What to cook pizza at the oven. How to cook pizza at home? (On the butt of the classic Margarita). How to cook pizza at home

For deaky tributes, the pizza was created by the Italians. Ale, regardless of the fact, we should know that in our country the bird knew a solid army of chanuvals.

It is not surprising that the stores began to sell delicious pizza in the oven to a great assortment. Just need to know that homemade pizza on the deck in the oven comes out with a taste of taste, lower store.

Establishing this fact, I’ve given my blog readers information about how delicious homemade pizza is prepared in the oven, the recipes are not foldable, and be it some kind of culinary specialist to come back to these tasks at “vіdmіnno”.

Rules for brewing the perfect pizza

It will be easier to cook that savory pizza in the oven, so you will be aware of the information provided:

  1. As if pizza in the oven will be with meat, seafood or riboi, it is necessary to cook the food ahead of time (apply, cook, stew). Let the pizza be dbaty in the oven, a little more than an hour, so that the stench will be ready before living.
  2. Drіzhdzhove quietly can "walk" in front of him, like working for a new high in the oven. Tse can be from 3 to 12 years old. For example, if the recipe does not indicate what, try vikonati so, as I have indicated, you will notice a great difference in the test.
  3. Deco, decoy the pizza in the oven, it is necessary to pidgrit. Play yoga in the oven. Let it dry and transfer the yoga to a hot surface of parchment.
  4. Vaughn is guilty of breaking into the oven as soon as you put in the filling. Tomatoes can be put into sіk, there is a great chance that the dough cannot be baked in the required form.
  5. The pizza is boiled at the oven at the maximum temperature. If you take a classic recipe, then the biscuit is baked in a wood-fired oven, and there the temperature can be as high as 450 gr. For the same reason, the savory pizza is savory 5-8, it’s easy to get drunk, as if everything is right, and the filling will be succulent and savory, do not waste your brown colors.

With the rules of brewing delicious pizza in the home minds of the spirits, you have learned, and now you can move on to the most famous - recipes for delicious pizzas for be-like relish!

Yeast-free pizza on milk

Delicious yeast-free pizza in the oven in the home minds conveys a variety of such products:

250 ml of milk; 1 PC. chickens. egg; 12 st. borosna; 100 UAH tv. sira (rub); 1 tsp salt; 1 PC. tomato and sl. pepper; 5 items. oven; 1/3 tsp sodi; ketchup, mayonnaise.

Cooking pizza in the oven is not easy, I specially created easy recipes:

  1. I'm beating strength, egg. I add milk and soda to the sum, I beat the masa again. Dosip flour|boroshno| and I respect it. I deprive yoga "dіti" whilin 20.
  2. I cook vegetables with kiltsami, I fry mushrooms. Sweeping sheet sheet. Olієyu, I put it there hard.
  3. Bake khvilin 15 at 200 gr. in the oven
  4. I pour ketchup on the dough, put a ball of tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, sip syrup and pour mayonnaise. Piku 10 khvilin. The pizza is ready.

"Super" pizza

Components for the preparation of straw at the oven:

1/3 st. drive; 2.5 st. borosna; 1/2 tsp salt; 6.5gr. dry yeasts; 1 st. olive olії; 1 tsp tsukru; volume. paste; sire; olives and cowbass.

Cooking for the minds of the wet kitchen is necessary like this:

  1. Zmishyu rose. oil and water, borosno and tsukor, strong, dry. Zamіshuyu tight, it can be tight. I'm leaving it warm in winter. I cut the masa into 2 parts. I roar one, and I correct the other in the cold until the onset of the preparation of the stray.
  2. I cover the layer with pasta, I put narizana kovbaska, olives.
  3. Baking pizza 10 min. for 250 gr. in the oven I'll sip on cheese, rub it on grated. And here the sirok will melt, no baking is needed for the recipe. The pizza is ready, enjoy your appetite! Ale, it’s less than an ear, my blog is to try the best recipes for a different level of folding for any relish.

Take such products, so that the vegetable pizza in the oven went to fame:

700 gr. zucchini; ½ st. decoys; 1 PC. chickens. egg; 3 art. borosna; 200 UAH tv. sire; strong pepper, greens for an eye; bread crumbs; 2 pcs. tomatoes; 1 PC. sl. pepper and cibula; 300 UAH cowboys.

Algorithm for preparing the strain in the oven:

  1. My zucchini, I clean them and rub them on the large side of the grater. Salt and pepper. I give 15 hvilin to infuse. I irritate the native land with vegetables. I put things well, semolina and egg. I respect everything.
  2. I put it on a sheet, smearing it. Olga. I sip breading on top.
  3. I add chastochki or a ring of tomato, cibula, cut into small pieces, cowbass and pepper. I sip greenery and syrup, rub it on grated.
  4. Bake at the oven for 30-40 min. for 180 gr. When the pizza is ready, it is necessary to let a couple of khvilin stand, then cut the dish into pieces and treat your guests.

Tasty pizza with smoked cowbass and salted fritters

Take for the test the following set of products:

150 gr. live drizzles; a pinch of salt; 1 tsp zucru and 120 ml of pied water; 2 tbsp. boroshn.

To prepare the filling for pizza, you need to take:

4 tbsp. mayonnaise; for 100 UAH. tv. siru ta kopch. cowbass; Sol 2 ogirka and 1 bunch of fresh greens.

The pizza is easy to prepare:

  1. At the water it is necessary to develop strength, zukor and drіzhdzhі. Only then I introduce flour and grind it with my hands. It is necessary to take yoga in a coma and put it on a warm cloth in a calm, cold place in the winter. Like a bachite, like a pracciuemo with a yeast dough, all recipes pass an hour to those that make it “didshlo”.
  2. At the same time, I prepare the filling. I cut into mugs for a cowbass, and I feed him navpil. Similarly, I draw ogirki. Sweeping sheet sheet. oil.
  3. I lay it on the form of dough, with my hands I crush the new sides. I smear with mayonnaise, put the stuffing in the following sequence: cowbass, cucumbers, greens, grated cheese. Vipkaєtsya for 230 gr. 15 min.

Georgian pizza

I have original recipes in my arsenal, and this is one of them. Georgian pizza has its own special taste, so it’s obov’yazkovo varto vipekti її independently, so you can appreciate the vipіchka for its merits.

To prepare a dough, you need to take: 250 ml of water; 2.5 st. borosna; 200 UAH sl. Olii.

The recipe does not convey the exact set of products for the filling, so you can win about the following ingredients for your taste:

boiled mushrooms; adjika; smoked chicken. breast; sir natertiy; boiled chickens. testicle; mayonnaise.

Cooking Georgian pizza at home is not easy:

  1. Borosno rubbing s | iz | oil | oil | I add water. Zazdalegіd rozm'yakshіt olії. It is necessary to mix it up uncoolly. Take yoga in the cold for 3 years.
  2. After an hour, spread it out with a layer of dough, put yoga on deco, oiled, and grind the sides with your hands.
  3. Whip until ready. If you need to smear the layer with adjik, put smoked. breast, sip with syrup and put mushrooms, boiled eggs, anoint with mayonnaise and again sip with syrup. Products varto zazdalegіd podrіbniti.
  4. The axis and everything, has lost only the right to vipate. The pizza will be ready and її you can take it out if the sir is in the toppings.

Silska pizza

Products: 2 tbsp. tsukru; 250 ml St. milk; 11 UAH dry drizzle; 400 gr. borosna; 125 gr. sl. olії; for 250 UAH. boiled chickens. fillet and sirah; for 100 UAH. syrah (grated) and green; 1 st. semolina that strength, pepper for relish.

Algorithm for preparing pizza:

  1. I'm shaking my ribs: 1 tbsp. boroshna, zavazhu tsukra on the pіvsklyantsі milk in a warm looking, hoarse drіzhdzhі. I'm leaving my sum for the 10th min. in a cold place.
  2. I sip in a bowl borosno, warm milk, cl. oliya, tsukor, sil, brew. I miss and re-deprive for 1 year at peace. I knead through the appointments for an hour and again I don’t chip the whilin 40.
  3. I divide the dough into 2 parts. I make a layer of rosemary, I apply syrup and greens on the new ball, I put chickens on the chicken. fillet and sip with cheese.
  4. Vipkaєtsya for 200 gr. 20 quills.

Pizza on kefir "Radist"

I’ll sip a delicious pizza, take it for a test: 100 gr. margarine; 250 ml kefir; 2 tbsp. borosna that trishki sodi.

For the filling, you can take different ingredients, the number of them varies depending on the culinary requirements: mushrooms; St. tomatoes; green cibula; be some kind of cowbasi.

This recipe transfers the filling, for it it is necessary: ​​250 gr. mayonnaise; 150 gr. syrah (dribnish grated); watchmaker and 2 pcs. chickens. egg.

Cooking process:

  1. I chop margarine from boroshnoe, add soda, then pour in kefir. I keep it cold and put it cold in the cold.
  2. Rokochuyu tisto, robbing the sides from the sides. I put the stuffing at the end of the variant.
  3. I shake the filling, mixing all the ingredients at once. I pour pizza. Bake pizza 45 min. at 180 gr., as a recipe.

Ovocheva pizza with minced meat

Ingredients for cooking:

Become Art. drive with a warm look; 175 gr. borosna; 200 UAH giv. minced meat; 200 ml grown. olії; 5 gr. dry drizzle; 1 PC. sl. pepper (orange); 100 UAH fresh tomatoes; 50 gr. ketchup; 150 gr. grated syrah; greenery.

Algorithm dіy, schob the most delicious bird came out:

  1. I stir vigorously with drizzles. I put rose. pour warm water. I mish it softly, I close it with a towel and I pour it in a warm place for 40 min.
  2. It's time for minced meat. I cut the tomatoes into skewers, I cut the pepper into cubes.
  3. I mix it up, fluff it up, and put it on deco. I smear with ketchup, put tomatoes, pepper and gov. minced meat, I sip greenery and cheese.
  4. I’m brewing for 220 gr., the pizza will be ready in 15 min.

Pizza from leaf dough

Products for cooking in the oven with delicious pizza:

500 UAH leaf test; 150 gr. grated mozzarella; 6 art. tomato. graze; salami; 1 PC. sl. pepper; black pepper at the crushed one looked at the eye.

Cooking pizza is simple:

  1. I defrost the leaflet. I stick with flour and a pink mold for pizza.
  2. I cut the pepper into cubes. Smearing a thick tomato. puree, sip syrup. I put salami, pepper and bake at 190 gr. 20 quills.
  3. I stick with pepper. The pizza is ready.

Pizza "Zolota Rybka" based on tіsta z syrah

Recipes for pizza from dough based on syrah in the oven are on my website at the great diversity, for your respect, I will present the best of them. For the "Golden Fish" you need to take for the test:

250 gr. sire; 2 pcs. chickens. egg; 1.5 st. borosna; 3 art. mayonnaise; sublog ch.l. sodi

To make the filling for the Golden Fish, you need:

3 pcs. boiled chickens. egg; 2 tbsp. ketchup; canned ribi in olive oil; tv. sir (pereterium); greens and mayonnaise.

Cooking pizza in the oven is easy:

  1. I mix it up, I put yoga on the sheet. On top I put the filling in this order: canned food, eggs, cheese, mayonnaise, ketchup, greens. All products must be prepared ahead of time, for example, mash the fish with a saw blade, cut eggs and greens, rub cheese.
  2. I am voicing for the 20th century. for 180 gr.

Pizza with cheese dough

One more option for cooking a savory pizza in the oven z | iz | test based on syrah. Take:

200 UAH chickens. breasts (boiled); 100 UAH low-fat syrah; 180 gr. m'yakoї syrnoї masi (bagzhano low-fat); 150 gr. rice boroshn; 60 gr. ketchup; 1 PC. fresh tomato and sl. pepper, chicken egg; sіl that pepper for relish.

Prepare like this, as I show the recipe:

  1. I mix soft cheese, flour, egg. I put it on deco and smear it with ketchup, but not rich.
  2. I cut vegetables dryly. I put the chicken and cooked vegetables. From above I hoot sir and spices.
  3. I curl my future pizza with grub foil and put it in the oven for 35 minutes. for 200 gr. Let's take the foil and bake the 10 min. for 150 gr. Done, you can eat.

And nasamkinets, one more recipe for savory pizza, it doesn’t matter if you try it at home yourself.

Original pizza from food dough

Ingredients that the recipe indicates:

for 250 UAH. hawk that hen. fillet (requires a delay in preparation for cooking); 100 UAH margarine; 1 PC. chickens. chewing gum; 2 tbsp. tsukru that simple drive; 150 gr. tv. sira (grated); 1 st. mayonnaise; 200 UAH oven (preservation); sauce.

The recipe for cooking is even simpler:

  1. Raja ask for flour | borosno | and sip zukor in it. Let’s just make some margarine and make love with it at once, it’s necessary to get the cry to appear.
  2. In other places, there is a lot of zhovtok, mayonnaise, water. I'm transferring it to pershu masu. I respect. I curl up with a plіvkoy and straighten it in the cold on the pіvgodini, it's ready.
  3. I put it in the form, I bake it in the oven for 180 gr. pіvgodini.
  4. I smear with sauce, put mushrooms, trigger, sizzle with syrup. I bake in the oven for the next year.

Before speech, I have a simple recipe for the sauce: mix sour cream and teaspoon. Come out even more piquant relish for pizza. Other recipes for sauces to marvel at my blouse.

My video recipe

Because of whom I was inspired that it was impossible to work like this at home. Do not varto magatisya. Ale raptom? I tried it anyway. I re-read a mountain of articles, recipes that began to experiment.

Do you know what? You can cook homemade pizza in the Neapolitan style at home! So, it doesn’t smell like pichchu, and “exactly the same, like in Neapoli” will not. And all the same, she will be classy. It’s better to navit, lower at the rich mystsevyh pizzerias.

Ale, back to back, you need to explore the nuances. So, what components make up an ideal pizza?

Temperature. Pіtsa - vitvir fire. According to the official recipe of Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana (Association of the right Neapolitan pizza), the pizza is to be boiled in a wood-fired oven at a temperature of 485°C. In the highest household minds, we need 250 ° C - this is the maximum temperature for the largest ovens. Chim vshe - tim more beautiful. That is why, before baking the pizza, we kindly heat the oven (together with a deck) at the maximum temperature, no less than a year.

The hour of the sip. At the oven, the pizza boils for a sprat of whilin. The zvichaynіy dukhovtsі tsey hour will be brought up to 6-8 khvilin (deposit from the rose). I do not have a bad time. Recipes for 20 vipіkannym pіtsi vyklikayut I have a right mental torment:) It's not pizza anymore, but a cake with a re-greased filling. The whole essence of the pizza is in the soft elastic texture and the juice filling, the vologa has not been overcome by vaping.

Top for vip_kannya.Now it dawned on me that until the moment of boiling, the leaf is to blame for roasting. Like only a bitch yogo bump, out of sight and can start getting ready.Skin second on the rahunka.How to put the pizza in the oven on a cold sheet - that's itwoke up. While the deco with the dough warms up, the filling is already boiled and dried.To that, the sheet is rozіvaєmo zazdalegіd at once with the oven.(Obviously, ideally, it is necessary to win a stone for pizza / bread, which ensures the most even heating of the doughthat molding of a thin crisp. Alece ideally,well andwarm up the deco well, it’s not bad).

Boroshno. The dough for Neapolitan pizza is also characterized by the structure of the pulp: elastic, chewy, bread-like porosity and aromatic. The quantity and quality of gluten are poured into the power of power, as when mixing wheat white. It helps the dough to create a stretching frame, which eliminates the bulbs of carbon dioxide, why after the boils, an elastic, povіtryany, springy m'yakush comes out. The greater the amount of protein in the flour, the stronger it is, the more porous and the more elastic it is.

For a correct test for pizza, it is necessary to have at least 12 g of protein in 100 g. In addition, the moisture content of our borosh is significantly lower (the same amount of water will require a larger amount of boroshna), so it does not improve the structure of the dough. Pratsyuvati s is not too easy, because The dough is not elastic and is easily torn, and the pulp comes out friable and crumbly.

A os and naochna raznitsa (levoruch - pizza with boroshn medium strength, 12 g of protein, right-handed - with weak boroshn, 9 g of protein)

The structure of the test after the rise (in the mountains - borosno medium strength, below - weakly borosno):

How to choose flour correctly? Chi maє won't be Italian? Not ob'yazkovo. It’s just that you can be good with soft varieties of wheat, fine pomelo, with no less than 12 g per 100 g of protein. We look at the warehouse. Well, if you choose from the Italian borosh, then you can use “typo 00” (thin broomstick) from the most important white. And ready your sums, on which it is written: for pіtsi. You can start experimenting every year, try different varieties of boroshn (for example, a weak Ukrainian borosno can be improved with a boroshn with a high amount of protein). For example, pizza made from strong flour (14 g of protein) manitoba is the most suitable for sour tasting, vicorist for sipping bread, croissants, etc. The dough comes out more fragrant and incredibly "chewy", like Meller caramel :)

Standing hour. Under the hour of the test, the fermentation process is observed, which forms the taste and aroma. Roughly kazhuchi, chimney rozstoyutsya tіsto, we will savory and fragrant pizza:) This process can take from 3 to 12 years. For myself, I figured out that it’s enough for a whole year, but even more, it’s possible to stand up more - better for them. Still, it’s the main element of the pizza, and it can be made savory, so that it’s not shameful to give the pizza, even if it’s just a sill and an olive oil.

Filling. 1) Pіtsa to spend at the spirits less than a sprat of whilin. Therefore, if the filling requires thermal processing (meat meat, mushrooms, hard vegetables, then), we take it a long way. M'yaso can be freshly cooked, mushrooms are greased thinly. 2) Until the moment of the wine, everything is ready and ready. So that the filling was left only on the molded base - and once in a pich. The stuffing on the orphan dough can spend a few seconds - otherwise it can become a “damn”. 3) Do not be greedy and do not pile on a mountain of stuffing:) Rozpodіlyaєmo її evenly on the basis of one ball. If the toppings are too rich, then neither will it, nor will it be easy to get ready.

Parchment. Be sure to prepare parchment for brewing and sip on yogo corn boar - the dough for pizza is more sticky, here it’s only harder and rougher. The shaped base is transferable to parchment from boroshnoy - and it’s even more like laying out the filling. Trying to transfer the base with the filling to the oven without parchment, it will end up being swish for everything in an emergency :)

Phew, and now you can go directly to the recipe. Vіn obscenely simple :)


250 g of thin pomelo, not less than 12 g of protein per 100 g (At the same time, you can cook it with the greatest borosh - everything will be bad, but you will need a little more)
10 g fresh yeast (3 times less dry)
160 ml warm pure water (filtered or boiled)
1/3 teaspoon zucru
1/2 teaspoon salt
Corn borosno for sippannya
A dekilka of tablespoons of tomato sauce (pasat with fresh tomatoes, with fresh tomatoes in wet juice, ready for jars, etc.)
100-130 g mozzarella
Olive oliya
Abo be-yaka іnsha stuffing for your taste

Withdrawal: 2 small pizzas with a diameter of about 25-30 cm.


1. Drіzhdzhi roziraєmo, mix with tsukrom. Filled with warm (the temperature of the human body) water, rozmіshuєmo to rozchinennya. Please borosno. We pour in the homeland with drіzhdzhami in borosno, mix it up.

2. We add strength. І start using a mixer with dough attachments or a kitchen processor - first airiness 3-4 at a low speed, then increase the speed and increase the airiness 5 (as with hands - total hvilin 12-15) , For the time being, it’s not easy to get into a coma.

Yakshcho vikoristovuetsya zvichayna, weakling, flour, її happen to add, tk. the dough will be sticky. Dodaemo on the wrong table spoon, alternating after skin additives. Zupinyaєmosya, if you stop rotting and get into a coma (you may need 3-5 tablespoons in a spit, it’s important not to overdo it).

Tisto get rid of trohi sticky - it's normal. The expanse of dishes is smeared with olive oil, shaped from a dough bag, sprinkled with a boroshn and transferred to dishes. Curved with food and left in a warm place, it stays for at least 4 years (at a cold hour, it gets better).

3. For the first five years before the end of the winter, we heat the oven with deco at the maximum temperature. Hands, zmashchenimi in olії, vyymaєmo dough from the dishes. Lightly crushed. Quietly come out soft, elastic and springy.

4. Divided into two equal parts and shaped kulimo from them. It’s like stretching :) Persh kul is laid on the working surface, sips with boroshn (and even more boroshn + trochs of corn boroshn, then it will be easier to wipe off the excess of dough :). Doloney robimo the axis is so dead.

5. Now we start stretching it tightly in the center to the edge and form the basis for the pizza, trying not to squeeze it on the side. To a friend, I’m full of vikoristovuєmo like a mezhuvach, transferring it over the stake of the base, so that the form does not grow and becomes more or less rounded. Periodically inverted tightly and stretched from the other side.

axis so

6. The foundation can be lifted and pulled out of the rahunok of the vlasnoy vaga. It’s so badly stretched (it’s like trapleyaetsya), it’s enough to get rid of the air for 10-15 minutes, so that the gluten relaxes, and start again.

7. Zagalom, roztyaguemo, as if vmієmo, zalishayuchi only a ring from the sides :) The base can be thinned, near the center - no more than 3 mm, and far away is close to 5 mm. As if due to diligence, Dirka has settled here - it’s nothing terrible, it’s filled with a piece of dough.

The basis was formed and laid down on the scribbled corn boar parchment for boiling. Step by step, we spread tomato sauce, drizzle with olive oil, you can add dried basil and/or oregano. Let's say mozzarella. I once again kindly watered with olive oil. Only garnenko! The more olії, the more savory and juiced :)

8. I immediately start the oven at the oven for 6 minutes. Let's not bang the blind side - you'll be ready. Rozrіzaєmo and z'їdaєmo negainno, grumblings.

The whole procedure, after an hour of testing, takes 20-25 marks: 10 marks for mixing and 10 marks for forming the base.

As soon as it is ready, that shaping of the bag can be wrapped in a grub, frozen and vicarious if necessary. Freezing-defrosting does not seem to relish that consistency of dough, but then it’s better :) It’s only a little late to take it out of the freezer, to form the base, to add the filling - you’re ready.

It's hard to know even one person, like a baiduzhe put before pіtsi, even if the appetizer has a unique aroma and relish. It’s not easy to have a bite to eat with pizza, but to replace the evening, and to supplement the diet.

Italian sweets richly rokіv came to the kitchens of our hospodarok, and the cooks try to perfect the recipe, not only the filling, but also the pastry for the vypіchka. Well, we will describe some simple options, how to cook pizza at home, for which the best recipes for the oven will be described.

There are impersonal variations in cooking, even if the pizza can be cooked on a different dough, and also as a filling, you can mix the most varied and non-virginal ingredients. It is not necessary to prepare an appetizer on a dry basis, the lord zastosovuyt for this leaflet. Below is a list of simple options for preparing snacks.

A simple salami recipe

Cooking such a vipіchka is awkward, for whom it is enough to prepare salami and tomato sauce. For the basis of our traditional variant of dough for pizza based on olives.

Ingredients for dough:

  • heat water - 125 ml;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • sіl ta tsukrovy pіsok - 10 grams each;
  • dry yeast - 10 grams;
  • borosno 1 rod - 230 grams.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • dried basil - 3 grams;
  • mozzarella - 135 grams;
  • tomato sauce - 3 tablespoons;
  • dried oregano - 3 grams;
  • salami - 110 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Warm water is poured into the bowl, a pack of dry yeasts is added there, and so is the strength of the bloody sand, after which everything is resolutely mixed. To the end of the sum, pour in a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.
  2. Gave up to a reasonable basis to add the necessary amount of boroshna to knead thoroughly. The mixing process is three times less than five times.
  3. If the mass has become too rare, you can add more flour to it and re-knead the dough, the process of mixing three more close two quills.
  4. When ready, give the masa a rounded shape and place it near the bowl, covering the beast with a spit. In such a look, it’s cold for a room temperature for one year.
  5. Tim, for an hour, a sauce with tomatoes is added to the bowl, then add dry spices and mix everything well. You can beat the new basil, and then add it after the beating of the pizza.
  6. Let it be taken firmly and grow into a layer, the diameter of the pizza is to be close to 30 cm.
  7. Sauce is laid on the layer and it is divided according to all preparations. On top put shmatochki salamі and narіzani sir "Mozzarella". Varta means that the cooks are happy to make shmatochki sira, and not to cut yoga.
  8. The workpiece is boiled in the oven with a stretch of five fifteen quills, it is firmly baked evenly, and the cheese can melt.

With chicken and mushrooms

To finish the traditional option, like cooking pizza at home. Such an appetizer is boiled in the oven, and as follows the pokrokov, then you can take the wine not hotter, lower at the pizzeria.


  • oliya roslinna - 2 spoons;
  • dough for pizza is ready - 230 grams;
  • strong is great - 5 grams;
  • chicken fillet - 120 grams;
  • seasoning for pizza - for relish;
  • cibulya ripchasta - 55 grams;
  • fresh bakery - 210 grams;
  • tomato paste - 3 tablespoons;
  • hard grade siru - 120 grams.

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the ovens, and then cut them into thin plates, you can simply cut the pieces into pieces, as if the stench does not cause a great expansion.

  • Fresh cybula is cleaned and cut into thin pivkiltsy or cubes.

  • The oil is heated by the frying pan and the sliced ​​mushrooms are transferred there. Lubricate the mushrooms until the moment when the volog is not completely boiled off. Just a little more to the mushrooms to add strength to the narrated tsibula. Usі warehouses continue to smear until golden color.

  • A piece of chicken fillet is transferred to a clean frying pan with roasted olives and brushed on the skin side with three quills. It is not necessary to bring the meat to readiness, the cock dide to readiness in the oven.

  • If the meat is okholone, yogo is cut into slices of chi cubes. Parchment is laid on the deco, and olive oil is smeared on it.
  • It’s good to feel good, to take off a thin layer, and then transfer it to a sheet.

  • The base is smeared with tomato paste, the animals are smeared with mushrooms from the cibulae, the meat is evenly put and everything is rubbed with syrup.

    Do you like pizza?

  • Sir the animal sips with a special seasoning for pizza and cooks the billet in the oven for fifteen or twenty minutes. At the end of the day, we managed to find out how to cook pizza at home, how to cook an appetizer in the oven for a pokrokov recipe is clumsy.

Pizza on leafy sheet

This is the best option, how to cook pizza in home minds, leafy dough is cooked in the oven, and the recipe is even simpler, even for the base you can whip it up already ready.


  • tito sheet without yeast - 1 layer;
  • sir hard grade - 160 grams;
  • boiled cowbass - 110 grams;
  • canned bakery - 110 grams;
  • chasnik dry in powder - 5 grams;
  • shank - 110 grams;
  • mayonnaise and ketchup - 1 spoon each;
  • Italian herbs - 5 grams.

Cooking method:

  • They defrost and freeze, after which they transfer it to a sheet, which is waving with parchment paper. If the pizza boils on the deck, then the thickness of the test may be close to 4 mm.

  • Dali prepare sauce for appetizers, for which mayonnaise and ketchup mix together and add spices to them. Apply the prepared sauce on the surface of the dough.

  • All warehouses for the filling are sliced ​​with plates or cubes, and then laid on the surface of dough and sauce. Pіtsa virushaє zapіkatisya to the oven for twenty minutes.

Cooking features

The lord wants to know how to cook pizza in the oven at home, so that it doesn’t come out dry. In fact, everything is just enough to complete the process of preparing the strain.

How to say? dosvіdchenі majstri, we'll take a closer look, like just pulling yoga with your hands, and not rocking it with a rocking chair. Vypikati and pizza in the oven should not be more than five fifteen khvilin, for the whole hour the filling and bake well.

Pіtsa shvidkogo pogotuvannya - miraculous grass for snіdanku or rapt arrival of guests.

Tse spravzhnya "wand-viruchalochka", even if you get ready for no more than 10 quills. Let's take a look at the popular recipes and secrets of cooking.

Swiss pizza "Classic" at the oven

Cooking hour:


  • borosno - 9 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - 9 tablespoons;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • soda - ½ tsp (extinguish with otstom);
  • a pinch of zucru and salt;
  • 100 g shank;
  • 1 small tomato;
  • 50 g syrah.


  1. The missus has different ingredients: we beat in eggs, add sour cream, everything is boar. We extinguish the soda with otstom, we correct it at the tisto. Sippaemo sill ta tsukrom. Masa may have the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. The roasting utensils are smeared with olive oil, weaving dryly. Rіzhemo shank and tomato cubes. We put it on the mass. It’s all right, we’re rubbing it with orphan, and it’s right to stop.
  3. Cooking hour - 10 minutes, heating temperature - 200 degrees.

Shvidka pizza at the oven

Cooking hour:


  • borosno - 1.5 cups;
  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • ¼ tsp sodi;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • strength;
  • zukor;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 50 gr. taverns;
  • cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.;
  • ketchup;
  • olives;
  • 50 gr. hard syrup;
  • bunch of crop


  1. The bowl has a thickly rare consistency. In kefir, everything is borosno, tsukor, we add soda, beat in an egg, salt.
  2. At the deco for the zapіkannya, it's very quiet. Let's fix the oven in a good way. The temperature is 200 degrees. Pechemo 3 hvilini, so that it was tightly gathered.
  3. The shank is sharply rіzhemo. The qibulu is cleaned in the form of husks and cut into small cubes. The tomato is miёmo, also cut into cubes, the olives are narizaemo navpil. The greens are rubbaemo.
  4. Let's take a sheet. We’ll give a tavern, then a tomato, a cibula and olives. Generously add greenery and syrup.
  5. Vіdpravlyaєmo at pіch sche on 5-7 whilins. Strava is ready.

Recipe for Swedish pizza "Italian" at the oven

Cooking hour:


  • borosno - 2.5 cups;
  • heat water - 1 bottle;
  • shvidkodіyuchі drіzhdzhi - 1 tbsp;
  • cold olive oil;
  • a pinch of salt and zukor;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • mozzarella - 2 bags (100 grams);
  • 3 cloves of a watchmaker;
  • dry basil, oregano;
  • freshly ground pepper.


  1. In a bowl, dry dry yeast, borosno, salt and zucru are poured. We add olive oil, pour in a glass of warm boiled water with a thin glass. Zamіshuєmo quietly, zalishaєmo stand.
  2. Prepare the sauce: at a small amount of olive oil, grease a finely chopped bowl, add tomatoes, peeled in front. Gasimo 10 strands, sip dry basil, oregano. Salt and pepper the troch. Let's go cold.
  3. Quietly, what happened, rose into the layer, the thickness of which is 0.5 cm.
  4. Viymaёmo from the oven, we put cheese to the beast, wounds on the plate and basil. Save 3 more quills.
  5. The pizza is ready!

Homemade pizza for 10 khvilin

Cooking hour:


  • borosno - 9 tbsp. l.;
  • 4 tbsp. kefir;
  • 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • soda - 1 pinch (extinguish with otstom);
  • doctor's cowbass - 100 gr.;
  • hard cheese - 50 gr.;
  • rubana greens;
  • 1 tomato.


  1. Get ready sparsely. At the bowl, we mix borosno with kefir, add mayonnaise, beat in eggs. We extinguish the soda with otstom, we pour in at the sumish.
  2. Dyingly weaves into a roasting dish, smearing with olive oil. Rizhemo kovbasi and tomato in small cubes. Dribno chopped greens, three cheese.
  3. We put the filling on the dough, put it in the oven. Baking hour: 10 hvilin, temperature - 190 degrees.

Shvidka pizza on yeast dough

Cooking hour:


  • milk - 300 ml;
  • Sonyashnikova Oliya - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • shvidkodіyuchі drіzhdzhi - 1 package;
  • borosno;
  • strong pepper;
  • sir - 50 grams;
  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • mushrooms - 100 grams.


  1. At the bowl we see dry dry dry dry dії, we add strength, we pour in warm milk. Let's move, let's get warm. Vsipaєmo borosno, peremіshuєmo.
  2. Add mayonnaise and oliyu, mix it up. We're boringly. Tisto can be thick, non-linear.
  3. It is roaring with a layer of middle class that we put into dishes for baking. Do not forget to grease the mold with butter. We put the filling on top: tomato, sliced ​​​​straws, mushrooms - plates. Clearly sippy sir.
  4. Corrected by pich. Cooking hour - 10 minutes, temperature - 200 degrees.

Shvidka pizza in Italian

Cooking hour:


  • olive refined oliya - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sіl - drіbka;
  • kefir - 0.5 bottles;
  • borosno - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • lecho - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • ½ tsp sodi;
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.;
  • 200 grams of chicken fillet;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 2 pinches of zucru;
  • freshly ground pepper.


  1. We pour kefir into the bowl, beat in an egg, boil soda, add a pinch of salt and zucru.
  2. For the help of a mixer, beat until obsessed with masi without breasts.
  3. Prosіyuєmo borosno and vsipaєmo with a thin strom near sumish. We feel quiet.
  4. Pour in Sonyashnikov's refined oliya. Zamіshuєmo tіsto, it can be a bit sticky.
  5. We take a silicone mold for baking. Rozkochuёmo thin layer and stacked by the dishes.
  6. Let's take it easy. Yakshcho vono zі shmatochki ovochіv, stacked the whole mass.
  7. Defrost chicken fillets at room temperature. We wash it, we dry it with a paper towel. Narizaemo with sticks.
  8. Progressively rozpodіlyaemo m'yaso on lecho.
  9. In the next bowl, prepare the sauce. Drive in 1 egg, add mayonnaise. To reduce the fat content of the diet, choose a low-calorie product.
  10. For help, we beat the sum to a homogeneous mass.
  11. Pour in the pizza sauce.
  12. Beremo be a sir of a hard variety and three yogo on the great third.
  13. Clearly sippy virib. It is corrected to the wind shafi. Cooking hour - 10 minutes, heating temperature - 220 degrees.

Shvidka is tasty pizza

Cooking hour:


  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • borosno vishchogo gatunka - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cowbas doktorska - 200 gr.;
  • 0.5 cibules;
  • hard cheese - 200 gr.;
  • a bunch of greens;
  • 3 tomatoes.


  1. Prepare the basis for pizza. In deep dishes, beat in eggs, add mayonnaise. Boroshno ask, vaypaemo in sumish. Zbivaemo for the help of a mixer.
  2. Quietly can come out on top. Vilivayemo yogo in a sheet for baking. If the silicone form is victorious, then there is no need for it to be masked. If it’s deco, then it’s best to cover the bottom with a baker’s paper or cover it with Vershkov or olive oil.
  3. We cook cowbass in quarters. Vikladaemo equal ball. You can also beat bacon, sausages, smoked meat and other sausage products.
  4. The qibul is cleaned, cut a quarter of the rings. More than half of the cibulini is needed for the recipe. Rinse the bottom with cold water and thoroughly rinse the cibula. In any case, you do not feel the discomfort when you are narrated.
  5. The ball of the cibuli is put on the cowbass.
  6. Tomati miєmo, rіzhemo medium cubes. To get rid of the skins, it is recommended to sprinkle the tomato with sprinkles, then place it in cold water. Vikladaemo coming ball.
  7. We will lightly sip the grass with the sir. Pekti is guilty buti is heated up to 200 degrees.
  8. We adjust the pizza in the morning for 10-15 minutes. Straw is beaten, if the sir is melted, and it is hard to “shop”.

cooking secrets

It’s easy to cook the perfect and savory pizza for 10 whips, as if to speed up with joys:

  1. Knead the dough out of the rosemary 3:3:1. Tse proportions for the base: 3 tbsp. l. boroshna, stilki and fermented milk product (sour cream, kefir, mayonnaise), 1 egg and 0.5 tsp. Sodi, it’s necessary to pay off obov’yazkovo with otstom.
  2. The basis of the bazhano vipkati is about 5 quills, so that the ingredients are mixed together, we don’t have to add the filling later.
  3. Add a cold olive oil to the cold vіdzhim instead of the dewy one. Just bring some Italian notes to the vibe.
  4. As in the recipe, let the prepared sum stand for 15 minutes.
  5. Do not put Syrian minced meat or seafood at the Swiss pizza, so you can’t beat the hour for a complete roasting. Pіtsa get drunk.
  6. The filling is to occupy more than 30% of the surface of the cheese.

Recipe for the love of the stray of the present and the vidomy of the sprat. The shepherds and the villagers used to shave the lobe only in cakes with cheese. The first time after the introduction of tomatoes by Columbus, the pizza was filled with its residual outlines. There are five hundred different options prepared in the Fatherland. Kozhen from them meritorious for special respect.

Inventory for cooking pizza at the oven

It's easy to create an Italian culinary masterpiece. The cooking process does not take a lot of time. As a result, unfinished grass comes out with a rich relish and aroma. And what will be the filling and what will become your rodzinka, lie down all the time in the form of masters and in the form of її fantasy. Aja filling can be a kind of ingredient.

First, proceed to the process of culinary action, prepare the necessary items, so that they can come to the rescue during the cooking hour:

  • Oven.
  • Khlibopichka.
  • Finish the boards.
  • Gostriy lower.
  • Rolling pin.
  • Peaceful glass.
  • Potholders.
  • Form for vip_kannya.
  • Grater.
  • Tableware.

Zazdalegіd roztashuvavshih tsі objects entrusted from themselves can be sung by those who can’t succumb to the fluff and savory pizza will be ready at the wave of an enchanting wand.

A classic way of preparing dough to make trivalis. It takes no less than a quarter of a year. On the back of the head, the dough is scrambled: dry yeasts are scattered in the milk with the addition of a tablespoon of zucru. Good vimishat. Hit with a towel. Place in a warm place until the moment, until the moment when the air is no longer as small as possible. After zbіlshennya obsyagіv add a couple of eggs, olive oil and topsoil, borosno. Revitalize in a warm place. As soon as we try to test the dough, we can cook it.

Ingredients for dough

  • Borosno wheat - 3 bottles.
  • Nezbirane milk - bottle.
  • Chicken egg.
  • Strength - 7 grams.
  • Zukor - 2 teaspoons.
  • Oliya Vershkove - 20 grams.
  • Oliya olive - 20 grams.
  • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons.

An alternative to trivial preparation is available. For whom it is necessary to win a bread pot. It’s enough to put all the ingredients in the middle, set the “Dough” option and bud for about two years until a miraculous result is achieved. It is necessary to remember that you are already ready to take this varto out of "requirement" for at least a year. And in the meantime, take care of the filling.

As an option, you can prepare yeast-free dough.

A couple of flasks are boroshna prosіyati, zmіshati іz sіllu. Visipati on a doshka at the sight of a girka. Zrobiti little burying in the middle.

A couple of eggs, 120 milligrams of warm milk, beat a tablespoon of olive oil.

Vitality on borosno and vimishuvati doti, until you feel especially elastic.

Place it firmly in a container and cover it with a servlet. Dates "vіdpochiti" approximately pіvgodini.

Do not forget about the sauce for the dish. Youmu itself zavdyaki, it is filled with special relish and richness.

Delicious stuffing for pizza in homemade minds

It's not a secret for anyone that the same type of product, that you can enter before the filling of the strain and lay down the yogo relish. Їх varto pick up with special retelnistyu, look out for individual likenesses, and create the same ones that fit to like relatives and close ones.


  • Kovbas is boiled - half a kilo.
  • Pecheritsa - 300 grams.
  • Cybulya Yaltinska - 2 heads.
  • Gagoshari (bell pepper) - 1 pl.
  • Hard Sir - 350 grams.
  • Tomati - 2 pieces.
  • Mayonnaise - 50 grams.
  • Greens - a bunch.

Strava is insured for 6 osіb.

During that hour, while it is still cold, the filling can be prepared in two rahunka.

The stuffing can be urinated by wandering from your own bag. Not obov'yazkovo vikoristati boiled cowbass. For sure you can try to add m'yaso chi brisket. If the pizza will see a sprat of meat, then it will be less likely to win.

M'yaso cut into thin sticks. Tomati and cibula with kiltsami. Sir fray. Mushrooms prepare like thin plates.

Dribno cut greens. Part can be added to the filling, and the reshta can be embellished after the residual preparation.

A simple recipe for pizza in the oven with cowbass and cheese

Otzhe, let's start preparing the most delicious pizza.

Cooking process

1. Heat up the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees. Viklasti tysto on the surface. Form from a new spool.

2. Razkotity tіsto for the help of a rocking chair with a larger amount of troch, lower form for brewing. It is necessary to leave approximately 2 centimeters for forming the sides.

3. Shake the form for vipikannya with a small amount of boroshna, in order to ease the process of taking it.

4. Carefully fold the dough, so that it would be easier to transfer it to the deco. Put it down, spread it out. As if the edge looked great, you can twist the troch and cut it.

5. Use the sauce to cover the entire surface of the dough. For the availability of tomatoes, you can prepare a simple Italian dressing for pizza. The cibula is thrashed. Add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to the saucepan. Extinguish the cibula close to five khvilin. Remove the skin from the tomatoes. Choke with a fork.

Chop a couple of cloves in the chapel. Add greens to the cibula at once with spices. Bring to a boil. On fair fire, languish no less than five years. Ideally, the dressing will come out for its consistency, which will guess the sour cream. Viklasti over mayonnaise.

6. Kovbas spread around the perimeter of the line.

7. Plates of mushrooms neatly visipati.

8. Spread licorice on pivkiltsya and spread on mushrooms. Pepper is sprinkled on top, cut in front on thin rings. Pomіdori become an offensive ball. For bazhannya you can sip greenery. Add a cup of tea and other spices to the spicy relish of the varto.

9. We grind the base with cheese. Place the brewing mold in the oven for at least half a year.

10.Distati ready the dish and sip the greens that are left out.

11. Spread the heat of the pizza in portions and beautifully put it on the table.

Seeing such gentlemen come to capture everything without a blame.

The main nuances of preparing the strain

  • If the basis of that stuffing is ob'emni, then the hour of boiling will increase. Homemade pіshna pіtsa can be prepared close to the year.
  • Waving the sides of the pizza with a beaten egg or water with zukr, you can give a dish a blisk.
  • Rozkochuvati neatly, so that the bulbs do not burst again and again. Otherwise, you can take away a solid foundation.
  • The products of the filling are dry, with tomato wine. Tse to get ahead of the fresh juice and the rose of the dough.
  • Sauces with tomatoes can taste sour. Yogo miraculously add oregano and basil.
  • Having placed the dish in the oven shaf, the rosemary is lower by 200 degrees, you can dry it dry and dry the stuffing.
  • So that the grass was especially rich, varto at once vykoristuvat sprat varieties of syrah. Ideally, as one of them will be a calmly Italian product.

Pizza in a frying pan for 10 khvilin: pokrokovy recipe with photo

Invented chimalo recipes for preparing dough itself for stravi in ​​a frying pan. As for them, it would not be taken, varto suvoro to trim the proportions in order to take the non-perfect result.

you need

  • Fatty sour cream - 50 grams.
  • Boroshno wheat - 150 grams.
  • Chicken egg.
  • Mayonnaise - 25 grams.
  • Hard Sir - 250 grams.
  • Smoked cowbass - 200 grams.
  • Tomato.
  • Olive oil - a tablespoon.
  • Ketchup - 40 grams.
  • Cibula licorice - head.
  • Greenery.

Strava is covered for 4 individuals.

Cooking process

1. Mix sour cream, egg, mayonnaise to a homogeneous mass. Add forward prosіyane borosno. For its consistency, it can thickly make thick sour cream. Add olive oil to the skillet. Progressively expand the masu.

2. Vitality ketchup and good yogo spread. Visipati licorice cibula is pierced by pivkiltsy. For yoga, you can take greenery. Ripchast tsibula, varto turn off through її hot water.

3. Wed kowbas and mugs of tomatoes. Let's grind the sizzle with cheese. Close the lid.

4. The edge of the guilt of pidrum'yanitisya. Sir will melt. Get out of the fire.

5. Take it for a plate and pour it into portions. Soak up the greens.

Literally for a dozen quills, you can create a delicious grass, a home to please everyone with your richest relish.

You can cook Italian pizza today. Experimenting with toppings and creating new tastes, varto delight loved ones without a pinch. Golovnya, choose the optimally clean, and give right behind the fantasy of a cook and gastronomic likenesses of a household.