solution. It is also possible to see more of all non-dissolving operations. Until the end of the hour, the polish and stabilization of the zagalny camp will take place, and when the tampons are seen, the energy will fall.

What day do you know hips for rhinoplasty?

In quiet people, if the health of the dressing was lowered, it was deformed, it was suddenly worn out by the patient, it got wet for an hour after the water hygiene procedures were carried out. The remaining gipsov splint is known for 7-14 days.

Nabots on the whole stage are saved and there can be build-ups. As soon as it was written by the nobility, the problem was getting bigger, it was generally permissible and not guilty of turbuvati of the patient. On the right in that, a zigzag bandage is not just to adjust the structure of the nose, but to stream a patch of soft fabrics, redirecting it to navkolishnі dilyanka. If you see a clear cross, the embryo appears and is in the sound of the little boxes, but it’s not safe, you can’t lead to the deformation of the young cysts, and quickly go through the tangle of the changes in the stages of the ignition stages.

How can you learn the gips yourself?

Some patients want to reconsider the technique of their physicality, to take a moment to spend time living, to be amazed at any inadvertent visions or to reconsider, because of the deterioration of the plasticity. It is not possible to carry out such an experiment, the tests carried out by the surgery can be damaged, as a result of which the whole natural result of the operation can be adjusted to "zero".

III stage

Trivay in the middle 2-2.5 months and the period of cosmetic renewal. Stretching out for a whole hour, I can see some bumps and hematomas, and the shape of the nose, except for the first tip and nizdriv, nabuvay may be the residual eyegrowth. A lot of the stage is important in the psychological attitude, as well as the patience of the bagatokh patients until the end of the hour to see. However, the stench can also assess the results of plastic surgery.

IV stage

Trivay is up to 1 rock, and inodi and trokhi are better. The period of residual burnout and the formation of a callous eyeglass, by stretching out any developmental defects, there can be knowledge and, navpaki, there can be new shortcomings in the eyeballs of the asymmetry of the form, irregularities, scars, and the formation of a brainwash.

Nose shape change is one of the most frequently performed plastic surgeries. The success of the result is not rich in what to lay down in the main period. And reabilitation of rhinoplasty includes in itself a little fence that is binding for the vison of minds.

Read in tsy statty

Stages of renovation and special features

Rhinoplasty is a serious operation. Tom will be able to do it. І before the residual result is shown, the appearance of self-esteem and self-esteem will be changed more than once.

First days

Immediately, when a patient comes in himself as an anesthesia, he sees weakness, drowsiness, and boredom. All the prices are after the infusion of anesthetics. The world of vivedennya їkh with organіzm is a sign of knowing.

Immediately after the completion of the operation, in offense it is necessary to put a turundi, and on the nose to fix a gypsum or a plastic overlay. So pobachiti, yak vin viglyadaє, do not give in.

The person is afraid of looking through. Especially wine is blotchy in the area of ​​the capital, where the eyes become swollen. You can see the sints from them. Nabryaklimi can be statues and cheeks. Ale after 5 - 7 dibs, a line in fabrics will pass, and a person will take a large viglyad.

The very reabilitation of rhinoplasty on the days of watching is like this:

  • if a couple of other drugs are available, it is necessary to indicate certain medications;
  • do not take care of the infection, so you are encouraged to recommend a course of antibiotics;
  • at the internal passages on a few days a new form of hemostatic turundi is established to the body, since before that it absorbs the vision;
  • leave from nizdrіv tamponi is not used, dikhati with a nose is important, this should be done by a tampon;
  • in the breaks, I will change the turunda to slime with signs of lіkarem zasoba, I will take it off;
  • it is more comfortable to lie down, a comfortable posture for rest and sleep - on the back;
  • after 10 - 14 days, you know the sewing machine, you see the gypsum or the plastic pad.

In general, the most important period is to lie down for a fee. With a great operation, the ear is more, the discomfort is stronger. Rehabilitation of rhinoplasty of the nose tip before shvidshe. For example, the gips can be seen even through the day, the bulges in the whole vipad are not so curved. І tied septoplasty with the smallest inappropriate visions, vimogas and fences, lower back to the organ.

Tim is not the least, through the month it is possible not to be seen from outside the eyes, so as a person is seen as presentable. Ale the size of the nose will change, and the shape will be full. First, it’s not in the new one, it’s not necessary to set up a new Korea.

residual rehabilitation

The final period of rehabilitation for rhinoplasty will take place from the 3rd month. Until the moment the embarrassment is guilty to go. And nіs nabuvaє form і size, news lіkarem. Yakshcho operation was carried out kindly, knowing all the shortcomings that were done before. I, navpaki, remember the mistakes that were made when entrusted. On a whole stage, it is possible to say that rhinoplasty has been performed, or else think about new corrected defects.

Trivia updates

The length of the rehabilitation period is growing.

Factories that add to the triviality of the rehabilitation period priming
folding in hand As a result of the correction, the minimum tissue of the nose stuck, the stench and heal faster. If the snakes hit the cysts, cartilages, in general, you can take up the rock.
Individual features to the body Patients have myriad and hard cartilage, thin and fine cartilage, fast and high quality of fabrics before the formation of new cells.
Non-profitable or ignoring the rules in the main period Trivial reabilitation of rhinoplasty, to lie down and from the behavior of the patient.
Special features of accessibility during the operation It was carried out in an open manner, it was often required for the smoothing of welds.

I’ll look around at all the surroundings, the residual view can be taken in 4 - 6 months, and through the risk of getting involved. It took an hour to catch the minds of the main period.

Taking care of rhinoplasty

As soon as the rhinoplasty went through without an acceleration, and the last period against the normal, then the shvi will be known in 15 days after the operation. It’s about the surface / lasting seams, so on the mucous surface of the likar, they put on the self-absorbing threads.

In the course of renewal, sewing can be covered with ointments with antibacterial drugs in the warehouse, but it is not necessary to manipulate.

To build up the knowledge of the seams does not immediately take the residual form - the thickening is more likely to be obtained by stretching out the decimals.

Skilki trivia rhinoplasty of the nose

The operation itself is not very long - a maximum of 3 years (to lie down due to the foldability), and the axis of rehabilitation for rhinoplasty of the nose can be made with a stretch of decalcaps. It is only in 12 months that the surgeon's robotic results can be estimated for the most recent update.

Splint in the nose for rhinoplasty

For rhinoplasty, a Splint is inserted into the nis, as it can be obtained from a silikon. The stench of fixing the nasal septum, serving as a shelter for the attachment and allowing to save the shape of the contour of the nose to rewind with a vague mechanical infusion on the new one.

In the middle of the cutaneous splint there is a thin tube, which allows the patient's dichati through the nis. The time of the insertion is lost in the nasal passages for at least 48 years of the operative period. As soon as the involvement took place with acceleration, then the period can be promotions up to 4 dB.

Independent knights Splint from the nose is categorically hardened, so how can it cause the nasal septum to be reduced and bleeding.

Gips for rhinoplasty

For rhinoplasty, a gypsum is applied to the nis - a bandage, which is required to ensure that all cysts and cartilages are not required. To be worn out for a stretch of 2 days, it’s just a day to get to know, and in the evening it’s good to know - this is how it’s going to be awake for an hour to sleep. Dodatkovo will also accelerate the process of filling up.

It is not possible to independently wear a bandage, to put it on a place. Take water procedures as needed in such a rank, so the water did not go to the gips - wine rose, remembering the form and not being able to display its function.

Chim mazati nis pislya rhinoplasty

If the license is not given the right order for the drive of the storage of the liquor for rhinoplasty, then the mazati is not needed at all. It is recommended to use a salt solution, ale vicoristovuvati for a drug from a pharmacy - for example, Aquamaris. This is how the unique introduction of an infectious agent to the mucus of the nasal passages is possible.

Mazati n_s is possible at the seams kontaktubeks, mazyu with body, be-like protinabreak creams. It is not possible to self-regulate the vibration of such drugs, because of the drug.

Wonder in a whole video about the peculiarities of the rehabilitation of rhinoplasty:

Yak glue plastir for rhinoplasty

The plaster is worn for rhinoplasty for 2 months, while the process can be continued, in some cases it is recommended to wear such a dressing for 3 months in order to save / consolidate the results. Algorithm for the process of gluing plaster:

  1. Wipe the nasal skin of the spirits with lotion - for the price of greasy water.
  2. Add a small fragment to leukoplastir (not guilty of being wide - a maximum of 1 cm) and sticking it on the back of the nose.
  3. Another fragment was superimposed in such a rank, where the tip of the nose was bumped, and the edge of the plaster was attached to the front fragment and the Germans were drawn the tip up.
  4. The third strip of plaster should be applied to the back of the nose so that it half-covered the perspiration and the “tail” of another fragment.

Pick up the hour of rehabilitation

Fire up without any problems, and the shape of the nose is conceived as conceived, so as to take care of the negative side of it. Є a number of good quality factors, which are going to be turned on:

  • Great quantity of salt and alcohol. Through them, more and more problems can be tweaked.
  • Sport.Іgrovі vidi, nahili, bіg cut not without a mechanical nasal technique. The fabric of the operation is even more tendential, because of the damage caused by injuries, the loss of welders. Because of the reason, it is not possible to bear seriousness. And yet the physical activity of the blood circulation is increased, as a result of which and the embryo will be overwhelmed.
  • Overheating. High temperatures will improve the normal growth of cysts, cartilage and shkiri, create a drain for infection. To that, a bathhouse, provided with a solarium and transferred to an open sun, has a minimum of 3 months. And to replace the hot bath vikoristovuvati warm showers. It is also to blame for the comfortable temperature.
  • Cold. Vidnogo vinykє spasm of sudin, which does not spryє tissue regeneration. Iak to undergo rehabilitation for rhinoplasty, to lie down and to the back of my body, so it may not be desirable to get cold.
  • Swimming near open water or swimming pool... The whole demand for unicatization through the security of information minimum 2 months.
  • Nosinnya eyepieces. Winding plastic in a lightweight frame can be deformed. Nabryak through the grip of a goggle can be transferred to the point where you can do it.
  • Cosmetics. It can be used for a minimum of 2 days. Vmivatisya is also hardened. Infection of cosmetic diseases and water - tse dzherela infections.
  • Pose lying on the bots or belly. In both cases, it is not safe to injure people.

Do not go too without a reason to stosuvatysya yogo, more scorching skorinki, scho settled in the middle on the muck. There may be a risk of abnormalities and bleeding.

It’s impossible to work with rhinoplasty

For rhinoplasty, you can:

  • engaging in sex by stretching out the first 2-3 times during the period;
  • take a hot bath or a contrast shower;
  • moisten the bandage, applied with a likarem on the nis;
  • go in for sports and navantazhuvati physical body 2-3 months;
  • wear a pair of eyepieces - a frame, put on a nylegsha, fix a vice on the nis, make a contact with a contact line;
  • emboss, m'yati, masazhuvati nis;
  • take a sleeping bath and pull out a solarium with a stretch of the first 3 types of the same period;
  • zd_dіsnuvatі thіs rukhіv with a head on a stretch of 3 dіb pіslja operatsії.

Deyaki obmezhennya have a pre-traditional character: for example, if a person is professionally engaged in boxing and having completed rhinoplasty, then it is not necessary to turn to a certain kind of sport in the region - reject the result and be vicious, it may be worth repeating.

Wonder in a whole video about those, for an hour of a loan for rehabilitation of rhinoplasty:

How to help you to be updated

The term of rehabilitation for rhinoplasty to speed up, as well as help to heal the injured tissues:

  • Dotrimuvatisya solі dіetu, including in the race more vegetables and fruits, bіlki. And in carbohydrates and fat, it goes to speed.
  • Koristuvatsya gels "Traumeel S" and "Lyoton", powered by the permission of the liquor. Smell to help shvidsha pozbutisya vіd sintsіv.
  • Place pillows on the sides of the bed before going to bed. The stench will not let it turn over on the big one or live.

Why should I bend to the side for rhinoplasty?

If rhinoplasty should be bent to the side, then the reasons for this may be offensive:

  • Nerivnomirna Correction - Surgery before the hour of the operation to carry out resection of the cyst and cartilage tissue, and if the bulge was asymmetrically, then the nasal curvature is guaranteed;
  • transplants are not distributed in any way - the defect will not be visible until the patient is renewed again;
  • The extrusion of the implant - the introduction of the material to take the place and "pull" for themselves all the time.

Apart from the pardon of the surgeon, provokuvati nasal vikrivennya can and the very patients, not following the rules of the rehabilitation period. Most often, such damage occurs:

  • visualization of tampons from the nasal passages in a self-contained mode;
  • the wearing of the correct eyepieces at once for the operative engagement;
  • changnya z zakritim mouth, syakannya;
  • the destruction of the regime - being engaged in sports, people are selling alcoholic drinks, not checking the end of rehabilitation.

Okremo lіkariyut the time-lapse effect of nasal curvature in bіk - for rhinoplasty, it is necessary to take on a normal, unreliable side effect, which is independent until the end of the main period. The very same surgeons do not recommend evaluating changes in the future earlier than the established term.

Sync for rhinoplasty

Synthesis of rhinoplasty is an inevitable side effect, which is self-evident and in most cases not due to medical involvement. There is a stench for 2-3 days after being promptly involved, quickly expanding to the area near the eyes, transferring and cracking a part of the chola, and even after 4-5 days to know without a trace.

To speed up the process of reducing the number of sync, varto vikonuvati recommendations of the doctor:

  • apply cold or kryzhany compresses to the problematic ones - for 10 minutes of skin for 2-3 years;
  • do not take drugs, in the warehouse, such as aspirin or blood-thinning words;
  • it is not possible for the first time during the operation of the spati on the back - the head is always guilty of being in the lightly worn position when worn to the tulub.

Be it anti-bruising ointments, wounds and folk, you can get rid of them only with the permission of the doctor.

Rіznі nіzdrі for rhinoplasty: is it normal?

Most often, the development of the shape and size of the rhinoplasty is not normal, as it will be renewed again (after 1-1.5 months). It’s not easy to assess your callous view at the same time when there is a surgical engagement and visual convergence of the embryo - sometimes it can be used as a deformation factor.

Ale inodі rіznі nіzdrі - the result of the pardon of the hirurg, yak vinikak, yaksho:

  • zroblena asymmetric resection of the nose krill;
  • improperly roztashovany implant;
  • replacement of endoprosthesis in tissues;
  • the cartilage transplant was incorrectly performed.

As soon as the growth in the sizes and forms of nizdriv is clearly stitched on the cob stage of renewal, then it is possible to turn for help to the operatic. You can put a tampon in a tinkling sound in order to give you the ability to speed up the situation without additional operational involvement. It is possible to correct the folding situation by repeated rhinoplasty, as it should be carried out not earlier, not in 6 months after the first operation.

Smell in the nose for rhinoplasty

An unpleasant smell in the nose is a natural phenomenon of rhinoplasty, you can only get it in the first days of the operation or the patient's turbulence lasting 12 months.

If there is a slight side effect, it will lead to changes in the temperature of the body, like green visions from the nasal passages, pain and discomfort, then it’s safe to turn up for quality medical assistance. Shvidshe for everything in the bosoms to develop an ignition process, which can lead to the establishment of a gn_ine vmestu.

If you see an unpleasant odor in your nose during rhinoplasty, it is a normal symptom, you don’t have to take any diagnostics for quick detection of igniting, infectious processes.

Oniminnya nose for rhinoplasty

The loss of sensitiveness, the reduction of the nose for rhinoplasty is a time-consuming phenomenon, as it will increase in 2-3 days. For some people, the process of renewing their sensitivity is even better, perhaps 3-4 months later, for more renewal.

The values ​​of the strings are maximal, so in the time of saving the unpleasant symptom, the varto turns out for help to the faults - it’s possible, it’s possible, it’s possible, it’s just a little nerve-wracking, it’s okay to get it right.

Scorches in the nose for rhinoplasty

When rhinoplasty in the nose, there can be established scabs, but not pathological, most often the process occurs immediately when the nose is worn (on the 10-15th day of the main period). In any case, it is not possible to "forcibly" mark the skorinki, which is provoking:

  • bleeding from the cause of mucus injury;
  • drift of infection into the wound, scho approved;
  • approval of pre-wounds in the process of starting a wound.

Likars allow you to soften the skins in the nose with the help of peach or nut oil, if you bury 1-2 drops in a bottle once a day. Rozmoklі skorinki can be seen by turundas, jguts or soft cotton sticks.

Chi not dikhaє nis pislya rhinoplasty

If rhinoplasty is not crazy, then in the first few days it will become a normal manifestation. Another stage of rehabilitation, if it is necessary to make respect on the nose of the dichotomy - 10-15 days. At the end of the period, we know the bandage, and the behavior becomes bigger, but we can still make it difficult through the saving of the bandage.

On the 3rd day of rhinoplasty

Vzagalі, lіkariyuyut, that problems with nasal dysfunctions for rhinoplasty can take up to 3 months. Pole sting can be done with nasal splinters, the stench stagnates no more than 5 days after sleep, and the body simply doesn’t respond to other drugs.

Undead for rhinoplasty

Undead people from rhinoplasty are not the norm and even if they do not care, so in such a way, reabilitation, as a matter of fact, to drag on for a few months. Yak undead patients are not very sick to take an active view of the mucus, but not pathological and do not require the consumption of drugs.

As the undead are a legacy of cold, then the lykar is guilty of recognizing the general behavior. The optimal option is to become the production of solon rozchinom and vicoriannya of ship-sounding dribbles for lodging. Syakatisya is not possible in any case, it is necessary to turn on the change - the process can provoke the opening of the seams, the replacement of the implants, the cross of the nose.

Scarring for rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty rhinoplasty especially
high in people with a schіlnoy and greasy shkіroy. The cicatrix is ​​formed into a kind of vipad, ale the stench can be of a different type:

  • normotrophic - the stench is perceived as light and thin, practically uncomfortable;
  • keloidnі - the scar of the old dedal is larger, itching, the surface of the horn, or the scarlet, even if rhinoplasty is done, it is approved in the edge;
  • internal - to be formed in the nasal passages, can be the cause of a difficult dichanna, and in an hour to change spontaneously.

Prevention of the formation of scars for rhinoplasty є suvore the rules of the main period.

If the tip of the nose goes down for rhinoplasty

If the tip of the nose for rhinoplasty is located before the bricking, then it is possible to say that it will go down not earlier, not after 2-3 days. Alle one operation on the nose must be performed before the end of the nose is lost in the lowered bench for now, and it is also a sign of the not-so-great robotics of the surgeon. It is not possible to see the problem on its own; it will be necessary to return to the clinic for repeated rhinoplasty, a correct aesthetic defect.

Assessing the growth of the nose tip is not necessary earlier, not after 12 months after surgical intervention.

Nasal nasal tip for rhinoplasty

Nasal nasal tip for rhinoplasty, naval was carried out at re-entry, it is a normal side effect. Nabryak can be:

  • pervinnim - in the course of the operation;
  • secondly - you can see the patients and we will feel the need for the scent of the dressing, which can take a stretch of 30-45 days;
  • surplus - rosetting only on the tip of the nose, which is a slight opacity, not worn out.

Outside of the renewal and development of new items, there are only 12 months after the surgery.

Wonder in the whole video about those who clean up the stuff for rhinoplasty:

The idea of ​​rhinoplasty turned out to be a hump on the page

The formation of a hump on the transition for rhinoplasty is carried out through a few months, and it can mean the next:

  • Zanadto has grown from the full fabric in the process of development and robotics of the surgeon;
  • the patient did not follow the rules of rehabilitation and early on having started the massage;
  • The bulo is ignored in order to be seen from the wear of the eyepieces.

The problem can be violated if repeated rhinoplasty is carried out only after 12 months from the front.

For rhinoplasty, headache

The headache for rhinoplasty is a normal side effect, which can take 3 months. More will be periodical and not intensive, tied in time, before the hour of the robot surgery, literally the lamina of the nasal septum, cartilage collapse. It’s so difficult to bring up to the end of the nervous system, provoking the pain syndrome in the head.

One minor side effect means a collapse of an arterial grip, which will require control over the indicators.

Solarium for rhinoplasty: if possible

The solarium can be operated for rhinoplasty in 6 months. ultraviolet
exchange can provokuvati the adoption of pigmenty beaches on the nose, so as not to give in to the infusion of cicatrices, scars.

Krym, solarium is a thermal procedure that can improve blood circulation, lift the grip, prevent blood flow up to the nose. And tse direct damage to the rehabilitation period.

For three reasons, not just take a sleepy bath, but before going to the street on the road, a cream with sunscreen filters is applied in a regular manner.

Eyepieces can be worn for rhinoplasty

For rhinoplasty, patients do not allow wearing eyepieces for 2-3 lengths - for the whole period there will be nobility, after the main update. Podіbne obmezhennya tied with a guarantee vise on nіs. And if the operation was not carried over, but, for example, it was a bit too small, then the eyepieces would be embossed from above, so that it could be possible to prevent the curvature of the nose.

If the eyepieces are necessary for the correction, then for the period of revision they will be replaced by a contact line. The stench is allowed to wear right away for rhinoplasty.

Physioprocedures for rhinoplasty

For rhinoplasty, to accelerate the process of rehabilitation and to prevent the development of unnecessary acceleration, Likari can indicate a course of physical procedures:

  • ... Vikoristovuyutsya for smart nobility nabryakiv, treatment of hematomas / sints, polypsychuvannya shkiri pislya operatsii. It’s possible to get more drugs and ultrasound drugs, one session is not more than 10 minutes, it’s painless. The additional course is variable, to stay in the patient's position. The procedure is carried out every day.
  • ... Introduce sensitivity and blood circulation. It is designated on the 10-14th day of the main period when the dressing is permanently visible. Receiving the nobility of the nagryklost, the yaka expanded to the lower part of the denouncement. The additional course is 5 procedures, which are carried out with an interruption of 2 add-ons.
  • on the 15th day of rhinoplasty, which will renew the tissue flesh, accelerating the regeneration and the formation of scars. nose massage

    Varto vikonuvati massage 2-3 times a day for a month. Win additional help to update and improve the tone of the curvatures, as well as to improve the sagging.

    In some cases, there is a hardware or manual lymphatic drainage, which will help you to get out of the big embankments, as it will take away the windows. Ale such procedures are guilty of visiting only by fakhivtsy.

    You can go in for sports through rhinoplasty skills

    Likar to put a fence on busy sports for rhinoplasty for a minimum of 60 days, but it is not necessary to show the period in 3 months. On the right, in order to physically increase the arterial pressure to a natural increase, the blood flow is strengthened / accelerated - a rush of blood before exposure can provoke a change in the results of rhinoplasty and lead to a loosening of the seams.

    As soon as it was promptly involved, it went through accelerated, or the stink in the rehabilitation period, then it was a contradiction to go in for sports to go on to the pivrok.

    Diet for rhinoplasty

    When rhinoplasty is done, it’s not necessary if you don’t need a suvor child, the herbal system prodovzhu pratsyuvati in a zvichny mode. Ale є a number of recommendations of the politicians, which are binding until the end of the day:

    Likari categorically not to please live in salty, pickled, smoked products, cowboys and meat delicacies, fast food, such as processed foods - there is a lot of salt in these products. And tse lead to the increase in the period of delay in the development of rhinoplasty.

    Alcohol drinks are taken before implantation for 20 days during the main period.

    Alcohol for rhinoplasty

    For rhinoplasty, alcohol implantation requires a period of 2-3 days. This recommendation of drugs is tied to the offensive factors:

    • alcohol increases the grip and blood flow - the rush of blood up to the nose can provoke the bleeding, the protection of the joints;
    • drink alcohol in the warehouses, galvanize the regeneration processes and exchange the words - the textiles will be more readily available;
    • to see the birth of birth in the body, so that it podovzhu the period of development of birth.

    Deyakі lykarskі drugs, which are recognized as a drug for accelerating rehabilitation, inappropriate with alcoholic beverages - also, by the same token, we can admit an allergic reaction in order to reduce the medications functionally.

    And a lecture about the operation to change the size of the nose.

    It takes an hour to update the patient for rhinoplasty, it is important to be patient, calm and happy in the results, unaffected by the unattainable image in the mirror. As a result of the operation of a good doctor, the beauty and vitality of the nose can appear over and over again. The head is not overwhelmed by the wrong actions of the letter.

    Corisne video

    About those who please give plastic surgery to patients for rhinoplasty, wonder in that video:

Skilki triva reabilitation, and where does it lie?

Those who take an hour to renew their operations and heal the sutures, to lie down. As soon as rhinoplasty was performed on the visible hump, then the last period will take about 10 days for wear on the nose of a special gypsum langeti near a blizzard. As soon as the procedure was determined, then the rehabilitation of the trocha was less than 7 days from the wear of the langeti.

Langeti, in its turn, is the vison of the function of a "pomichnik" for the growth and renewal of fabrics. In the middle, the fixation of the shape of the nose is carried out behind an additional turunda, which is inserted into the nasal passage, which absorbs the vologue and the less swelling.

so tampons will be removed after 3-5 days in the form of rhinoplasty... By the way, the facts are not forgotten, but the triviality of the basic procedures is to lay down according to the recommendations of your operative surgeon.

Outside of the renewal of rhinoplasty, it will be completed in 6-12 months.

Tse zovsim does not mean that tsіliy rіk paciєnt will walk with zhovty sints. We see embarrassment and postoperative incompleteness more and more to descend through the month. The nayvazhchiy period falls on the first three times, so that people will be able to make a big sound to a number of people knitted under this procedure. Speed ​​up the process of ignition in addition to helping and meeting all the rules of rehabilitation.

Take a quick look at the video about those, with an hour of the loan for the rehabilitation of rhinoplasty:

Yak to undergo renewal - description by days

First Tijden

Even in the first 2-3 days, you have a fever, weakness, pain in the nose and nasopharyngeal pain you will not be turbulent. So passing the first renewal period is practical for a skin patient. Until then to bring some discomfort і a bandage, yaku slide to wear 7 days.

Dikhannya in a whole hour is carried out through the mouth emptying in the connection with the appearance of tampons. The period does not follow:

  1. go to the street;
  2. nervuati;
  3. be engaged in physical navantazhennym.

Prescriptions for you postіlny regimen. If your license has given a recommendation on whether to use ointments, then it can be boldly, more safely, victoriously for 2-3 add, all at once when you see tampons.

7-14 days

At the end of the period you see the nobility of the langet. So it’s easy to change the embankments, go sinz. Let the noses go And now, nareshty, the patient can be dichotomous with his nose.

Now the patient can turn to an active life, while not forgetting about the fence of serious navantazhen. In any case, it is not possible to shake. The patient is guilty of going to sleep on his back from the visor of a high pillow. It is possible to process nizdrі for an additional 3% difference in water peroxide and cotton sticks.

until the month

  1. Zaboroni be-like mechanical procedures for children near or near the nose.
  2. Do not forget to forget about the correct picture.
  3. In any case, it is impossible to wear eyepieces, because the stench of the built-up nasty tissue has not yet healed.
  4. Processing seeks for a doctor's recommendation.
  5. As soon as the patient is turbulent, then the car is a sign of heavenly.

Місяць і більш

Through the month of writing, I will fix my shape. Basically, you can use the approximate result of the operation at the same stage and the patient.

At the time of the reception, the surgeon has taken a photo, and the results will be adjusted until the next day. The photo can be used on different stages, as it will be named for the necessary.

Gips - how long does it take to wear?

Take a ride through the day... Ale do not vauntingly favor those who, for the sake of the dressing bandage, will give you the result. Navpaki, the gipsov bandage is now not streaming swell, but it will be better.

The inconvenience is not as a result of death and absolutely normal phenomenon in this stage of rehabilitation. Pislya zyattya gіpsu obov'yazkovo need to create a photo.

Shvi - if and how do you know, why does it hurt?

On the slimy obolonts, the shwi will get wet on its own. After 2-3 days of operation, a ceremony of seamstresses will be held on the school. Deyakі shvi vimagayut a special look.

As soon as the patient has it, the operative surgery signifies an ointment with an antibiotic. However, with the correct application of seams, a special look is not required. Shvi is not painful to know.

Photo before i pislya

In the photo, you can touch the patient before the operation and send a message to the driver, as well as update every day:

Whether the operation was carried out on the same people, I have a number of people behind me for an hour of rehabilitation period and rhinoplasty is not a blame. The report of the best nutrition is easy to understand.

Intimate life and having sex

It's a pity that sex can be brought to the range of physical navantazhen, and it means that it’s a matter of fact for a day. In total physical installation of fencing on the outskirts of 2-3 years, Do not injure the tissue of the nose, shape and do not swell.


Yakshcho surgeon himself having designated the massage procedures. Such massage is carried out strictly according to the recommendations of the surgeon and in his presence.

So the slid itself means that if the processes to push the grip are negative, they will be negative for the nose. The acceleration of the heart rate stimulates the rush of blood to the point of being exposed, so that from those who are older, it will take 2-3 months.

Sports - is it permissible to engage in yakim?

Yak bulo vische said about massage, sports fence for 2-3 months through those who warm up the blood, you can get rid of the inherited inheritance, the swelling and the mechanical stuff. If it is even more necessary to adapt the physical form, you can turn to yoga and vibrate the most secure positions and options to be busy with the best options.

Shakatisya - to whom is it hardened?

Foldingly pereshkojati such natural processes organ_zmu yak smіkh, channya, syakannya. In this vypadku blowing your nose є is not necessary, so as during the whole process we will be forced to face it, but we will contraindicate it for the patient.

At the same time, the fabrics have grown, and there may be no bloodshed and no bloodshed.

Wear eyepieces - will it be allowed in an hour?

You can only in 2 months. Whether the frame is injected into the transfer and deformation in the period of operation. If necessary, it is recommended to use contact lenses as quickly as possible..

drink alcohol

From alcohol, patients will be reduced by 1 month, and more color by 2. The reasons are the number of points that have been found to damage the blood flow.

In case of impaired blood flow, the process of firing will collapse and pass on to the next level. Also, it’s worthwhile to keep up with the strength of the barrage, to ruin the exchange of words, drugs that are recognized by the surgeon can be insane with alcohol.

Clean the individual

Be-yak mekhanіchnya involved in the guise of the suvoro hardened... You will find a unique problem for your current business. The humiliation of the individual is guilty of being as soft as possible, without in any way pushing on the nose area.


Darsonval is poured into the patient's skin with a high frequency strum, which is characteristic of pinching and poking. It is meant to write a langet. vin:

  1. stimulate blood circulation;
  2. I will paint innervats of fabrics;
  3. responsiveness quickly;
  4. where is the nagrykl_st.

Is it possible to visit, if it is more beautiful?

Often, patients ask about the vagina of rhinoplasty. Recommendations for conceiving a child are given after the end of 8-12 months from the moment of the operation.

Vagitness is a complex physiological process, with which such changes come: hormonal, physical, psychological, a great amount of vagi, and it means all those that are fenced in the period of rehabilitation. Wear the necessary time, and after the update you will only see through the river.

Lіtati on lіtaka

Litaty on a year less, less in 2 months, if the Langeti is known and the decline is primary.

Smoking cigarettes or hookah - how will you smoke?

If the patient is to smoke and to get ready before this procedure, then already a month before it, he is guilty of being forced to smoke. After 1-2 months of surgery, patients still cannot smoke.

Nikotin sounded the judgment, scho to produce the blood flow to the filthy, making it difficult for the desperate soreness. Yak inheritance of the Nabrya will not be ready and come down.

So the very course of rhinoplasty can lead to tissue recovery. The hookah should be served up to the palin, and I will tease the slime shell and can get ridiculous.

Zasmagati chi vіdvіduvati solarium

Straight sleepy exchanges can cause great pigmentation of the nose To that, in 2 months, we will go to sleepy baths and take a solarium.

Chi to drown in chhati?

Sneezing is a natural process for organism, which cannot be fence. However, sneezes - one of the symptoms of GDVI, flu or a cold. Look for the head recommendation of the surgeon for unique situations. As long as it did not go into uniqueness, then chhati went with an open mouth and did not squeeze the nose.

Yak need spati - on the back or on the boats?

Sleep for rhinoplasty is intermingled in different ways... You will be able to unify the small nose pieces, for the operation of the sleep on the back and as you can do better. Such a dream:

  • knowledge of swelling;
  • zapobіgaє unawareness of sleep.

The head is guilty, it is known to the heart. For tsyogo the patient is guilty of adding a pillow to the temple... When removed, tissue, cartilage and cyst may change on the bots, so on the first pores of the operation, the stink of the trimatis is inappropriate. Sleeping on the back helps to preserve the symmetry of the nose.

injections to Diprospan

Diprospan of indications for the fast period of rehabilitation, the growth of coarse tissue on the tip of the nose. To unite a lot of side effects on the next step, they hit only in the classroom minds, but not in the home.

Diprospan MAє takі power:

  1. protisapalny;
  2. immunosuppressive;
  3. antiallergic.

Some of the best results can be useful. From a set of vagi, until the organs get faster. Ale varto pіdcresliti, scho in clever hands, and for the signs of your surgeon, we do not see any failures.


Anti-sickness drugs can be taken for the signs of a surgeon... Acceptance of these preparations is not necessary and must be stored according to the individual characteristics of the patient.

With pain in the nose, you can speed up with ice. Lead good knowledge of the problems and additional help to extinguish the ill-feeling.

In 21 centuries, the problem of recent shortcomings is no longer important. Modern technologies, methods, vikoristovuvani surgeries select the best and most effective option for skin care.

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