Business plan for the period of crediting the bank. Business plan for a bank loan. The main points of the business plan, how to help you get a loan

Pіdpriєmets, vіdkrivayuchi new right, but the master of small business, who wants to expand the field of his activity, can domagatisa financial assistance for the rahunok commercial position.

As a rule, commercial lenders require the most qualified applicants, including for proforma: an application, a business plan, information about profits and savings, balance sheets, special and / or business contacts, and a breakdown of the business plan. Annotation, outpost of that special bail of the guard. To get a loan for a small business, you need to prepare a loan for reaching it.

Krok 1 - Selected information

  • First, write a business plan, you are responsible for the necessary information: all financial statements, information about profits and bribes, balance and at least three months of bank statements. Also, prepare a transfer of assets, such as - stock up on hand, add that possession. As you start a business, collect your bank details for the rest of the six months and prepare a list of all starting costs - property, inventory and outbuildings, purchases, rent and life expenses, as well as expenses for registering a business.

Krok 2 - Preparing an application to the bank

  • Write an application for a pro forma, as a forecast of future profits and income. The application is added to the business plan for the hour of issuing a commercial loan.

Krok 3 - Create a business resume

  • Create a resume. A business resume is a document that shows a business range of work - services and merchandise. We give the workers a working message and future projects, informing about the employment of the Vlasnik. If there is no business yet, write a special resume or hire a professional accountant, lawyer, copywriter.

Krok 4 - Preparation of projects Business plans

  • The draft business plan borrows about 15 sides and starts with a summary about income forecasts and future expenses. The business plan is detailed, like a child company. Like products, the servants are proclaimed. Years of work, management structure, number of workers, wages, expenses for income, operational expenses (such as rent, insurance, licenses and permits) and explain, in what way business is mutually modified with the market.

Krok 5 - Specify the transfer of documents for the loan

  • Get a commercial loan. Having seen the website of the administration of small business, know the approved commercial lender in your region. Get in touch with the lender and tell them what documents you need to submit for obtaining a loan.

At any stage, business development will require additional financing from the side. Irrespective of those ways to get werewolves to earn money, a lot of companies often turn to the services of bank lending, even if the simplest and best way to earn money for myself. And yet, in this case, there is one serious problem, far from all legal entities and individual applicants are superior candidates in the eyes of the creditor, especially at the cob stage of their activity.

The bank will always need a guarantee of the return of low-value funds, so large loans can be taken away only under the outpost of the liquid mine chi bail. However, sometimes the result is not enough, and in order to significantly increase your chances for a positive decision of the creditor, following documented confirmation of the bank's bank balance. A business plan for withdrawing a loan is to allow the borrower to bring his intentions to the bank and increase the chance for a positive solution.

What is a business plan and why do you need wine

Any business starts from planning. Tobto, and small enterprises-pochatkivtsі and great companies work strictly according to the plan. The business plan itself is the whole document, before the folding of such a hard one, we can’t, but we can clearly demonstrate on the basis of activity and potential income, prospects, competitiveness, advantages and shortcomings. Let's face it, a business plan is for the implementation of ceramics to business.

For the purpose of investing from the side, the business plan is the first document, especially for businessmen-pochatkivtsiv. Potential investors, contributors and creditors respectfully review the document, analyze it, look at the concept to minimize risks. Before speech, planning for business is important at any stage, both in case of entrepreneurship, and in case of expansion.

Respect that business planning is necessary not only for the success of investors and creditors, but also for the undertaking itself.

How to fold a business plan

As already mentioned above, there are no strict rules to which document, especially as wines are added up exclusively for admission. And from what you can look at the investors and creditors, then you can plan revenge on yourself for a piece of obov'yazkovy warehouses. Let's build a business plan for a bank, which consists of five parts:

  1. At the start, you need to know about the essence of the pіdpriєmnitskoї іyalnostі, naskіlki won't be competitive and may have a drink at the end of the line, for the introduction, you may take a small obsyag, even if it's your own kind of resume.
  2. At the next part of the next, write, how tsile peresl_duє pіdpriєmnitska dіyalnіst, yakі comrades chi services they want to realize, yakі tsіl'ovu audience zatsіkaviti, obsyagi vrobnitstv and zbutu market.
  3. In the third part of the business plan, there may be ideas of marketing analysis and that plan, such as the development of the market, the alignment of one’s company with competitors, the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, and the power of ideas to improve the quality of goods and services. Plan how to show your goods, services, cіnova policy and more.
  4. The fourth part of the business plan is responsible for the organization of working processes, the structure of the business, the provision of personnel and yogic training, the purchase of the necessary equipment and equipment, and you can immediately deal with those necessary additional financial resources.
  5. The rest of the business plan can be paid for, here it can be assigned to spend money on the implementation of quiet other processes, read the potential income, indicate the amount of money and positive costs, as well as additional financial assets of investors.

To gain respect, that on the completion of the business plans, it is necessary to develop the potential profits of the budget, as a result of one's activity.

This is a typical example of a business plan, more precisely, its structure, but if you plan to take financing from a credit organization, then I will describe the business for the bank. It is necessary for a new person to destroy such a food, like a potential risk, for the one who is most relevant for the bank. The business plan for the credit institution is to blame for specific descriptions of costs and possible income, as well as the success rate of the project.

Before that, the bank will need to indicate the possible difficulties at the stage of the project implementation and the ways of their accomplishment. Before the speech, if a business plan is being developed for a bank, then it will be examined by an expert, that the folding of documents should be respected, even if they can easily reveal inaccuracies in the financial statements and assess the level of change in the market and the second plan is in reality.

How to get a loan pid business plan

Later, we agreed to the supply, navigating the bank to the required business plan, a kind of guarantee of the return of the bank account. In times, if the document is folded correctly, in someone else the exact re-roofing is done, it is possible to re-upload on a positive decision. Prote, a business plan for a banking organization will not be enough, nasampered, if there is a lot of money, then, singly, you will need additional security at a sight to make the lane of legal osib. For entrepreneurs, the bank rechecks the credit history, so it is also a deposit of a successful entry.

Like the banks themselves give a loan, we can take a little bit a year. For the first time, describe what you need to send to the bank for issuing a position, tse:

  • special documents of the founder;
  • Vityag from the Unified State Register of Legal Values ​​or Individual Companies;
  • certificate of state registration;
  • documents confirming income;
  • a document confirming the presence of government capital;
  • make some documents.

In addition, as a business plan for preparations, documents for selection, it will happen to be appointed by a credit institution. A loan for development of a business is practically a leather bank, which can only be seen as a sprig of applications.

To pay respect, that the sum of the position of that rozmіr shorіchnogo vіdsotka zalezhatimut vіd rich factors, including the reliability of the employer, yogo work and shomіssyachnogo income.

Before speech, it is impossible not to say about those that in the skin bank є low was able to recover, and in the middle of them - tse positive confirmation of the admission of activity, so that the first step is to take a position in the bank, the next step is to take the first step, and the lender will reconsider at dotsіlnostі vlasnyh іnvestitsіy. But it’s not possible to talk about those who, at the first stage, take a loan for these programs.

Credit pіd business plan from scratch

The main problem pіdpriєmtsіv-pochatkіvtsіv polygaє is that it is practically impossible to get a loan for a bank business in a bank. To formalize the position of the business, it is necessary for the mother to know the duration of the work for at least 6 months or 1 year, at the skin bank, the mind can be refreshed. Navit Oschadbank within the framework of the Business Start program is the main vimogu - the term of undertaking activities for the first time.

It will be impossible for you to get a loan from a bank and a business plan at the first stage, it will be possible for you to find alternative ways to get a better nutrition. Without a doubt, in order to get the power right, a business plan will be necessary, and not for the bank, but for the enterprise itself, in order to coordinate the power of business and analyze the profitability of the enterprise.

If a business is started by an individual business, then as a physical person, it is possible to arrange a safe bank position under the outpost of a new lane, for example, a non-robustness or a car, and also on the bail of physical systems. For whom it is more necessary to choose a credit institution and submit a package of documents necessary for whom. Without a doubt, in front of him, like turning to the bank, it is necessary to respectfully turn the necessary amount of position, as well as your own risks, even if the enterprise appears to be beaten, the penny position of the bank happens to be turned into a turn.

To give respect, to an individual entrepreneur, as a physical person, to issue a banking position, it is necessary to confirm that it confirms the platform for the 2-PDFO form or the bank form.

Sovereign support

In our country, there are developments of entrepreneurial activities, so the state gives support to individual entrepreneurs-early entrepreneurs. Surely, not everyone knows, but at the center of employment of the population, you can take a subsidy for a business plan for the beginning of your work. Costs are seen only for the mind and the presentation of the business plan for free, but for taking away the cost it will be necessary to sound in the future.

The maximum amount of the sovereign support to become 58,800 rubles - the same amount was assigned for the salary of the fact that it will become the maximum help for unemployment for one calendar day. To speed up such a possibility can only be done on an individual basis, for legal entities such a method of financing is inaccessible.

In order to take help from the side of the state, it will be necessary to put together a standard business plan for the commission, as we evaluate yoga in the future. The lieutenant, at his discretion, is obliged to give a statement about the income for the next job, documented the presence of good money on the business and other special documents.

To restore respect, that it is possible to take subsidies only in that case, as the applicant for the sovereign support is not officially paid anywhere, and does not take income.

If you add money, like taking out a loan according to a business plan, then in practice it’s not so easy to grow, as it’s possible to build up the rest, the pieces of the business plan are no longer an additional document, which confirms the strength of the taken position. In other words, such a document is often needed by a bank, as a position is drawn up for the development of a business, at the initial stage, from scratch, it is impossible to take a bank account from scratch for the sake of that type, as an individual business, draw up a banking position as a physical business

The skin of a person should be practiced on oneself, a prote for whom you will need a great financial investment. To open up the business of power, the necessary cob capital, which, ring out, in no one. For someone else, it’s more likely to turn around for a position to a financial organization.

Prote banks are far from being able to see a loan for a business plan from scratch. However, some organizations have special programs for such applicants.

Main benefits

Before Tim, how to apply for a loan according to a business plan, you need to be seriously prepared. We asked the representative of the bank about those, for which the very strategy will be further development of the business. The document may be prepared in as much detail as possible. A business plan for withdrawing a loan must contain structured information, which may be responsible for the implementation of the project.

Krіm tsgogo, for otrimannya pozik of this type, an outpost is necessary, which can win private power or else it’s more expensive. It will also be necessary to send a rahunka to the chosen bank. If it is accepted at the time of registration of the documents of the pracevlashtovaniya, dovidka about the income is better to take a positive opinion. Understandably, you can try to get a loan for a business plan without forcing it, but in this case, the chance of an application being accepted is significantly reduced.

Also, varto vrakhovuvaty, that similar positions are seen exclusively by those who have a bad credit history. Of course, loans are not seen by people who may have a criminal record.

Varto vrakhovuvati, scho the main criterion for granting a loan under a business plan is the payment of the applicant. If a new person has income, or if it’s worth it, if you can lay it down, don’t risk bankrolling. That is why, first of all, you are starting from the old work, think ahead of time, what, it is possible, to apply in a richer way, so that there is a better place to practice.

And also varto vrakhovuvaty, that lending to small businesses is inspired by hard minds, as if to win back from calm postures. To that, since the cob capital does not mean a great sum of money, then, perhaps, it is easier to arrange a life. Let's take a look at the detailed recommendations, which will help you to take a loan for a business plan. І almost the next from the headline.

Business plan

On the right, in the first place, the strategy for the development of a new organization is needed not only for the bank, but for the sake of reconciliation in the fact that given business brings profits, but also for business-earnings. Without this document, it is impossible to correctly open up and, moreover, invest in vitrati, as a vimagatime of the business.

This papyr is guilty of vengeance for at least 10 parties, on which all vitrati will be shown for the recognition of that other business. It is necessary to indicate the possible number of employees, the number of workers, as they will be the backs of the process of work, post-employees and many others. And the smut - all competently prorahuvat and pіdkrіpiti with real numbers of transferred income.

Without vivchivshi tsikh ambushes, the credit under the business plan is issued even more risky.

Availability of security and guarantors

Tse another moment, on what kind of animal respect the bank's practitioner when seeing such a position. If you are in a people’s outpost, then you will become a reliable guarantor of the fact that at the time of bankruptcy of a businessman-on-ears, all the cats will be turned back to the bank.

Also, varto vrakhovuvati, so that the rate for the loan will be significantly lowered for the outpost lane. Like an outpost, you can vikoristovuvat neruhomist (an apartment, a house, or a land plot), transport, whether it’s a price of papers, or a poor possession.

Sob singly take credit for a business plan, best for a legal person, as a guarantor.

Credit history

This is a very important nuance, the stones are absolutely in any bank at the hour of issuing a loan. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider, because the first-time entrepreneur successfully closed all previous loans, and no penalties were presented before them.

Package of documents

For the business plan and the main documents that confirm the person of the applicant, it is necessary to give absolutely all papers, as they can be put in some other rank before the future project. Also, a great help for withdrawing a loan will be the availability of ready-made licenses and other allowable papers for the same type of activity, which the person plans to do.

Additional documents

Crimea of ​​the main papers, it is necessary to give an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and whether there is any other document that can confirm the person of the applicant. As a rule, as a yogo vikoristovuyut IPN.

It is also necessary to issue a certificate of registration of an IP or a joint-stock partnership. I won’t be a hero from OGRYUL. When you get out, you can do it fresh. Also fakhіvtsі recommend articles on the appearance of the tax service and take away the license chi allowed.

Choose a bank and a loan program

On this day, there are no different propositions for the selection of positions of this type. Understanding, the skin client wants to choose the program itself, so that it will be as visible as possible.

Nasampered for a loan, the business plan of the varto is turned over to the bank itself, in which the citizen of the Russian Federation can already open a bank account, or in reality, a pension or a salary card.

Vybirayuchi financial organization, varto return respect for її independent rating. For this, the easiest way is to go to the official website of the RA "Expert".

Filing an application

If all the documents are selected, and the business plan is prepared in detail, it is time to go to the official website of the selected bank and fill in the application online. Otherwise, you can turn around without delay until the very end of the financial organization and draw up all the documents in a special way.

It is necessary to state the data as accurately as possible, the shards at the time of pardon at the bank’s spivrobitnik can blame the bank for doubting that the applicant is trying to fool yoga.

If it is necessary to look at the application, it may take a few days to two days, deposited with the bank. If so, the client will be contacted by the financial organization’s spokesperson and request it to sign the contract.


Before that, how to sign whether or not documents, irrespective of that, to the same financial organization, the recipient-pochatkіvets has turned, he is guilty respectfully and in detail vinchiti of the tributes to you papirs. The most respect for the following is to pay for a sum of money and a hundred percent for a loan. If you don’t show up, then in the future, it’s a big risk to overpay twice. Also, pay attention to the schedule of payments, which can be done by the handy one, and according to the client's abilities.

Otrimannya koshtіv and vіdkrittya to business

At the final stage, after the signing of the contract, it is no longer enough to take the money for the rozrahunkovy rahunok, or for cooking. Also, in rich banks there is an option, for which money you can automatically transfer to the account of sellers, post-employees of any other osib, zadiyanih at the singing business project.

The best way to decorate

At the thought of knowing businessmen, it is best to turn to the most important bank in the Russian Federation. Over 70% of the population are serving Oschadbank. With this financial organization, you can issue a position as a physical person, and a legal person.

Krim tsgogo, to edit the business plan of Oschadbank seems to be on the other side of the mind. This financial organization has a program that you can trust, for which you can save money for a small business. In this case, clients can insure up to 60 million rubles for a position at a regular rate of 16.5%. The minimum amount of crediting is 30 million rubles. Also, the bank has other chinn programs, which can be sent to customers.

Also, someone recommends getting a loan for a business plan from Rossilgospbank. In this case, the minimum interest rate is set to 9.5%. The minimum loan is 10 million rubles. 3 roki are added to the repayment of the debtor.

Naturally, you can know other organizations that will promote the minds of the entrepreneurs. Golovnya, sob the bank was nadiynym.

In case of lending legal conditions and individual benefits, especially to a long-term or a long-term investment project, credit organizations, as additional guarantees for payment of expenses, require a given business plan. This document is superimportant, both for the application's approval, and for the distant, problem-free payments of the position.

In some cases, the bank can request a business plan

The main task of the bank is to take the maximum profit from the most obvious money, without wasting any part of it with untimely vicons of the goiter by the bankers.

Dodatkovі spend the so-called "spent surplus" blamed for the great sums of reservation.

Depending on the standards of the Central Bank, the amount of the reserve for the capacity of the business plan in the organization, as only rozpochinaє diyalnist (loan "start up") to become no less than 21% of the value of the loan, as you can see. For example, the position is great - the reserve becomes a serious load for the bank.

This business plan helps to reduce risks, and also, to increase the reserve.

Other options, for which the bank can request a business plan:

  1. Lending trivaliy term (in the middle, in 3 years).
  2. The selection of credit funds for investment purposes (pribannya and life of the main funds - budіvel, land plots, possession).
  3. Force a sufficient obligation.
  4. A short term of business activity (less than 6 months).
  5. Withdrawal of credits on the basis of ilgovykh minds (for example, subsidizing of agricultural workers).

A business plan may be needed with a standard loan. In this case, you can give some additional information about the business to reduce the risk in the bank, and also, the hundredth rate for the position.

Chi є vіdminnostі vіdmіnnostі vіmogі to BP for ІП i juridical person

The main task of the business plan is to predict the results of the economic activity of the enterprise for the period of lending. For which doslіdzhuєtsya conjuncture of the market, internal financial and operational flows, management warehouse and other.

How to properly fold a business plan for a bank loan

The business plan for specific skin care is unique. It is less important for a credit organization, the bank can support new real prospects for the development of an organization, I can pay the loan in full obligation, and inspire credit for the company's health improvement.

This means that after taking that credit in full credit, the company is obliged to earn a sufficient income for a further business without bad money (effectively winning a bad position).

Main Nuances:

1. Have a plan owing to the insurance of the most pessimistic points(The fall in exchange rates, the increase in taxes on the number of business enterprises and її mines, the current fall in drinking, the high level of inflation, the one-time increase in the large number of spivrobitniks and іn.). Spivrobitniki credit report to the bank revise the document not only for the correctness of the rozrakhunkiv, but also for the veracity to the real market. As tendencies in the economic situation are such that a business can be under threat, the bank will be blamed for additional food. Often in the process of reviewing the application, experts can provide additional assistance in developing and adjusting the business plan. It is especially important to keep quiet organizations, as they demonstrate financial stability and viable for the bank customers.

2.The terms of the project implementation are not due to the need to depend on it, or, on the contrary, are short. In that case, as a great loan is planned to be taken for a term of 10 years, and the project itself (for example, the commissioning of a new workshop) will be implemented 1 time, it is inevitable to blame the bank for food, why, with a “smooth” business plan and the reality of reality income, business is not able to pay a loan for 5 years? First of all, if the loan was taken for 5 years, and the implementation of the project will take 3 years, in the event of an offensive, the 4th day - the lender will supply food, for the payment of any input payments, will the loan be repaid?

3. Have a business plan may buti indicated an approximate transfer of post-employees and support services. Obviously, it’s necessary to talk about the retail trade store’s notice – you can’t talk about the helpers. Ale obov'yazkovo varto look at the transfer of post-employees to the comrades of the chi siroviny for selection, give them approximate prices. As a matter of fact, even with the post-employees, be-yakki in the future about homework about spivpratsyu. The transfer of post-employees and supporters is guilty of including:

  • Company name;
  • work period;
  • obligations of deliveries chi purchaser;
  • be the information that characterizes the company as a reliable partner.

4.Real market analytics. If the project is small, the sum of the loan is not worth it - you can win the data of the survey and the best knowledge. For the implementation of the great project, varto spend money on the analytical review of the market segment.

5.Іstotny money supply for the implementation of the project. If the company is credited in the first place, or a loan is taken to start a new business, it is necessary to prescribe in the business plan the amount necessary for the implementation of the project. Vaughn can be real - zavischennya abo, navpaki, piece-rate reduction in price to cause a debt to the nadanny of finance. Not less than 10% of the cost of the project (ideally - 30%) can be financed by the rich money of the business owners. you can send a letter from the bank, which confirms the presence of money on the rahunka in the necessary obligation. The willingness of the businessmen to invest in the project is a sign of the high level of viability for its implementation, which positively influences the signs of the company's superiority.

Folding a business plan can be done from the preparation of a technical and economic assessment (TEO). The model of the business plan is short-lived in its own way, supplementing it with analytical materials, you can take it.

With further changes made, the work will automatically decrease, as and її varіst (as TEO becomes a third-party company). THEO is developed on the basis of real data about prices for:

  • I will purchase syrovini and finished products;
  • orendu chi pridbannya indestructible lane;
  • hiring staff in the necessary amount for the business.

The forecast values ​​of inflation and exchange rates are also protected (you can look at similar
ta ). To assess penny flows, a discount coefficient is set at the upcoming fates.

The main pardons that are allowed in the business plan:

  • the visibility of forecasts in the market, realistically grounded data about drinking that conjuncture;
  • technically folding projects, which are important to realize for the minds of the Russian economy;
  • the number of necessary qualifications of project initiators;
  • dependence of forecasted revenues (which is not grounded by any objective tribute, for example, by signing a contract with purchases);
  • need to optimistically look at the market trends (inflation 1%, fall in the exchange rate of foreign currency, capitalization of that in.);
  • there is a great deal to "lead" the business plan.

You can look at the report recommendations and help to the business plan on the websites of banks, for example, Zovnishekonombank ( - download in pdf format.

Business plan structure

The business plan is guilty of stockpiling in such a way, so that all indicators of the company's activity will be considered in the maximum obligation, and the creditor (to be the bank's representative, who examines the application and does not know the business) can put an objective thought about the method of activity and business.

Obov'yazkovі rasdіl BP:

  • Summary: a short description of the objectives of the project, the cost of financing, the main supporters and the range of products that are produced. The resume can help the expert and the main parameters of the project that are being considered. Resume can be maximally stislim (1 side).
  • Description of the business idea. For whom it is important to carry out a SWOT-analysis in such a way, in which all the possibilities and threats for the business are considered, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. Vlasnі recommendations are given to reduce zvnіshnіh negative impacts.
  • Marketing. At the marketing plan, the blame has been reviewed, and it is possible to slow down, the market has been analyzed and the competitors have been analyzed. p align="justify"> It is especially important to add an analysis of the work of competitors, so that the stench itself can exactly make the implementation of the project in a complete agreement.
  • Legal aspects organization of undertakings or implementation of the project - vitrati on legal support, licensing and other. vitrati and possible difficulties, ways of their virishennya;
  • Obstruction of financial vitrates. One of the most important divisions of the business plan. Varto will report on the need for financial resources, the order of their vicissitudes, depreciation of fixed assets. At the business plan, there are management fees, wages for sponsors, and advertising costs.
  • Financial support for project profitability. Razrahunok of the main financial indications, risk of repayment of position (net income, additional passive income and in.), liquidity.

Krim following the business plan, the bank may hold a later date of showings for additional bags of financial rock or for a later period. I will threaten the company with fines up to and including the completion of a loan return.

Sevostyanova Y., Head of Administration of the bank "Livoberezhny" designates that the business plan is an individual document for the skin business and, most of all, for the purpose of determining the profitability of the project, types of internal banking forms of assessment are drawn up. Invisibility of the business plan can lead to fraud in the credit applicant.

Sukontseva N., Head of Business Administration of BAT Novosibirsk Municipal Bank, to ensure that crediting of business organizations does not exceed the planned business income. Briefly describe them objectively and transfer the plan for reducing the income.

Proper execution of a business plan is one of the main documents on which the bank is arranging for a successful decision on lending to a new business project. The creditor of zatsіkavleniy at the best position of the company, yak zmozhe that productively pratsyuvati on the market, serving the bank-creditors. As a matter of fact, the business plan hopes for the loan of the borrower, lowering the risks for the bank obov'yazkovo positively signify on the equal vіdsotkovoy rates for the loan.

Video - on what next to start respecting the hour of preparing a business plan, which will push you to the bank:

(33 voice., middle: 4,80 іz 5)

A skin business plan may have some special features, so we can start a project. New technology, new possessions, new products and, of course, payback.

If the business plan is accepted by the bank before financing, the wine is guilty of meeting the criteria of that mind, as if the bank was established. Especially for the main indications: profitability ratio, terms of return on credit, terms of return on the project, government investment in business. If there is no return, there will be no finance.

I have developed more than one business plan for obtaining a bank loan. The loans are small, up to 300 thousand. ruble The stench will be needed for me for the provision of goods for the processing of agricultural products. A business plan, I know, is needed not only by a bank. Wine is needed for the purpose of knowing if you need to turn a few pennies, and take a smut from them.

Mayzhe had two years of experience in business planning and marketing research at the University, I can say one thing: the main thing in business planning is numbers, correct development and analysis of the competitive market. Bagato pіdpriєmtsіv pripuskayutsya when planning pardons - too obsessed with the description of their goods / services, missing important words. More respect needs to be added to the SWOT-analysis.
If you have good butts, you can make good business plans as a basis for creating your own, but I would rather read a bunch of books like Bob Adams before the cob, so that you can understand better about what to go.

As if rozroblyav business - a plan for the sphere of public eating. And an investor who sits at the bank will give you more than 7 credits for those who want to change yoga. In my opinion, the investor has given respect to the "resume" and on the tables of the previous period, so that you will spend on all the processes, so you will be realized at the start.

So, the article helps to clarify the main aspects. If you want to know something like this, let the bank know that your idea is profitable, cost-effective and real. A lot of entrepreneurs try to accentuate respect for the uniqueness of the idea and it’s naive to think about what to stick to. The bank has an important economic side. It is more important for you that you work in specific situations and how you cope with them, for which you need a business plan. And in any case, I would recommend showing your business plan to the bank, whether it be a business partner, or independently, you have a loan. Whether or not the bank evaluates the plan uneasily and uneasily, on the basis of your opinion, and also on all minuses. Such a look from the side.

This business is a plan for investing in the life of the enterprise from the production of frost. Meta distribution to the business plan: for obtaining a loan; Total work: 63 sides; Business planning horizon: 6 years. The idea of ​​the project is based in the organization on the territory of the region of wet production of high-acid frost. For …

A reference business plan for investing in a child's pool for children. Meta distribution to the business plan: for obtaining a loan; Work volume: 27 sides; Business planning horizon: 2nd year. The project of directing for the provision of services at the form to take swimming at the pool for children.

A reference business plan for investing in the life of the landfill. Meta distribution to the business plan: for obtaining a loan; Total work: 85 sides; Business planning horizon: 5 years. The project transfers life to the TPV polygon with a total capacity of 30 million cubic meters. Physical distribution of MSW at the landfill may ...

A reference business plan for investing in the production of sandwich panels. Meta distribution to the business plan: for obtaining a loan; Total work: 83 sides; Business planning horizon: 5 years. Pridbane technological possession of the production of sandwich panels will be installed on the territory of the production base, which is at the disposal of the enterprise. The main syro...

A reference business plan for investing in the processing of PET plastic. Meta distribution to the business plan: for obtaining a loan; Work volume: 56 sides; Business planning horizon: 5 years. As part of the implementation of the business plan, it is transferred to rent a heat source for the installation of a processing line, storage of syrovin and finished products.

Spravzhnіy biznes plan razrahovaniya і іnvestuvannya v robnitstvo olії. Meta distribution to the business plan: for obtaining a loan; Total work: 47 sides; Business planning horizon: 5 years. As part of the implementation of the business plan, it is planned to organize the production of sonyashnikova oil with a total of 2,500 tons per river. …

A reference business plan for investing in the life of a boiler house. Meta distribution to the business plan: for obtaining a loan; Total work: 79 sides; Business planning horizon: 5 years. As part of the implementation of the business plan, it is planned to encourage the boiler house with an installed heat output of 36 MW and to provide services of heat supply …

A reference business plan for investing in the life of the speech market. Meta distribution to the business plan: for obtaining a loan; Work volume: 98 pages; Business planning horizon: 7 years. Within the framework of the project, the speech market is being promoted at an uninterrupted proximity to the chewing line, in order to secure the harn…