Children's Christmas fairy tales to read. Tale about winter. The best tales of winter

How to choose a fairy tale for children about the New Year? In our collection you will find works of folk art for children of different ages - for the very young and for older children. Reading the New Year tales for children will be interesting not only for kids, but also for adults. We offer parents to make an exciting "journey to childhood" along with the characters of their favorite New Year Soviet tales. “The Snow Queen”, “Frost”, “The Twelve Months” are truly masterpieces of world literature, the examples of which have brought up more than one generation.

Tales about the New Year - for kids

Small children up to three years of age only learn to perceive sounds and words, imitating what they hear from adults. Therefore, at this age, kids best perceive short fairy tales about the New Year in a poetic form. These are simple works with a minimum number of characters and a lack of dialogue, which are well perceived by ear.

Among the modern fairy tales for kids about the New Year can be noted book "New Year's Eve. Mouse tale" (author Moore Clark Clement, 2014). In this gift copy with "live" illustrations described in verses, an amazing meeting of dad-mouse and Santa Claus, which occurred on New Year's Eve. True, the entire mouse family at this time slept soundly. So, in the morning, only gifts left in socks hung by the fireplace testified to the visit of the night guest. Colorful design, large illustrations, voluminous moving elements of the pictures give the book a real fabulous look.

Children's fairy tales about New Year - for preschool and younger school age

For little readers and listeners of this age category, it will be interesting to plunge into the magical world of New Year tales and stories written by both domestic and foreign writers. Consider the most popular works of the New Year "Fiction".

"The Adventures of Christmas toys" (author Rakitina EV, 2014)

In the story, the most ordinary Christmas tree toys under the "magical" influence of the New Year suddenly come to life and become participants in amazing adventures. On the pages of this entertaining book reigns a festive New Year's atmosphere, and funny characters will surely touch on the kindest strings of the soul. We all come from childhood! Adult readers will also be interested to re-experience the forgotten feeling of anticipation of the New Year miracle.

"The Adventures of Julius Dandelion. Save the New Year!" (author Andreas H. Schmachtl, 2014)

This children's fairy tale about New Year tells about a family of rabbits that has forgotten about the main decoration - the Christmas tree in the pre-holiday turmoil. Deliver home a festive tree volunteered little rabbit Julius. But what kind of "herringbone" did Julius bring? Read this amazingly touching tale and you will learn an interesting denouement of the story.

"New Year. Terribly Confused Business" (authors: Akim JL, A. Zolotov, V. Yu. Dragunsky, 2014)

Love detectives? Then the plot intricacies of this New Year's story will make the reader survive with secret agents exciting adventures and investigations. Finally, you will find out the answer - does Santa Claus really exist? The publication also contains interesting statements about the history of the New Year, the traditions of celebrating a holiday in different countries, Christmas treats.

Many modern parents remember the amazingly good tales of their childhood, filled with the spirit of magic. Simple plots of works have become classics for a long time and are re-read by adults and children with pleasure. The best Christmas and New Year tales "come from the USSR" - choose and read!

"The Nutcracker, or Mouse King" (by ETA Hoffman)

This romantic German tale about the adventures of the girl Marie and the broken nutcracker doll. In the final, the miraculous transformation of the Nutcracker into a beautiful boy-prince takes place - in fact in fact, who he was before his transformation, accomplished by the evil Mouse King. Of course, this happy event is preceded by many amazing fairy-tale events, forcing readers to experience a variety of emotions. You can read this Christmas fairytale many times, and even better, watch and listen to the beautiful ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky, which is based on this work.

"Snow Maiden" (author V.I.Dal)

Winter tale of a beautiful girl, made of snow and melted from the heat of the fire at the end of the story. As an option - the Snow Maiden remains to live with a woman with her grandfather. Therefore, depending on the variation, the fairy tale final can be both sad and funny.

The Snow Queen (by G. H. Andersen)

In this children's New Year's fairy tale tells about the boy Kai, bewitched and kidnapped by the evil Snow Queen. Faithful Gerda, having gone through amazing adventures, finds a stolen boy and warms his icy heart with tears. The children leave the palace of the mistress of snow and ice and safely return home together.

Many people remember the great Soviet cartoons about the New Year with their kind and touching heroes. For tens of years, colorful “moving” pictures have riveted everyone's attention — adults and children enjoyed spending time at television screens. Of course, against the background of modern multimedia technology, the current generation of viewers is not so easy to surprise with "plain" drawn plots. However, the Soviet "cartoon" tales about the New Year (videos of popular paintings are presented below) still carry a bit of celebration, goodness and light. For this we love them!

"Santa Claus and Gray Wolf" (1978)

The picture is based on the "classic" story of wolf kidnapping of little hares. But you need to have time to celebrate the New Year! Fortunately, the snowman, forest animals and Santa Claus himself come to the aid of the little ones. Chases, disguises, intrigues of insidious "kidnappers" - the plot of the cartoon is very lively and dynamic.

"Snowman mailer" (1955)

In this New Year's fairy tale, the Snowman receives an important task from children - to carry a letter to Grandfather Frost asking him to send a festive Christmas tree for the New Year. However, the machinations of the forest villains of Wolf, Fox and Filin are aimed at stealing the letter and handing it over to Santa Claus. The cunning expected to receive in return many gifts. With the help of the Bear, the Snowman and the Puppy Druzhok safely deliver the letter to the addressee, and the children receive a magnificent and elegant Christmas tree.

One day, all the inhabitants of the fairytale forest fell out badly and decided to never again communicate with each other. Already no one remembered exactly how the conflict began, but everyone was very stubborn and proud. Accumulated grievances did not allow them to take the first step, and the animals were bored alone. But still, this is a fairy tale about the New Year, so let's not talk about the bad.
Holidays were approaching, forest dwellers recalled last year’s merry meeting of the New Year and thought about how to celebrate such an important event this year. After all, no one was going to put up. In the end, everyone decided to celebrate the New Year on their own.

Closer to number 31 began the first difficulties. Squirrel decorated the Christmas tree with cones and nuts, but could not think of anything with lighting. "Nothing, it is also very beautiful," she thought, and became sad.
  Bunny had another problem - he found a beautiful garland and already represented the festive New Year lights, but he could not reach the Christmas tree, because he was too short.
  Fox prepared many festive dishes, decorated a small, but neat pine tree and was about to celebrate, when she suddenly remembered that she could not sing at all. The new year without songs didn’t fit in her head and this was the main reason for frustration.
  The wolf did not understand aesthetics and certainly did not know how to cook. The lack of a festive mood, food and the Christmas tree made him gloomy and angry. And Bear, realistically assessing the situation, decided that it would be a good idea to sleep through the New Year.
  And a similar situation occurred in every house of the fairy forest. The new year was sad and boring. This would be the end of our fairy tale, if not for the New Year's Magic.

The tale of the New Year for children: why in unity is strength

  The animals seemed to accept their position and did not expect anything good or interesting. But on the most New Year's Eve they wanted to feel the festive magic. Everyone remembered how beautiful and wonderful it was last year to have fun together at the largest Christmas tree in the forest. For some reason they decided that the New Year's magic is connected with this place and rushed there.
  Very little time passed, and the whole forest company gathered near the big fluffy spruce. Seeing each other, they wanted to talk, ask about business, but remembered about the quarrel. The little animals suddenly became very ashamed. How can you be so stubborn and proud? How can you keep so much resentment in yourself? They understood each other without words and hugged each other tightly. The world no longer seemed so dull, but without the New Year lights, songs and fun it was very sad.

  “What we were stupid. After all, we ourselves have spoiled our holiday. Very little time is left for the New Year, we will not have time to really get ready, ”the animals cried. At that moment it seemed that no one could change the situation.
“Enough to dismiss the nurses!” - suddenly came a loud hoarse voice. It was Bear, who was woken by the noise near the big fir tree. “We have come together, and this is important, because strength is in unity. Let's quickly decorate the Christmas tree with what we can, bring our food and sing songs. Let the holiday not be so beautiful, but still we can make it fun. Isn't that right? ”He continued.
  The beasts agreed, smiled and ran home. This time on toys, candy, nuts and garlands. No one was sad anymore, everyone was in a hurry to make it in time for the New Year.

  What was their surprise when they returned and saw a beautiful decorated Christmas tree, Christmas lights, a snowman, colorful lights on other trees and a lot of sweets on the table, which appeared just as suddenly as everything else. New Year's Magic has come to the young animals and presented a real holiday, which they deserve. After all, they understood the main thing! Remember and you are the moral of this tale about the New Year - do not save your grievances, learn to forgive others and do not be afraid to take the first step. Only with friends you can find happiness and meet the magic.

Dear friends, readers, guests, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! I wish you all a lot of health, less sorrow, a house so that a full bowl and so that magic and fairy tale will not bypass you!

As a gift from me to you, this is a New Year's fairy tale with Sonechkin's pattern - it is simple, the story is not original, but it seems to me that the fairy tale came out very sweet and creates a festive mood.

A gift for animals

It was dusk, the first were lit in the sky. All forest dwellers hid in their houses: burrows, hollows, nests and dens, only a few animals gathered in a clearing near a fluffy tree, covered with snow, like a warm blanket. Here were the little hare Lapa, his best friend, the hedgehog Kurnosik, the squirrel-bleznyashki Tick and Tamarochka, the deer Oleshka and Lanyushka and the owl Shova, who kept the speech before his friends. Those listened attentively to him.

Here I have a Christmas fairy tale was born about a monkey, a symbol of the coming year. I invite you to write New Year's fairy tales for the project.

Santa Claus and monkey

Three days before the New Year, just when it was necessary to pack and pack the gifts in a bag, an unexpected incident happened. Snow Maiden ill. For the first time in my life I got sick.

And that was how it was. On the eve, a Christmas tree was decorated around the Grandfather Frost Tower. Bunnies, squirrels, forest birds hanged decorations that Snow Maiden took out of the house in boxes.

Dear friends! Only two weeks left until the most magical holiday, the New Year. I wanted to not just write another New Year fairy tale for you, but to make a real New Year present. The beautiful children's artist Ekaterina Kolesnikova agreed to help me with this.

We have made for you and your children a small New Year's e-book with illustrations. The book is designed for children from 2.5 years. Older children can read a book on their own. The main heroine of the book, of course, is the sheep!

Dear readers! Congratulations on your first winter day! The new year is on the way, and it is even possible to announce the official start of preparation for the holidays! We are with a wonderful children's artist Ekaterina Kolesnikova ( [email protected]  com, Instagram profile: kolesnikova_ekaterina) decided to please you with the first New Year fairy tale in honor of the beginning of winter. I can’t move away from the topic of Baba Yaga after the last issue of our magazine (I’ll show you what kind of Yozhka we crafted with Yozhka), so the fairy tale I also got is Yaginaya.

On the edge of the forest in a small hut ... Baba Yaga's bone leg lived on the chicken legs. She was an old woman, in general, not angry in nature, just grouchy a little.

Tale for younger schoolchildren about the New Year miracle

Fairy tale for children 7 - 11 years

The author's tale for children 7 - 11 years

  Egorova Galina Vasilyevna.
Position and place of work:  teacher training at home, KGBOU "Motyginskaya secondary school - boarding school", p. Motygino Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Material Description:This tale is written for primary school age. Therefore, it will be of interest to primary school teachers. This tale tells about a little Christmas tree that really wanted to become a beauty on New Year's Eve. The content of the tale is not only aimed at raising children of different ages, but also instilling faith in the wonders of the New Year's night, the power of magic. This tale can be used in the classroom reading lessons in school and for reading in the family circle.
Purpose:  Formation of New Year's mood through the content of the tale.
-educational:  talk about the importance of faith in miracles and magic on the example of fairy tale heroes;
-developing:develop memory, attention, imagination, ingenuity, logical thinking, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions;
-educational:to cultivate a feeling of faith in miracles, empathy, interest in reading fairy tales.
Tale of the little Christmas tree.
  This story took place in a fabulous winter forest, in which one could meet a squirrel — a beautiful woman, and a little hare in a white fur coat, and a gray toothed wolf, and a cunning fox. The wondrous forest was covered with a white veil woven from a placer of millions of snowflakes. And there was one wonderful little Christmas tree in this fairy forest. It was the most ordinary green tree. She grew up surrounded by slender white birch trees, mighty pines, old spruces and the same neighbors of Christmas trees.

  With the arrival of a harsh winter forest, as if frozen in a sleepy silence. Only occasionally will you hear the sound of a woodpecker, who extracted seeds from spruce cones. The winter sun rarely gave its inhabitants warmth. But our Christmas tree was not frightened either by fierce frosts or snow blizzards and blizzards. She was warm and cozy among the high snows. And she always dreamed the same dream. As if she turns into an elegant beauty, decorated with colorful lights, lots of toys and a bright star on top.
  One morning, a bunny ran past our Christmas tree.
  - Good morning! - Said the Christmas tree hare.
  - Hello! - he answered.
  - Where are you in such a hurry? - asked herringbone.
  - Do not you know? After all, soon the New Year!
  - New Year? What is the New Year?
  - New Year is a holiday, magic, gifts from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, fun, dance, joy and laughter! - answered the bunny and jumped on.
  Herringbone was left alone with his thoughts. She really wanted to see this holiday and get a gift from Santa Claus. And before the New Year, our tree made a wish to become the beauty she saw in a dream.
  And on New Year's Eve a miracle happened. The Christmas tree sparkled with bright lights, played with the glitter of fabulous toys and a big star flashed on its top.
  All the inhabitants of the forest gathered to look at this miracle. And how joyful and fun everyone was to dance around the elegant Christmas tree, under which everyone found their New Year's gift from Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Winter is the most amazing and magical time of the year, partly because it is during this season that we celebrate the most magical holiday -. Winter devote poems and tales, songs. Every second tale, one way or another, affects this time of year.

Loving mothers are happy to tell or read fairy-tale stories to their children, and correctly, as this allows them to develop the imagination of children, teaches them goodness, honesty, mutual assistance. Below we provide a list of stories that cannot be ignored.

List of the best winter fairy tales for children

  1. "Snow Maiden"  (folklore). This is a story about a girl of ice and snow, which magically appeared in a childless old man and old woman and melted from the heat or the spring sun.
  2. "Frost"  (Russian folklore). This story perfectly teaches children the right behavior and kindness; It may have many different options, but all of them must have an evil stepmother, her own daughter and stepdaughter.
  3. "The Snow Queen"  (G.H. Andersen). This is a complex author's story, the meaning of which is rather difficult to explain to a small child, because even Kai cannot be called a uniquely positive hero.
  4. "Twelve months"  (Slovak folklore in the retelling of S.Ya. Marshak) is a kind tale about helping one's neighbor, friendship and kindness.
  5. "Winter in Prostokvashino"  (E. Uspensky) - well-known and beloved ekranizirovannaya story.
  6. "Magic Winter"  (T. Wagner) - the story of the Moomin, one of which did not sleep in the winter, as it should be, but it survived a lot of adventures, amazing meetings and even a fun holiday.
  7. "Planet of Christmas trees"  (J. Rodari) - a fabulous story about a planet where the year lasts only 6 months, and in each of them no more than 15 days, and every day is a New Year.
  8. "Chuck and Huck"  (AP Gaidar) - the action takes place in the winter. This story is considered by many to be one of the brightest and most domestic.
  9. "Magic paints"  (E. Permyak).
  10. "Christmas Tree"  (VG Suteev) - based on this story, an instructive animated film “Snowman-Mailer” was created.
  11. "How I celebrated the New Year"  (V. Golyavkin).
  12. "Bengal lights"  (N. Nosov).
  13. "Like a hedgehog, a teddy bear and a donkey greeted the New Year"  (S. Kozlov)
  14. "New Year's story"  (N. Losev)
  15. "New Year"  (N.P. Wagner)
  16. "Why is the snow white"  (A. Lukyanov)

A fairy tale about winter for children of their own

If you want to occupy your child with something useful and interesting in one of the cold evenings, you can come up with a fairy tale about winter with your son or daughter. This will surely be a memorable and fruitful pastime, because kids love to dream, and the more they like to do it with their parents.

Composing a fairy tale about winter is a snap. The main thing is to give free rein to the imagination. You should not correct the child, if he in his writing will go a little wrong way. Let him feel like a real storyteller. Do not forget to reflect the problem or the meaning of your fiction, show the struggle between good and evil, emphasize the need to choose the right path. You should not include frightening or very negative heroes in it - let everything be as light and kind as possible so that after you and your child would like to retell your work many times to all who are not indifferent to your joint work.

If you have a jointly created winter fairytale, the pictures of children will help to express it, to remember, to add it. Ask your child to draw, as he imagines what you just wrote. You can help him with this, suggest or recall some important points of the plot. Surely, you will have an amazing presentation of your masterpiece.