The temperament of the student and his influx into learning. Choleric. Peculiarities of pedagogical work with choleric patients. Development of choleric patients.

Choleric is even more fragile ditina, He is easily distracted, restless, restless. The task is often grabbed by the right hand at once and rarely brought to the end. In the works, the text may not be completed, and the little details may not be completed. Ale choleric people are inveterate, combative, active children. Due to their emotionality, strength of spontaneity, quick “flamability”, smileyness and openness of smell, they often become leaders among boys and this whole class is inspired by an adventurous approach.

✏ Fathers need to deal with such children competently and never try to “break” them. It is best to harness their energy for “peaceful” purposes.

The choleric person reacts strongly to fences associated with the loss of freedom. Often the peculiarities and needs of the baby come into conflict with the father’s teachings about how a good child behaves. And the axis of this is that incorrect exchanges lead to blindness and transform the choleric person into a very weak and unsuccessful student.

How can we help choleric people?

Playful games and sports are extremely important for a choleric person, since they help him direct his non-gamous energy in the right direction. Proper grooming can help choleric people become less restless and less anxious.

Melancholic and school

A melancholic person will require even more tact. You care so much about being in a team, you can’t stand up for yourself, you often get caught up in someone else’s influx, you often get teased and act like your peers. Like daughters, melancholic children are easily spoiled, so their sleep habits are much weaker than those of writing and household work.

Melancholic, inert, fearful, anxious, whiny, more important than other children, exhibits travails of nervous tension. But this does not at all mean that it is bad for such children to start. The most important thing is not to expose them too harshly, either at school or at home, and make sure that there is a calm environment in the family.

A melancholic person needs to develop, first and foremost, independence, decisiveness, and perseverance. Whose plan for the new one is to play important games and play sports. Moreover, getting someone to do something like this requires a step-by-step and careful approach, “unfortunate” for a child. It is possible that you will have to work through great difficulties, but here’s the thing: your child experiences the joy of victory, and first of all - over her fear and insecurity.

Phlegmatic and school

The phlegmatic person is characterized by organized behavior, vitriol and self-control. He is careful, diligent, his speech is calm, slightly enhanced, without sharp emotions, gestures and facial expressions. Such children do not take part in loud, loose games. It is important for them to quickly switch from one type of activity to another. A phlegmatic person is unlikely to become a leader, and the axis of the people, to the extent that one can go wild for joy, singsongly.

There is one peculiarity of trained phlegmatics, as psychologists report: the signals that vibrate in them, develop guilt and are saved for life. Therefore, the father of a child - phlegmatic person must carefully think through his regime, signals, etc. Retraining a phlegmatic person is an important activity both for the child and for his father.

Such children become underachieving or nervous especially when their parents, and sometimes even teachers, incorrectly accept the power of these children and encourage them to reproach or laugh at the “slow-witted”.

For a phlegmatic person, as well as for a melancholic person, playing sports is very important.

Sanguine and school

A sanguine can easily adapt to perfection, easily switch from one type of activity to another, and quickly “spit” material. If properly trained, such children become virtuous, practical, comrades, they have a lot of friends, most often sanguine children are leaders in the team of same-year-olds.

Temperament in itself does not signify either social value or the mental development of a person. For example, a sanguine person, if not properly trained, can become a hypocritical person, and a fearful melancholic person, if properly trained, can become an active, principled person; Choleric, with the correction of negative temperamental factors, can become a talented kerivnik. People (and children especially) with a classically expressed temperament rarely get along. Above all, we can talk about the dominance of one type of rice - sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric or melancholy. That's enough to choose the right strategy for recruiting.

Although the innate power of the temperament should be ignored, it is important to ensure a healthy child.

✏ The highest temperament among girls is sanguine. This is very good, because every woman in the world would like one thing that requires maximum concentration of mental strength.

Among girls, melancholics, cholerics, and stinkers are of greater importance when learning and learning, but boys of similar types of temperament.

It is clear that choleric patients need to be treated, because often the most characteristic of them is activity, looseness, assertiveness, and emotionality, which helps them to occupy a friendly position in the “children’s partnership.” Therefore, it is important to emphasize their favorite activities and sports games when forming the “I-concept” and optimizing the interaction of these children with their same-year-olds.

Cholerics are easily awakened and, as a rule, very energetic. The complexity of training and education of an excitable child is often complicated by incorrect settings until the next adulthood, which at any cost can interfere with the child’s activity and promote its laxity. There is no need to keep him active, no need to lead him by the hand, no need to read notes. It is better to pay more attention to his stagnation, to organize his life in such a way that his activity is more stagnant. It is necessary to call on those who are choleric children who are easily upset, and it is important to calm down, calm down, and put in some sleep. It is never possible to stomp on “come in too hard” - shouts, flip-flops, threats. At the sight of this awakening, only people will grow tired of it. Speak to an awakened child calmly, or forcefully, without hesitation. Since these children, by nature, have a weak galmic process, they should not be reproached for supernatural awakening. You need some help tidying up, and there will be river-like heat and humor.

Although it does not seem strange, the “dull” choleric person will require a particularly gentle regime. Completely isolate everything that awakens the nervous system, especially in the other half of the day, before going to bed.

Active children need to do all sorts of things that help develop intelligence and concentration: board games, construction, crafting, painting - in a word, everything that they can want and requires sitting. It’s very good, since a child has a constant labor commitment, with discipline, a strong ability to manage herself.

At the same time, there is no need to try to limit the activity of choleric people (and sanguine people).

The increased emotionality, reactivity, and assertiveness of a choleric person can, due to their powerful impulsivity and inconsistency, lead to a difficult relationship with their peers.

It is important for choleric children to follow the rules of singing: speak calmly, check your own hands, step up, and take care of other people’s worries. Whose trace is more patient to read, stagnant praise, fortune-telling, and sometimes respect. Among choleric schoolchildren, the teacher is responsible for gradually, gently, or even forcefully extracting thoughtful, calm views, instilling in them a streamlined attitude, equal to their peers, and mature ones. Before the end of the initial task, choleric people have to formulate the traces consistently, following the original plan to carry out the work, it is necessary for them to achieve the final task before work in the process of the entire completion of the task. But at the same time, we cannot forget about the special power of playful play, relying on motives of activity that are significant for young students. (Playful, creative, self-assertive, etc.)

It is important to evaluate the dignity and power of such children for their courage, humility, energy, and the persistence of their interests; initiative often appears.

ü Primary-vikhovna work with phlegmatic people.

In the process of initial work, phlegmatic schoolchildren are often impressed by their politeness. In these situations, when it is necessary to quickly remember, quickly remember, quickly earn money, the phlegmatic person shows complete hopelessness. At the same time, if it is already memorized, it is permanent and grounded. The teacher is responsible for more often activating the activity of phlegmatic students, fighting against restlessness, calmness and contentment, calming them down, teaching them at a steady pace, avoiding emotions not to the extent of investigation, to the process of activity. Frequent repentance in the case of chronic phlegmatics means that it appears before the child without understanding his natural characteristics, showing dissatisfaction with his sluggishness and lack of handiness. Shouts, threats, and encouragement to the yet-awaited phlegmatic did not help the Swedes' condition. However, such a strong stimulus as a shout has a galling effect on the child, and instead of hastening, it does even more harm. Outbursts occur when a child exhibits a pace of activity that is uncharacteristic for him, or when a fast pace is generated by a child under great stress, and whose “reserves” of stress are small.

The other one, with the help of the grown-ups, is willing to put the little one in front of everything that is pressing, so it’s important to come to the rescue. In such an outburst, the child will never become skinny; he may develop a lack of confidence in his abilities, an anger at the uniqueness of everything that is associated with the word “Swidko”.

It is important to be patient and learn from small children the habits of dressing, bathing, watching speeches, various types of household chores and self-care. You can only think about accelerating the pace of learning if the child uses the right techniques, and don’t bother with the smut on the cob. It is necessary to develop the activity and flexibility of phlegmatic people step by step, achieving strength at an increasing pace. It’s important to want to show some subtle motor skills and agility.

Older children need to create such minds so that limpness and hearing loss do not turn into laziness, and the equality of feelings does not turn into their poverty and weakness. There is no such thing as a situation that calls for agility, speed, or rather, it is important to praise such a child for showing such kindness. You can call on the help of a game-magazine, or an alarm clock or a sand anniversary - just finish on the right before the ringing.

Children with a hearing impaired nervous system enjoy calm games and activities. It is important to advise the reader, especially in optimizing the mutual relations of a phlegmatic person with one-year-olds. In didactic games and constructive activities, the phlegmatic qualities that are important for the success of phlegmatic people, such as level-headedness, tolerance, concentration to extreme concentration, non-destructiveness, self-control, diligence, are especially important for those who are absent. there, neatness. On this basis, there is a trace of stifling and, when given assistance, phlegmatic behavior developed in a different individual style of activity.

By eliminating possible inertia and sluggishness, include phlegmatic behavior in such types of activities as are derived from child and physical activity - gymnastics, rough games, hiking, group exercise. ta in. In these situations, depending on the pace and rhythm of the child’s work, the child will have success in coping well, and if he is too strong, he can let down his comrades. However, it is not possible to unite older children in a group activity with those whose pace is much faster. It is important to be careful and have the right to play sports games.

Due to the high rigidity of phlegmatic people, they constantly rise to new minds in life. It is important for these children to get up to school, to their teachers, to adjust to a new regime, to new challenges, to separate from their parents, to get to know new children... Phlegmatic people need help to overcome difficulties. In order to develop your mind and adapt to new minds, it is important to give children a hand in hand, which will require companionship with children or with adults. This kind of activity helps to develop the communication skills of introverts.

Once a child has started to work, she cannot deprive her of one thing, otherwise the period of “building up” may be prolonged. It is important for a phlegmatic child not only to start right, but also to finish it. Next, let me know about the need to finish your work rather than interrupt it too quickly. Even better, as a phlegmatic person is friends with a crumbling child. You need to be careful so that your energetic comrade does not take the entire initiative into his own hands. All this will help transform the “quiet” phlegmatic person into a diligent, neat, thoughtful, practical person, significant for his peers and a beloved friend.

ü Primary-vikhovna robot with melancholic.

The depositor is also guilty of protecting the peculiarities of melancholic students. In the beginning, melancholic patients are unable to tolerate strong and distressing stress, which is explained by the rapid transition of the cells from the brain to the body of the funeral galvanization. In students with a melancholy temperament, they develop a feeling of friendliness, a sense of collectivism, and a sense of friendship and camaraderie. In a newly born melancholic child, it is especially important to maintain a gentle regime and the principle of gradualism. First of all, avoid noise, the number of toys, the sound of friends, and even the baby cannot tolerate strong competitors. But at the same time it is necessary to teach the child not to be afraid of noise, to calmly, without anxiety, approach new people, and to actively engage in activities with a new toy. The number of acquaintances can then be expanded step by step, starting from one calm yearling. After the child gets used to it, it can be expanded. Children with a weak type of nervous system have great difficulty in joining a team, do not easily get along with their mothers, insist on routine, cry for a long time, are encouraged to do something, and do not talk to their peers.

The first days of such a child’s stay at school evoke great respect from the teacher. You need to show respect, sensitivity, respectfully place the child in front of you, call for trust (otherwise, you will suffer for a long time).

Children with a weak nervous system require a lot of attention: they cannot raise their voices, show over-the-top strength and severity, or punish them - all of which tend to indicate tears, isolation, excessive anxiety, and so on. and undesirable reactions. Speak softly to such children, but do not skimp on affection.

Melancholic people are affected by cohesiveness, so it is impossible to strengthen their shortcomings - but rather to consolidate their ineptitude in one’s power.

What is ambiguous is the level of anxiety. After the removal of adaptation stress, anxiety can appear mentally, as it stimulates activity, self-regulation of the child’s activity. Melancholic children have a high sensitivity to mercy and at the same time a high level of self-control. This will ensure high productivity and productivity of work, high productivity before starting.

It is necessary to believe that melancholic people are introverts. They are more likely to plan their activities without being followed by other people. It is very important to help them find friends, overcome fearfulness, self-consciousness, and anxiety.

Melancholic people need to develop anger into activity and deal with difficulties. Please encourage positive emotions in these children.

Children with a weak nervous system require frequent repairs.

Success in dealing with melancholic people relies on their valuable assets - sensitivity to emotional outbursts, awareness to emotional experiences, empathy, etc. It is easier for children of whose temperament to express themselves, to assert themselves in mystical activities (musical, creative, etc.). It is important to take care during the process of intervention and correction.

Let me guess that the object of investigation is the power and temperament of the young student.

The subject of this study is the influence of temperament on the establishment of interspecific bonds with yearlings in children of young school age.

As I implemented this project in my class, I respect that with the interaction of techniques and training, results can be achieved:

1) I, as a leader, can direct the initial process in a favorable direction. Then, there will be positive results, as the peculiarities of learning of children with different types of temperament will be taken into account.

2) fathers can follow the recommendations of child care, without resorting to psychologists for help. They will be influenced by the peculiarities of the type that this child is facing. Under this, there will be no “any withdrawal”. Just like a child’s skin is individual in its own way.

3) using additional methods, you can change the inter-socialist records of young students in the class. To ensure that the team has a positive environment for the skin of the child.

Chapter IV. visnovok

In the course of our research, we saw the following developments: 1) Temperament is the most important characteristic of an individual on the side of its dynamic characteristics of intensity, fluidity, pace, rhythm of mental processes and conditions. 2) Interspecific data develop a number of forms, features that are realized in a team, a group of one-year-olds in the process of fusion in the presence of various factors that influence them. The mutual relations of young schoolchildren depend on a variety of factors, such as success in their studies, mutual sympathy, diversity of interests, external living conditions, and article marks. These factors influence the choice between the child and the same-year-olds and their significance. Individually - the dynamic power of the child’s psyche is interconnected with the social and psychological characteristics of the child in a young school Happy birthday.

In this way, the hypothesis is confirmed. I confirm that the character of the inter-personal differences of young schoolchildren in a group of same-year-olds is formed in relation to the type of temperament:

v Cholerics are even comrades, they are expected to occupy leading positions in the class. They easily come into contact with same-year-olds, who are active members of the children's team, and are always known as lads. However, due to their feverishness, stinks often conflict with other children.

v Sanguine people easily understand other people, they are good at accepting them for what they smell like. Vony cannot rise to leadership, but often takes a leading position in the company. Sanguine people are very kind and have a lot of friends.

v Phlegmatic people find it difficult to establish contact with children. He doesn’t dare to lead, he doesn’t like to make decisions. They are respected for their better knowledge and unforgiving spirit. Let your three friends begin to ache, and their hundred-day longing will continue.

v Melancholics forcefully join in with the same-year-olds. The stench is respected for the better chance of being on its own. They often see themselves as the “big crows” in the team. Children often ignore them.

Using additional research methods, this hypothesis can also be confirmed.

Using additional techniques, which are included in another chapter, you can determine the position of each child in the group, its sociometric status, and analyze the structure of interspecific veins in a group of children of young school age. With the help of the placements in the robots, teachers and fathers can independently determine the type of temperament of the child and student.

Recommendations for children with different types of temperament will help resolve conflicts between parents and children, and also with their help, parents can help the child to enjoy life in team.

Chapter V. List of references.

1.Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to psychology / A.V. Petrovsky. - M.: Nauka, 1995.

2. Krutetsky V. A. Psychology / V. A. Krutetsky. - M.: Education, 1986 - 188 p.

3. Nemov R. S. Psychology. Persha book. The fundamental principles of psychology, 3rd edition / R. S. Nemov. - M.: Vlados, 1999 - 397 p.

4.http: //

5. Fashberg S. Each child has its own temperament and character / S. G. Fashberg. - M.: Logos, 2005.

6. Encyclopedia of psychological tests. Spilling, leadership, inter-personal contributions. - M.: AST, 2007. - 304 p.

7. Kolominsky, Ya. L. Social psychology of the school class: scientific method. Handbook for teachers and psychologists / Ya.L. 8. Kolominsky. - Minsk: LLC “FAA Inform”, 2003 - 312 p.

8. Kolominsky. - Minsk: LLC “FAA Inform”, 2003 - 312 p.



11. Heresy E. P. Temperament and education among schoolchildren / E. P. Heresy. - Minsk, 1960.

12. Amelkov, A. A. Psychological diagnostics of interpersonal interaction / A. A. Amelko. - Mozir: Spryannya, 2006.

13. Fashberg S. Each child has its own temperament and character / S. G. Fashberg. - M.: Logos, 2005. 108 p.

14. Yakusheva T. G. About the pedagogical tact of the teacher / T. G. Yakusheva. - M.: Science, 1970

15. Fopel K. How to teach children to sleep? / K. Fopel. - K.: Geneza, 2006, 542

The skin scientist has a unique, unrepeatable peculiarity with its individual psychological properties. However, the reader, before the respectful glance of which he has gone through more than a dozen students, always notes the secret actions that characterize young children. Step by step he creates his own typology of scientists. Often this typology is avoided by the division of people into types, accepted in psychology, depending on their temperament.

Sanguine student Receptive, happy-initiative, good contact with the teacher. The language is easy, rich, warm; lively, artistic facial expressions. A sanguine child can tolerate emptiness, believe, but can easily endure judgment and punishment. As a rule, a sanguine person is not creative, not angry, an optimist, and easily adapts to surroundings. The teacher’s remarks are scattered in a manner that is rich in emotional approach to justice. The sanguine man snorts easily, and out of satisfaction, he begins work on a new creation, and he wiggles vigorously. But then the other side of the sanguine appears: his interest quickly dawns, since on the right (the work) the trivial tiny work is visible. The most important task for a teacher is to encourage this interest. Sanguine people are characterized by a quick reaction, easy switching (moving from one type of work to another). They show good efficiency (especially girls), they are often very lazy, and they practically do not give in to pressure and control; in difficult situations they can go into nonsense. The self-esteem of a sanguine person is unstable, they love to talk about their successes, being in front of everyone. It's easy to get comfortable. With good-natured and at the same time able-bodied work, sanguine students can achieve high results in their initial activities.

choleric- Volodar is easily restless and has a strong type of nervous system. Bright, self-singing, quick, independent, but, as a rule, a difficult teaching. He is restless, narcissistic, does not fight with his elders on equal terms, he can soundly rely on the will of his elders, and does not conform. He reacts painfully and angrily to criticism (the appearance of a four after the first five is a tragedy), to disrespect for himself. The choleric language is loud, Swedish, authoritative, facial expressions are sharp, viral. The choleric student is extremely subjective about the task: as it should be done - it is buried, as it is not appropriate - to forcefully bring it to an end. Cholerics are energetic, intense, work intensively and achieve good results in a short time. Their energy is strong when connected with faults, loves to fight, even to the point of open conflict with an enemy, a competitor. However, in this work one can see the teacher of boundless patience and subtle care.

phlegmatic- calm, independent, do not fuss, they have neither self-confidence nor anxiety about themselves, they value themselves objectively. Language phlegmatics is enhanced, not richly spoken, they are respected for their better role as a listener. The facial expressions are invisible, the movements are smooth and enhanced. A wealth of phlegmatics can be associated with lack of emotion, with other people, but this is not the case. The stench of the building is felt at a very high level, but is not dissimilar to its current expression. Phlegmatic people are inert, it takes them an hour to move from one state to another. The fluidity of the reaction has been increased. A robot must have patience with them; they cannot be pushed in an intrusive manner. Acquire and memorize new material completely, but remember and retain the achieved level for a long time. The phlegmatic people sat and sat and stared. They practically don’t boast, respect. It’s important for them to move to a different place. A phlegmatic person can be a good teacher, capable of dealing with conflicts competently and calmly, but being patient is not difficult for anyone.

melancholic- “a person without skin”, sensitive, easily vulnerable, anxious. The language is quiet, subdued, with mournful intonations; As a rule, fear, sumny viraz denunciation. A melancholic person who is not in love with himself, a sordid person, a knack for overdoing his shortcomings, a distrustful person, and other such jaundice as the strangeness is contaminated; both a painter and a monumentalist). Melancholic students gravitate towards calm, good-natured readers, diligent and respectful to the teacher's wishes, and require special attention, sensitivity, and kind, gentle support from their side. Melancholic people are often alert, sensitive to current changes. Participation in competitions is a real drama for them, they celebrate long before the cob.

The development of individuality, the progressive formation of strong-willed character, thus compensating for the actions of the “unforeseen” side of any temperament.


Children are very keen on showing enough respect that they need to be involved in teaching work. Already from the first lesson, the stench is with the benefits of being respectful, organized, and wants to win these gains, but for the most part, the stench does not bear the required memory, it is lousy to demonstrate to oneself how to earn it. In my opinion, the development of respect for students is, as a rule, not a special task for teachers, and all activities are reduced to instructions: “Be respectful, don’t be embarrassed!”

However, a significant part of the problems associated with the disrespect of students arises from additional inclusion in the lesson, directly related to the molding of various types and components of External. Such tasks are especially necessary for hyperactive students.

In children of preschool age, mimovolnaya Vn is more important(External manifestation: the child is surprised, speaks out loud, opens her mouth, comes closer, reaches out to rub). In robots with cobs, it is necessary to widely vikorystuvati mimovilne Vn. It evokes the lively, emotional promo, the artistry of the teacher, the intensity of the task, the richness of the rich scientific material, the creation of gaming, problematic situations.

enough respect It develops well in gaming activities, in meaningful tasks (in the game, “Who is the most respectable?”), in tasks “to test respect” (“And now let’s check how respectful you are”). At first, there is a completely new order that children can disappear in the outer plane (Show), then the outer activity ignites and moves to the inner plane (“Listen and say ...”, “Wonder and explain”), change By being actively respectful, you must control your dii. durability Internally, the student is focused on activities that produce results and evoke positive emotions, satisfaction, and, in turn, the need to engage in and attitude towards respect.

rozpodil Vn- the task is too much for young students. Don’t overwhelm them with a complicated task, you need to divide them into a number of simple ones, then, as the world gains stable skills, gradually teach them to a greater degree of respect.

The success of a child in school depends on many factors. And such a natural peculiarity as temperament plays a role in this. It is laid down genetically, and on its very basis, a variety of skills, behavioral characteristics, style of activity, etc. are formed. Today we will talk about what kind of temperamental characteristics your child has, and how these characteristics themselves can be reflected in your new beginning.

About temperament

Temperament is a set of mental characteristics that are associated with emotional restlessness. In other words, temperament is a natural feature of a person’s skin, which determines his emotional reaction in one situation or another: how emotion often comes from, what strength and sign (positive / negative) it has. This characteristic itself will determine the strength or energy of a person.

They talked about temperament in ancient times. The greatest contribution to the development of the concept of this characteristic was made by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. Having seen that there are different types of temperament, skin types, in my opinion, there are thoughts that are important in the body of a person of singing country:

  • choleric: The most important thing about zhovtoi zhovch is to rob people with “vibukhov” and “hot”
  • sanguine: important blood, which makes a representative of this type of temperament cheerful and even fragile
  • melancholic: over-respected black woman, which implies over-respected fearfulness and confusion in character
  • phlegmatic person: important lymph (phlegm, mucus) to keep people calm and peaceful

Choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine.

Today's psychophysiologists also see that there are different types of temperament that bear similar names, but, apparently, there is no word about the importance of singing in the body.

The most pronounced temperamental characteristics manifest themselves in young children. Whenever a person is older, his temperament becomes smoother. This is explained by adaptation to extremes and various compensatory mechanisms. However, the inconsistency of acting in an orderly manner in most situations is preserved, and on the basis of which a lesson can be developed, if the person’s temperament is greater. This skill can be like a bark, so it is important in the process of beginning. It is therefore important to take into account the temperamental characteristics of your child when organizing its initial activities.


People who have this type of temperament are very energetic and frivolous, addicted and greedy. They are constantly giving in to their love of justice, expending all their strength and energy on it. The actions of choleric people can be characterized as sharp, violent and very energetic. Such a person is deeply emotional, capable of perceiving all the differences behind the signs of emotion, which are triggered by great power, capable of sudden, sometimes unmotivated, changes in mood. Such people can be even more aggressive in relation to others, and “fight” through any kind of rivalry. Cholerics experience failures very emotionally and “importantly”, and react negatively to criticism.

peculiarities of the beginning

Choleric children at school may develop behavioral problems through excessive activity and restlessness, turbulent reactions to failures and criticism. To make their endeavors as effective as possible, it is necessary to:

  • Search for a child, attract interest to the subject
  • Do not entice him with his monotonous and monotonous activity, but let him be discriminated against
  • Learn to adequately evaluate your capabilities, so that failures do not lead to violent negative reactions
  • Talk to the teacher and ask him not to criticize the child, but in times of extreme necessity to work on it individually (there are also critics from the side of the father)
  • Divide the robot into blocks and give an hour for repairs, if you need to finish more
  • Do not reveal turbulent positive / negative emotions in the spirit of schoolchildren, since choleric people are easily “infected” with them
  • Switch your child’s respect to something else, as you understand that emotional tension is responsible, which can lead to “vibration”

Seeing choleric people: Suvorov A.V. i Pushkin A.S. i


Sanguine people are very energetic, fragile, and prone to overachievement. As a rule, they change the mood and react with laughter to various life situations. Their hands are even more lively and strimki, their movements are even more fragile and varied. For a person with this type of temperament, new enemies are very important, and they will try to steadily get rid of them in any accessible way. Such people are like friends and easily come into contact with others. In some cases, this temperament leads to a superficiality of interests, a lack of focus on any subject, and the need for hasty action. Sanguine people easily cope with failures and react to criticism calmly and with humor.

peculiarities of the beginning

Problems with learning in sanguine children can arise from restlessness, superficiality of interests, lack of focus on the subject and the outbreak of new enemies. Allow someone to be unique:

  • The content of the child in the subject: it is best to dilute the material with butts, fires, etc.
  • Variety of tasks and daily monotony of activity
  • Adequate praise and criticism
  • Safeguarding a sanguine child through steady active activity (for example, during a break between homework and physical education)
  • Dividing a great task into a number of small ones (necessary for greater concentration on the skin and more successful recovery)
  • Verification of the father's household chores, as sanguine people can often make allowances through disrespect and haste
  • Sleeping at home, watching the latest TV shows, reading a book, etc.

From the Sanguine People: Napoleon and Lermontov M.Yu. i


People with a melancholy temperament can be characterized as calm, easy-going and lazy. They deeply experience the events that occur, but rarely show it. Because of their words and facial expressions, it is often difficult to understand what they themselves are feeling at the moment. The sounds of melancholic people are less frequent and are punctuated by some slowness. As a rule, the emotions of melancholic people are negative. A person with such a temperament is afraid of anything new. In some cases, melancholic people may appear withdrawn and withdrawn, and they may also develop a fear of everything new and unexpected (sometimes there is a fear of new people). It’s important to worry about bad luck, so you don’t have to show it again. Criticism, especially ungrounded and expressed in a rude form, can deeply injure a melancholic person and lead to emotional breakdown.

peculiarities of the beginning

Successful learning of melancholic patients can be hindered by their weight and fatigue, the difficulty of alternating between different types of activities, a negative reaction to failure and criticism. To develop the education of such children, it is more successful to allow:

  • Formation of responsibility in oneself and in power
  • Creation of a kindly atmosphere
  • Rozmova with the teacher and the prokhannya are arrogantly not to criticize the child, but in times of extreme necessity to work on it on an individual basis (there are also criticisms from the side of the fathers)
  • Dividing the work into blocks, the ability to take a break and read again if you need to save more money
  • Ensure that your child has enough time to think, figure out, and revise assignments

Views of melancholy: Gogol N.V. and Dostoevsky F.M. and 2

phlegmatic person

Phlegmatic people exhibit an enviable calmness in any situations, which is mostly characteristic of both language and language, darkness and inconsistency of facial expressions. Such people are not averse to experiencing strong emotions, they are deprived of harmless emotions almost immediately, their moods are undermined by jealousy. A person with this type of temperament is prone to change in everyone, so it is not easy for him to switch from one type to another and adapt to minds that have changed the average, when the difficult time will involve in a new situation. Sometimes, such people may develop a lack of emotional response, languor and detachment, and a tendency to resist stereotypical actions. They react calmly to failure and criticism of phlegmatics, and sometimes it seems that they don’t care at all, that it’s not so far from the truth.

peculiarities of the beginning

Phlegmatic children may find it difficult to learn new situations, become comfortable with stereotypical activities. And help them in the future:

  • Proceed, and not immediately, to include them in the work - do not demand from a student a non-gay type of nutrition or a bliskavich viconic job.
  • A safe child has enough time to adapt to new minds, as well as to think about, learn and revise the task.
  • An explanation of what is involved in the process of victorious activity
  • Formation of self-confidence and the ability to formulate and interact with other people
  • Praise is frequent - it is necessary to recognize the plus in the activity of a child, to show this respect and praise
  • It’s time to prepare before lessons and assignments: beforehand, take a look at the material that will be covered in the upcoming lesson, prepare with it the possible answers and assignments
  • Involvement in activity
  • Reduction in the influx of various volunteer officials during the cessation of homework by schoolchildren (education, TV, music, etc.)

Views of phlegmatics: Kutuzov M.I. i Krilov I.A. i

Temperament is a natural characteristic of a person, which greatly influences his behavior and success. However, there are no bad or good temperaments - each of them has its own pros and cons. In order for a child with any particularities to start successfully, it is necessary to simply show respect for these particularities themselves and create the most optimal mental activity for them.

Have you paid attention to the fact that in the same class there are more strong and promising scientists, and children who show average results? In this case, the reader will take care of everything, however.
This is to say that the educational process is a creative union of two sides - the teacher and the student, and there is a lot to be gained from the musical and physical abilities of the students. Beginning to occur with varying intensity, the sleeping buds are formed and consolidated in some children quickly and easily, while in others it takes a lot of time. As it seems, “the skin has its own style.”

Vocalist Different types of temperaments

temperament- the type of the major nervous system, which is manifested in emotional restlessness and the pace of mental processes. Temperament is influenced by the nature and decline of the nervous system. This is a fundamental characteristic of a virtuous person.




choleric people subdued energy, partiality, intensity, activity, initiative, great emotional alertness in work. In the initial process, pay respect to those who prioritize the processes of awakening over the processes of galmuvaniya.

And for that choleric student there will be a rich repertoire of a lyrical, oppressive style.

Vocal-technical rights with a choleric student should be dealt with in a strict systematic manner, and it is necessary to ensure clear rhythmicity for the vibrancy of streamliness and importance. It is recommended to intonate minor sounds and minor trisounds, right at a low tempo, intervals at a close pace, right at a high and calm pace.

Cholerics are guilty of giving a lot of respect to their speeches. Meta is the creation of a more calm setting before the stage, as choleric people often have Vikonian eyes through those whose emotions run wild and overwhelm their reason, and Vikonanny becomes forced and unnatural.


sanguine power and joy in life. They make decisions hastily, without hesitation or delving deeply into them. A sanguine person is NOT vindictive, does not engage in self-flagellation, and often forgets both joys and images. Disrespect and lack of attention are discouraged.

Good results are shown in the beginning, but only as soon as possible further investigation of the subject. Therefore, sanguine vocalists should more often change their repertoire and choose creative works that will reveal their focus.

A sanguine student should take care of vocal-technical rights in the proper sequence to develop importance and vibrancy. The tempo may well be calm, not too fast, and not too fast.

Nervous processes in a sanguine person proceed smoothly, and it is important for them to sleep at an appropriate pace. When singing, a sanguine person must control the process - sing and sing everything. In winter, sanguine people should become active in their studies, and spend their activities on an emotional level, so that they are on the same page with their studies. So, the calm and measured pace of the lesson leads to the sanguine student’s uneasiness and hostility.

phlegmatic person

A phlegmatic person is a calm and contented person. He is calm, level of respect, non-destructive, his facial expressions are unruly, and his speech is ineffective. Phlegmatic people are characterized by high efficiency and deep internal emotions.

Phlegmatic vocalists love to perform at a calm pace. However, there is no need to pay attention to such studies, and it is necessary to diversify the repertoire and renew it with technical creations.

Vocalists also have the right to develop their viconnian technique.

The performances of phlegmatic vocalists are often more intense and emotional than in class activities. And the stench is sung on stage, and everything that has been earned in class is conveyed to the listener without waste.

The student-phlegmatic student can be calm and singing - his student can perform well, without any unforeseen surprises.


A melancholic person has weak processes of awakening and galvanization. The melancholic person is withdrawn, uncomradely, deeply experiences difficulties and failures. He is indifferent and passive.

Beginning with such learning must be continued with constant encouragement and praise. And the lesson must be clearly organized.

The repertoire needs to be selected varied and bright in order to evoke the unique emotions of a melancholic student. While studying his temperament, he develops his vocal technique in order to compensate for the lack of emotional distress.

We became familiar with different types of temperaments. It is also necessary to remember that temperaments in pure appearance rarely become sharpened. Human behavior has a lot to do with external factors, the middle of life, education, learning.

This knowledge will help the vocalist to understand himself, evaluate his vocal abilities, and will help the vocal performance of beginning students with different temperaments.

Infusing the musician's temperament with the victoriousness -

How to choose the right repertoire for students with different types of temperament? -

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