Research into the market and the internal core of the organization. What do I mean in a bad way? Writing the name

It is clear that the Russian language is related to the similar Slavic subgroup of the Slovenian languages ​​of the Indian European language family. However, most of the Russian special names are not necessarily Russian in their meaning - they are associated with the Greek and the Christian religion. Until then, in Russians there were names that reflected the various powers and qualities of people, their physical shortcomings, peculiarities of language, as well as the order in which children appeared in the family and the placement of their fathers before them. All of these characteristics could be expressed in names, either through the use of specific features, numbers, cryptic names, or, figuratively, the way to equate with animals, plants, etc. For example, there were such names: Vovk, Kit, Gorobets, Peas, Birch, Pockmarked, Buyan, Pershiy, Tretyak, Veliky, Menshiy, Zhdan, Nejdan. Variations of these names are found in current nicknames Volkov, Tretyakov, Nezhdanov etc.

With the introduction of Christianity in Russia, all the names of which were embossed with church names that came to us from Byzantium. Among them, in addition to the Greek names, there were ancient Roman, ancient Jewish, Syrian, Egyptian; The skin of them in their native language has little meaning, but when placed in another language, it was lived out as a power, and not as a word that means yet. So, at that time, Byzantium collected the most beautiful names of its language and those of its neighboring lands and canonized them, then legitimized them officially, giving them church names.

Transferred to Russian soil, the names immediately replaced the old ones. I would like to talk about the continuity of the entry of these names into the Russian culture right up to the 17th century. The Russians, some of them from the Christian names given by the church, were called by more sensible and worldly names, which gradually turned into nicknames - the axis of the star we have such an inexorable desire for them! In ancient chronicles, books, and charters, such complex names of people as “boyar” are often used. Theodore, call Road», « Fedot Ofonasyev sin, thank you Ogirok», « Ostashko, thank you Pervinka», « Oleksiy, thank you Woke me up, Semeniv sin».

Until the XVIII – XIX centuries. the ancient Russian names were already completely forgotten, and the Christian names of the significant world changed their appearance, adapting to the peculiarities of the Russian language, word change and word creation. Yes, I'm Akilina the Russian language has acquired a form Akulina, Diomid - Demid, Yeremia-Yeremey, Ioannik – Anikey etc. A number of names have recently been used in two variants: church, which is closer to the Greek original, and civil, folk, more closely aligned with the Russian language. SR: Sergiyі Sergiy, Agapiusі Agape, Or Iі Illya, Zakhar(Zechariah) that Zakhar.

Names of individuals are the most international words. It is easy for smells to pass from one people to another and tend to spread far beyond those territories, as long as the people who created them are alive. In the past, so-called secular religions (Christianity, Islam) played a small role. Moving from one end to another, the names lose their clear, cob-like appearance, and change accordingly to the standards of quietness by which the stench is identified. For example, change your name Ivan(John): Johannes, John, Jean; or else Muhammad(Muhammad): Mahmet, Mahomet, Mamet, Mamey.

I'm not kidding there

Sometimes it seems that the etymology of the name is clear, without requiring deep digging. Or if you follow the singer directly, you will soon find the answer. And then a reconciliation appears and it becomes clear that it is not so simple.

I'm Maya There is a lot of connection with the Radyansky Pershotravny. However, whose name is worth more than a thousand fates. In Ancient Greece this was the name of the nymph Gir, the daughter of Atlas and Pleioni, the mother of Hermes. The Romans retook Maya ancient Italian earth goddess Mayu (Maiestu), The saints fell on the grass (1 grass and sacrifices were made to it). Inodi Maya They respected Vulcan's squad and fought with Fauna.

I'm Ahat The Turkic names are very similar. The ale came from the Greek language. That was the name of Enei’s companion and comrade, and figuratively Ahat – faithful comrade and inseparable friend.

Nowhere, perhaps, has folk etymology become as widespread as that of tarnished powerful names. For example, a university student begins to learn Latin language. One of the first things to do is find out what the Latin word is ira means “anger, malice.” I’m immediately tempted to connect this word with Russian names Ira (Irina),“explain” the meaning of the revealed word. It's true Irina bulo was posited in the Greek language, the word eir?n?[eyre: not:] means “light”; in the New Greek language: [irini]. This word was practiced by the ancient Greeks as if they (Eir?n? – Irina – I am the goddess of light, peaceful life).

Until the XIV century. The names recorded were completely assigned to the new place. They calmly became friends, getting along with their old Russian names. Over the years, the church has blocked the adopted Russian names, created from the Russian tradition, although the adopted stench persisted among the people until the 17th century. Therefore, with a small excuse, Russian names are reserved. As a result of thousands of years of exposure to Russian smells, they have become Russified and appear alien. And the new Russian names, formed from the Russian language, are perceived as less Russian, aligned with such traditional names as Oleksandr, Andriy, Olena. However, Russians have had a lot of new Russian names for a long time. The stench is still well preserved among the neighboring Slovenian peoples, for example, among the Bulgarians. We are familiar with Russian nicknames (Boyanov, Brailov, Milovanov, Siversky ta ін), which means that the names Boyan, Brail, Milovan, Siver There were many others in the past and in the Russians, and our ancestors were called them.

Name of the hero

Why did A. S. Pushkin call the hero one of his fairy tales Elisha?

I'm Elisha resemble from ancient Jewish language (Eli?? God is a good man), so this is what he says to the hero: “Tales about the dead princess and seven rich men.” Also entirely consistent with the name Gerasim the character of the hero in the story I. S. Turgenev "Mumu". I'm Gerasim came from old Greek language (Gerasimos – important), this is most suitable for the hero of “Mumu”.

Writing of special names

The correct spelling of a name is an important issue, both for spelling and legal issues. Aje yakscho in people in some documents it is written, for example, Daria or else Davide, and in others – Dar'ya or else Davide, In this case, you can call in doubts and be offended by the entry option to the name of one person. Since the variants of names diverge so far from one another, the stench ceases to be perceived as the same names. This happened, for example, with the name options Georgiy(Pochatkov book form). With the early adoption of this concept, it was transformed into Russian folk culture in Yuri. With the repeated, book-based, written form, it gave a new form to the folk language Egoriy and truncated Egor. Currently legal names Yuriy, Georgyі Egor(y) It's different, but a lot of people save their memory when names are closely linked, and often with metric notation Georgiy call people home Yura, Mountain, Gosha(Two remaining shortened options go straight to the name Egor). Few such modifications have appeared in Russian language and under other names, but at the same time the brightest butt.

It was especially complicated (at the same time) with the so-called church variants of Russian names. Recorded in the 10th – 11th centuries. From Byzantium, they quickly became Russified, the fragments came to Rus' in a slavic form, passing through the living Pauden Slavic languages ​​(Bulgarian, Serbian, Macedonian). Navigation in church ceremonies right up to the 16th century. stinks were vikorized in Russian forms: Gavril, Danilo, Enuariy, Zachariah, Illya, Isaac, Isay, Kozma, Kindrat, Kupriyan, Login, Malachi, Mosey, Nester, Sava, Savvatiy, Selivester, Sophony, Fadey, Furs, Kharlampiy, Agripina, Akul ina, Vasilina, Katerina, Neonil, Tetyana, Khariton. As early as the 17th century, in connection with the corrections of church books, the names were given the Church Slavonic form: Gabriel, Danilo, Ianuariy, Zechariah, Illya, Isaac, Isaiah, Cosmas, Kodratі Square, Cyprian, Longinusі Loggin, Malachi, Moses, Nestor, Sava, Savvatiy, Sylvester, Sophonia, Thaddeus, Firs, Charalampios, Agripina, Akilina, Vasilissa, Katerina, Neonilla, Tatiana, Kharitina etc.

Although the secular, non-church, lived-in traditions of living religious rituals were preserved, new church forms could not help but infuse them with their influx. This became especially strong in the 18th century, when the literary norms of the Russian language began to grow. Church Slavic forms, of course, fell into the so-called high style and began to re-evaluate excessive norms. For example, Tsar Ivan the Terrible was called Ivan in his life, but in the literary history of the 18th – 19th centuries. he becomes Ivan. So Tsar Fedir Ivanovich himself becomes Feodor Ioannovich.

Under the established rules of today's world, the writing of names is richly indicated by the special relish of name-bearers. For example, only the will of the people Proudі Kupriyan, and others are more suitable Proudі Cyprian. It is impossible to throw out or defend any option. More detailed fixation of them is due to the mutual correlation and understanding of the acceptability of the development of new norms based on the patterns of the Russian literary movement.

Creation and writing in Father’s style

According to Father, the special rank given to the name of a given person, which is included in the warehouse of his name, is characteristic of the Russian name system. Other peoples may have their own forms of naming, similar to the Russians in Father’s style, if they are considered in other ways and are generally similar to the Russians.

According to the father's type of human names (Russian and non-Russian), the Russian language follows the following rules:

1. If the name ends with a solid voice (cream and , w, year, sch, ts), available -Ovich / Aries: Oleksandr + ovich / aries, Ivan + + ovich / aries, Gamzat + ovich / aries, Karl + ovich / aries.

2. Before names that end in and , w, year, sch, ts, available -Evich / Evna: Georges + evich / evna, Janusz + evich / evna, Milich + evich / evna, Franz + evich / evna.

3. Whenever my name ends with unvoiced voices A , at, s, until now -Ovich / Aries, Moreover, the end voice names are added: Antipa – Antipovich/Antipivna, Vavila – Vavilovych/Vavilivna, Gavrila – Gavrilovich/Gavrilivna, Danila – Danilovich/Danilivna, Vakha – Vakhovich/Vakhivna, Shalva – Shalvovich/Shalvivna.

Blame: from Russian names Anikita, Mikita, Mina, Sava, Strength, Foka traditional forms are being established in the father’s way -Ich / special officer: Anikita – Anikitich/Anikitichna, Mikita – Mikitich/Mikitichna, Mina – Minich/Minichna, Sava – Savich/Savvichna, Sila – Silich/Silichna, Foka – Fokich/Fokichna.

4. When the name ends with unvoiced voices about , until now -Ovich / Aries, Moreover, the terminal glottal of the name and the coaxial suffix merge into one sound [o]: Vasilko + ovich / aries, Mikhailo + ovich / aries, Otto + ovich / aries, Heino + ovich / aries, Hugo + + ovich / aries, Antonio + ovich / aries.

5. As for the naked end voice, it is transmitted and or else w , year, sch, ts, then we get it -Evich / Evna, and the voice rises: Vazha – Vazhevich/Vazhivna, Gocha – Gochevich/Gochivna.

6. If the name ends with a soft voice, then harmonious + b, until now -Evich / Evna, and Kintseviy b throws up: Igor – Igorovich/Igorivna, Tsezar – Tsezarevich/Tsezarivna, Vil – Vilevich/Vilivna, Kamil – Kamilevich/Kamilivna, Shamil – Shamilevich/Shamilivna, Oles – Olesevich/Olesivna.

7. Whenever my name ends with unvoiced voices e , until now -Evich / Evna, Moreover, the terminal glottal of the name and the coaxial suffix are angry: Aarne – Aarnevich/Aarnivna, Grigori – Grigorovich/Grigorivna, Vilya – Vilovich/Vilyivna, Vyaini – Vyainevich/Vyainivna.

8. When my name ends with unvoiced voices і , until now -Evich / Evna, Villi – Villievich/Villievna, Ilmari – Ilmariyovich/Ilmarievna.

9. How will I end with an unspoken note? ій , until now -Evich / Evna, Why does Kintsevy th is thrown up, but stopped і or go to b , otherwise it will be lost:

a) go to b after one vocal or group nt : Vasil – Vasilyovich/Vasilivna, Mariy – Mariyovich/Mariivna, Yuliy – Yuliyovych/Yulivna, Vikentiy – Vikentiyovich/Viken-tievna, Leontiy – Leontiyovych/Leontievna, Terentiy – Ter Entiyovich/Terentiyevna;

b) is lost after before , X, ts, and also after two vocals (cream group nt ): Nikiy - Nikiyovich/Mikievna, Lyutsiy - Lyutsiyovych/Lukivna, Stakhii - Stakhiyovych/Stakhivna, Dmitro - Dmitrovich/Dmitrivna, Kelsiy - Kelsiyovych/Kelsiivna, Lollii - Loll Ichovich/Lolievna.

10. Old Russian names that end in suffix її і and I , -Evich / Evna, with whom kintsev I jumps up, and і or else e save: Menya – Meniyovych/Maeivna, Zaharia – Zakhariyovych/Zakhariyevna, Akhiya – Ahiyovych/Akhiyevna, Osiya – Osioyovych/Osiivna, Malakhiya – Malakhiovych/Malakhiyevna.

11. Before names that end in a stressed voice A , I, e, e, і, s, e, about, at, Yu, available -Evich / Evna, in which case the terminal voice is preserved: Aibu – Aibuevich/Aibuevna, Badma – Badmaevich/Badma-evna, Batu – Butuevich/Batuievna, Vali – Valiyovich/Valievna, Dakko – Dakkovich/Dakkoevna, Ise – Isiyovych/Issievna, Safa – Safaevich /Safaivna, Fayzi Khamzya – Khamziyovich/Khamziivna .

12. Names that end with an accent ah , yay, yay, gay, ій, th, Ouch, wow, yu, do it like father's with a supplement -Evich / Evna, Why does Kintsevy th throws up: Akbai – Akbaevich/Akbaivna, Kiy – Kievich/Kieivna, Matviy – Matviyovych/Matviivna, Okhoi – Okhoivich/Okhijivna, Sisiy – Sisoevich/Sisiivna.

13. Names that end in two voices ahh , aw, eu, her, ії, uh (refer to their Buryat names), save them, satisfying them with father’s addition -Evich / Evna: Bimbii – Bimbievich/Bimbiivna, Boboo – Bobooevich/Boboivna, Burbee – Burbeevich/Burbeevna, Dambuu – Dambuevich/Dambuvievna, Kanshau – Kanshavevich/Kansha-Vievna , Kachaa – Kachaaevich/

Over time, the rules of doing things like father’s will change. For example, according to Fatherland, Tatar and other names have a tendency to follow Russian characters and take on forms Nabiullovich(replacement Nabiullaevich), Khamzevich(replacement Khamziyovych), Yanovich(replacement Yanisovich), Mariyovych(replacement Mariusovich), Ionovich(replacement Jonasovich), Vakhtangovich(replacement Vakhtangiyovich) etc. In addition, the actions to follow the stated rules are even controversial. For example, as Buryat names Boboo, Dambuu, Budii appear in Russian writing Boboi, Dambu, Budi, then according to the father they may look like this: Bobojevic, Dambujevic, Budijovich. Types of Georgian names Shota, Vano, Vaso, Shio It’s better to do it according to your father Shotovic, Vanovich, Vasovic, Shiovich, chim Shotaevich etc. According to father’s names, similar Isa – Isaevich, also controversial, so it remains similar to the name Isay. There may be light here Isovich.

Russian nicknames

It is unlikely that in our country you will find a person without a nickname. The nickname is recorded on the birth certificate, passport, and on the certificate of completion of the initial mortgage. Every person writes down his nickname and his father’s name in the form.

Word nickname For its Latin origins, and before the Russian language, it was lost from the language of Western Europe. For the first time in Russia, this word was lived in by the meaning “homeland, family members, household members.” You can find such an old meaning of the word in fiction: All our nicknames are now alive with me(V. Zhukovsky); Soon I will send you a photo of all my nicknames(M. Gorky). Only in the 19th century. word nickname In Russian language, a new meaning has gradually emerged, which has now become the main one - “a family name that adds up to a special name.”

Until the middle of the 19th century. Most of the inhabitants of our land, including nobles, rich merchants and clergy, have a lot of nicknames. What replaced the nameless nickname? Archival documents give a clear indication: the function of nicknames was determined by the name of the father. In the 15th century, for example, they wrote like this: Guba Mikiforov sin Crooked cheeks, earth-grass; Yukhimko Sparrow, villager; in the 16th century - Ivan Mykytin is syn, and the name is Menshik; Onton Mikiforov is syn, and the name is Zhdan. Nicknames like these could have been created over the years Mikitin (Nikitin), Meshkov, Mikiforov (Nikiforiv), Zhdanov, Krivoshchoki, Vorobyov.

Nicknames enter the vocabulary warehouse of any language. How many Russian nicknames are there? No one was pleased with them. Movniks know that there are hundreds of thousands of nicknames, and even a change in nickname would like to lead one letter to the point where another nickname is created, for example, Pereviznikiі Perevoshchiv, Kozakivі Kozakov, Shvetsivі Shevtsov, Sheremetevі Sheremetyev, Fleriv, Florivі Froliv. When you register your nickname, it ceases to recognize your person: the written power of attorney, in which your nickname was incorrectly entered, expires. You will not deduct a penny transfer if the name on your document does not match the name on the postal form.

Some Russian nicknames are not the same: and birds (Sorokin, Solovyov, Petushkov, Kurochkin, Golubev, Orlov, Sokoliv), and "beasts" (Lviv, Zverev, Yezhov, Medvedev, Barsiv, Barsukov), and "roslinni" (Dubov, Berozkin, Travkin), and "virobnichi" (Trubachov, Tsegla, Pushkarev, Kolesov, Telegin, Khomutov, Kuznetsov, Rukavishnikov). In the proven “Kinsky nickname”, A.P. Chekhov masterfully exploited the verbal possibilities of the Russian language for the creation of nicknames.

And in Russian nicknames are short and long, which are made up of two or more parts. Movaznavs were able to register the shortest nickname that can be combined with one letter (nickname E).

What are the nicknames? Do you need a stink? A lot of scientific and popular science books have been written about it. Yu. A. Fedosyuk’s editor “Russian nicknames” tells about the origin of nicknames. Popular etymological dictionary." The author names several types of Russian nicknames: Russian dialects, professions, occupations, nicknames, nicknames, geographical names (powerful and nominal), piece lighting, Turkic Names and names

From the dictionary of Yu. A. Fedosyuk we find out what the nickname is Antsiferov There is no connection whatsoever with the number (or numbers)! It was created under the name Antsifer - colloquial form of a name forgotten today Onisifor(View in Greek. on?siphoros – bring bark).

Apparently, a lot of nicknames have been created for the names of birds, aka nicknames Pugach not a “bird”, there – vid Philya, alternating forms of impersonality of Russian names: Philip, Philimon, Philaret, Theophilus, Pamphilus I'm the same Phil has become among the people a synonym for a simpleton, a fool, an unskillful person. It’s a well-known phrase: “They drank at Filya’s place, and they beat Filya.” Zvidsi z i dupe.

Nickname Pletnyov created without a word ting(wicker fence), and in the form of Pivnichno-Russian ting(a visionary, a dreamer - the one who weaves nonsense).

Nickname Oreshin/ Oreshkin call to languish incorrectly: beats the pantelika like a sounded word pot. It's true Oreshaі Gorishka- Changeable forms of name Arefiy(in the early days Orefy).

It is often very important to give a single correct explanation of the meaning of one or another nickname. For example, the nickname of the poet Mikoli Asieva and others close to her are based on Asenin, lie down, thank you and im'ya Asey. Over the past few hours Aseans called the English, as they often said during animal wars I say"[Ay sei] – “listen, but.” Most of the Aseevs are the lands of the Russians who wore them Asey(full form Osiya, View in. - EUR hoshia- Poryatunok). Autumn- Changeable form Asey.

Many nicknames are based on long-forgotten words, for example ardash, in what way the nickname was created Ardashnikov. Word ardash(seam of the lowest grade) if the story has long since passed down to the saying: “If you buy an ardash, you will receive pennies for free.” Ardashnik – ardash trader.

Nickname Shvetsiv created as a word Swedish- that’s what the Kravets used to be called. They said about the trash Kravets: “The Swedish Danilo is rotten.” The Kravtsya-Pyanitsyu people condemned: “It’s not so Swedish, it’s like a glass.”

Nicknames Skvortsov, Orlov, Zozulin, Yastrubiv everyone understood. In this row there are also nicknames, created after the names of birds, which not everyone knows. For example, such a great little bird - osprey(homeland of hawks) that eat fish. The nickname was created based on the name of the bird Skopin. Nickname Pugachov sound like words scarecrow- that’s what people call the great furry scarecrow that yelps with its own cry. Nickname Remezov- type of name remez(small nimble bird, different species of tit); zvidsi and approximately frail, fussy people.

A lot of Russian nicknames have their own similarity to a person’s professional occupation: nickname Prudnikov - view rates(miroshnik on water mud), Reshetnikov - view reshtnik(Master, what is preparing the grati), Rukavishnikov - view mitten(the master who prepares the mittens), Ribnikov– view ribnik(fish merchant).

A lot of nicknames came out like a call, a call. For example, nicknames Pizhikivі Pizhov - view pizhik, pizhik(short, pouty, arrogant person); guess the word pee(be important, be swaggering). Nicknames Skrebnevі Skryabin – view scraper, scraper(those with whom to scrape, scraper, scraper; perhaps, please, a neat person would like to keep his closet clean). Tsikave's nickname Tarabaniv. In many Russian dialects and in Ukrainian language drum means "drum". Obviously, this word was the name of a loud, loud people. Before “prazvisk” nicknames also lie Pleshakov, Pleshcheev, Pogodin, Pogozhov, Rogachov, Roslyakov, Rumyantsev, Ritikov ta in.

What does such nicknames mean? Bazarov, Bushuev, Revyakin, Sadomov? These are “behavioral” nicknames. Russian people in the name Bazaar start guessing from the documents from the end of the 15th century. This could be the nickname for Galasliva, a noisy person. Let's go to the same place Bazaar, nim zazvichay was the name given to a child who was born on a market day. Tsikavo, what is the Buryat language word? bazaar It has a completely different meaning - “diamond”.

Nickname Bushuev – under the ancient Russian non-church name Rush(Nothing more important - the one who viruses, flees). This was given to living children, but it was lost to adults as a smut, a documentary name. Revyakin - from the popular ancient Russian name Rev'yaka(Reva, crybaby), as it turns out, they took away a lot of children. Nickname Sadomov – same name. “What kind of sodom there is!” - this is what they say about trouble, noise, noise. Sodom in the Bible is a Palestinian place where the inhabitants suffered from immorality and riots. The word, having become banal, penetrated into the rural environment. Sodom could have been nicknamed a galasliva, a noisy person or a small child. Written Z A Budinkov viniklo under the influx of vimov.

“Family” are nicknames Rezanov(cut, possibly, wounded in battle, which has been removed from the cut wound) and Rubtsov(a person with a noticeable scar on her face).

Nickname Sapelnikov it would be more correct to write Z about Pelnikiv, but, obviously, in order to avoid unacceptable associations, they began to write A . Tim Sapelnikov Varto would have boasted about his musical ancestor, because sowl - gravel on the nozzles, like pipes, nozzles. Nickname Sidelnikov connect with the word seat seat(Man, why sit with a sick person; equal. peeper). But it’s unlikely that the nickname went well. Shvidshe for everything - in words sitter(Meister, who makes saddles). The meaning of the exit word was forgotten, and the nickname began to be written through і , getting closer to the word sit.

Curious translations

In one of the Pskov charters of the 16th century. famous writer and philologist L. V. Uspensky knows his nickname Bicycles. Ale word bike Viniklo Russian until the 19th century. at the same time with the output of a special transfer system. Obviously, we have before us a calculating attempt to transform into a foreign way the Russian nickname of the type Biguniv or else Bistronogs. On the right is the word bike etymology based on Latin words v?l?x"shvidky" ta p?s(Multiple year. ped?s)"leg", meaning literally "swidk-legged".

No less useful are the calculations of Swedish nicknames. The butts of such calicos can be found in Russian diplomatic documents dating back to the 17th century. Remnants of the Swedish name Ian resembles Russian Ivan(offended by the stench to go to the walnut Joannes[Іо:anne:с]), and the Swedish nickname Jansson literally means “sin Yana”, then “Ivanov (sin)”, in one of the documents of 1614 the Swedish ambassador Jansson transforming into... Ivanova. So the very second Swedish ambassador Anderson becoming Ondrevim.

Why work with a nickname? Knutson? - thought at that time. And in Russian language there is no name that would suggest a Swedish name Batig. The first axis here “specified” the word model. They decided as follows: according to Swedish nicknames - sson resemble Russian nicknames on -iv or else -ev and what I have Batig so it’s lost Batig, those are nicknames Knutson The Russian language has a version... Batigiv. Moreover Batigiv – not a Russian word batig, and from the Swedish human name Batig. The very same “Swedish” nickname Batigiv We focus on Russian diplomatic documents of the 17th century.

It is certain that there are differences in the calculation of nicknames. Yes, yesterday Bauer(Nim. Bauer villager) that Kaufman(Nim. Kaufmann – trader, merchant) changed their nicknames into the Latin style, transforming into Agricolaі Mercator(Lat. agriсola – digger, merc?tor - merchant). As a result of such calculation, “rude” German nicknames were transformed into “euphonious” Latin ones. This method of calculation was adopted from Russia. This is how “Latin” nicknames for the type appeared in Russia Benevolensky(Lat. benevol?ns - kind-hearted) from Dobrovolskyі Speransky(Lat. sp?rans- what do you think) Nadezhdin.

Among Russian nicknames are those in which the original word means the name of a river: nickname Ukhtomsky created under the name of the river Ukhtoma(there are two of them: near Volodymyr and near White Lake); nickname of a prominent Russian teacher Ushinsky- view of the river Wooha, the left tributary of the Neman, the stars walked along its river; nickname Sitsky approved as a dresser sitskiy, i.e. What does it take to reach the river? City, a tributary of the Mologa River; nickname Pismensky- view of the river Leaves, the tide of the Kostroma River, where the patrimony of the Russian prose writer was known

There are a lot of Russian nicknames created after the names of trees and other growths, as well as the name of the place where the stink grows. Nickname Sadovsky There are a small family of Russian actors who have made a great contribution to the development of Russian stage mystique. It is clear not only this, but also other “roslinny” nicknames for the type Vishnevsky, Grushevsky, Malinovsky, Yablonska. Call Fatherland Ikhnya - Ukraine, on the map you will find many villages under the name Garden, Sadove, Vishnev, Grushivka etc. The landowners who lived in these flowery towns liked to call themselves Sadovskys, Vishnevskys, Grushevskys, etc. And it sounded beautiful, and it reminded me of Volodinya! This tradition was established among the Polish gentry, who owned a wealth of lands not only in Poland itself, but also in Ukraine. Among the nobles, nicknames of this type were adopted by other camps: villagers, townspeople, and clergy. The people lived in a small orchard: pear, apple, cherry - and after registration they called themselves Sadovsky, Grushevsky, Yablonsky, Vishnevsky. And then, without any reason, giving yourself such a “lady”, a sweet nickname: fashion is fashion. Little by little, “Roslin” nicknames spread to other parts of the Russian state. In some cases, Ukrainians may be called Vishnevsky and Grushevsky by the name Cherry or Grusha, or children with similar nicknames are not uncommon in Ukraine.

Of course, the stars have adopted “roslin” (or “botanical”) nicknames Berezovsky, Berestov, Borovikov, Bushman, Vertogradiv, Vinogradiv, Vishnyakov and a lot of others, supplemented by V. I.’s tlumachny dictionary. Dalia, the seventeen-volume “Dictionary of current Russian literary language” and “Dictionary of Russian folk tales”.


There is nothing natural about the beginning of the conversion of English from the writing of the famous name by writers of the Latin alphabet.

Writing Russian names in English often poses difficulties - there are a lot of reasons, but there are no common rules from which there are no rules. However, a set of hidden principles can still be identified.

  • About the special rules of transliteration that are currently being followed when issuing foreign passports, read further in our article.

Foreign rules for transliteration of names

Pershe, scho varto zam'yatati names and nicknames are not transferred, especially when it comes to documents and business listings. It’s not good to choose English analogues and call Olena Helen, and Mikhail Michael. Please, translate the following to write it in Latin. In this case, you can use the following system of visibility:

A A Andrey (Andrey) About About Olga (Olga)
B B Boris (Boris) P P Pavel (Paul)
U V Valery (Valery) R R Roman (Roman)
G G Gleb Z S Sergey (Sergiy)
D D Dmitro (Dmitro) T T Tatyana (Tetyana)
E Ye/E Yelena, Elena (Olena) U U Ulyana (Ulyana)
Yo Yo/E Pyotr, Petro (Petro) F F Philipp (Philip)
AND Zh Zhanna (Zhanna) X Kh Khariton (Khariton)
Z Z Zinaida (Zinaida) C Ts Tsarev (Tsariov)
І I Irina (Irina) H Ch Chaykin (Chaykin)
Y Y Timofe y(Timofe th) Sh Sh Sharov (Shariv)
K K Konstantin (Kostyantin) SCH Shch Shchepkin (Shchepkin)
L L Larisa (Larisa) Y Y M y skin (M s skin)
M M Margarita (Margarita) E E Eldar (Eldar)
N N Nikolay (Mikola) YU Yu Yury
I Ya Yaroslav (Yaroslav)

Special rules for transliteration of names

In addition to the obvious rules of transliteration, it is worth noting that it is not entirely clear in what manner the following should be written. Let's take a look at these options.

Letter bі Kommersant are not transmitted in transliteration. Using the apostrophe (") in its place is also not recommended:

  • Daria - Darya
  • Igor - Igor
  • Olga - Olga

Literi Yі Y transmitted by letter Y:

  • Bystrov
  • Sadirova - Sadirova
  • Mayorov

If the nickname ends with "-y", the transliteration is deprived "-y":

  • Bely

Oskolki letter H not readable in English, to convey Russian sound "X" Vikorist is joining KH:

  • Akhmatova
  • Rachmaninov - Rachmaninov

Russian identity KS better convey in letters KS, but not X:

  • Ksenia - Ksenia
  • Aleksandr

Yakshcho letter E signifies one sound (like the name Vir), and is expressed in Latin letters E- Vera. Since vona means two sounds (after the soft sign), vona is transmitted to each other YE- Astafiev.

Ale: Yakshcho E stand on the beginning of the name, either one or another option is possible: the name Olena can be written as Elena or Yelena.

Letter E ask to sign up just like that E, if you need to add your name to your name, follow the correct lettering YO- Fyodor, Pyotr.

Literu Sh you can write it down SCH, but in German it is read as "sh". In order to avoid confusion, it is recommended to vikorystvuvat invisible, at first glance, letters SHCH.

Finished "-and I" can be translated as -IA or else -IYA. However, to avoid this cumbersomeness, Y don't shout, don't write:

  • Maria - Maria
  • Valeria - Valeria

Respect is important: transliteration when issuing foreign passports

The rules of transliteration often change during the issuance of foreign passports. At the moment, as of 2015, there are the following transliteration rules (as indicated in the main table):

  • Previously, when issuing foreign passports, the rules of GOST R 52535.1-2006 were used, which were introduced in 2010.

If you want to avoid having to write your name and nickname when you pick up a new passport, you can write a separate application at the issuing authority, properly sealing your passport. The basis for such a statement is the availability of documents with a new spelling of your name and nickname: passports, diplomas, residence permits, visas, as well as other registration and bank documents , including bank cards.

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For additional numerical resources on the Internet. It is important to note that programs on websites may present incorrect Latin transcriptions based on an outdated regulatory framework.
· Oleksandr - ALEKSANDR;

· Anastasia - ANASTASIIA;

· Dmitro - DMITRII.

So, if you will complete your decision.
Although one letter does not agree, for example, the renewal of justice can only be achieved in court.
· To ensure that records are kept in the documents of relatives and family members;

· to ensure that all personal data is kept in all relevant documents to eliminate conflict situations.

· In addition, write about those who received copies of documents with other written data before the application;

· Indicate those who are guilty of writing their name, nickname, according to their father;

· Write down a motivated complaint about excessive transliteration of individual data.

In 2019, new rules for writing personal data of Russian citizens on foreign passports will be introduced. Transliteration for a foreign passport is a quick translation of Cyrillic symbols. The Russian Federation has standards that are obligatory for government authorities to approve migration when filling out documents for travel beyond the border.

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Currently, in practice, the rules of transliteration in the Russian Federation largely correspond to international standards for issuing foreign passports in the right migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. rights (formerly the Federal Migration Service).

However, Russia operates in parallel a number of solidified transliteration systems for different translation directions (GOST, ISO, etc.):

  • foreign passports;
  • geographical objects;
  • consistent water;
  • international telegrams;
  • in the library environment;
  • scientific system and

Warto note that many accepted standards are one after another absurd and may be lost. In many spheres of activity, communities, organizations, and government structures use transliteration without establishing any standards. In order to issue foreign passports, the authorities have renewed their efforts to establish a unified system for converting Cyrillic to Latin.

In the Russian Federation, at the level of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a new document has been issued: Order dated March 29, 2016 No. 4271 “On the approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the granting of government service through the issuance of a type of passport, "about the official person of the citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation." The designated legal act has a clue about part of another document: Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated May 13, 2009 No. 365 “On the introduction of updated water.” This is based on ICAO Doc 9303 with recommended transliteration of Cyrillic characters.

The transliteration of the name and nickname for a foreign passport has been established by the ICAO data and is accepted in Russia.

Online broadcasting

Numerous resources on the Internet provide translation services for a foreign passport in real time. All you need to do is enter your details: name, nickname, father’s Russian name, and the program will translate them independently online, and then enter your personal information.

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It is important to note that programs on websites may provide incorrect Latin transcription due to an outdated regulatory framework. Varto spends a few hours to read a small table that consists of Russian and English letters.

The written names can be seen in the current order consistent with the formal and established rules:

  • Oleksandr – ALEKSANDR
  • Anastasia – ANASTASIIA
  • Dmitro – DMITRII
  • Victoria – VIKTORIIA
  • Evgeniya – EVGENIIA
  • Tetyana – TATIANA
  • Yulia – IULIIA
  • Yuriy – IURII
  • Maxim – MAKSIM
  • Maria – MARIIA
  • Oleksiy – ALEKSEI
  • Natalia – NATALIA
  • Sofia – SOFIIA
  • Sofia – SOFIA
  • Nadiya – NADEZHDA
  • Igor – IGOR
  • Andriy - ANDREI
  • Anatoly - ANATOLII
  • Valery – VALERII
  • Irina – IRINA.

This person himself has the names on his foreign passport, which citizens will hold in their hands since 2017. Here we present difficult options for translating names from Russian, which have complex sounds. There are a lot of names, however, that are easy for Latin transcription, so writing them is not particularly difficult.

The incorrect translation for a foreign passport is the writing of names for this type: Alexander, Anastasiya, Dmitry, Eugene, Julia, Yulia, Tatyana, Victoria, Yuri.

Restoration of documents

The recognition of personal information in the documentation of one person can lead to various negative consequences. Many departments and organizations carefully check that P.I. is written correctly. Oh, please remember the details of the submitted documents.

This approach is especially relevant when filing an application for the withdrawal of a Schengen visa, documents from the United States, as well as when submitting papers for temporary residence permits, foreign visas, and in other situations of a “migration” nature.

There is urgent attention about the correctness of transliteration and when registering the death, which may be international if it is necessary to confirm the diversity of the dead.

If one letter does not agree, for example, in the name of a person, then renewed justice can only be achieved in court.

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Citizens may have different written Latin transcriptions of Cyrillic characters and other variations:

  • when purchasing a ticket for a flight, upon presentation of an old foreign passport, if another foreign document has been revoked. In such a situation, airlines will be loyal. If a pardon is detected, the security guards may not respect this condition and allow the person to board the flight;
  • A bank card that can be read differently when transferring a name and name from a foreign passport. In this case, there is no need to reissue your bank card with a new one. If the plastic card ends the term of this transaction, the bank will issue a new card with the current translation of the name and nickname of the owner at the time of issue;
  • Driving licenses, which in their essence are independent documents that identify a person. There are no problems with the different readings of the translation of the hulks.

The simple fact is that when re-issuing a foreign passport at the consulates and embassies of the Russian Federation outside the border, the data from the old passport is transferred to the new document without any changes. In order to change the rules of transliteration, the new document of the citizen will have the old format, since it is issued behind the cordon.

How to get rid of too much writing

In reality, it is not such a rare occurrence when a citizen needs to deprive the foreign passport holder of his personal data from being written in advance.

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Since they are wired, the security forces of the Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can praise the positive decision about the excessive forward transliteration without changing the message when stagnant I'll translate the new rules. The reasons may be as follows:

  • so that all personal information is kept in all available documents to exclude conflict situations;
  • so that information is collected from the documents of relatives and family members.

Return from the statement about the excess of the exit transfer P.I.B. The new document is recommended before the giant takes it into his arms. Correct the already overhand copy much more foldingly. The expenses will be greater, including the re-payment of the sovereign fee.

In the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (formerly the Federal Migration Service), you must write an application addressed to the head, indicating the following information:

  • write down a motivated complaint about the excessive transliteration of personal data;
  • indicate how they may have written their name, their nickname after their father’s;
  • In addition, write about those who received copies of documents with other written information before the application.

To make your arguments more flexible, you need to attach the following documentation before submitting:

  • a copy of the internal passport, which certifies the person outside the borders of his country;
  • documents about education, as they are written in Latin characters (diplomas, attestations, certificates, etc.);
  • valid visa to a foreign power;
  • view of the accommodation;
  • certificate about the laying of the whore, laid behind the cordon;
  • a metric that confirms the nationality of the child, where information about the father of the baby is written in Latin;
  • a previously valid foreign passport for an individual.

The required foreign passport and Schengen visa for travel to Kaliningrad - all are subject to transfer method!

If you are submitting documents in a foreign language to the GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, you will need to have the translation into Russian language notarized and affixed an apostille.

In another situation, if people simply want to change the spelling of their name in the Latin transcription without proper argumentation, then the immigration authorities can assist in such an attempt. In this manner, it is not enough to write in your passport this way and not another way. Whether such a lie may be clearly argued and documented.

Yakshcho mercy

The issuance of foreign passports is related to the human factor. This means that the document itself may contain a correction, and not just a divergence of symbols.

If a foreign passport contains a foreign document, then such a passport is declared invalid and must be replaced with a new one. If the data is not entered correctly in the applicant's application form, and the immigration authorities are found to have been granted permission, then the application is corrected immediately, without additional payment of the government transfer. In this case, the passport of the old generation with the given photograph can be seen for 2 (two) years.

You won’t be able to change your biometric document so quickly, but the terms will soon change from their original counterparts.

If the pardon was granted due to the applicant’s fault, if the applicant entered obviously incorrect data in the application form, then the foreign passport will have to be re-issued with the help of a cash deposit with a full payment of the sovereign mit and the submission of all documentation again. The procedure is carried out in a formal manner following all the rules and correct terms.

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To avoid such unacceptable situations, you must carefully check all your personal details, the correct spelling of your name, your father’s nickname. And also submit a request in advance if it is necessary to deprive the forward transmission.

1. Names are written from the great literature, in father’s style, nicknames, nicknames, pseudonyms, for example: Mikola Vasilyovich Gogol, Petro the First (Petro I), Catherine the Great, False Nero. Alexander Nevsky, Oleksandr the Great, Oleksandr Vizvolitel, Sergiy Radonezky, Seraphim Sarovsky. Also: face of the Suspicious Image (about Don Quixote).

Note 1. Names are written without claws, for example: Volodymyr Chervone Sonechko, Richard Levin Sertse. Wed: servant to the Great Mogul.

Note 2. About writing like Dumas-sin

2. In collapsible nicknames, which are written with a hyphen, the skin part begins with the great letter, for example: Saltikov-Shchedrin, Sheller-Mikhailov, Mamin-Sibiryak, Novikov-Pribiy, Bongard-Levin, Gulak-Artemovsky.

3. Secondary (triple, etc.) non-Russian names are written all with great letters, or through a hyphen, therefore, all parts are combined or not. French stock names, in which first names in indirect forms are removed without change, are usually accompanied by a hyphen, for example: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (por.: create Jean-Jacques Rousseau), Pierre-Henri Simon, Charles Marie-Rene Leconte de Lisle. If you are a child of the first name, it will be spelled outright, for example: Antoine François Prévot d'Exile (writer of the 18th century).

Names and nicknames are written correctly:

German: Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, Hans (Hans) Dietrich Genscher, Eric Maria Remarque, Johannes Robert Becher, Hans Magnus Entzesberger, Johann Gregor Mendel (Czech for nationality); Hyphenated by I.-S. Bach is connected with the obligation to combine the initials of two German names (Johan Sebastian) with the initials of the Russian name and Father;

English: John Noel Gordon Byron, Robert Lewis Stevenson, Herbert George Wells, John Boynton Presley, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jerome David (David) Selinger, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, George Walker Bush, Qatar;

Scandinavian: Hans Christian (H.-K.) Andersen (trad. Hans Christian Andersen), Erik Olbeck Jensen, Ulla Britta Jorgensen (Danish); Svante August Arrhenius (Swedish); Olof Ryd Olsen (Norwegian); trace of respect: Martin Andersen-Nexe, de Martin - name, Andersen - nickname, Nexe - pseudonym;

Italian: Giovanni Giacomo Casanova, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Maria Bianca Luporini;

Spanish (or Latin American): Jose Raul Capablanca, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Onelio Jorge Cardoso, Domingo Alberto Angel, Enrique Gonzalez Mantichi, Jose Maria Heredia, Elpirio Abel Diaz Delgado, Maria Teresa Leon;

Portuguese (including Brazilian): Luis Carlos Prestes, Maria Elena Raposo, Jose Maria Fareira de Castro.

Porivn. also: Peter Paul Rubens (Flemish), Bronislav Wojciech Linke (Polish), Jona Stefan Radovich (Romanian).

Warehouses of ancient Roman (Latin) names are written differently, for example: Gaius Julius Caesar, Marcus Tullius Cicero.

Warehouses that serve as powerful forces (without a nickname) are written through a hyphen, with special names, for example: Franz Joseph, Maria Theresa, Marie Antoinette, Maria Christian Caroline Adelaide Francoise Leopoldina (artist - Duke o).

4. Articles, adjuncts, parts of other nicknames and names are written in small letters and are not added with a hyphen, for example: Max von der Grün, Ludwig van Beethoven, Gustav af Geijerstam, Antoine de Saint-Exupérie, Roger Marnick d yu Brisholri, Garcilaso spp Vega , Enrique dos Santos, Eduardo de Filippo, Cola di Rienzo, Leonardo da Vinci, Andrea del Sarto, Lucca della Robbia, ale Domenico El Greco.

In similar (Arabic, Turkic, etc.) special names, the cob or tail part of the warehouse, which signifies social status, contentious newspapers, etc., is written with little lettering and, as a rule, comes to the present ї parts hyphen for example: Abu Rayhan al -Beruni, Ahmad ed-Din, Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, Omar al-Sharif, Salah zul-Fiqar, Mohammed el-Kuni, Suleiman Pasha, Izmail Bey, Ker-ogly, Tursun-zade. From the great literature it is written in the beginning Ibn, for example: Ibn-Roshd (Averroes), Ibn-Sina (Avicenna), Ibn-Saud.

The spelling of the service word from the great letter for various nicknames reflects the writing in the movie-dzherel, for example: Edmondo De Amicis (Italian), Agrippa D'0bigne (French), Charles De Coster (Belgian) and others, who are not without the service word Vikorists: De Long, Di Vittorio, Dos Passos. Service words that are angry with a nickname in one word or are added to the nickname with another hyphen, are written with great letters, for example, Fonvizin, Vandervelde, Lagrange, Van Gogh. (15b)

From the great letter it is written to stand before the nickname O (after which an apostrophe is placed), which is followed by a hyphen Mac-, San-, Saint-, Saint-, for example: O'Henry, McDowell, San Martin, Saint-Just, Saint- Bev.

In the names Don Quixote and Don Juan, the offending parts are written with great letters and joined with a hyphen, creating the same power of name. If the word don is used in the meaning “pan”, it is written in short letters, for example: Don Basilio, Don Andrea. In nominal terms, the words donquixote and donjuan are written in small letters and at once.

5. In Chinese powerful names, the two parts are written side by side and with great letters, for example: Sun Yat-sen, Ye Haobo, Li Pen, Deng Xiaoping.

In Korean, Vietnamese, Burmese, Indonesian, Ceylonese, Japanese

The nicknames and names of all warehouses are spelled out with great letters, for example: Park Soo Yeon, Le Than Ngi, U Dau Ma, Mang Reng Sai, Kurahara Korehito, Akira Kurosawa. Some san in Japanese names are written with a small letter and added with a hyphen: Toyama-san (in animal form).

6. Powerful personal names, which have turned into underground names, are written in small letters, for example: philanthropist, ladies' man, gigolo. The writings from the great literature are preserved, since the nickname, vikory and sacred meanings, is not transformed into the category of the sacred names, for example: We... were firmly the songs that we have our Byrons, Shakespeares, Schillers, Walter Scotts ( Belinsky).

If the individual names of people are used in a formalized meaning as a generic designation (so they carry a designation with them), then they are written in small letters, for example: queslings (collaborations), new units , new Hussein.

Note. The names of objects, types of plants, species, etc., created as personal names, are written in small letters, for example: Ford, Nagan, French, riding breeches, Ivan-da-Marya, ampere, volt, x-ray.

7. From the great literature are written individual names that relate to the areas of religion, mythology, for example: Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohammed (Muhammad, Mohammed, Magomed), Allah, Savior, John the Theologian; Zeus, Mars, Isis.

Note. About the names associated with religion, marvel. § 21. If the individual names of mythological facts are lived in a nominal meaning or in a figurative meaning, then they are written in small

letters; SR: the ancient Slavic god of thunder and flashes Perun - metati peruni (rot, get angry).

Generic names of mythological sources are written in small letters, for example: nymph, siren, bis.

Note 1. You can clarify the spelling of a specific name of an individual using an encyclopedic dictionary.

Note 2. The spelling of powerful foreign names is subject to various changes, directly related to the spelling and sound in the original, for example: William (William) Shakespeare. Margaret Thatcher (Thatcher).

Z great literature names are written, according to the father’s, nicknames, nicknames, pseudonyms: Mikola Vasilyovich Gogol, Vsevolod the Great Nizdo, Petro Pershiy, False Nero, leader of the Sumy Image(About Don Quixote).
Nicknames are written without claws: Volodymyr Chervone Sonechko, Richard Levove heart. Equalize also: servant to the Great Mogul.
In collapsible nicknames, which are written with a hyphen, the skin part begins with great literature:Saltikov-Shchedrin, Mamin-Sibiryak.
Secondary (triple and so on) non-Russian names are written all from great literature, besides the hyphen, it is important to note that all the parts are combined.
French stock names, in which the first names in indirect modifications are deprived without change, are usually followed by a hyphen: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau), Pierre-Henri Simon. When the first name is removed, it is written okremo: Antoine François Prévost d'Exile.
Warehouse names are written correctly:

    German: Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Eric Maria Remarque; hyphenated writing I.-S. Bach associated with the banner between the initials of two German names (Johann Sebastian) from the initials of the Russian name and from the father’s name;

    English (including ancient American): John Noel Gordon Byron, Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jerome David Selinger;

    Scandinavian: Hans Christian Andersen, Eric Olbeck Jensen;

    Italian: Giovanni Giacomo Casanova, Pier Paolo Pasolini;

    Spanish (including Latin American): Jose Raul Capablanca, David Alfaro Siqueiros;

    Portuguese (including Brazilian): Luis Carlos Prestes, Luis Carlos Martinez Pina.

    equalize also: Peter Paul Rubens(Flemish), Bronislaw Wojciech Linke(Polish), Jona Stefan Radovich (Rumun).

Warehouse parts of ancient Roman (Latin) names are written like this: Gaius Julius Caesar, Marcus Tullius Cicero.
Warehouses are written with a hyphen, as they themselves (without names) have a special name: Franz Joseph, Maria Theresa.
Articles, adjuncts, parts of non-Russian nicknames and names are written in small letters and are not added with a hyphen: Ludwig van Beethoven, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Leonardo Da Vinci.
Storehouses of Arabic, Turkic, Persian names that signify a social state, homeland centenaries, etc., as well as service words (aha, hell, al, as, ar, ash, bey, bek, ben, zade, zul, ibn, kiz, ogli, ol, pasha, vul, khan, shah, ed, spruce ta inshi) are written зі mali letters and, as a rule, add a hyphen to the leading part: Ibrahim Bey, Mohammed el-Kuni. Z great literature spelled cochatove Ibn: Ibn Roshd (Averroes), Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Ibn Saud.
Writing the service word great literature for certain nicknames, it displays the writing in the movie-jelly: Edmondo De Amicis(Italian), Agrippa D "Obigne(French), who don’t get used to it without a service word: De Long, Dos Passos, Van Gogh.
Service words that were angry with a nickname in one word or joined to a nickname after another hyphen, are written with great literature: Fonvizin, Lagrange.
Z great literature they write what comes before the nickname About(after new there is an apostrophe), which is followed by a hyphen Mac, San, Saint, Sept-: About "Henry, McDowell", Sainte-Beuve; ale: Dumas-father, Sidorov-younger(In other cases, the name is deprived of its formality and is transformed into a nickname).
In names Don Quixote, Don Juan offensive parts are written with great literature and are joined by a hyphen to form one Vlasne im'ya. Ale is the word Don gets used to the meaning “pan”, it is written sternly and with mali letters: Don Basilio. Zagalny words have meanings Don Quixote, Don Juan written in small letters and at once.
Chinese noble names have two parts, and the two parts are written side by side. great literature: Sun Yat-sen, Ye Haobo.
In Korean, Vietnamese, Burmese, Indonesian, Ceylonese, Japanese nicknames and names, all names are written s great literature: Park Su Yeon, Le Thanh Ngi. Piece san Japanese names are written zi mali letters it is added with a hyphen: Toyama-san.
Powerful personal names that have been transformed into underground names are written with mali letters: philanthropist, womanizer, gigolo, Vanka-Vstanka.
Writings are saved great literature, since the nickname, which has hidden meanings, transforms into the category of celestial names: Mi... were firmly sung by our Byrons, Shakespeares, Schillers, Walter Scotts. Those same ones, since the nickname is lived in figurative meaning: You will stand with your back to the police and fold your hands like Napoleon.
If the individual names of people take on unimportant meanings like family designations, then the names are written with mali letters: Hitlers and Goerings.
The names of objects, types of plants, species, etc., created as names of individuals, are written with mali letters: Ford, French, riding breeches, Katyusha.
Z great literature individual names are written that correspond to the history of mythology and religion: Zeus, Mars, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Pallas Athena.
If individual names of mythological facts are lived in a nominal meaning or in a figurative meaning, then they are written with mali letters: ancient Slavic god of thunder and flashes Perun - metati Peruni.
Generic names of mythological sources are written from mali letters: nymph, siren, bis, woodsman, house-elf, satyr, faun, demon, peri.

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