Why dream of a small nose. Long nose interpretation of the dream book. See the nose from the side

A dream about noses is our premonition. Looking at your nose in a dream means that you should pay attention to what has confused you before. Hair growing on the nose portends good luck in a cunning plan that you yourself have been carrying for a long time. See interpretation: hair.

The more your nose is in a dream, the more you learn about what interests you, the more faithfully you will behave in a certain situation. This will help you avoid dangerous mistakes and avoid losses.

A large nose in a dream is also a symbol of wisdom. Sometimes a dream about a nose enlargement predicts promotion and wealth. To remain in a dream without a nose is a sign of losses, losses, annoying mistakes. The same will mean a dream in which you will see that you have many noses or a split nose.

Seeing people with a long nose in a dream warns you that some people are watching you and trying to find out more about your business. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone will try to pry into your business. In addition, such a dream portends that your ill-wishers will spread bad rumors about you in order to discredit you. If you recognize a person with a long nose in a dream, then you should be careful with him.

An ugly nose in a dream means that your instinct will let you down and you can get into an unpleasant mess. To be noseless in a dream means that you will act rashly, and as a result it will come out sideways to you. To see noseless people in a dream is a sign of deception. Literally - you are being led by the nose.

If you dream that you have a stuffy nose and cannot breathe, then beware of deception or a cunning trap. See interpretation: suffocate. Wiping your nose in a dream is a sign that you will recognize something unpleasant. Bleeding from a nose in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failures or illness of a loved one.

Grabbing someone by the nose in a dream means that success in love awaits you. Whatever you say to the subject of your passion, you will be believed unconditionally. An enlarged nose in a dream portends wealth and money.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

Dream interpretation - Nose

Symbolizes attention and interest.

Snub nose: means empty curiosity, long crooked nose in a dream: a sign of incorrect or even perverted ideas.

Hair sticking out of the nostrils: they speak of certain suspicions and guesses, most often ridiculous and unfounded.

If for some reason you paid attention to your own nose: this means that it does not bother you to show special attentiveness. Perhaps in reality you did not notice something important or someone is trying to deceive you.

Runny or stuffy nose: Indicates that you should not rely on your own instincts; they may let you down.

Bloody nose: a sign that worries and experiences threaten to deprive you of strength. After such a dream, try to control your emotions and worry less about trifles.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why is the Nose dreaming and what does it mean:

Seeing a big nose in a dream means wisdom and mercy, a well-thought-out business will bring income; to lose this nose - to loss or harm; to wipe it off means freedom from troubles; see a small nose - to the detriment of y; forked nose - you can go to extreme or need.

If you blow your nose in a dream, then you will receive a gift.

A pimple on the nose means to be surpassed by someone and also a disease of a son. Fortunately, to have a hairy nose. Seeing yourself without noses in a dream means losing a good opinion of someone, seeing people without noses - making sure in reality that they will lead you by the nose.

Miller's dream book

Why is the Nose dreaming in a dream?

Seeing your own nose in a dream means that you will show strength of character and realize that you can complete any business you have chosen.

If in a dream your nose seems too small, you will fail in business. Hair growing on the nose portends extraordinary undertakings that you will carry out thanks to the strength of your character and will.

If in a dream your nose is bleeding, then expect misfortune.

Idiomatic dream book

What is the dream of the nose

"Poking your nose up" (being self-important), "poking your nose into something else" (curiosity). "Keep your nose downwind" - to be aware of events; "Taken from under the very nose" (suddenly, imperceptibly), "nosebleed" (obligation, obligation), "hang up your nose" (despondency). "To hack into your nose" - well to remember; "To lead by the nose" - to deceive; "On the nose" - very soon; "To flare up your nostrils" - to flaunt yourself, "to smell unkind" (foresight, intuition). "To hit on the nose" - a vulnerable blow, defeat. "Rub someone's nose" - to surpass this person in something. "Dig the earth with your nose" - try hard. “To lose the scent”, “frost-red nose”, “blue nose” (like a drunkard's), “to stay with the nose” (ie, with nothing). "Do not stick your nose into other people's business - they can tear it off!" See Add. To sniff, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Big dream book by Natalia Stepanova

Why is Nose dreaming?

Seeing your own nose in a dream means that you will show strength of character and will complete any business you have chosen. An exception is a too small nose, in which case you will fail in business. Hair growing on the nose means extraordinary ventures that will be made possible by the strength of your character or will. A bleeding nose is a very unkind sign for a dreamer.

Small Velesov dream book

What is the nose for?

Nose - Failure; big - shame, profit, help, for good, wealth, fame, be patient - there will be good; to lose a nose - loss, divorce, death; small nose - damage, injustice, calm; laid down - deception; wipe - relief from hassle; grabbing the nose - success in love; swollen nose - wealth; broken - a quarrel in the family, illness; to have two noses - a fight, a quarrel.

Universal dream book for the whole family


Nose - A symbol with which it is customary to associate various troubles, surprises.

Gypsy dream book

Why is the Nose dreaming according to gypsy traditions

Nose - Lying down to have - portends oppression from the strongest, infidelity and betrayal on the part of family friends or acquaintances; a nose to have more than usual means an increase in wealth, power and the conclusion of friendship with a nobleman; not having a nose at all means the opposite of the above; to lose a nose means to lead a dissolute life; having two noses means strife and fight.

Aesop's dream book

Allegories about the Nose

This is a symbol with which the people usually associate various troubles, surprises, and teachings. Dreams with this symbol have very different meanings. To see in a dream that your nose is very itchy - you are in danger, avoid difficult situations, casual acquaintances and criminals. Seeing in a dream that you are talking to a person, standing so close that his nose interferes with your concentration, this dream warns you against hasty decisions, because soon you will have the opportunity to learn the necessary details about the case that will help you make a win-win decision.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Nose - Big - patronage and wealth; small - injustice; to lose - divorce, death; grabbing the nose - success in love; swollen - wealth, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is Nose dreaming?

Nose - Big - to wealth, fame; small - peace; broken - a quarrel in families, weakness.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Nose from your dream

Nose - Dignity, authority, rank; intuition, less often curiosity. Big - patronage, success. Small - damage. Alien - interference in the affairs of the sleeper. Hairy is an enrichment. With a pimple - failure, disappointment. Losing is a serious illness; divorce; death. Big, hunchbacked, ugly - demonic influences. See Add. Nose in sl. Idiom.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why is Nose dreaming

Big nose - patronage and wealth; small - injustice; swollen - wealth; grabbing the nose - success in love; losing a nose - loss or harm; wiping your nose - relief from the hassle.

Islamic dream book

What is the dream of the nose

If someone sees that his nose has become great, this is to achieve an honorable position and wealth, to longevity and an abundance of children, and to see a decrease in his nose in a dream means the opposite.

Dream interpretation of miss Hasse

Dream interpretation:

Nose - Big - patronage and wealth; small - you will learn injustice; red - your health is in danger; broken - ambush, trap; plugged up - misfortune; being led by the nose is a rash process; losing your nose is a divorce.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

"Looking into the glass" - to drink (no matter whose nose, the dream touches you). Crooked, big, unusual, be careful with alcohol. You can poison yourself or incite troubles. Falls off to the disease, the cause of which is licentiousness. Someone without a nose faces death. An animal is allergic, possibly to an animal living in your house, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

The nose in the ancient sense

If anyone sees that his nose has become of a fair size, then in reality it will lead to the achievement of an honorable position and wealth, to longevity and an abundance of children; to see a decrease in your nose in a dream means the opposite.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Interpretation according to the saint:

Nose - Big - patronage and wealth - small - you will learn injustice - red - your health is in danger - broken - ambush, trap - closed - misfortune - being led by the nose - thoughtless process - losing your nose - divorce.

Explanatory dream book

Why is Nose dreaming

To see a big nose - Wisdom and mercy, i.e. A well thought out deed will be fulfilled in your favor; lose your nose.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridiana

What was the Nose dreaming of

The broad symbolism of the dreaming nose can be explained simply: some parts of the body, remaining small and invisible in everyday life, complete the image of a person, form the opinion of others. An overview of the main interpretations about the nose is based on microplot details, you just need to remember its shape, state or even its presence in order to prepare for the twists of fate.

  • A large nose separately, without being tied to a specific face? This symbolizes future recognition and wealth, even if the reason for the "full size" was swelling from pollen.
  • But a small, neat nose means that the dreamer will become a victim of injustice.
  • A pig's nose is dreaming - a harbinger of failure.

Psychological interpreter of Furtsev

According to the dream book Noses

A very interesting selection of interpretations of what the nose is dreaming of, in a psychological aspect. Such an image usually symbolizes either impending troubles, burdened with mental anguish, or the emergence of a situation when the dreamer will have to mobilize all the strength of his character to the maximum in order to successfully get out of it.

  • If the nose, as part of the face in a dream, was neat and small, then your efforts will be in vain.
  • A large nose with acne, according to the dream book - you will certainly achieve what you want, and only thanks to your courage and mental composure.
  • Such stories about a dreaming nose are often interpreted as the personification of recently manifested wisdom and exemplary diligence, which will soon lead to improvements in the material sphere and strengthening of one's social status.

Romantic dream book

Nose in a dream

  • If a woman dreams of a nose, it means that she will soon give birth to a son or gain long-awaited material well-being.
  • A pimple popped up on my nose - painful experiences associated with the superiority of a rival.
  • Rub your nose in a dream - forget about the hassle.
  • He dreams of grabbing his nose with his fingers - an early and successful love.
  • Nose bleeding in a dream - you will become a victim of targeted slander, the purpose of which is to deprive you of your dignity and good name.
  • I dreamed about the bow of the ship - to the journey.

Why dream of a Nose for a woman and a man

Experts found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by the specificity and active dynamics of the development of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and for a man, therefore, the Nose in a dream for both sexes has the same meaning.

How to learn to understand your dreams

Dream interpretation boogers from the nose

At times we have rather unpleasant, shameful dreams. Why do people dream of boogers from the nose? Will the dream book be able to find the answer to this question? It is important to remember the place in which you were cleaning the nose, the sensations at this moment, the actors.

Why do goats dream

Many will agree that nasal hygiene is an intimate matter and should be practiced alone, preferably in the bathroom. Only small children can break this rule and look cute. But this is in real life, as for dreams, there may be different options for the development of events.

Why dream of cleaning the nose according to the opinion of dream books

If you dreamed about boogers from nsoa

Nose boogers are a rather controversial symbol. The dream book considers them both as a quick receipt of material benefits, and as quarrels and squabbles with others. Of course, each dream book has its own point of view on what boogers dream of.

Dream interpretation of Meneghetti

  • Getting a booger out of the nose is a nuisance associated with the health of the closest people. Although, at the same time, they promise the fulfillment of your desires.
  • When your friend was clearing his nose in front of your eyes, you will have a conversation with him on an unpleasant topic.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

Bugs from the nose dream of making unexpected cash profits.

Dream interpretation Longo

The white magician believed that goats from the nose to unexpected help from friends and acquaintances, and more to nothing. In a moment of despair, when it seems that you are missing, a familiar person will come to the rescue.

To get boogers - to quarrels

It happens that interpreters, when asked what the boogers are getting out of their nose for, categorically declare - to quarrels and squabbles.

Yes, these fights will be petty, but they will happen so often that you need a lot of peace of mind just to be able to withstand a difficult period.

Stock up on patience, and most importantly, peace of mind, and you will be able to go through this difficult life path with dignity.

Poking your nose or not

The nature of the discharge, cleaning the nose of another person

In a dream, you diligently cleaned your nose, blowing your nose and getting goats out of there, which means that you start to deal with small issues that have been accumulating in you for a long time. These troubles are minor, but if you let everything take its course and do not deal with them further, they can accumulate like a snowball, and cause you a lot of trouble.

When, during cleansing your nose, instead of goats, you took out worms, it means that you will have various small chores that will take away the lion's share of your attention. The dream is more likely to be considered by the seers to be favorable, and not bad, since, according to the interpreters, you will cope with all the upcoming troubles. You will only be required to work tirelessly to achieve a positive result.

If you do not clean your personal nose, but get the boogers from the nasal passages of another person, you will soon be pleasantly surprised by the changes on the love front. Those people who have not yet met their other half will find it. And loving hearts will strengthen their relationships and move to a qualitatively higher level.

Booger dreams - keep your mouth shut

It is believed that if an influential person dreams of cleansing the nose of snot and goats, then he should be extremely careful, since there is a danger that his position will soon be encroached upon. Try to spread less about the state of affairs, do not tell even the closest person about your flaws, this can be used against you. Also, such a dream is dangerous for women - you can be betrayed by a close friend.

There is an interpretation that if you managed to clear the nose of dried boogers, then soon you will get rid of the minor troubles that did not allow the dreamer to live in peace.

Anchor points:

What a dream nose smells

The characteristic of dreams about a nose boils down to the fact that you are inquisitive, active, energetic... Did you see someone else's nose in a dream? Such a dream predicts failure, postpone new things for the future - now is not the most favorable moment. If you have seen the nose of another person with a flattened shape, you need to beware of accidental connections with the opposite sex, sexually transmitted diseases are not excluded. In another person, he was gray from drunkenness - to illness; with a ring, an earring - scolding from the authorities is possible, a small nose - to meanness, too huge - be afraid of other people's influence. The man had no nose - a bad sign, signifying a serious illness, possibly death. The nose that you dreamed belonged to an animal, such a dream speaks of the possibility of allergies.

Dreaming about your nose

Your nose was snub in a dream - this means that you are too curious; unnecessarily long - symbolizes a penchant for intrigue, with a hump speaks of your irascibility. You saw that the nose in a dream is larger than it really is - such a dream means material well-being, a small one, unlike a real one, promises trouble. The nose of an unusual shape, twisted - dreams of illness. Also think about your healthif in your dream the nose fell off. A cut off nose is also a sign of illness or major trouble. In your dream, you hit them, but there was no blood - to deception, betrayal, but if you saw a nose broken in blood, then such a dream portends a quarrel. A swollen one promises unexpected profits, and one covered with hair promises a happy life.

A nose with hair sticking out warns you against rash acts that will endanger your loved ones. If a pimple appears on it in your dream, then you should watch out for your rivals - there is a great risk of losing, being defeated, triple your strength. Blowing your nose symbolizes a gift, wiping your nose in a dream is a good luck. , a napkin with which you wiped your nose means to finish troublesome affairs. To see two noses to some obstacles that you can overcome with your fists. You dreamed that your prominent part of your face was clogged, it was difficult for you to breathe, a runny nose, did you have a cold? Fear betrayal, betrayal by loved ones.

Dreams in which you have to treat your nose are in danger. Broken - portends the actions of your enemies who want to harm you. It was red - such a dream warns of illness. If in a dream you saw someone else's nose on your face, then failures in business happen due to the intervention of other people who are unfriendly towards you. Bleeding from it - sign of big troublepossibly a serious illness. For love affairs, I have a dream in which you were kissed on the nose. A dirty nose in a dream portends loss, losses. If you grabbed a person by the nose, then luck will smile on you in love adventures. A nose that itches during sleep warns you of danger, avoid dubious companies, casual acquaintances and situations that can harm your health. Dreams in which there were foreign objects in it - cotton wool, bandage, etc. - a symbol of trouble.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

Nose - I dreamed of a big nose - it means patronage and wealth. If the nose in a dream was small, then injustice awaits you.

Seeing that you have lost your nose means a divorce or even the death of someone close.

If someone grabbed you by the nose in a dream, then this is to success in love. A swollen nose in a dream promises unrighteous wealth.

Nose Treatment - Warns you of danger.

See also: why the face is dreaming, what is the dream of sniffing, why is the mustache dreaming.

Dream interpretation of Cleopatra

Why is the Nose dreaming about in the dream book:

Nose - The nose was dreaming - this is a symbol with which it is customary for the people to associate various troubles, surprises, and teachings. Dreaming about a nose has very different meanings.

To see in a dream that your nose is very itchy - you are in danger, avoid difficult situations, casual acquaintances and criminals.

Seeing that you are talking to a person, standing so close that his nose interferes with your concentration, this warns you against hasty decisions, because soon you will have the opportunity to learn the necessary details about the case that will help you make a win-win decision.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why is the Nose dreaming about in the dream book:

Nose - I dreamed of an unnaturally large nose - this portends that you will achieve a favorable position in your business through patronage.

If you dreamed of a small nose with a button, then you will be treated unfairly and despicably. If you dream of a red nose on the face of a drinking man in a dream, you will face a threat to your health.

Why dream of seeing a broken nose - this means a trap set up by enemies.

Broken and bleeding nose - you will fail in business and disagreement with your beloved.

Big dream book

Why is the Nose dreaming - dream analysis:

Nose - I dreamed about my own nose - then you will show strength of character and will complete the work you have begun.

If in a dream your nose seems too small to you, then get ready for a failure in business.

If you dreamed of hair growing on your nose, this means the strength of your character.

Blood coming out of the nose is not a good sign.

Dream interpretation of I. Ermakova

Why is the Nose dreaming, the meaning of sleep:

Nose - A person who dreams that his nose is more ordinary will be rich, powerful, and quite the opposite, if he dreams that his nose has become smaller. When he sees that he has two noses, it means there is a quarrel. Dreams in a dream that the nose has become so large that it disfigures the face, means that that person will live in luxury, but will not be loved by those around him. If someone sees in a dream that his nose is stuffed up so that he cannot smell it, then for a noble person this means an imminent danger from those close to him; to a simple man, this dream portends to be deceived by his friend; for a woman, this dream predicts that she must beware of deception.

Everyday dream book

Why is the Nose dreaming, what does it mean:

Nose - If you had a dream in which you see your nose, then in real life you will be able to show the strength of your character and bring the business you started to the end, despite the many difficulties and obstacles that will lie in wait for you.

Seeing your nose - realizing the strength of your character and understanding that you can handle everything and no obstacles will hinder you. If you dreamed about a nose that seems too small to you, then in reality your actions are doomed to failure, for which external circumstances will be to blame.

If the nose in a dream is too big, it is worth looking at yourself a little more realistically and assessing your strengths more soberly - otherwise, too high self-esteem, self-confidence can lead to disastrous results.

Seeing that hair is growing in your nose, then in reality, by the strength of your character, you will be able to carry out an original, creative project that will subsequently bring you great profit.

If you are bleeding from your nose in a dream, then in real life unhappiness awaits you, and with a high degree of probability this misfortune will be associated with your health or the health of people close and dear to you.

Dream interpretation of Emperor Peter I

See nose in a dream:

Nose - Seeing what you see, or picking your nose yourself, this means that you will lose your judgment and show unworthy frivolity in your behavior with some charming person. If you dreamed about an ugly nose, then this means unprofitable activities and irritable comrades. A wounded nose portends loss. Seeing that you have a broken nose means that you are putting yourself in a fake position in front of your friends. Seeing that you see ulcers on your nose, then such a dream portends a decrease in your income in connection with helping other people.

Seeing that you have two or more noses, then such a dream means that your entrepreneurial spirit is more manifested in your imagination than in real affairs. A dream in which your nose is amputated means that you will lose valuable friends, and the oppressive influence of your family will make your life unbearable. If a young woman admires her nose in a dream, it means that her irrepressible vanity will alienate the person she adores from her. If a woman dreamed that she had a hairy nose, then in the future she would command her husband. If you see your nose, then such a dream often portends a desperate situation. Such a dream encourages you to assert your position in life with greater will and energy. Seeing that you wash your nose means that in real life, the cunning of others will somewhat confuse your plans and discourage you. If in a dream your nose is reddened and swollen, then this portends trouble: shame and humiliation are possible, the breaking of family ties, abrupt changes in business.

Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why is the Nose dreaming about in the dream book:

Nose - Dreams about noses are our premonitions. The larger your nose is in the dream, the more you will learn about what interests you. This dream will help you avoid dangerous mistakes and unnecessary losses if you can correctly solve it. A large nose in a dream is also a symbol of wisdom. Sometimes a dream about a nose enlargement predicts promotion and wealth, power and the conclusion of a friendship with a nobleman.

To lose your nose in a dream is a sign of losses, losses, annoying mistakes. Not having a nose at all in a dream means that you are leading a dissolute life. The same will mean a dream in which you will see that you have many noses or a split nose. Wiping your nose with a handkerchief or hand in a dream is a sign that you will recognize something unpleasant. Seeing nosebleeds in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failures or illness of a loved one.

Grabbing someone by the nose in a dream means that success in love awaits you, and no matter what you say to the subject of your passion, they will unconditionally believe you. An enlarged nose in a dream portends wealth and money. To have a sunken nose in a dream foreshadows oppression from the strongest, infidelity and betrayal from family, friends or acquaintances.

Smelling something in a dream means profit and a change of state. If at the same time you feel a pleasant smell - good news and a pleasant pastime. Suffering in a dream with a runny nose means that your behavior leaves much to be desired; be humble and restrained - it's in your best interest.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why is Nose dreaming, what does it mean:

Nose - Your own big nose in a dream predicts wealth, successful completion of a business, important patronage for you. swollen - ill-gotten wealth; red - sadness and longing. Blood from the nose - unfortunately; grabbing the nose - to success in love. Losing your nose in a dream or just seeing yourself without a nose is a very bad dream. It means illness, divorce, death.

Why dream of seeing that hair has grown on your nose, you will start some kind of unusual business for you and will successfully bring it to the end.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see the Nose in a dream?

Nose (see also Body Parts) - Brief Explanation: curiosity; sensitive sense of smell. A popular expression: don't stick your nose into other people's business; poke your nose everywhere; have a flair; sniff out; taste of victory