Hustle: what is it, what does that word mean? Vіdminnі risi dance "Hustle"

One of these recordings is the song "Penis-dominator" of the Samara team HustleHard Flava- adding its own approach: a direct translation of the texts and stylistic approaches of the dense turnip of the American Pivdnya onto the Russian soil gives an incomparable comical and energetic effect. For the very same song of the Internet, having fallen in love with the same vipadkovo; A rich composition of HustleHard Flava does not give up the power of "Penis".

W→O→S zv'yazavsya with the participants of the group, yakі hovayutsya behind the pseudonyms Big Boss and Young Pimp, ta z'yasuva, scho really lads mrіyut remember to be serious. So we piled up the turnip of the new folk splendour, viz., in the face of any kind of spiritual negativity.

W→O→S How did your group hide?
Big Boss: Nice food. Young Pimp and MC boGomol (the enigmatic third member of the group) were recorded in the back of the hat. W→O→S), and I reached them unrepentantly (coming. - W→O→S). Before that rap only heard rock in nine old school, and at the same time rap on rap on tripods - Waka Flocka Flame, Rick Ross. Sign up after rocky two or three times long hour more freestyle. They just wanted to translate the word-for-word Russian my American rap on the back - and such a badge came out. But all the same it doesn’t take a lot of time. I just come home when I get home and record two or three tracks, ten credits are spent on the text.
Yung Pimp: Well, our career of references began with the fact that we are in the ninth grade of dissili teachers. And then, in short, they sang that we would joke the whole serious rap.

W→O→S What do you do in life?
Big Boss: Let's see. Well, I'm still into serious music. But Samara has no prospects. Navit on important concerts with rappers of such equal, like mouth guard pass people for 30-40. Antediluvian such rіven. Some people read a lot, but no one swears. Mustache got stuck in the 90s.
Yung Pimp: Schoolchildren request schoolchildren and power concerts, de rock schoolchildren.

W→O→S public a total of 300 prepayers, despite the fact that your tracks are popular on VKontakte?
Big Boss: Without a doubt, everyone is simply afraid that the overpayment is visible to others. They hear a lot of my acquaintances, but they don’t sign anyone. You get in, worker, and before you in the office, you have to come and drink, what you hear HustleHard.

Axis like looking at the life of Big Boss

W→O→S What are your approximate dates?
Yung Pimp: 20.
Big Boss: Menu 33.
Yung Pimp: P ... zdit. Fawning in the fact that I do not change my voice, if I read in the role of Pimp, then I should not burn for other projects.

W→O→S What kind of serious music do you do?
Yung Pimp: More serious straight, rap for life. More work and more. Not all the same disity.

W→O→S Ale, you have a leather track - this is a dis about those that Russian rap is like.

Yung Pimp: Tse not dis. Tse so i є.
Big Boss: We are not lyric-heroes, we simply can’t get along with the world’s greatest repertory. Most of them are oriented by Russians. I haven’t heard much about the bulbulator and how someone has opened it. І about those that my brothers take care of me. More stinks post_yno seem, scho raise culture. Our culture is tse Guf, Basta and Smokey, yeah. Three trump cards.
Yung Pimp: Kozirna triple - tse mi! Our trump card, our third, MC boGomol sit dovіchno in Alcatraz. You write obov'yazkovo, what in the new there non-human minds.
Big Boss: Meni z Russian turnip "Dots" is more appropriate. (Laughter.) Such turmoil in the soul, tightness. Not long ago, having left the position, in the bus, the water was lute. “Ariya” greeted the head, then “Kipelov”, “I am free”, and then sharply “Bagatokrapka”. I didn't switch. Dyakuvati God, my zupinka bula.

W→O→S Didn't you orient yourself towards "Krovostok" in your tracks?
Big Boss: I've been busy with graphite and listening to "Krovostok" for a long time. We are cruel, because nothing is turned on. People were excited about such rubbish. Mustache, whom we were persecuting, it’s normal to put up to what. And the people from the side call for the stitches behind the bazaar. You need to become a fool, so that you take it.
Yung Pimp: We are such a weekend rap, we pick it up, we record it, and that's it.

W→O→S Now your tracks are coming out better?
Big Boss: The axis of our microphone is broken, the cord is not taken away. It's amazing that HustleHard Flava can't hear Mayzhe. We are constantly being heard by all kinds of fierce dudes.
Yung Pimp: I want to bi, so that the schoolchildren heard us.
Big Boss: So, the schoolchildren are a smut, otherwise you are on the verge of x ... no one needs it.

W→O→S Will you have a piano about life?
Yung Pimp: The kind not obov'yazkovo so. It’s funny to me, dudes, like writing about life, living like natural people. We have thought of everything, but there was no banter, all the floorings were redone, so that I could understand it. And so the schoolchildren get out, write texts about the folding life, but the life did not run.

Reference: Igor Lavrov
Date of birth: 04/18/1991
Place of people: Samara
Size: 202 cm.

Creativity of Bos under the nickname Lowrydr

Big Russian Boss, also known as Igor Lavrov, is a Russian rapper who clearly positions himself as a stebo project for earning pennies. Big Russian Bos, Great Russian Bos - all the same man Igor Lavrov. The lad was born in Samara and began to splurge on turnips. Spochatku Igor heard Stim, followed by Gamora, Zhek Hto There and Triagrutric. From 2010 to rock Igor began to record good tracks. The first pseudonym of the future Great Russian Bos Lowrydr. Varto is credited as a friend of Young P&H's first name Slippah NeSpi. You can see the photo of Big Russian Boss without a mask below.

In addition, the 2010 Lowrydr roci can be used up to the mass rap group Guilty Splash, until some yoga is accepted. Todi Igor does not fall into the ranks and starts to sign up with the lads from the group Hustle Hard Flava, before the warehouse which already included Young P&H and MC Bogomol. In 2011, the upcoming popular duo Big Russian Boss and Young P&H will release a video for the track "Rozklad". How can you inspire style and the theme of the track is not similar to those that infect the boys at once.

Yak Big Russian Boss became popular

Creation of the image of the Great Russian Boss

Naprikintsі 2012 rock Lowrydr ta SlippahNeSpi drastically remember the style of their music and create their own new nicknames, as they follow them dosі:. Also, in the 2012 year, the lads release a piece of new tracks, in which they read in the humorous form about those, like the stench of the genstery, and everything in life is easy to reach. The lads didn't want to know that Pemp and the Big Russian Boss wanted the right person under the mask.

The lads try to get up and tell the great rap groups that they have caught their tracks. Deyakі spilnoti pogodzhuyutsya and publish robots Big Russian Boss and Young P&H. Gather hundreds of angry comments on posts, some listeners are overwhelmed, so you can write down such comments at the merezh. The reason for such a reaction of coristuvachs to the Great Russian Boss of reason, that from the project invented by him and Pemp, you can richly grow, so like such a rap that calls out emotions in people.

Spivpratsya with public MDK

In 2013, a lot of lads continue to release singles and so they themselves try to promote themselves in social networks. The PR company went so far as to commemorate VK's largest public at that time - MDK and to promote spivpratsy. On the back of the Boss just standing on the avі MDK, and vltka 2013 rock in the public show off the release Big Russian Boss - BDSM.

After such a great success, the lads organized a few concerts near Moscow and one concert near St. Petersburg. The very zavdyaki MDK, the Big Russian Boss project, having taken away the possibility of implementation. Already after the release of the BDSM album, Big Russian Boss came up with a legend, for which the native inhabitant of Miami is guilty, which is the city of great business, and that other woman.

Big Russian Boss in our days

In 2016, the Great Russian Boss organized a concert tour of Russia and the lands of the Baltic states. In autumn 2016 Big Russian Boss released a new album - B.U.N.T. (Part 2). So, in 2016, the BDB has created youtube channel and starting to put on your own show for the participation of Russian reperives. Big Russian Boss Show .

In 2017 Big Russian Boss released a black album under the name "Presidential". Boss promoted his own show and attained a uniquely great popularity, as a result of which he took away the proposition of the MTS company about advertising partnership. In this rank, Boss got a TV broadcast.

At the moment, it is obvious that the Boss does not intend to reach the attainment of popularity, but aims to achieve great heights. Let's see what's right in a new way.

Together with this artist, they look at biographies:

As if the retirement age is far behind, and if the soul is eager to dance, then do not rush to the evening “For those who are over 30”. Varto stare at his hasl. Well, it’s the fault of the nobility that you are a patron of youth discos, so it’s the teaching of a gray man. Find out the price.

What does hasl mean?

Translation english movie the word hustle means:

  1. Hurry up, hurry up;
  2. Shturhatisya in the tight natovpі people;
  3. Circle your finger for a long time;
  4. A deceitful maneuver in sports grі;
  5. Pratsyuvati pimp;
  6. Sell ​​your body (at prostitution);
  7. Engage in tense diyalnistyu;
  8. The name of the swedish and energy dance.

As you can see from the list above, the number of lexical meanings of the term is more importantly related to the strained, boisterous activity, and also to some sexual notes. It doesn't matter to guess what dance, which I can call hustle, if the floorings are fuse and erotic.

Chodo wimovi, scho wearing movi seem її yak "hasl". The roman Russian, more precisely in "Runglish", has fixed the variant "hustle". The difference is explained by the rules of Russian-English practical transcription.

Vіdminnі risi dance "Hustle"

Hustle is the name of the dance, which has offended partners and swidky and hoarsely ruhs direct one single swedish musical rhythm.

In this hour, the majestic diversity of styles is revealed, but all of them should be like this:

  • The period of training is somewhat small. Yoga can be mastered by those who do not respect themselves as a professional dancers. For the average guest, take a few months for a stretch (approximately 15 practical lessons);
  • Freedom for improvisation: after mastering the basic elements and skills, you can begin to fantasize and vigaduvat powerful combinations;
  • Great is the diversity of the permissible musical accompaniment. Practically, you can pick up a melody for your own taste - from hip-hop to fiery Latin American rhythms;
  • Low entry threshold and accessibility for any age and gamants. There are no easy transitions to make for people of a pension age, it would be a bulo;
  • Gender parity: people and women are equal in rights. A representative of a beautiful state, you can not be afraid to ask a young man, who you are worthy of - and you will not be respected in a filthy tone.

Historical proof

The history of this cultural phenomenon does not outlive the century. However, to name such a short term is already a boisterous development:

  • The right point of the appearance of the hustle is respecting the 1970s. At the same time, as a result of the fusion of popular Latin American salsi and mumbo, a new sign of dance art appeared;
  • After ten years, I had a lot of deliveries Radian Union. However, especially the popularity of the wines did not even get it, and it was less than a walk at the walls of the largest mortgages of the higher school of the country;
  • After the democratic reforms in Russia, the popularity of the dance began to grow like that of the dragons. I won’t stop black here, there was a widening of music in the style of disco in the distant provincial corners;
  • In the present hour, hustle is widened in our country, which you can practically learn from the skin area. From an enviable regularity, all-Russian slogans are carried out. At international championships, you can often feel Russian names. Undaunted by the outlandish journey, the hustle has already taken root on the Russian soil.

How about you read it?

Vchit chi not vivchati new dance? They are treated as professional dancers, as well as unacknowledged newcomers. Ale u vipadku z khaslom, the staging of the food itself is not zovsim virna. Aje, you need to learn, and why:

  • You can easily know the miraculous figure and learn how to twist with your body. By way of unimpressed and delivering aesthetic satisfaction, take a better position and stand, coordinate the movements;
  • At the process of navchannya that vіdvіduvannya vechirok you can know a bunch of tsіkavih and important acquaintances. Hustle - it's not just graceful and erotic ruhi, but a right subculture, a skin participant who writes an honor before her;
  • Tse sposіb rozkrіpachennya that pozbavlennya zabobonіv. There is no better way to raise one's spirits, less often to dance;
  • Hundreds of thousands of people knew in this rank their soul mate and share. Today it’s easy to get to know people on the streets, but on the dance floor, the words are known by themselves;
  • Tse miraculous possibility of vitratiti free hour. Social services and serials bring depression and psyut zir. That th lose weight with them do not go;
  • Irrespective of pivvіkovu іstorіyu, hasl, like before, relevant, like Russia, so in the world of the world.

Hasl Hard - what is it?

Hustle Hard is a composition by the rapper Ace Hood, which has gone up to his third studio album Blood, Sweat & Tears. Become on this day the most famous song of a young rapper: in 2011, the popularity of the song went up to the list of the greatest hits for the version of the American magazine "Billboard". Not before, not after Ace did not rise to such a height.

The reaction of the critics to speak about the success of the track is no less positive. The number of famous hip-hop victors released their own version of the song:

  • "Maino";
  • "Obі Trice";
  • "Yo Gotti";
  • "Slim Tag";
  • "Young Jizzy";
  • "Joel Ortiz";
  • "Trey Songz";
  • "Lil Kim";
  • "Mik Mil";
  • "Lil White".

The absolute majority of covers were released in 2011. A month later, after the release of the single, Ace Hood released a reworked version.

From the moment the track was released, a few years have passed, and yet the number of teams from American football is low as the musical support of the hour appeared on the field. Among them are teams from Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Oakland, San Francisco, New York and Philadelphia.

Hustle in culture and on the street

There are two more meanings for understanding hasl. The stench is not so wide, mainly for people, who may be attracted to hip-hop music, or unclean businessmen.

Otzhe, hasl tse:

  1. Rapper, scho pragne gain popularity. One of the main meanings of the word is “ reach success in sumnivny ways ". How do you value turnips? On the right, in the fact that culture is given, it can be read on the basis of reading verses for the sake of satisfaction, for the sake of understanding the number of people, as a way of life, a kind of hoarding, not for sale, for self-realization. Hustle speaks for good: it doesn’t matter, about what to read and write, those who work hard, can be like others, encourage them to drink on yoga creativity and get rich. Vіn podlashtovuєtsya pіd bolshіst, and such hip-hop is vague, but music is already popular;
  2. Shakhray, who earns pennies in summative ways. Before hasl-shakhraiv, you can get credits for a passport at 300% of the original ones. Abo brave lads, as if to propagate the white metro station to bring cleanliness and an electric razor for a super price. Wait a minute, let's go around the sumnivnyh, you won't name such earnings. Having trained such people, you can boldly say to your companion: "Do not betray your respect, tse hasl."

As you caught memory, you can understand a lot of confusion, you knew that you were stuck in other areas. A lot of people stray, how much to get used to, but someone doesn’t feel about it. But it will not be difficult to master it, like a lot of others who came to our promo.

"God's mustache children can dance," wrote the Japanese prose writer Haruki Murakami. Varto is less likely to think that the author of the hasl is on the map of famous people. Which quote is exactly suitable for characterizing this dance, no one can dare to compare. There are no gender, century or social transitions here. Tilki maidanchik, music that couple of people.

Video about hasl at hip-hop

This video, Anton Romanov, has his own version of the meaning of the word "hustle" in hip-hop songs: