Leaflet on the Day of the People's Day of Onuk 1 pik. Onuku rik grateful to babusi and didusya

Congratulations on the Day of the People of Onuk

Chi will not be in the life of a short lesson,
Come on be, onuk, і charm, і tact,
Create affectionately, і do not give a promise,
Well, everything is okay, about scho mriyav!

Congratulations onukovі 1 rіk

I love you, for everything, not half,
It is even more painful to find a little mess,
I will help, granddaughter, I will give my back,
And the need for the chest - from the construction at close range!

I am transmitting the latest versions,
I warmly wink you
Do not give a share, if I can do it,
Bazhaєmo tobi, with a grandmother, love!

Congratulations onukovі 1 rіk

For happiness, my dear onuk,
Appearing at the light,
So and live, and I am with you,
Good luck to you!

Congratulations onukovі 1 rіk

On the day of the people, onuk of love,
Do not hide your saints,
Cake baked tobi, my mile,
Be happy, God is with you!

Congratulations onukovі 1 rіk

Kucheryava's head, especially similar to dida,
Granddaughter for a national day і cheerful, і handsome,
I am good, and you see a big heart
Mi vitaєmo, boy, grow up great, great.

Congratulations onuk on the day of the people

Bazhaєmo radity life
І treat yourself with friends!
Dividing for happiness, optimism,
Warm and kind words!

Vitannya onuku 2 rocky

My brave boy, my granddaughter,
My mesnik vyachny,
Build daddy zalik,
The one that we have been doing for a long time.

You are a professor for them - so!
Oh conscience, oh teacher,
Remember, boy, get ready,
Aja himself will be dad!

Congratulations onukovі 1 rіk

Mriy, granddaughter, ale tilki about the temple,
Fear will land, and you will be pragmatic
Praise to the beloved, deceitful, husky,
The axis is so mysterious to twist the life!

Adherence to the people of Onuk Babusi

Granddaughter, strong and string ti,
It is great, and I love you,
Wonder, here the hedgehogs are beautiful -
Hour to ruin us!

Vitannya onuku 2 rocky

What does onuk mean for babus and dyda?
Hope, pride, joy and peace!
Tobi, granddaughter, in the soul of a bazhaєmo lita,
Schob tsvila cholovicha beauty,

You love me more for everyone in the world,
Be healthy, bazhaєmo not be ill.
We ask the Lord to be happy,
Schaub on you better marvel!

Congratulations onukovі 1 rіk

Let’s be healthy, I’ll be cool,
Mіtsnіє m'yazovy corset!
Don't bother to bring only joy
Onuk is a blush and an athlete!

Come on tsikavim bude hobi
І vіdmіnnny friends!
Don't want to write about you
Our family is friendly!

We were happy, recently
Show yourself to the light,
Ale tobi already tsily rik,
And you dont love to love anymore!

Onuk is our miliy, lolly boy,
Vitaєmo mi to you
І healthy bootie bazhaєmo,
Take care of yourself.

Onuk kokhaniy, already rik
Vipovnyuatsya tobi.
The power of tenderness and caress
On a skin day I grow up in me.

I bang you, bunny,
Bootie healthy, regotati.
І on a new atrocity
My grandmother shtovhati.

In the afternoon the people, granddaughter,
Mi vitaєmo for you.
odnorichny peasant
Received giftsє.

Mi bazhaєmo, standing up
On your feet you are vіrno,
Schhob in the life of the zavzhdi
I have been everywhere.

Їg porridge, milk
I grow beautiful,
Be healthy and not ill,
Become the happiest.

You have such cheeks -
Rozchulennya, capture!
Ty is more charming than a quote,
Our little granddaughter!

Vitaєmo, tsіliy rіk
Recognize you,
Come on luck entrusting the walk
At your radio share!

Rivne rik, yak ty showing up at light,
My malyuk - dear and love.
I will indulge you only life without bids,
We will be the most beautiful, the most beautiful.

Please mom and tata with your admiration,
Life shlyah nah yaskravo syaє,
Grow good, good health, good health,
Let me give you love.

On the day of the nation's granddaughter,
Take your congratulations!
Our dear hero,
Be healthy, grow great,
Radio, dance, gray,
Wonderful light!
Nicoli do not get tired
Laugh first and foremost!

Hollow, cheerful, kind,
Our onuk, cottony miles,
The axis of the same ric,
Ty pidris, having gained strength,
From souls to vitaєmo
In the afternoon of the people, our good,
Do not be ill, grow happy,
Ty is wise for us!

My beautiful, love onuk,
In the afternoon of the people I am waving to you.
Call ti great, tsіliy rіk,
I’m healthy, my liquor, I’m banging you.

Merry my boy, empty empty,
Such ty ruhlivy, so cheerful.
I love you dearly, my mile,
My own monstrous onuchok my dear!

My glorious and miraculous onuchok, I wind from the first of your hands. Malyuk my love, I tell you happy laughs, raving walks, funny fun, good nursery rhymes and turbot family.

Hto tse takiy in the wheelchair
Widkriva sleepy eyes
І smokche svіy kupok?
Tse dear one!
Mi tobi bazhaєmo, mi,
We are even happier,
Come on, tobi only tilki rik,
Ale mi know ahead,
You are great virostesh,
We are smiliv, strong, trochas ochmanilim,
Budesh, like the whole child,
Chi does not drive from the yard,
Have the ball with the lads of ganyati
I have a walk until evening!
And leave the room,
Laugh at us for grannies!

Happy People's Day, granddaughter!
You are a year old, axis.
You are smiling and eating,
І wrinkle the liquorice nose.
We want to help you -
Grow happy and healthy,
We are merry, milim, mad,
Let us be new to the first skin day!

Your little crocs -
Lisha rik is given to be born!
Ale z eagles grow eagles,
Z levenyati virostaє levitsya!
Stronger, wiser for many days
You will become, viyshovshi from pelushok.

To you, our kokhaniy granddaughter!

Vypovnivsya tobі іvno rіvno rіk,
You still don't know the trouble,
We all came before you,
They brought the best gifts,
Grow, dance, fry and sleep,
Please us with a light head,
І play Іshidko ryashki,
Bizhi shvidshe i gray!

Axis і rіk Shalunishka!
All the booths are right on the vuhi,
Smіh children are dusky
A bit here і here і there!
Spritny, our nimble little tit,
Svit p_znati pragne myself,
Radu vin us all hour
In the nights, in the afternoon and in vrance.

Congratulations onukov with rik, grate onuk with rik

Hear dad and mom!
Make joy to us, granddaughter,
More porridge їzh,
Schob virginity to the great,
Strong, clean, cheerful,
To my father
Dopomagati vmіlo.
Don't forget us
Babus and dida.
Happy People's Day, granddaughter!
The axis of you tsukerka!

Igrasshok dear povna hut,
I laugh at your mouth,
І eyes shine in fire.
Chanterelles, bunny and wedmedic
They have come to greet you,
І, please, please,
They brought a magnificent cake!

Lisha rik is given to be born!
Ale z eagles grow eagles,
Z levenyati virostaє levitsya!
Stronger, wiser for many days
You will stand, viyshovshi from pelushok ...

Be happy, I’m dumb
To you, our darling kokhaniy!

Cool greetings onukov on National Day

Good luck to you, onuk of love,
Good and old friends!
Success and happy life,
Start only happy days!
All the smilie ideas of all!
Mriya behind you, don't give a cry.
Helps in overloading
Reach for the most beautiful heels!

Happy People's Day, little one!
Hear dad and mom!
Make joy to us, onuchok,
More porridge їzh,
Schob virility to the great,
Strong, clean, cheerful,
To my father
Dopomagati vmіlo.
Don't forget us
Babus and dida.
Happy People's Day, little one!
The axis of you tsukerki!

Zi saint, kokhaniy granddaughter,
Happy People's Day to you.
Ti for us, aje, nice,
And lamo, so love.
Be happy, laugh
Don't tell the villains.
Try to be strong
Well, don't forget us.

Ty buv child, buv pіdlіtkom,
Now we will be ready to grow up.
Povir, it’s not easy for a cholovik,
Ale onuk is more beautiful than all praises!
You love me.
Would you like us to get started!
І on the day of the people of bazhaєmo
Pragmatic to the ends only up the hill!

For onuk in the light of yogo it is sacred,
From dyda to grandmother is grafted,
Success, joy, and happiness,
Health for three hundred rockiv,
Pereshkodi in life and pereshkodi
It's easy to add,
More luck and smihu
І in difficult situations not to summit!

Come on, get a good luck,
Succeed great priest,
Bagato podarunk_v sm_shok k_t_v
Health, happiness and good luck.

I bash you, the light of exchangeable eyes
Nicholas, ni for scho do not suck!
Bagato Happiness and Love
He overcame the creative people in everything.

Indulge all of you love,
Schhob in life in Usomu endlessly happy!
Bagato tobi successes of labor
Mighty mіtsnogo health'ya, smiles even more yaskravikh.

Lead your heart to the triumphє.
Let's start a quiet room for you.
Bagato dobrikh milikh and happy rockies
Good luck to the majestic ones in us and everywhere.

Schob snuggly bully every share.
Good luck and prosperity
Bagato svitlikh and wonderful days.

I will please you to succeed quickly,
Shchob buli vіrnі druzі
Bagato clear bright days
Peremog, joy in robot.

I am honoring a respectable gentleman,
Do not manage,
Bagato radio turbots
Success in mastering knowledge.

I will give people all happiness, even more
Having forgotten about the troubles and sorrows,
I wish you great health and happiness.
Bagato, do not bless your friends.

Don't go through the gift of your day.
Everything is in openwork,
Bagato in life poachiv
Good health for you and your rockies.

Let you laugh at luck,
Shcheb could be expected. Get ready to want.
Bagato radіsnykh zattebe
Peremog majesty in usoma, bazhayu from souls.

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