Ridni go to the next world. Moving loved ones to the next world. How to let people in: the power of a loving acceptor

What happened as a result? On the day of the funeral, it was going on, it’s nameless, I won’t describe in detail those that my granddaughter told me, the whole story.

On the 9th day and the 40th, walking the whole house with a shaking, all the relatives were on the edge of what was happening, they smelled the presence, they dreamed of a grandmother. 2 people knew about those who gave the injection: son and granddaughter. Before me at the reception, after 7 years, my granddaughter came. She has everything in her life, shkerebert, її uncle also, the stench cannot understand the reasons.

From the other side, those who lie obtrusively, paraphrasing the past, constantly analyzing the reasons for that legacy, or turbulent about those, how everything can go wrong, in the future, it’s good to know that their thoughts are powerful, but the stench is strong difficult to mimic them. The late Yelsky psychologist Susan Nolen-Hoeksema did not believe that tse rum'yanets is a form of dream, that she meant "to reveal situations in the future, as in a significant world, positive in tone." Prote von has shown that in obtrusive speeches, a greater risk of depression, the same schemes for locking up are turned on, and they are activated, if we can.

What was trapilos?

It appears, if a person is sick and suffering, go cleansing the Soul in the direction of negative programs, it will feed the Soul. So, it is necessary for the Soul to come to the other world with pure energy. The more, in the process of life, a person gains negative energies, the more it is necessary for him to be cleansed. For this reason, some people often lie ill and suffer, and others kick and die in greater sleep. All є choose Soul and її napratsovanі programs. If the Soul is ready and has matured to drink from the Earth, it will ask the Angels-Zberigacha and stink to set up the Divine energy channel, according to which the Soul goes, filling the physical body. But, as other people get involved in this process, for their ignorance and thinking that they are doing good, they really just get involved in the Divine process.

The stench can spend a few years on the past days of the incident, asking themselves how it could have happened, and why the stench did not react in a different way and in the last bag they considered themselves to be humiliated, instead of that, to decide the solution. Experimental studies have shown that it is more positive, for example, right and socially active, can help speakers to re-evaluate their camp, shards can gain and cultivate respect, like teaching people to give more respect to such days.

Prote, people, yakі mrіyut transcendentally, can mother those same problems, yakі іgnoruyut їх thoughts, if the stench is taken. Really, extreme crimes know their own special world so importantly that they describe it like a drug addiction, like a heroine. Prote, the deeper she sank into her virtual world, the more she became more terrible. I couldn't help but give more respect for a fraction of a second. Tim is not less, she showed that її came up with satellites more reconciled, be the right one.

What do you see?

The body mimics life with a piece of path, The soul cannot be left behind anymore in the body and it is left out of yoga, but, for the time being, there is no channel, through which it is necessary to drink, and the Soul is left looking at the energy in the booth, in which it lived and began to throw. Rushing about, you can’t figure out why they drove you out of your body (booth).

To that, it is important to know: not in any time it is not possible to get involved in the natural process by looking at a person in another world.

Vaughn could get them in an intellectual debate, even though arguing with outward people would be less embarrassing. They all want to talk about the worst speeches. Rose to say that she has no friends, but in Wild minds she knew her peers. A lot of people, like pushing on the site, hang the relief, that they knew others, similar to them, come out of the cocoon of selfishness and litter, to share their opinion: wrong diagnoses, unreasonable from the side of families and therapists, as well as rituals before, what is described as a quiet girl, how to spend “unforgettable years”, walking in goydalts, listening to music, mourning about її life. “It’s like drugs, ruining and ruining your life,” one anonymous fantasist says, which one knows, having spent decades robbing about the plot. It’s even worse, the drug addict can put faces and drink.

Having improved our knowledge, we took away this information. Vaughn was even more embarrassed and tamed, because their ignorance of the Divine Laws had led to such a result.

What work?

First, for everything, you need to go to the Temple, go to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and ask for a blessing from the people, for the price.

Let us then ask the Most Holy Theotokos, so that the Soul was given a channel for entry into the other world. І obov'yazkovo commemorate the memorial service for the repose of the Soul of the people.

You cannot lower your mind and drink in the sight. Vlasne selected respondents from 5 to 99 years of their year of sleeplessness dreamed, and 79 years of them were engaged in physical movements, such as stimulation for cioma. It was said richly that the everyday activity zblidla in porivnyannі z їkh zіskravnymi svіtami, and deyakі zvіyshli zі sієїї alternative reality in the middle of rozmovi. As a rule, the stench would say that their dreams were mocking them to sing themselves or sing, “for the same reason, just more,” as one of them hung out.

The maiden, as she came to the reception, kept it up like that, and on the coming day she dreamed of her grandmother happy and satisfied, yapping on onuk.

For me, tse buv cіkaviy i pіznavalny process. Now I will understand why the Church is against euthanasia. Tsezh vtruchannya in the natural process to see people in the other world. It’s not only human beings who are worth talking about, it’s about creatures. Creatures have a similar process of entering the next world.

Prote 88 children declared that they stink to suffer for an hour spent on fantasy, wanting more of them to be practiced or learned. Nine hundred children did not have any significant friends, and 82% saved their money, tied to each other.

Deyakі danі svіdchat about those who are inadequately inflamed can be a discord. Eleven years ago, clinical psychologist Eli Somer from the University of Haifa in Israel spoke about depression, if six people lived a fantastic life, reminiscent of sadism and bloodshed. All suffered some form of childish trauma. One of them recognized the sexual harassment of її didusem. The second characterizing his father as a zhorstok man, who belittled and physically evil members of his family.

How can we help?

Just by prayer, if we pray for a sick person, we help him to go through the process of purification and it will be less painful, so that prayers will energetically neutralize negative programs.

Take care of you Lord!

Situations are troubling, if a dying person, in front of him, like a drink, needs to work out for himself and emotionally let his members into his own family, but for the sake of his own growth, he can’t because of his important character, physical and mind. You can carry out for the new offensive the ritual of waking up and letting go in your inner world.

Another example of life

Somer is aware that Rozum's activity has become a mechanism to help his patients cope with unbearable or inevitable realities. If the building is strong enough to vibrate, then image it under control and do not respect success in the success of the graduates, “there is a trace, more visible for everything, classify it as talent, and not discord,” - say wine. The setting can also be important.

Spivak, who has overcome the hour of the Great Depression and has no formal musical training, speaks of guilt, having grown up in childhood and youth with the obvious achievements of The Composer's Spive, his alter, having written the entire repertoire of classical music, including this symphony unfinished. You don’t care that Yogo is internally useful for shkidli, but rather you look at him like a super girl, what a nudga is, like, ymovirno, he added to Yomu to put Yogo into the profession.

Forgiveness (for "important" people)

Meditate for a while. Request the whole family to your Zapovidnik (Safe Place), to the work site. As if this person had strongly shaped you or tormented you with a protracted life, let your skin from the members of this person hang out your feelings and ask for your confession. Rozmova is guilty of helping your skin to relieve your heart; ale, follow him, so that the wines do not go into the super river.

Do you know the stars, if you have passed from the bright and creative dream into the inferno of the shared fantasizing? In the first place, savage respect, which will take away your be-yakі korisnі ideї zі their fantasies. "The proof is in the pudding," - even the Schoolboy. “Creative specialties - artists, women, etc. - often talk about ideas, as if they were with them during the hour of dreams. In a different way, it is important to evaluate the value of your dreams.

Kane respects that you don’t lie in front of me, bluffing, wackling dashingly. “We are convinced that we are not good for our sutty, or we will defile everything, in order to lie down, as if the people were alive at that hour.” It may be reasonable for a great idea to turn it into a re-experiment. a writer who can publish his own thoughts, clearly slandering them.

In a few hours, this person will be ready to ask you for a sample, and until that moment you will be ready to sample yoga for all the minutes. Vibatch yoga and ask for a new worker. Forgiveness does not mean praise for yoga behavior. Tse - emotional relief for skin s participants. You see the name of freedom and joy. Emotions, instead of the situation, will break up, but he himself will be deprived of you like life's wisdom.

What work specifically

“For goodness sake, a lot of what we work in life, do not have such a concentration,” Kane seems to say. But there will be some contexts, in which it is expensive. The versatility of your activity, your reputation, your productivity, is a blind eye, how can you take a look at these thoughts? You can show your situation, if it's so expensive, what you can't give up, what you can deserve, - like wine, rolyachi pause, to look at the opportunity. “You have overturned the line, - the sum of the wines, - so you go into the rut and drive it in.”

As you see, do not forgive this person, know that you will “pull” this energy in your aura throughout your life. Even worse, imagine karmically riveting people one to one by stretching rich lives.

Say, "We forgive you on all equals and with love we let you in!"

The next step is to forgive yourself. Ask ts_єї people, chi can wine to yourself. Chi not kvapte yogo, give yoma an hour to comprehend everything. Zreshtoy, vіn say: "So." Vibachte and see yourself. Kozhen from you is vidpovidno up to his own equanimity.

Vaughn write a short column "Science" for the American Scientist and the author of "Buzz: An Intimate Relationship Between Humans and Komakhs." The Secret of the Life of Walter Mitty. James Thurber in "My World" and "We kindly ask in the new." Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inner light of the world.

Written by borrowers with the help of no one else, yak; nothing else, yak; nothing else, crim; nothing else, krim

Rethinking rum'yan. Vitrati and vigodi vіd rozumu-blukannya: looking around. Tse rozpov_d about the dosvіd of the hero-guardian being re-buyed in the Radyansk camp. The novel is about majestic witnesses to the atrocities of people, as well as unprimed heroism in the struggle for one's worth, honor and freedom. Opovіdach under the name of Grudzinskogo zarobiv hunger, fighting for zvіlnennya from the camp. The book describes, in the middle, the addiction of a hungry person. Yogo's private struggle was successful - vin having restored his freedom. The book to avenge portraits of tormentors and victims.

You can add: “Vishishny, forgive us - as we forgive one alone, for You are Forgiveness.”

Think about what kind of energetic Gift (gift) you could give to your people at once. The gift of materialization is mittevo in whatever form. Give a Gift to my people. Ring out people for the sake of accepting the Gift. Imovirno, The gift of remembering the energy needs of the people.

Rustam Karin was a human being, like a man who tried to flow into the camp. Vіn katavsya on kovzan, ale vin alive. Vіn stverdzhuvav, that there was no exit from the camp. Kostilyov vtіk in view of his goodness to inspire at the cost of majestic suffering. Sob not to practice on evil spirits, in the skin of the day shooting from the fire. Dostoyevsky, in a way he described the life of being in the vineyard. The spіlnota uz'yaznenih and taborіv was formed from people of different nationalities, different social and professional groups. Most of them are political parties, enemies of the Radyansk state.

All Poles, Germans, Georgians, Uzbeks, Ukrainians, Russians Russians Read more and more. In view of his individual and collective share, the author Read more The Dictionary of Literary Heroes - the middle school is faced with the problem of injecting the camp into the people. Vіn espe- cially to chase after the loss of human goodness through ruinous work and famine. Often wines are given to food, for example, wines can grow, but unfortunate, a person is humbled. She asks for nourishment, de humiliation, the lower part of humanity.

Let people in: "Go in peace!"

Tse - modifications and shortenings of the method of emotional release, which is victorious in hypnotherapy. Yoga can be used to forgive "important" people in all walks of life.

Write Yekta:
“I learned from Yuliya about the cic-like method of working with my negative emotions. After whom I taught him riches of other people - both spiritual, and few spiritual. I skin people rosepovіv, scho help. This technique of vibachennya did not only help me to normalize my stature with the boss, I knew that I could beat my girlfriend for one time. "(Yekta, New Delhi, February 2011)

Don’t judge, don’t sue people anymore, as if they were starving until Goddess, don’t judge women, as if they are starving themselves. Vіn vvazhaє, scho vіn do not have the right to judge about humiliation, and only the guilt of human suffering is guilty but condemned. More details Glossary of Literary Terms Protecting the rights of the skin person to freedom and independence in morality. Nobody to judge about it, not to judge.

One of the reasons for the call was the Association named after Gerling for the name of the German General Goering. In one and the same cell there were close to two hundred different categories. Zha, like a stink was taken away, a waste of money: a hot broth for such a weed and a small portion of black bread.

A practical procedure for facilitating the transition of dying people (according to Meister Choa)

1. Return to the Almighty for blessings.

2. Internally turn to mine for permission.

2. Cross all threads in front and behind, on all chakras and energy body, on all lines.

3. Carry out deep cleaning:

  • Light green pranny - 3 times.
  • Light buzz prana - 7 times.
  • Electric violet prana - 2 times.

4. You can gently cleanse all the main chakras to facilitate the exit of the Soul from the body.

Hungry hunger strangling uninterrupted conversations and discussions. In the last quarter of Zhovtnya, five dozen flights were trimmed, including notification. Having read the viroki, the stench was translated into a bichne krylo v'yaznitsi, the Russians were devouring. The stinks were mostly military and "illegal" - non-full-time law-breakers. The rest of them used to be a dashing radyanskoy v'yaznitsa. The middle of the collection is a buv radyansky jew vipadkovo. Vіn buv suings up to five rokіv for vіdmova vikoristovuvat skins for the preparation of new cherevikіv.

The Leningrad vyaznytsia was equal to the Vitebsk ruse and gave the illusion of inner freedom. Purposefully whispering empty, clean, oversized beds, night tables, clothes hangers, press tables, radio receivers and portraits of Stalin are everywhere. Opovidach was quick to get to know the internal structure of prison spying. The stench was formed from: political people, the camp of some bulo hirshim; "Istoti" - vіyskovopoloneni, yakі vіdbuvayut short terms and "urki" - malicious recidivism. Rest in the life of a clitin, not dorimuyuchis zhodnyh moral norms.

5. Increase energy.

6. Say goodbye to the Almighty.

Repeat the procedure once a day for 3 days, if necessary.

You can even softly, almost imperceptibly, play Maistri Choa's OM disk in the room to raise the vibrations and (or) light the lamp of soft violet light.

(Yuliya Pal, lutiy 2011)