There are poisonous raws. Edible cheese mushrooms (with photo). What are the raw materials: species, titles, photos

Today we will talk about the most common mushrooms in our country - Sreezhka. They have a wonderful taste, useful propertiesThey are used everywhere in cooking.

Description and appearance

Syrozhka refers to the nature of the plates. Family - raw malls. It includes about thirty varieties. Today's hero is deservedly called the most common edible mushroom. It is difficult to find a person who would not try or at least not heard about the cheek.

Grow mainly in coniferous and deciduous forests. Appear in June, but the best period for collecting is from the beginning of August to September.

Hats mushrooms differ, as it depends on the type. There are pinkish rashes, yellow, green and so on. Let's study the species of the mushroom more detailed.



it edible mushroom With easily removable by skin on 2/3 caps. HAT HAPP SAME HAPPY HAPPY CAN BE A PURPOSED OR CONNECTED, the surface is adhesive. Cylindrical leg, almost completely white. At the edges of the groove hats. The pulp is broken, white, has a characteristic bitter taste. Before use, it is recommended to boil that to get rid of bitterness. You need to collect young individuals, who are lowered by the edges.


The hat has a bright yellow color, dry surface, flat or convex form. The leg is white, but as the mushroom groves it. The pulp is reminded by the structure of wool, white. Under the skin orange-yellow, after cutting darkens. Edible variety of raw materials, which is better to boil or saline. After cooking, the pulp becomes dark. It is recommended to collect young mushrooms, which have edges lowered.


The skin is removed on 2/3 of the caps. The hasshes itself can have a dry or adhesive surface, in the center of green or brown, and in the edges of purple-gray predominantly. White flesh, but may have a purple shade, apparent. The taste is not caustic, the structure is strong. White leg, dense, but over time it becomes a hollow. Perhaps the best variety of raw materials in taste quality. It is recommended to cook, saline and marinate

Inedible zagucho-caustic

This is an incredible type of mushroom. The hat has a convex shape, a little depressed, red shades and brilliant. The leg at the base is predominantly pink. The young mushroom hat is spherical. White flesh, brittle, taste of burning. An unpleasant taste is the cause of failure. Plus can cause a digestion of the gastrointestinal tract.


The edibility is definitely not defined, because salting is allowed, but only after very long soaking. The hat has a convex form, then the center is pressed, the color is straw-yellow. The edges of the mushroom have originally a smooth structure, but over time they get stripes. The flesh is pale yellow, burning and caustic.


It has a barrel shape leg, a strong structure, a whitish shade with an admixture of brown. Hate smooth, oath yellow. At first, the form is convex, but over time it becomes prostrate. The pulp of dense structure, white, brittle, is a little darker on the cut. Taste is pretty caustic. This is a conditionally edible variety of raw materials, which is boiled and salty.


The leg is pinned, solid, but sometimes it can be a hollow. Color pink or white. Hat fleshy, convex shape, slightly siled in the middle. The edges are stupid. The flesh of white, in young mushrooms is dense, but over time it becomes loose. It has a characteristic fruit smell. This is an edible view, which is boiled and sued.


Extended leg to base, first solid, then hollow. Structure legs brittle, color whitish or yellowish. The hat is originally convex, but then it becomes prostrate. Color brown and gray or yellowish gray. The flesh of white or yellow, brittle. The edges of the hat rumbled, thin. Edible view.


Hat has a wine-red color, orange or black. The surface is shiny. First, its semicfer's form, but with age becomes an indulged. White leg, pinwood. White flesh with a characteristic fruit smell and breaking structure. Edible view.


It has a dense, white leg. Flat-convexed hat, can have a pink, reddish or drowned uneven color. The pulp is dense and white, the taste is absolutely not caustic. Perhaps one of the most delicious raw materials that are boiled for further use is perfect for drying, marinations, pickles and preparation of second dishes.


The leg has a white color, at the base of brownish scales. A ripe mushroom hat becomes prostrate. Before that matte, fleshy, semi-haired. The flesh of a white shade, dense structure, can be a bit acute, but not a cold for taste. You can safely call one of the most delicious varieties of cheesecakes. Suitable for the pickling, marinion, drying.


White leg, can have a reddish tide. As he grows it becomes brownish. The hat of young individuals is semi-shaped, and the senior wide, brown or burgundy color. The center is usually darker. White flesh, has a characteristic smell of shrimp or herring. Before use, it is necessary to digest well to eliminate the unpleasant smell. Suitable for Solving and Marination.

Where it grows

This mushroom grows in almost all forests. Loves the neighborhood with moss, edges, glades. But most often grows on the side of the roads. Collecting crops begin in June, and the peak of the season is August-September.

Today, science distinguishes about 30 varieties of this mushroom, which grow in Russia.


I would like to tell about some features and facts related to this mushroom and its varieties.

  • There is one of the theories according to which the mushroom was named. It is based on the fact that in the caring of mushrooms quickly becomes suitable, while the rest of the fungi requires at least a few days. In this regard, the cheese can be used allegedly in the raw form.
  • Finding mushrooms need in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. There are not rarely found on the swamps. You can go for them in May, and finish the season in October. The main condition for the possibility of their search is rain.
  • On the inside of all the cheese makes there are plates of white, and all the legs are white. They do not have rings, films and scales. After cutting, the mushrooms remain white.
  • During the collection, it is important to take into account the feature of the fungus. They are extremely fragile. Therefore, they collect them, as a rule, separately from other types of fungi.
  • To make it easier for the process of cleaning the cheesecakes, overlapping them with boiling water before processing.
  • Film with a mushroom to remove easily, but it is not always worth doing. It is explained by the fact that the film will not allow the mushroom during the cooking during the cooking.
  • If the taste of the mushroom turned out to be bitter, you have a caustic cheese. To eliminate this taste, you need to sprinkle them with salt, put in the refrigerator for the night, and the next day to peel.
  • The bitter taste after cooking speaks of the need to remove the films from the Hat. Even if it did not help, drain the water, pour the new one and negotiate the mushrooms for another 20 minutes.

How to choose and where to buy

You can purchase such mushrooms. It is possible for private traders, mushrooms that came to the market to sell the collected crop. The most important thing is to learn how to choose them.

The fact is that the raw cheating is confused with a pale grass. Now we will tell you how to make such a mistake.

The real cheese has a smooth, white shape of the leg. The membrane is absent, inside the leg is dense or hollow. The pulp is extremely fragile, on the cut it extremely rarely can change the color, to darken. If on the hat you will see the specks of red or purple, do not take such a mushroom: the soon enough, this is a false cheese.

Choose the most dense mushrooms, avoid drying and old individuals. The best in terms of quality are yellow and blue-green crops. This is perhaps a real delicacy. Many believe that it is these varieties that are suitable for consumption in raw.

See the following video about mushrooms of raws, how to better collect them and what of them do.

Storage methods

Once you have collected mushrooms, be sure that they do not lose their properties in the next 24-48 hours. But do not care, soak the crown in this case, and immediately place it in the refrigerator.

Saline and pickled mushrooms can be used for 12 months. Dried are able to serve more than a year.

It is extremely important that even after drying, the cheese does not lose so important food fibers and amino acids. Only protein leaves about 30-40% of the initial number

Nutritional value and calorie

It's all interesting and useful here. This is a dietary product from which, nevertheless, you can get significant benefit.

Per 100 grams of the product have:

Chemical composition

These mushrooms are very rich in useful elements, vitamins and minerals. This causes an abundance of beneficial properties, as well as pleasant taste.

Of the main vitamins, useful for humans and those present in the raw materials, can be allocated:

  • Vitamin RR;
  • Vitamins B1, B2;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E.

As for minerals, it should certainly be noted:Fe, K, P, Na, Mg, Ca.

Beneficial features

  • It so happened that nature was chosen by raw materials to enrich them with vitamins PP and B2. They are of great importance to human health and the functioning of our body.
  • Zhughs-caustic and purple cheese products affect the antibacterial agent, help to cope with the bastards.
  • They are very helpful to use those who faced serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Due to the low calorieness, the fungi, he is superbly suitable for those who fight over weight.
  • Souring nutritious, create a feeling of saturation, after them do not want to eat. As a result, they help in the fight against obesity.
  • They are recommended to eat to prevent the formation of blood clots, as well as provide protection against blood thickening.
  • With the help of raw materials, milk is equipped, creating an incredibly useful milk product. It is useful to people who suffer from heart problems and vessels.

Harm and contraindications

There are several contraindications for people who do not need to use these types of fungi. Namely:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the fungus man;
  • Serious violations in the work of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • It is not recommended for children under the age of 12;
  • Contraindicated pregnant women, as well as women in the period breastfeeding Child.

In general, many doctors believe that cheese can be given to children after 7 years. But in limited quantities and only the most delicious and safe views.

As for adults, they also should not be overly abused raw materials - no more than 150 grams per day. Delicious and high-quality types of cheesegles are no exception.


In cooking

Perhaps it is the sector of cooking that allows you to fully appreciate all the taste of this mushroom. Yes, it has excellent useful properties, but make some kind of dish from the cheese makeup, and you will no longer refuse it. It will be your favorite mushroom.

Please note that before using fungi necessarily flooded with water and withstand several hours. Before the main processing processes, that is, hot, pickling, pickling, it is advisable to slaughter them for 5 minutes. This will eliminate bitterness.

Now we will share with you several recipes for cooking raw materials. Namely, we will tell you how to solo them correctly, marinate and how to bore it correctly.


Take a set of the following ingredients:

  • One small bowl;
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 3 garlic teeth;
  • 1 kilogram of fresh edible cheesecakes;
  • 4 tbsp. stone salt;
  • Several blueberry leaves.


Clean mushrooms from dirt, rinse, place in a saucepan, add some salt. Clean the garlic, cut it into small plates and place to mushrooms. Cover the mushrooms with branches from the blueberries and place 12 hours in a dark and cool place. Now, plump the chopped onions on top, add the oil and mix everything. Place mushrooms on prepared banks, close. As mushrooms, add more cheesegles to banks to banks, until the bank is filled. After about 30 days, mushrooms are ready for use.


Mary of the cheese can be in several ways. Now we will be described them.

Recipe with vinegar

  • Clean how mushrooms should be removed if you need to remove the film from the hat, cut short legs.
  • Cut the water, pour with its help mushrooms. Place on fire, bring to a boil, turn off and leave cool.
  • Meanwhile, prepare banks.
  • Throw mushrooms after cooling on a colander.
  • In the harvested banks, leave the leaves from currant or cherries, although you can also be used. Also put laurel leaves, umbrellas from dill. For improvement taste quality Add a bit of Tarhun twigs. Spread mushrooms on banks.
  • Make a marinade at the rate of 250 ml of water - 50 ml of vinegar and 25 grams of rock salt. Make the brine at the rate of the amount of mushrooms available.
  • Capture marinade, Pour it into jars with mushrooms.
  • Poster jars in a wide saucepan with water to shoot. After boiling water, keep the jars of 20 minutes on fire.
  • Remove the containers, tighten the covers. Mushrooms are ready.

With garlic

Consider, at the rate of 1 kilogram of the cheese makes you need a large tablespoon salt. Garlic can use at your discretion. Mushrooms in this way of marinization will be kept shortly, but you can hardly resolve so as not to eat them all right away.

So, it is necessary to prepare on this recipe as follows:

  • Rinse mushrooms, remove all dirt;
  • Clean garlic, cut it on thin plates;
  • In a jar or pan, place mushrooms, but necessarily a hat down;
  • The layers are sprinkled with salt with the addition of garlic;
  • You need to withstand mushrooms for 14 days, placing banks in a cold place;
  • After 2 weeks can be served to the table. It is perfectly combined with vodka, has a sharp and rich taste.

With onions

You will need such ingredients:

  • Purified water - 400 ml;
  • 1 kilogram of raw materials with solid hats;
  • 250 ml of vinegar;
  • Several carnation boutons;
  • 300 grams of the bunk;
  • Lovers leaflets;
  • Fragrant pepper (polka dot);
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 Large tablespoon of stone salt.


Clean the fungi, fill them with water and negotiate for about 15 minutes, then throw off on a colander so that all the glass fluid. Pour water in a saucepan, add the specified spices, salt, sugar, small bulbs. Bring the mixture to a boil, then pour vinegar. In this marinade, lower the welded raw materials and negotiate for 5 minutes. Hot mushrooms distribute banks, and pick up the brine let out on fire for another 2-3 minutes. Russe bulk to banks and close their lids.

How to cook

Now we will tell you about how to make these mushrooms correctly.

  • Before boaking, they need to be rinsed, to go through to find the strongest instances.
  • Clean them from pollution, put in a saucepan. Now fill with cold water at the rate of 1 volume of mushrooms on 2 volumes of water.
  • Put the saucepan on the middle fire, bring to a boil, then make a flame quieter.
  • Next, follow the formation of a foam, which in the course of the cooking must be removed. After that, add some salt, laurel sheet and black peas.
  • After boiling water, mushrooms are filled with 30 minutes.
  • In no case do not use the water that remained after the cooking of the cheesecakes.

Choomed chops

Not many are solved to fry crops. And in vain. They are very tasty. Served as an independent dish or used with a side dish. Some manage to even fry chops from cheese makers.

To make chops, take purified raw, choose the largest and flat hats, put them in salty cold water for a while. After that, skip on the colander.

The hat should be dipped into the cooked par. Next, mushrooms are sprinkled with breadcrumbs. It is necessary to fry quickly, the fire should be strong. Then, put all the cheesegings together in the pan, pour the Clar to there, which was supposed to stay. Now dear your mushrooms, but already on a small fire. It will take about 15 minutes.

For the preparation of soup, the cheese is not very suitable, because because of it is created a characteristic bitter taste.


  • Department: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subsidation: agaricomycotina (agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Incertae sedis (indefinite position)
  • Family: RUSSULACEAE (raw)
  • Russ: Russula (Syroezhka)
  • View: RUSSULA NIGRICANS (black cheese)
    Other mushroom names:

Cheesecoating black

The cheesecake is black - the type of mushrooms is included in the genus of raw materials, refers to the family of raw materials.

He has a hat from 5 to 15 centimeters (sometimes larger specimens are found - even up to 25 centimeters in diameter). At first, the hat has a whitish color, but then it becomes dirty-gray, brown with a shade color. There are also drowned specimens with olive tide. The middle of the cap is darker, and the edges of it are lighter. On the hat there are hungry particles of dirt, land, forest garbage.

The cheese of the black ishing has a smooth hat, dry (sometimes - with a slight admixture of mucus). It is usually convex, but then it becomes flat and prostrate. Its center becomes smooth with time. Cracked can form on the hat that are exposed to a beautiful white flesh.

Mushroom plates - thick, large, rarely located. First, they are white, and then gray or even become brownish, with a pinkish tide. There are also atypical - black plates.

The leg is stuffing - up to 10 centimeters. It is strong, cylindrical shape. As the mushroom agrees, it becomes a dirty brown.

The flesh of the mushroom is fat, breaking. Usually - white, in place of the cut slowly becomes reddish. It has a pleasant taste, slightly bitter, and a pleasant weak fragrance. Iron sulfate stains such a pulp in pink color (then it becomes green).

Distribution area, growing time
The cheese of the black forms with solid rocks of the trees of fungnitsa. Grows in deciduous, mixed forests. Also, mushroom can often be seen in spruce and broad forest. The favorite place of distribution is a moderate strip, as well as the Western Siberia region. Mushroom is not rare and in the territory of Western Europe.

In the forest meets the big group. It begins to be fronting from the middle of the summer, and this period ends until winter. According to the observations of mushrooms, it is found in such an northern region as Karelian's experiencing, at the end of the forest, and in the territory of the Leningrad region.

Double mushrooms

  • . He has dense and falling plates, as well as a blessed hat, a grayish shade. The flesh of such a mushroom is able to black practically immediately. Redness in such mushrooms is not visible. In the fall, in birch and aspen forests, it is quite rare.
  • Firefielder (russula densifolia). It is distinguished by brown and brown and even brown with a black hint cap. The plates of such a hat are very small, and the mushroom itself is a bed. The pulp first becomes reddish, but then slowly black. In the fall in coniferous, as well as mixed forests is quite rare.
  • . On the layer or cut, the pulp of this mushroom takes a brown color. But it almost does not have dark, almost black shades. This mushroom is the inhabitant of coniferous forests.

These types of fungus, as well as the cheese cheese itself, form a separate group of mushrooms. They differ from others the fact that their flesh acquires a characteristic black color. The old mushrooms of this group are rather tough, and some of them can have both white and brown shades.

Is this mushroom edible
The cheese of the black hand belongs to the fourth category mushrooms. It can be used fresh (after thoroughly boil at least 20 minutes), as well as salty. In salty form quickly acquires a black shade. It is necessary to collect only young mushrooms, since the old is pretty tough. In addition, they are almost always worm. However, Western researchers consider this mushroom inedible.

Video about mushroom cheese black:

additional information
Mushroom can grow in the substrate. Some old mushroom copies can go to the surface, the soil layer is prolamed. Mushroom may often be worm. Another one characteristic feature Mushroom - He slowly decomposes in natural conditions. During decaying the mushroom drawn. Dried mushrooms are preserved for quite a long time, until next year.

So-called quiet hunt love many. In the autumn forest in the peak of the mushroom season can be found a large number of Mushrooms. Mushrooms are there even more. There are among them those that can be eaten, but, on the contrary, poisonous - these need to go around the party. Take, for example, raw - there are several types of them. As in the case of other mushrooms, there are raw materials edible and inedible. How to distinguish them?

Usually mushrooms take little the name of a particular type. The main thing is that it was edible mushroom. What do edible raw materials look like?

There is a huge number of ways to prepare this product. The most popular of them. There will also be lovers of mushroom soup, pickles and even a mushroom cake.

"Wrong" product

According to statistics, raw materials make up 45% of the mass of all mushrooms in the forest. There are many of their varieties. Those hats of which are painted mainly in pink, blue, green and yellow shades, can be boldly eating. And what can be said about others? How to distinguish false crops?

Some types of cheesecakes are poisonous. Outwardly, with the exception of color, similar to their fellow, but have a very unpleasant taste and negative impact on the human body.

This is the so-called false cheerful:

How not to make a mistake?

How to distinguish edible from a poisonous cheerful?

  • The most important difference is in taste. It is necessary to rush a little raw mushroom. If there is a burning sensation in the language, it is not suitable for food.
  • Second difference? smell. Some poisonous varieties exuded a very sharp fragrance. He can cause sneezing.
  • Finally, the third difference is coloring.

What is the danger?

In view of the fact that these mushrooms can be edible and inedible, it arises quite logical question: Is it possible to poison raws? Doctors answer the affirmative. However, such poisoning, although it has unpleasant consequences, in itself is not fatal. It causes nausea and stomach disorder. Therefore, it is necessary to treat mushrooms with caution that cause doubts.

Syroyshek There is a huge amount. The name says that they can be eaten even raw. However, it is necessary to do it carefully, because some of them have an unpleasant taste and can harm the body. To understand, edible this kind or not, you need to pay attention to its color and smell. If doubts arise, it is better to postpone aside and do not risk. And if there are no such, you can safely enjoy the mushroom taste.

Cheese and cheerful cheese mushrooms. She is also known under the names of a raw food, a sickening, a sickening, robust cheese and cheese. This is an unbearable mushroom.

Latin name mushroom - Russula Emetica.

By appearance Syrozhka nausea is very similar to an ordinary cheese. But the inedible cheeseing the structure is very dense. The color of her hats purple-pink or bright red, with the darker center. With the age of color remains unchanged. Surface Hats glossy and sticky. Skin with ease is separated from the hat.

The shape of the hat in the grope of the cheese in young age is convex, while the edges are tightly pressed to the leg, but with the age of the hat becomes like a saucer. In adult copies, the diameter of the cap reaches 11 centimeters. If the hat is too big, it begins to crack.

Syroda guessing is a lamellar mushroom. The plates are strong enough, they are very often located. The form at the plates is correct, the length is the same, and the edges are sharp. They are tightly attached to a hat and leg. Coloring plates pure and white.

The leg in the gridding is very fragile. Coloring the legs are white, even a dark shade does not appear on the slice. Its length in adulthood reaches 9 centimeters, and the girth reaches 2 centimeters. The pulp in the leg is elastic and thin. In old age, it becomes loose. There is almost no smell of meakty.

Seasoning zone of burning cheese makers.

Golly raw materials are common throughout Russia. These mushrooms are most often settled in shady raw places. In the Far East, the graced rashes are usually growing among the fir, fir trees and cedar. Also, these mushrooms grow in mountain belts. Often, vomites are found in the outskirts of peat swamps.

Smashing caustious most often grow one one, sometimes they can meet with few groups. They prefer places with acid crude soil rich in various organic substances. Often, bile rashes will be seized in the company with edible raw materials. The fruiting is happening from July to the end of October.

Assessment of the edibility of raw materials by zhughead.

Many mycologists include a raw mushroom to the conditionally edible mushrooms, and assure that they are such due to low taste. But recent studies have shown that with repeated use of raw materials, the burns leads to serious disorders of the stomach and intestines, they are not in vain called vomit and nauseous. In addition, the raw materials are dangerous in the fact that they can cause the growth of cancer cells.

The taste of the cheese is nauseous enough caustic. Strong bitterness have all parts of the fruit body. The poisonous part is the pulp of the hats. If you try the lips with a raw pulp, you can feel strong tingling, which takes place a few minutes later. On this basis, a burning cheese make it easy to distinguish from edible raw.

It is worth noting that the pair of bile rashes that came to edible raw materials will not spoil the taste of the dish and will not cause poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning with grace of raw materials and first aid.

When using these raw materials, food poisoning occurs, which is why they are called vomit. As part of these mushrooms there are poisonous substances that violate the operation of the stomach.

A person begins to experience a graceful feeling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium and a sharp pain in the intestine after 2.5 hours after the use of nauseous raw materials. With a lightweight of poisoning, diarrhea occurs, in which there is a lot of bile, which is why the cheerful and nicknamed bile.

With more severe cases of poisoning, vomiting opens, pain in the muscles occurs and oversmit appears. With multiple vomiting and diarrhea requires medical care. In the process of treatment, the stomach is washed and a special diet is prescribed.

Related species of grump of raw materials.

Cheerful cheerful - Conditional and edible relative of the graged of raw. The shape of her cap can be semi-like, prostrate and slightly intended. Its surface matte, with wet weather is covered with a small layer of mucus. Occups of yellowish-hid. She has a long and thin, dense structure, a little wrinkled, white or yellow. The flesh is dense, but fragile, her taste is rather caustic, and there is no smell.

Collect ohwrite crops from August to October. Favoric places of their growing are coniferous forests. Raw ohwrite raises in places with a good humidity level. In the south of the country, this species is quite rare.

Syruzhka Turkish - edible relative of a vomiting crotch. The shape of her hats is originally convex, and later becomes flattened. Occasion Cute Wheels or Purple-Brown. The surface of the hat is covered with slippery skin, which is easily removed. Cylindrical leg or mawed. Color color is most often white, sometimes pinkish or yellowish. She has a tight pulp with a sweet taste and a well-pronounced pleasant smell.

In places of growing Turkish cheese makers are coniferous forests of Europe. These mushrooms fall under fir trees and fir. They are fruit by small groups or one.

Syrozhka is quite widespread both in forests and small landings. Due to the fact that these are the simplest and numerous varieties, people do not pay enough attentiveness when collecting them. However, this approach is incorrect, since among them you can find false kinds that are not edible.

The raw materials in their taste and nutritious qualities are excellent mushrooms.

To date, there are several main false types of raw materials. Moreover, one of them differ noticeably from each other, others - at first glance, are completely identical. It is very important to know how such a mushroom looks like, and be able to distinguish edible from inedible, so as not to harm their health and do not spoil the taste of mushroom dishes.

The first sign of the differences in edible cheesecakes - the color of the hat. As a rule, the edible inhabitants of the woods have a hat can have pale gray, greenish and brown shades. If there are bright red or purple spots on the hat, then most likely a false mushroom, from the collection of which it is better to refuse.

Bile and eager false varieties

In addition to popular false representatives, it is necessary to be able to distinguish doubles among normal mushrooms for special features. The first of them is a bile cheerful. It has a ocher or yellowish with a red tint of color. With a high level of humidity in the forest or immediately after the rain, the hat, Ichping, has a lot of mucus on its surface. The taste of this variety is bitter and not very pleasant, but not poisonous.

In addition to an unpleasant taste, the biliary cheese can not be harmful.

Syrozhka Cooked Pretty controversial type of false variety and it is hard to attribute to poisonous fungi. Some mycologists consider it safe for the human body, others are confident that it can bring human health to health. This is due to the fact that this species is quite bitter taste. The bitterness disappears only after a reusable digestion. But suggestion for yourself: he digested him many times, all poisons, even if they were there in minor quantities, they will completely disappear, although nothing delicious and beautiful will remain from the mushroom itself. Especially if you consider the fact that the caustic cheerful is very soft and easily falls apart in the hands. And in the raw form (very bitter) it is impossible to use it.

Ensuctor cheese and distinguish from the real is very simple. It has a bright red hat, which in the cut has a light pink shade. This type of mushroom is found primarily in coniferous forests.

This representative has a similar twin - bloody cheese. It tastes and look it is exactly the same, only the pulp on the fault has a white color.


There is another false look - the crown's raw. False marsh variety taste is very pleasant and sweet. The mushroom has a number of nutrients useful to humans. In appearance it looks like a bloody, but distinctive feature It is that it is almost impossible to remove the skin from the hats of the marsh species. The leg is also painted in pink color.