Diet casseroles in multivarts. Sirna is a dietary casserole in a multi-cooker. Three more apples and rodzinok

Straws from low-fat syrah are ideal for a dietary meal - you love them as grown up as children. Sirna is a dietary casserole, cooked in a slow cooker, with a lower, lightly ground consistency. Proponuemo to your respect once 3 recipes.

Povіtryana sirna casserole with fruits

Sirna is a dietary casserole in a multivarce - an ideal snack for children. It does not look like a high calorie content, but when you give your body growth, the required supply of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This recipe is given to grown-up people, to follow their own vag.

Low-fat cheese - 500 g
Zukor - 2 tbsp. (you can beat the zukrozaminnik)
Strength - 1/4 year.
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Roslinna oliya odorless - 2 tbsp.
Boroshno - 4 tbsp.
Frukti chi dried fruits - for relish
Vanilla zukor

Beat eggs with zucr, vanilla zucr and sill. Sir, rub it with a spoon, mix it up with an egg bag and an olive. Gradually add | add | flour|boroshno|. In the rest of the season, add dried fruits or pieces of fresh fruit (for relish) at the time of soaking in the water. The shape of the multicooker should be covered with olive oil, put on the dough. Select the "Vipichka" mode (recommended hour - 45 quills), and then set the "Pidgriv" mode for 15-20 quills (the casserole was ideally prepared). Explore її after the new achievement.

Dietary sirna casserole on kefir

Low-fat syr - 400 g
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Manna groats - 3 tbsp.
Low fat kefir - 100-200 ml
Zukor - 2 tbsp. (you can beat the substitute)
Strength - pinch
Dried apricots and rodzinki - for relish

Chim vologishy sir, tim less vikoristovyte kefir. For the cob, pour kefir in a bowl, add semolina to it and let it swell. Wash dried fruits, soak them in water, and then dry them on a towel. Trim the dried apricots. Beat eggs z | iz | tsukrom, add | add | kefir with semolina, add sir to the dough. Mix all the ingredients without forgetting to add | add | dried fruits. Wrap steam container with foil. Pour water into the bowl of the multicooker. Transfer the cottage cheese to the steam container, set the "Steam cooking" mode (recommended hour - 50 minutes). After this hour, don’t take out the zapikka - let it go under the roof.

Dietary sirna casserole with vines

This sirna is a dietary casserole, cooked in a slow cooker, ideal for low-calorie diets.

Low fat cheese - 500-600 g
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Fit parade (zamennik tsukru) - 8 g
Vyvsyanі visivki - 90 g
Low fat milk - 150 ml

Remind the sire of fatness, add beaten eggs with a fork and zucru. Let's add milk to the dough warehouse (set the norm for the consistency of the dough - it is possible, the amount of milk can be changed). Put dough into the multicooker bowl, level the top, close with a lid. Set the “Vipichka” mode (recommended temperature is 140 degrees, the degree of boiling is 40 chills). Shards in multivarts you will not reach the ointment of the ruddy vein, the readiness of the casserole is determined, the vicorist wooden stick. After the end of the preparation, open the lid, let the brew cool down. Then cover the bowl with a plate and turn it over (the casserole leans on the plate). Serve її on the table, rozryzavshi on portioned slices and watered with low-fat yogurt without filling.

Sirna is a dietary casserole in a slow cooker, but it can be prepared according to different recipes. You are free to experiment: add fruits, berries, dried fruits, candied fruits, or do not vicorist them. Add aromatic components (vanilla, cinnamon, etc.).

A dietary sirna casserole is not for nothing considered an ideal variant of a healthy snack. Succulent and even savory lassochi saturate the body with the necessary microelements and provide energy, which will last until the next meal. And for the smut - you can practically prepare a casserole with some fruits and berries, turning brown grass into a uniquely savory dessert.

For the bagatiohs, the zapіkanka z siru was left with the best spogad about the child's garden. They gave it, pouring it with condensed milk or honey, and it just sank in your mouth! Not everyone, having grown up, far away repeated the “relish of childishness”. Aja secret to make a simple one: a dietary sirna casserole for a classic recipe to fight not with boron, but with semolina.

In order to prepare such sweets, you will need:

  • a pack of low-fat syrah (250 g); 1 sire egg;
  • 1 tablespoon semolina;
  • stіlki w tsukru;
  • trohi (no more than 1 tablespoon) olії;
  • vanilin on the tip of a knife.

Get respect! A dietary casserole with sirah in state institutions is brewed without salt. However, you can add a little bit of a teaspoon if you don't like sweet desserts.

The cooking principle is simple:

  1. At the deep container, rose the cheese from the orphan egg.
  2. Add the manna to the groats and once again thoroughly mix with the help of a fork or a mixer.
  3. If the masa becomes homogeneous, visipte tsukor and vanillin in it.
  4. Mix again.
  5. Form for zapіkannya smear olive oil.
  6. Place a blank in it, level it and put it into the oven for 30 quills.

After the brewing, you only get enough to cut the sausages on shmatochki and serve them to the table, pouring condensed milk on the beast!

Three more apples and rodzinok

A dietary sirna casserole is good because you can add some fruit to it, and it won’t win much.

For a licorice (and even brown!) dessert, take the following products:

  • 1 egg;
  • big green apple;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of semolina;
  • 1 tablespoon of rare sour cream;
  • insoles and moles (approximately 25 g);
  • 2 tablespoons of zucru.
  • 250 g of syrup or licorice syrnoy masi (if you choose another option, you don’t need to add a rodinka);
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil or pivsklyanka breadcrumbs.

Porada: those who want to save weight, can replace zukor with stevia or sucrasite tablets.

The cooking process has its own tricks:

  1. For the cob, rinse the rodzinki, fill it with hot water for 10 minutes.
  2. Relatively grind the egg white from cheese.
  3. Sip into a sum of semolina, pour in a spoonful of sour cream and mix, soaking up a homogeneous mass.
  4. Put the preparation for 20 quills in the refrigerator (as soon as you put the casserole in the oven, the semolina will not swell, and the taste will not be so lower).
  5. Time to work out the filling: the protein, which is filled with eggs, beat with zukr. It is to blame for the appearance of a thick bright white pin.
  6. An apple swells from the skin, cut into small cubes.
  7. Remove the sirn masu from the refrigerator and take all the parts of the workpiece. Mix vigorously.
  8. Grease a baking dish with butter or sip with breadcrumbs, pour it firmly into it. The temperature rises close to 200 degrees.

Order dessert 30 quills at the oven, or 10 quills at the micro-furnace, with a pressure of 750 watts. If sir sir is overwhelmed, you can add a sprat of khvilin.

Zapіkanka with syrah in multivartsi with banana

In order to make this savory and even brown delicacy for health, you need:

  • 2 packs of syrah;
  • 2-3 bananas;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 tablespoons of rare sour cream or yogurt;
  • the same number of tsukru or pidsolodzhuvach;
  • 5 tablespoons of semolina;
  • that 1 tablespoon of refined olive oil.

Sirna zapіkanka in multivariate is ready quickly and easily:

  1. Rozіtryt sir, schob vіn becoming m'yakim and rozsipchatim.
  2. Add sour cream to the new one, eggs and zukor.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Banana is cut with thin pivkiltsy and put yogo at the sirnu sumish.
  5. Blend the masa until smooth.
  6. Cover the bowl of the multicooker with olive oil, put it in it and prepare it and start the “Vipichka” mode.

After 50 minutes, a marvelously savory snack is ready!

Dietary dessert from midnight

In fact, a banana can easily be replaced by fruits and berries. Especially tasty is the sirna casserole with midnight.

For її preparation it is necessary:

  • 250 g syrah;
  • 2 small eggs for wet syrup or 3 for dry;
  • 3 tablespoons of zucru and semolina;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla zucru;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of rozpushuvacha;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of sonyashnikovo olії odorless;
  • that 150 grams half-unit (can be frozen).

Cooking a dietary sirn casserole with a midday is awkward:

  1. Egg zhovtki rose from cheese.
  2. Mix all the ingredients and add them to the workpiece.
  3. Finely beat the whites from the sill and in small parts, beat them at the dough.
  4. Coat the deco with oil, pour half of the syrno-egg mass into it.
  5. Lay on top with an equal ball of half moons.
  6. Pour the dough, scho filled.
  7. Decorate the casserole with berries when you are praying for the beast.
  8. Whisk at a good rose (up to 200 ° C) oven 35 chills.

How to cook in a steamer

This way is especially suitable for those who have the will to cook without victorious oliy.

To make a dietary cheese casserole, you need a lot of products:

  • 250 g (1 pack) syrah;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tablespoon zucru;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 50 grams of raisins, gorіhіv or your favorite yagid;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla zucru or on the tip of a knife of pure vanilla.

Porada: if you love honey, you can replace tsukor with it. However, yoga is needed more - about 2 tablespoons. In addition, you can add on the flavor of your favorite spices, for example, cardamom or cinnamon.

Cooking a casserole in a steamer is easy:

  1. At a deep bowl, mix an egg, strength, spices and zukor. Beat everything with a mixer.
  2. Pіnu, scho vyyshla, grind with cheese to uniformity.
  3. Mix in chia berries.
  4. Put the dough into the bowl of the double boiler, without twisting the lid.
  5. 30 fibers are required for thermal processing. Like a casserole, it is rare, it is left in the car for 5-10 more quills.

Licorice weasels, what happened, do not deprive the baiduzhim of a child or a grown-up one!

Sirna zapikanka without borosna that semolina

For the quiet, who cares about his figure, this recipe is perfect, even if there is no other ingredient, which will be added again.

The list of products for this order is minimal:

  • a pack of low-fat syrup;
  • p_vsklyanki milk or low-fat tops;
  • 2 cheese eggs;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of zucru;
  • a quarter of a teaspoon of vanilla, for bazhannyam, and other seasonings;
  • that 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

The process of preparing mayzhe is identical to the recipe for a casserole with apples:

  1. Mix the cheese with zhovtki, zucr and milk. Here are some spices.
  2. Whisk the whites for the help of a blender and put the billet off the sirn.
  3. Thoroughly mix the masa, pour it into the oiled sheet and put it into the oven.

A dietary sirna casserole, cooked in a multi-cooker, can be an excellent addition to the menu of people, like throwing off your pride, who suffer from the problems of poisoning, athletes, children and everyone who thinks about the rationality of their eating. Like an independent country, so is a wonderful dessert zapіkanka to change the menu.

Sirna casserole with fruits and berries

To prepare you need:

  • Sir (low fat or 1.8%) - 500-600g.
  • Sour cream (12-15%) - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Fructose/stevia/zukrozaminnik - for relish
  • Manka-4-5st. spoons
  • Be-like fruits and berries (apple, banana, midnight toshcho) - for relish

For greater dietary quality of the casserole, the semolina can be beaten up in a borosno - ready or cooked independently.


With such a quantity of ingredients, about 4 total servings come out. When serving, you can decorate the casserole with jam and a mint leaf.

Delicious casserole from syrah. Recipe from video

Sirna casserole with dried apricots and rodzinki


  • Sir (low fat) - 400-500 gr.
  • Kefir (low fat) - ½ bottle
  • Eggs-2 pcs.
  • Vivsyan borosno-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Pidsolodzhuvachi-tsukor / tsukrozaminnik / stevia-for relish
  • Dried apricots / rodzinki - for relish


Sirna casserole with cheese and greenery

Such a casserole can be prepared as the main meal for a dinner or supper, that korisna is already rich.

For a casserole, you need:

  • Sir (low fat or 1.8%) - 1 pack (200-300g.)
  • Eggs-2 pcs.
  • Sir (hard varieties) - 200 gr.
  • Greens (parsley, krip, etc.) - for relish
  • Kefir-2 tbsp. spoons
  • Visivki-2 tbsp. spoons
  • Soda - ½ teaspoon


  • Preparation of syrnoy masi. Eggs are beaten with a fork or a mixer. Potim dodaemo to them sir and relatively peremishuemo.
  • Soda, repaid in kefir, dodaemo to masi z | iz | sir, all the visivki. In the rest of the black we add greenery and tertiary sir.
  • Vypikannya. Masu is poured into the front with flour | boroshnoy | or smeared | smeared | oil | oil | multicooker bowl. At the Redmond multicooker, we set the “Vipichka” mode for 50 minutes (an hour is set in the fall in the multicooker).
  • After that, as the appointments pass, you can add grated syrah to the beast of a casserole, and deprive it of 10 khvilin in the multivarce, after taking the sirna "top".
  • Come out 4 servings of sieve, ale with the same dietary casserole of greenery and the method of cooking in a slow cooker.

Video recipe for making cheese casserole in Polaris multicooker

Sirna casserole with fruit and yogurt


  • Sir (low-fat or low-calorie) - 1 pack (200-250g.)
  • Yogurt (low fat) - 30-50 ml.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Banana (medium) - 1 pc.
  • Pear (m'yaka) - 1 pc.

Cooking: You can take some fruit, smut, stench for a soft consistency (kiwi, peaches, plums, etc.), for uniformity and plasticity of the mass.

  • Preparation of syrnoy masi. Banana is rubbed with a fork (blender). Z'ednuєmo sir, yogurt and banana, then briskly beat in a blender to a homogeneous mass.
  • Pear (or other fruits) must be peeled and cut into small cubes, to preserve the juice and relish of the fruit, add to the mass with syrup.
  • Vypikannya. We put the mass into the bowl of the multicooker and set the “Vipіchka” mode for 40 quills (for the Polaris multicooker). After cooking, you can fill it with the closed lid of the multicooker for 10-15 quills.

With such a quantity of ingredients, we will take the sirna casserole for a portion.

Zavdyaki folded in carbohydrates such a casserole miraculously vtamovuє hunger, not oversaturating the body with calories.

Syrna zapіkanka in multivartsi and so much more delicious and dietary grass, and replacing all the calorie ingredients for more low-calorie and healthy, you will take away even more savory that brown grass for all the motherland.

Also read the best for today on the site:

Sirna dietary casserole in multivartsi

Straws from low-fat syrah are ideal for a dietary meal - you love them as grown up as children. Sirna is a dietary casserole, cooked in a slow cooker, with a lower, lightly ground consistency. Proponuemo to your respect once 3 recipes.

Povіtryana sirna casserole with fruits

Sirna is a dietary casserole in a multivarce - an ideal snack for children. It does not look like a high calorie content, but when you give your body growth, the required supply of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This recipe is given to grown-up people, to follow their own vag.

Ingredients: Low-fat cheese - 500 g

Zukor - 2 tbsp. (you can beat the zukrozaminnik)

Strength - 1/4 year. Eggs - 2 pcs. Roslinna oliya odorless - 2 tbsp. Boroshno - 4 tbsp.

Frukti chi dried fruits - for relish

Vanilla zukor

Beat eggs with zucr, vanilla zucr and sill. Sir, rub it with a spoon, mix it up with an egg bag and an olive. Gradually add | add | flour|boroshno|. In the rest of the season, add dried fruits or pieces of fresh fruit (for relish) at the time of soaking in the water. The shape of the multicooker should be covered with olive oil, put on the dough. Select the "Vipichka" mode (recommended hour - 45 quills), and then set the "Pidgriv" mode for 15-20 quills (the casserole was ideally prepared). Explore її after the new achievement.

Dietary sirna casserole on kefir

Low-fat cheese - 400 g Eggs - 2 pcs. Manna groats - 3 tbsp. Low-fat kefir - 100-200 ml (deep in the consistency of syrup) Zukor - 2 tbsp. (you can beat the substitute) Strength - pinch

Dried apricots and rodzinki - for relish

Chim vologishy sir, tim less vikoristovyte kefir. For the cob, pour kefir in a bowl, add semolina to it and let it swell. Wash dried fruits, soak them in water, and then dry them on a towel. Trim the dried apricots. Beat eggs z | iz | tsukrom, add | add | kefir with semolina, add sir to the dough. Mix all the ingredients without forgetting to add | add | dried fruits. Wrap steam container with foil. Pour water into the bowl of the multicooker. Transfer the cottage cheese to the steam container, set the "Steam cooking" mode (recommended hour - 50 minutes). After this hour, don’t take out the zapikka - let it go under the roof.

Dietary sirna casserole with vines

This sirna is a dietary casserole, cooked in a slow cooker, ideal for low-calorie diets.

Low fat cheese - 500-600 g Eggs - 2 pcs. Fit parade (zamennik tsukru) – 8 g

Low fat milk - 150 ml

Remind the sire of fatness, add beaten eggs with a fork and zucru. Let's add milk to the dough warehouse (set the norm for the consistency of the dough - it is possible, the amount of milk can be changed). Put dough into the multicooker bowl, level the top, close with a lid. Set the “Vipichka” mode (recommended temperature is 140 degrees, the degree of boiling is 40 chills). Shards in multivarts you will not reach the ointment of the ruddy vein, the readiness of the casserole is determined, the vicorist wooden stick. After the end of the preparation, open the lid, let the brew cool down. Then cover the bowl with a plate and turn it over (the casserole leans on the plate). Serve її on the table, rozryzavshi on portioned slices and watered with low-fat yogurt without filling.

Sirna is a dietary casserole in a slow cooker, but it can be prepared according to different recipes. You are free to experiment: add fruits, berries, dried fruits, candied fruits, or do not vicorist them. Add aromatic components (vanilla, cinnamon, etc.).

A dietary casserole in a multicooker - thinner with gusto! Recipes for dietary casseroles in a multicooker with cheese, vegetables, crab sticks

The phrase "dietary casserole" among the rich does not exude appetite.

It is important that it is not so sweet.

We'll try to reconsider, what's wrong. A dietary casserole - it’s beautiful, but it’s even more tasty.

Dietary casserole with multicookers - the basic principles of cooking

Diets, as a rule, are supplemented by the camp of health, or lose weight. І for the bagatioh tse reference sample.

Dietary casseroles are delicious, but the variety of recipes is hostile. The casseroles are prepared with vegetables, poultry meat, yalovichini, pastry plastics, and syrah.

Syrni dietic casseroles can be prepared like licorice, and pickled salts. For licorice casseroles, the sires add eggs and zukor. Sob the casserole turned out to be repeated, beat the squirrels into an okremo in the pinch and then introduce them to the sires. You can add dried fruits or fresh berries and fruits to such a casserole. The sirna casserole is cooked just like that with meat or vegetables.

Vegetable casseroles are prepared from orphan vegetables, or they are fed in front of a thermal process.

Meat and dietary casseroles are prepared from yalovichine, poultry meat or pisnoy pork.

Recipe 1. Dietary casserole from syrah


    400 g low-fat rose syrup;

    30 ml of olive oil;

    300 g of creamy low-fat syrup;

    8 g substitute for zucru;

    two eggs;

    a drop of salt;

    80 g semolina;

    5 g vanilla zucru.

Cooking method

1. Coat the walls and the bottom of the multicooker bowl with silicone pensil. Inserted її at appl.

2. Beat the eggs in a bowl, add strength, zucru and vanilla tsukor to them. Beat everything on high wrappers with a mixer until I become luxurious.

3. If the mass becomes thicker and lighter, wipe it through a sieve with creamy and fluffy syrup. Sudi, add manna groats. Stir with a wooden spatula until you see a lumpy, fluffy dough.

4. Put yoga in a bowl, close it with a lid and increase the program "Vipichka" for forty minutes. If you have an attachment to tell about the end of the program, fill in the casserole at the multivarce for ten more. Open the lid, insert the steam attachment and turn it over sharply. Serve the casserole, pouring sour cream on it.

Recipe 2. Dietary casserole in a slow cooker with Brussels sprouts


    300 g Brussels sprouts;

  • two bottles of milk;

  • two eggs.

Cooking method

1. Put the Brussels sprouts into a sieve and wash the vegetables under a stream of running water.

2. We transfer the cabbage to a small saucepan, fill it with water and put it on the fire. We cook it for a quarter of a year, from the moment the water boils.

3. Pour milk into a bowl. Syr large three and shifted to a bowl with milk. Let's beat some eggs here. Salim and seasoned with oregano. Zbivaemo sumish to uniformity.

4. We know to cook a saucepan with cabbage, pour water and cool it down. The skin saw was pierced and placed evenly on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, smeared with olive oil. Pour cabbage with prepared milk-syrup sum.

5. Strongly close the lid of the attachment, turn on the program "boiling" and prepare the casserole for the fire. We will leave the casserole in the mode of play for a quarter of the year. Let's serve a casserole, having cut it in portions, with sour cream or natural yogurt.

Recipe 3. Dietary casserole with crab sticks


    three great eggs;

    olive oil - 5 ml;

    low fat cheese - 100 g;

    six crab sticks;

    vissyan visivki - 50 g;

    wheat whiskey - 30 g;

    soda kharchova - 5 g;

    dry milk - 30 g;

    corn starch - 25 g.

Cooking method

1. Beat the eggs in a bowl, salt them and beat them on high wrappers with a mixer until firm white stumps.

2. Grind the cheese through a fine sieve and give it to the beaten eggs. Continue churning some more.

3. Now sip the starch in qiu masu, mix the dry milk. Add slaked soda and whiskey, mix it up and add a killer.

4. Defrost the crab sticks again, make the spitting and call them big shmachki.

5. Cover the capacity of the multicooker with olive oil. Pour half of the dough. Close the lid and increase the VIP mode on the pivgodini.

6. After ten lengths, open the lid, lay on the lightly baked dough sliced ​​crab sticks and fill them with dough. Close the lid and continue vipkati. Serve ready casserole with sour cream.

Recipe 4


    5 g hop-suneli;

    400 g chicken breast;

    100 g carrots;

    5 g of granulated chasnik;

    150 g frozen green squash;

    10 g of ground paprika;

    100 g cibuli;

    50 ml olive oil;

    200 g of plastic "Hercules".

Cooking method

1. Wrinkle the chicken breasts, soak them with a towel and decorate them with shmatki. Trim the meat from the minced meat from the blender.

2. Peel the cibula, fill it with pivkiltsy and brush it until ruddy in olive oil. I will smear the cibula on a paper towel, so that I can get rid of excess olives.

3. Peel the carrots and grate finely. Rinse the struchkovu kvass under a jet of water.

4. For minced chicken, add cibula, grated carrots, kvass, eggs, and pastry. Season everything with spices. Mix the masa until it is homogeneous and pour over 20 strands.

5. Grease the pan with olive oil and spread the masa. Level with a wooden spatula. Close the lid tightly and activate the brewing function for forty minutes. Leave the casserole at the form until it cools down to a warm state, and take it for an additional basket for steaming. Serve the casserole with sour cream, ketchup and sauce based on natural yogurt.

Recipe 5




    cibulya ripchasta;

    stem selera;

    Green cibula;

    corn kernels;


    green peas;


    Bulgarian pepper;


    two eggs;

    a glass of milk;

    kmin, black pepper and marjoram.

Cooking method

1. Clean the cibula and cover it with large cubes. Coarsely grate peeled carrots. Kohlrabi and broccoli mince and large cut. Clean the mushrooms, wash and cut them into pieces. The leek cibula and the stem selera are coarsely crushed. Bulgarian pepper zvіlnіt vіd nasіnnya that stalks. Draw yoga large. Wash the tomatoes, wipe and cut into cubes.

3. Lubricate the cibula in rose oil until soft, add the oven and continue to lubricate until all the water is evaporated.

4. Mix the onion-mushroom fry at the deep bowl with cut vegetables. Season with grated spices and salt. Mix it up. You can add finely chopped greens.

5. Eat eggs in a bowl with milk and beat well. Transfer the vegetable sum with mushrooms to the saucepan of the multicooker and carefully pour the egg and milk sum.

6. Close the lid tightly. Move the valve to the "Closed" position. Activate the program "Rice" on pіvgodini. After completing the program, release a couple and open the attachment. Yakshcho lost a lot of money, increase the program for five minutes.

Recipe 6


    300 g broccoli;

    Black pepper;

    100 g salad celery;

    chotiri eggs;

  • 100 g of leek cibuli.

Cooking method

1. Cut broccoli into small succulents, large cut into sprat parts. Arrange the stems of the celery with great bars. Put the prepared vegetables on the grate of the double boiler and steam the vegetables until soft.

2. Break eggs into a deep bowl, salt them and add a couple of tablespoons of milk. Beat lightly with a wine glass.

3. Grease the bowl with topsoil. Add steamed vegetables, salt and pour over with beaten eggs.

4. Cut the cibula with thin rings. Brush the yogo in olive oil until lightly ruddy. Posipte the vegetables with a smeared cibulia. Watch the program "Vipichka" and prepare a casserole for a pivgodini. For additional help for steaming, make a casserole in bowls, fill it with portioned shmatki and serve with ketchup or natural yogurt.

Recipe 7


    400 g cauliflower;

    a drop of salt;

    200 g chicken breast;

    black pepper;

    two eggs;

    two teeth for a watchmaker;

    200 ml low-fat kefir;

    100 g syrah.

Cooking method

1. See the cauliflower opoliskuєmo and podіlyaєmo on the flower for the help of a sharp knife. Put the cabbage on the grate of the double boiler. We pour in the bowl and steam the cabbage until soft.

2. Chicken breasts are cooked, cooked in broth, cooled and parsed meat into fibers.

3. Sir large three.

4. Eggs are beaten into a deep plate, kefir is added to them, and chasnik, salt. Lightly beaten with wine until smooth.

5. Cabbage, steamed, cooked, cooled and chopped with a knife. Vikladaemo in the capacity of the multicooker. On top, lay out the shmatochki of the trigger and stick it with grated sir.

6. Fill everything with egg-kefir sum and mix it. Mistkіst is installed in the mount, close the lid and activate the "Vipichka" function. Ready casserole 20 khvilin. I’m ready to serve the casserole in portions, pour it with sour cream.

    Before that, how to put a bowl with a possible casserole in a slow cooker, turn on the attachment and warm up yoga.

    Syr for casserole should be rubbed through a fine sieve.

    So that the casserole was covered with a ruddy streak, for example, increase the “multi-cook” function to the maximum temperature, to a sprat of whilin.

    Mushrooms for a casserole, grease it until lightly ruddy.

Dietary sirna casserole in multivartsi: the best recipes

A casserole is a great herb, it can be prepared from what is in the refrigerator. You can vicorate cereals, pasta, vegetables, sour milk and dairy products. And if you want to eat a dietary dish, follow the victorious songs and brown products. You can cook a dietary casserole in a slow cooker with syrah without whiskey.

Non-fat cheese, trohi of kefir or sour milk, eggs and fruits - widde food and savory vipіchka. As an addition to the strain, add more fruits, yagid, dried fruits and bring on vegetables, for example, carrots and watermelon.

What the multicooker is worth, obviously, in it there are corisinish strains, even if the vipіchka does not matter, so that the shape was smeared with olive. That's why additional calories are not added to the strain.

Dietary casserole from syrah with apples


  • low-fat sir - 2 packs,
  • apples - 2 pcs.,
  • eggs,
  • manna groats,
  • rozpushuvach,
  • sil.

Yak robiti:

  1. pour the semolina with a spoonful of warm water and fill it, so that the cereal swells;
  2. grate apples;
  3. beat the proteins (there is less protein in the recipe);
  4. get sir, honey, fluff, semolina, strength and protein, all mix;
  5. add to the sum of an apple;
  6. sip the bowl of the multicooker with semolina and add it to the otriman masu;
  7. cook 40-50 quills in the vipіchki mode.

Sirna zapikanka with hot chocolate


  • low-fat cheese - 1 kg;
  • squirrels - 5 pcs.;
  • hot chocolate - one bar;
  • starch - 4 tablespoons;
  • milk - 50 ml.


  1. cheese and whites rose, divided into two parts;
  2. Melt chocolate in milk and add a portion of sulfuric masi to the pepper;
  3. add starch to the other part;
  4. put masi with balls at the bowl of the multicooker;
  5. cook for a long time in the vipіchki mode,
  6. then fill in a zalishte for 30 more strands under the lid;
  7. if the vipіchka is okholone, serve it to the table.

The whole recipe for a dietary casserole can be vicorated for a micro-furnace. At this hour for cooking, you need less bogato - 20-25 khvilin.

Non-licorice dietary casserole from syru

You need:

  • three eggs
  • parsley and krip,
  • low-fat sir - 600 gr.
  • sir - 200 gr.,
  • sil.

How to cook:

  1. sir rose from zhovtkami, add strength;
  2. beat the squirrels;
  3. rub the cheese with a grater, and grind the greens finely and mix;
  4. add the sirn sumish to the syrn;
  5. carefully add the whites and put the masa into the multicooker bowl;
  6. prepare 45 quills in the mode of vipіchki;
  7. You can sip the beast's casserole with orphan, melt the wine and make the ruddy streak.

Non-licorice vipіchka can be prepared not only from syrah, but also from green cibulia, olives, tomatoes, cauliflower.

Chim urіznomanіtniti strava

Obviously, you can just cut a casserole into portioned pieces. All the same, show your imagination and decorate the dish, it will become more appetizing. Axis of kіlka tsіkavіh ієtichnykh variantіv:

  • sip with coconut or powder;
  • grate hot chocolate and decorate with a top;
  • pour low-fat sour cream and decorate with berries;
  • decorate with chopped fruits and peas;
  • sip lemon chi orange zest.

You can draw balls - fruits and that’s it, or just mix it all at once. Whatever the serving will be, we will be tasting the grass.

Secrets of preparing a dietary casserole

So that the grass turned out to be really low-calorie, get to the bottom of the coming rules:

  • Do not vikoristove borosno. It’s better to take white plastics or hangers, you can take some semolina.
  • Sour-milk products are due to wine, but they are low-fat, or with a small amount of fat content;
  • It’s not necessary to beat the whole egg, it’s better to take less protein.
  • Sir may be fresh, then the relish of the casserole will be more pronounced and vital.
  • The top of the casserole can be sipped with cinnamon, so that it will be ruddy.
  • Prepare a casserole in a multi-cooker, but only in the "cooking" mode, then you will see it again and again.

A rich representative of a weak state is respectfully chasing after her figure. At the link with the cim stinks, they don’t only see the gym, but they try to get to the diet. However, the obmezhennya in їzhi is not responsible for the health of the shkodi. A dietary sirna casserole in a multi-cooker fit to the taste of everyone without a blame, that one can’t wait for the savageness of the streak.

In order to get rid of the weight gain, and then we will improve the weight in the norm, it is necessary to eat properly. It is clear that the diet can be balanced and lively. You can’t harm your health, even if for the full functioning of our body you need vitamins, microelements, organic acids and minerals.

A lot of the above-listed components in the required quantity can be found in Syria. However, not everyone loves a clean looking product. Then, to help, a dietary sirna casserole with a banana will come, so that it will please all households without a blame. Dekilka simple pleasures will help you prepare not just a casserole, but a real culinary masterpiece:

  • The calorie content of the casserole should be deposited in the fat content of cheese and other warehouses. Give preference to the cheese mass with a low fat concentration, or choose a low-fat product.
  • The sire needs to be thoroughly rubbed, so that the large pieces are trimmed. So the casserole will become the same one.
  • Traditionally, kefir, yogurt, and tops are added to the casserole prepared with cheese masi. Qi products can also be low-calorie.
  • For aroma, add vanilla essence, nutmeg, brown powder to the casserole.
  • Do not overdo it with a lot of succulent squeak, which is enough. The whole component can be replaced with fructose or pidsolodjuvach.
  • As a rule, at the siren's casserole, add fruits and berries. Ale vrahuyte, scho tsі components zroblyat rіku vypіchku.
  • If you want to prepare a coriander dietary herb, add dried fruit masa and rodzinki to the sirn. The front of them needs to be steamed.
  • The optimal mode for preparing a casserole with syrup is "Vipichka". The hour of boiling varies from 40 to 60 hvilin, depending on the functional capabilities of the multicooker.
  • The walls of the multi-cooker container need to be coated with fat or refined sonyashnikova oil.

Vlashtuemo little holy pid hour of diet

This recipe for a dietary cheese casserole in a multi-cooker pidide is no less than for representatives of a weak state, as they actively fight against looting kilograms. Such strains will fit perfectly into the diet of people, as if they are suffering on grassy discord. It is not uncommon for mothers to prepare a casserole for their children.


  • 100 g of boiled rice;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 80 g of chicken pisku;
  • 60 g olive;
  • for the taste of vanilla essence;
  • a pinch of kitchen salt;
  • 250 g of syrnoy masi.


  1. At the same time, we prepared everything necessary for casseroles of products.
  2. Rice groats are cooked to full readiness and washed, so that they will become more frequent.
  3. Vіdokremlyuєmo yаєchnі blіki vіd zhovtkіv.
  4. Zhovtki vykladaemo in an okrem bowl.
  5. Vershkov's oil is melted in the microwave oven or on a steam bath.
  6. Vershkov's rose-heated butter is mixed with a sour squeak and churned the masu until the crystallized zucru is fully expanded.
  7. Let’s make rice with melted tops of olive oil, add zhovtkov’s masa, for the gusto of vanilla essence that strength.
  8. By stretching 2-3 strands, we beat the mass with a mixer or a blender.
  9. Sirnu masu is rubbed to homogeneity.
  10. Z'єdnuєmo in a deep bowl prepared sirn masu and brew rice.
  11. Masu, which was whimsical, is beaten once more with a mixer or a blender.
  12. The axis is so dribna and similar summish we can win.
  13. In an okremіy piali we beat the white mass until the stump is settled.
  14. We introduce protein mass into the cheese with rice and once again stubbornly mix it up.
  15. The multi-cooker container is used in the middle with a thick rosemary oil and lightly sipped with semolina.
  16. Let's prepare the sirn masa in a multicooker container.
  17. We set the program mode "Vipіchka", the timer is started for 45 minutes. The optimum temperature threshold for brewing is 120°.
  18. After giving an audible sound signal, we fill the sirn casserole in the multicooker container until it is finished, and then put it on the dish.

Gotuemo brown and low-calorie dessert

A dietary sirna casserole with apples will become not only the main herb for a snack, but also a wonderful dessert. Such a zapіkantsі will please the mustache of your household, that gourmet will give you the gusto of the vipichki. To prepare a casserole, we need natural yoghurt without savory additives and barvniks.


  • 0.4 kg of syrup;
  • 3 art. l. grub starch;
  • 4 tbsp. l. yogurt;
  • 3 pcs. chicken eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. bloody squeak;
  • 5 g vanilla;
  • 2 apples.


Hello again, dear cooks! Today we know a lot of things about the great casserole. This is a wonderland for the evening.

Yogo is easy to prepare and miraculously mastered. In addition, the grass is brown, to that in Syria there is a large number of brown microelements.

Otzhe, let's find out how to properly prepare the siren casserole at the multicooker.

I’ll figure it out first, how to prepare a casserole. You can choose a different recipe from semolina or without semolina.

Different supplements will help to improve the urinary tract. How to make a pokrokov's casserole, you can marvel at the video.

How additives are dried, frozen or fresh berries, dried apricots, chocolate and . If the grass is not licorice, then you can add greens that sir.

A dietary casserole for those who want to lose weight and surround themselves with eating at the camp of health.

Sob the grass was cooked, її it is necessary to bake it correctly.

  1. Read the instructions for the multicooker obov'yazkovo.
  2. After preparing the dish, it should be washed under the closed lid. Tse to protect the vipіchku vіd proіdannya.
  3. As we see the top of the viishov, we can decorate it with chocolate, or with jams.
  4. Pishna vipіchka viyde, like beaten eggs with a mixer. You can stir up okremo proteins.
  5. Soda can be repaid with lemon.
  6. At sirnu masu, you can put a handful of orange or lemon zest. If the grass is not licorice, you can stick a lime.
  7. If you want to add frozen berries, you need to defrost them on the cob. Sik, scho vitik, you can zastosuvat for abo sauce.

Variants of modes, which vikoristovuyutsya, lie down according to the brand of the model, for example, Redmond, Polaris or Panasonic.

The simplest recipe

It's just a zapikanka to fight with minimal zusills.

For the recipe, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 400 g syrah;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • a couple of spoonfuls of semolina and zucru;
  • a drop of salt;
  • a spoonful of vanilla zucru;
  • a little bit of olive oil.

Prepare the following like this:

  1. Sir good podrіbnіt. You can grind with a meat grinder.
  2. Add semolina, strong ta tsukor. Sumish can stand for 7-8 minutes.
  3. Spread the bowl with olive oil and pour the otriman masa into it. Check it out.
  4. Upload the multicooker to the VIP program. Hour next insert 45 quills.
  5. If the casserole is ready, let it be another 10 quills.

Child's casserole

A child's casserole is a miraculous way to swear to a child with sire, as if she were inspired by її їsti. For the help of a multicooker, you can cook a dish,.
You can add savory ingredients to the recipe for children.

The following ingredients are needed for the recipe:

  • sir - 500 gr;
  • half a bottle of tsukru;
  • a quarter of a bottle of milk;
  • 100 gr semolina;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g of butter | oil |.

Delicious vipіchka get ready like this:

  1. Olіy needs a farther rozm'yakshiti.
  2. Mix the cheese and other ingredients at the mist. Sumish may have a creamy structure.
  3. It is possible to infuse for the first time, so that the semolina swells.
  4. Coat the inner surface of the container with olive oil and lay a syrian warehouse on the beast.
  5. Whisk 45-50 quills, vikoristovuyuchi standard mode.
  6. If you succeed in baking, check 10 whips and win a top.

Smugasta zapikanka

Try zrobiti nezvychaynu vipіchku.

At the beginning, prepare the following components:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 g syrah;
  • about two tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 50 g chocolate;
  • 3 spoons of sour cream;
  • a spoonful of tops;
  • half a bottle of tsukru;
  • oliya for smearing.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Beat the eggs with a mixer, and then put zukor before them and beat them again.
  2. Sir mix with sour cream and put sumish from eggs.
  3. Pour the masa into two parts, and then add cocoa into one.
  4. Rub the dishes with oil and put a dough - a spoonful of white spoons, then cocoa.
  5. Let's check the surface.
  6. Activate the brewing mode.
  7. Chocolate needs to be melted. Tse fight for help water laznі. Take yoga with a spoonful of tops.
  8. Wiymіt zapikanka and decorate the dish.

Strava on kefir

For the preparation of syrnoy vipіchka, you can use kefir. Such a strain fights not only for berries, ale and banana, but also for rodzinki.

For the recipe, you need the following products:

  • 0.5 kg of the main ingredient;
  • 160 ml of flour or a multi-glass;
  • multiglass of kefir;
  • 300 g frozen cherries;
  • multiglass tsukru;
  • 3 eggs;
  • vanillin.

It's not easy to prepare a vipіchka:

  1. Pour syrah with kefir, sip flour | boroshno | and beat all warehouses.
  2. Mix eggs well and eat with cheese. Put vanilin.
  3. Put a part of the dough in the oiled bowl. Let's put some cherries and some leftover dough.
  4. Install the program for brewing next year.

Vipіchka is obliged to stand, the docks are not cool. Before serving, the casserole can be embellished with icing powder.

Recipe from additional boroshna

You can make a casserole with borosnoy.

You need the following components:

  • 500 g syrah;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive;
  • 4 large spoons of borosna and zucru;
  • packaging of vanilla zucru;
  • fruits and berries.

Prepare the grass as follows:

  1. Mix eggs with zucr with a mixer attachment or with a simple fork. Let's add some vanilla zukor, sir and oliya.
  2. When you mix it up, you can stay the same weight.
  3. Boroshno slіd sipati, do not hurry up and help the mass.
  4. It is important that the sumishi did not have breasts. For whom you can add a little bit of milk.
  5. Let's add some fruit. Tse mozhe buti midnight, pineapple, apple chi banana.
  6. Anoint the surface of the container with oil and pour the syringa warehouse.
  7. Slowly follow the vipkati on the "vipkatny" mode, and after 45 minutes, turn on the "pіdіgіv" mode.

If the vipіchka is okholone - put it on a dish, decorate with tsukrovy powder, and sour cream.

Strava with watermelon

An excellent option will be a harbuzov casserole.

Axis of what you need for the recipe:

  • 400 g of the main product;
  • 200 gr of garmelon;
  • 70 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of semolina and zucru;
  • 8 g vanilla zucru;
  • 30 g of butter | oil |.

The preparation is made up of the upcoming krokiv:

  1. Garbuzhte on shmatki.
  2. Put the pieces in the multicooker bowl on the crossbar for steaming the herbs, and pour water into the bowl.
  3. Increase steam mode by 15 minutes.
  4. For the help of a blender, make mashed potatoes from the harmelon.
  5. Sir, eat with milk and mix.
  6. In the meantime, add eggs, tsukor and vanilla tsukor. Beat the trail until the mass becomes bigger.
  7. Add mashed watermelon, semolina and sir. Mix all the ingredients for an additional mixer.
  8. Sumish put at the multicooker bowl.
  9. Sweep at the "sweep" mode of the year.

Don't crack the cap for once, but check 20 whips.

Strava without semolina is borosna

Strava without semolina that borosna weed is more light and povіtryanym. If you want to grow it, you can beat the wine.

The axis of the ingredients you need to prepare:

  • 400 g syrah;
  • 7 art. tsukru;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 spoons of raisins;
  • 2 spoons of sour cream;
  • vanilla;
  • 2 tablespoons of starch and olії.

And the preparation axis:

  1. Zhovtki razdelіt іz squirrels. Let's eat squirrels with a spoonful of water and make them drunk until I'm drunk. Give zukor.
  2. Put sir, vanilla, sour cream, starch and strength before zhovtkiv.
  3. Beat the masa with a blender until it becomes creamy.
  4. Enter squirrels and rodzinki, as if they were slid forward in the sprinkling.
  5. At the stashed container of the multicooker, put the otriman masa.

After vipikannya virib it is necessary to take it from the multicooker. Strava can be served with condensed milk or with sour cream.

Recipe with berries

You can grow grass not only with blackberry, but with cherries, currants or cherries.

Prepare the following components:

  • 400 g syrah;
  • vial tsukru;
  • 1.5 bottles of blackberry;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 spoons of starch;
  • oliya for the bowl;
  • a drop of salt;
  • a couple of spoons of sour cream;
  • vanilla zukor.

Prepare it like this:

  1. Beat egg whites and add powder.
  2. Mix the zhovtki with syrup, put starch, strength and vanilla zukor. If it's too thick, you can pour in a little bit of sour cream.
  3. Z'ednati sumish іz squirrels and mix well.
  4. Wash blackberry and sort it out.
  5. Part of the yagid is mixed with dough.
  6. Place half of the dough near the bowl of the multicooker and level it. Nasipte blacksmith, scho lost. Put some extra dough on top.
  7. Top open and zap_kayte at the "dip" mode.

Ready casserole can be served with fresh blackberry and condensed milk.

Recipe with condensed milk

To prepare the strain, you need the following components:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 500 g syrah;
  • 0.5 bottles of semolina;
  • 0.5 cans of boiled condensed milk;
  • tsukor for bajannyam;
  • a bottle of kefir;
  • a teaspoon of rozpushuvacha;
  • a bottle of raisins.

Prepare the following like this:

  1. Soak the semolina in kefir and bud, the product swells up.
  2. Beat the squirrels at the kick.
  3. Sir іz fluffy, boiled with condensed milk and zhovtki razmіshat.
  4. Put semolina and rodinki.
  5. Insert whipped whites.
  6. It is necessary to put the masa into the bowl and pekti 50 hvilin.
  7. Harvesting can stand 15 quills.

Vipichka with spices

Now let's try to make a non-licorice casserole.

For whom do you need these components:

  • 300 g syrup;
  • 3 eggs;
  • sir 250 gr;
  • half a bunch of crop;
  • a tablespoon of kmin;
  • watchmaker's clove;
  • a couple of spoons of sour cream;
  • butter and breadcrumbs.

Prepare it like this:

  1. Beat whites around the pinu;
  2. Mix the zhovtki with cheese and cheese, and rub it in front.
  3. Refine the greens from the teahouse and mix with sour cream, and then with syrup.
  4. Kmin podrіbnіt i add to the dough.
  5. It is possible not to salt the dough, to that sir and so salty.
  6. Mix in beaten proteins.
  7. Spread the bowl with olive oil and sip with breadcrumbs.
  8. We need 45 quills to drink, and then we can stand up with a closed lid.

Tropical casserole

For brewing, you need the following components:

  • 0.5 bottles of borosna;
  • banana;
  • 400 g syrah;
  • 250 ml yogurt;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 4-5 canned pineapple rings;
  • I harvest coconut flakes;
  • a teaspoon of rozpushuvacha;
  • a bag of zukru from vanilla;
  • strength and 0.5 flasks tsukru;
  • olії shmachok.


  1. Pour semolina and coconut shavings with yogurt. Put some pineapple syrup in.
  2. Add pineapple to puree.
  3. Mash the zhovtki with zucr, put pineapple, silt and fluff. Let's report the semolina and mix it up.
  4. Mix whites to a pinnacle consistency and mix with dough.
  5. Cut the banana into cubes.
  6. Put half of the masi in the bowl and put banana mugs. Then cover it with another ball of dough and put it in a slow cooker.
  7. Ready casserole vitrimayte for another quarter of the year.

Strava with dried apricots

To make a casserole with dried apricots, you need a wide variety of products:

  • 500 g syrah;
  • 50 gr zucru;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 30 gr semolina;
  • 50 gr dried apricots;
  • a drop of salt.

For serving, you can vicorate jam, berries and sour cream.

  1. Soak the dried apricots in hot water, so that it gets swollen. Fill with crushed cubes.
  2. Divide proteins from zhovtki and mix them from dry salt with a mixer.
  3. Pass the cheese through a sieve and eat it with zhovtki.
  4. Vmishayte semolina and tsukor.
  5. Add whites and dried apricots.
  6. In the multicooker place, place the sirn masa.

My love recipe

Tse shvidky recipe of the lower and the povitryanoy vypіchki.

For a licorice dessert, prepare the next set of products:

  • 500 g syrah;
  • 3-4 eggs;
  • curdled milk.

Let's get it simple:

  1. Beat the eggs and put some details before them.
  2. Then pour in the condensed milk.
  3. Pekti is required with a stretch of 40 strands. With this, the temperature regime can become 180-200 degrees.

You can make a little bit in another way. Proteins should be cremated and put in the cold. Change the chewing gums, condensed milk and cheese.

Beat whites with a mixer and mix with a grate of masi. Let's turn the casserole over for readiness. Tse can be zrobiti for the help of a toothpick.

As soon as the grass is ready, then when it gets wet, it will become dry.

Try different recipes of the miracle casserole and your appetite! To the swedish zustrіches, friends!