Yak Orthodox churches should be very extrasensory. Vidnoshennya church to paths, extrasensory, civilians. Why does Lyudin come before esoterics

About civilians, fortune-tellers, astrologers, extrasensory and grandmothers "- the road to AT, which is a terrible cost to them.

It is more beautiful than intelligence, which cannot be used by "miracle workers", witch doctors and similar to the kind of "civilians", trying to penetrate into the very nature of the problem. even more seldom, in deyaky vipadkakh - yak viprobuvannya. And here it is pre-vernacular to guess who the Lord Isus Christ has spotted for which minds. Winning usih, hto coming to Nyogo with a view to Yogo Divine Guy, and the head of the bula was taken from the great, wide kayaty people. Zgadaimo, for example, they turned up to the Savior of Evangelical slips. The stench wailed to Youmu all the way: “Have mercy on us, Lord, Sinu David” (Matt. 20; 30). In these words, we see a glimpse of faith in Christ as the Victim of the people and, obviously, feeling repentance. All, who came with a sinful burden, the Lord let go of the sin, and then he took it. "I say goodbye to your sins" (Mt. (9.2); "... Axle, you are tired; do not do anything more, but I do not stand behind you who is dear" (Iv. 5, 14) - these words sounded from the mouth of the Savior If Win is sick, but grandma, how can you let the shit go?
I can see it from the Evangelism, all the fixes in front of them are morally meaningful for those who are quiet, whispering for help in ailments. That, having come to Christ, I have little more testimony of my own sinisterness, my negligence. The very brutality before the Savior was honored with an ear of deep repentance that corrected life. With such a rank, the soul was purified and cleansed from sin - the sickness of sickness and sorrow. The Lord is looking forward to the soul's love, granting the healing to the soul.

The miracles of Christ didn’t appear to be sent to heaven.

The apostles, martyrs, kestrels and all the righteous who survived the Gods worked like miracles before Christ. By the strength of the stench? The Reverend John Cassian the Roman seems to be "the reason for the blessing ... grace, as to work miracles and to be given to deceive the righteous people for their holiness, as we see about the apostles and those who are of great importance."
In our hour, there can also be seen miracles. І dzherelom tsikh zzіlen Bula, і i will be until the end of the light Divine grace, that will be held at the holy churches of Christ, as it is given through the holy rites: baptism, repentance, communion of the Most Pure Tyla and the Holy Father. However, it is necessary to remember, as for the hour of Christ, blessed help is given to those who are in love with the warmth of the penitence of the one who is attacking. To that very thing, before the greatest church Mystery of the Eucharist, the Mystery of Spovidi was established, in which, it is a matter of repentance, to get rid of the superfluous sin of its own.
Also, from the apostolic hours, a special rite of Aleosvyachennya or Soboruvannya was established. Over the long-standing history of this mystery, it is not only important to be sick and to suffer, but people are likely to come to health. Tse buvaє at the days of holy fasting, especially at the Great, since there is a special grace-filled aid for the cleansing of our souls and the health of our soul.

Razmіrkovuyuchi about the church about the soul of the soul and soul, not to oblivion, but the grace of the tamniche and uncomfortable, unique tsіkavih and dainty glances.
Bezperechno, everyone proceeded to church rituals and can commemorate this blessed power. However, it’s not going to be forgotten, it’s a blessing, it’s more obvious to us, depriving us of a small part of that which can be forwarded to the holy rites. Only the Gods seemingly, which ailments we have become, and which children could be spared by the bearers of the grace of God. “Christ is taught and the year, and for the day is the same” (Hebrews 13, 8). The first hour of his earthly life, Win is unique in glory, so it is now pleasant and quiet, but to come to New from all, not viciously worldly echoes and galasistic sensations. Even if the head of Christ is right, it’s not deprived of healthy health, but the moral revival of the people, the brutalization from sin to God, from the service to the forces of evil for good, from death to the vital life.

The Church will not be able to help people.

I can go to the Library: “My blue! Do not be unbalanced with your ailments, pray to the Lord and win you. Zalish sinful life and fix your hands, and cleanse your heart from every sin. “Give me a likarev, for the Lord has opened it, and let Win not see you, for Win is needed” (Sir 38, 9-10, 12).

Aleksandr turned to the problem of new-emerging "cilites" and "miracle workers". As it seems, all people, who do not perceive the holiness of that spiritual life, the stench is even farther from the Church. Ale, how can you pour the stench on people? At the price of food, it is known to know from the Reverend John Cassian of the Roman, as if: “... zzіlennya" ... such a kind roam behind the focus and cunning demons. Through the process, there will be a lot of things before the inheritance of their vices and the great path to the zeal and sacrifice of the holiness of the religion; the same one, who's singing from his own, who's great gift, proudly proud of his heart, proud of the night's fondness. The Gospel says about such people as follows: “To rise up false Christians and false prophets and give great signs and miracles, so that you can focus, as much as possible, and vibrations” (Matthew 24, 24).
Here it is necessary to brutalize respect, for the "miracle workers" for the sake of the unpromising of any kind of health. With magic actions, the stench can be smelled away from the sight of a weakened ailment, because of whom it is not easy to insist on the loss of health, but the press has repeatedly witnessed it. So, in one newspaper, they talk about how the skin day before the editorial office, call the cutters. Smell it seems that the "shvidka" is delivered to the patients' licks from the zaned-in twists and turns of the shlunk, with the heavy accelerated ones. On the right, in the fact that the stench has increased in favor of passes from the TV screen and the calls have ceased to be accepted. Deyak_sheets of foolish patients published. And in general, there is nothing wondrous, even if it’s not bazhayuyu us zіlennya, not bazhayut us blessings from earthly life, not the same wіchne. And the stench came to deceive us. The stench can dissolve the visibility of the weakness of the ailment, you can see the person who has just been treated to the right doctor. Ale potim buva yomu "leave a girsha for pershi".

Tsikavim є the drive of the psychics of St. John Zolotoust:

“Demon, like a liku, shit more, and you will bring some coristas. Bring the corny to the til, as the trocha will inevitably die and zgni, but to shuffle the immortal soul. If only because of God's allowance to see demons (through sorcerers), then it’s also because God didn’t know them, but God didn’t know them, but they didn’t need to accept from demons to create a vision ”.

And such phenomena, such as hypnosis, of a kind of naviyuvannya, are seen in magic and chaklunstvo from the found hours. The First Church from the drive was unambiguously seen in the middle of the first thousand years at the 6th Ecumenical Council, de bulo said about the fence of a kind of chaklunism, how to get used to it for help in the apostles, so also for the loss of people. The Nomokanon also says that it is necessary to engage in quackery, to whip up the water (when it comes to roaming on the TV), and also to throwing bobs, wiggling eggs, wax, that was consumed by the church fence. 6 rocky yak ti, hto lіku cimi in a way, so і tі, hto to them to swallow. And that, who knows how to turn out to be the most important for the death of a human being, to be found for 15 years, among the murderers, to look at that vipad, as the smell of repentance and more than anybody can not be robbed.

And the most frightening are those who, at the same time, show some church blessings.

Zhodnykh chakluns, extrasensuals, "folk tsilitels", grandmothers, may have a legitimate church blessing. Fake documents are provided. In any case, if you want to change your mind, you can take copies of documents and bring them to the archival government for the life of your life.
Mayzhe at the be-yaky newspaper to proclaim their servants of the chakluni and the clergy, and all, as in the case of pidbir, decline. Please remember that there is a lot of principle and a lot of people:

  • dobrich,
  • bilikh,
  • Orthodox,
  • good chaklun_v,
  • extrasensory,
  • rakeys,
  • Vedic physicians,
  • attendants,
  • Vaishnava physicians,
  • shaman,
  • vidom,
  • folk tsіlitelіv,
  • voodooists,
  • energotherapists,
  • whisper,
  • chiromantiv,
  • transcendental psychologists,
  • astrologers,
  • vishuniv,
  • divination,
  • magician

Be-like magic, bea, chorna, wind rozheva into a zhovtenka smudge, all one is from Satan and is equally disgusting to the nature of Christ

Let us be of great importance, for it is also prayer and it is also a serpent.

Prayer is the price for sure to God, or to the saints. John Chrysostom, even if prayer is our reverence for God. Prayer by itself is not a guarantee of the fact that it will be energized in such a way. The Lord, like the wise Batko, gave the people the need for their life itself, if it is necessary, and not through the bungalow of the people.

Zmova, on the vidminu of prayer, є її in general opposition. Lyudin, as I read it, is not given a 100% guarantee of vikonannya prokhannya. To reach often for the prikrittya of the snakes vikoristovuyutsya Orthodox terminology. There are a lot of people who do not want to see the Orthodox prayer from the serpent.

Nasamper, it is necessary to respect the animals for writing literature. All Orthodox literature is friends with the blessing of the Holy Patriarch of the Eparchial Archbishop. And by itself, as on the first side, it is also a blessing, then the appearance of snakes on the sides of such a vision is practically uncomfortable, because of the literature to go through a church revision. Zhodna church literature cannot be handled with the blessing of a priest. It is also carefully placed before the literary process, with the blessing of the elders and spiritual confessors. As a rule, people are zealots of the church deanery, and none of them give such blessings in the way of the ruling archbishop of his diocese. Well, it’s more beautiful than nabuvati Orthodox literature near churches and special church buildings.

I will put a little bit of applied on from the prayers, handled without blessing.

In one of them, the "prayer for the consecrated water" is directed. And є being shy about those who “need three things to drink on the water, we’ll get a little more help from the“ dogs ”we are sick." Even the very name of the viklikє at the time of day, the oskilki sanctify the water, the priest is right, and it’s certainly not the prayer of them, but the prayer for the water - the whole of the prayer service. All the rites after the get-out are purely visible in the proponation of the prayer. I vzhe, melodiously, the skin of a man knows that by a miraculous power there is a miracle, and not "spoken" is holy water.

Mіzh prayer that serpentine іnu colossal growth

It’s like that, like me to humble prodigies and insistent health. Prayer є humbly crying for God's help in the right time, as you gather for the day. Price and quality In a different way, Lyudin, to pray, do not be pragmatic to covet the bazhan be-be-be-be. Win verity, but not to you, to a sinner, to judge those who are not correct for your soul, but not; ale tse vіdomo deprived of the good and loving God. To that ludin who can pray, eagerly accept everything that comes after him by prayer. In the third place, the prayer is tied to the deepest feelings of repentance. All people know that the difficult sorrows sent from God for this sin and untruth for science and correction are difficult. The axis, for example, would describe the Silsky priest of the end of the 19th century, I will repent of the situation, in which all the nation prayers were held for the everlasting lifelessness: “...
“Why did you get robiti, Christians? - Having said in a disagreement with the peoples, - go to your field and ask for mercy from God? Ale chi varti vi tsієї mercy? Why didn’t you just go madly and drank a whole lot of tea without asking? I asked you, you were laughed at, I am blessed you, you were maddened, I ordered you on God, and you were brought to the Yogi face. Now God has returned from your evil people and punishes you and is righteous. I will not dare to pray with you before the unleashed Heaven!
Taku rushuchu to beat the people, like one snip, falling to the ground and standing on a knee in front of the images taken away ... "
And yet let us be amazed, for all humble people we will receive the people of God's wondrous mercy - boards, which thought it was not a bar to write a prayer service.
“... Raptom went downhill, and hitting the boards. The people are crying out of joy, presenting them to the ikoni, from which the planks are sluggish, immersed in the water and repeating: "Glory to You, the Creator, that you will feel our sinful prayer!"
Yak bachimo, result of prayer to lie down, first for everything, because of that, that it’s gone, because of the way of life and because of that, it’s right or wrong in order to ask for a favor. There are three navazhliv_shі factories. As long as the people are alive, they do not remember about God, they roam the mustache in every way, in a small way, well, they didn’t care.

Tozh Navit the victorian "likarem" of the prayers, Khrest and the visibility of his booth can not be a guarantee that he is not a charlatan in front of you.
Guess the words of the Savior: Bagato hto say to Me of that day: “Lord, Lord, who did not prophesy from Thy name? And why did you not do many miracles for yours? " І todі give їm: I didn’t know you; see from me, to curb the lawlessness. " (Matt. 7, 22-23)
So, as a result of the manipulation of the "clerk" with the dark forces of the people, one can deny the meaning of lulling among his fellow citizens. Ale what is the price? Ailments can be found in the middle of the people and through a half-hour of the hour, you will see a lot of serious symptoms. Give yourself such a "liking" of people to pay with their soul. Polegshennya and oduzhannya often appear clear. Lyudin, as she turned to the "tsilite", put on a blow to his family - through the "fix" he will repair the children, ruinuchi souls and organisms of his loved ones.
Well, before I’m pricked up, then people who regularly donate to the Mysteries of the Church - help that communion smell is not scary, if you’re going to be shoveling, you’ll be shoveling.

Let’s be amazed that the magicians and extrasensi vistavlyayut on the market.

The stench can make it happen, bewitch it, see it, transfer it too much. To be built, nothing terrible.
It is necessary to respectfully be put before, in which words we describe the light and ourselves. Through the word piznaєtsya svit. As soon as we are porous in the light of language, then in our eyes, it will be in the shaman's jargon. The light of the Christian is the light of prayer, the light of the oracle (occultist and shaman) is the light of the serpent, the spell of that mantri.
As a rule, people from far away from God go out of that, that people are a lot of material and time in the whole world. Basically, you can live without any particular problems. Another thought is to go because of the fact that a person, a crust, is more like an immortal soul. In general, it is important to think that the "success" of life of such people is not only in good health. If my kidaimo all tried to educate the health of the forest, we need to remember about those who are so chi inakshe - the phenomenon of timchasov.

What can not be said about the soul, won’t be. First of all, when there are lectures of the majestic zusily for the purpose of being vilikuvati tilo, and in the presence of an inadequately unjustified shkodi souls - why are they smartly robbed? Vidomі vipadki, if the women helped ... Ale the stench helped deprive us apparently. Tilki at lіkuvannі tila ... Christianity against such a civility? In addition, a mortal wound is inflicted on the soul of people. Forgetting the child, everything is fine, mi radi ... I don’t bach the child’s soul, and that wound, which I’ve got in front of you, doesn’t mean that there’s no way to get hurt ...

"Pray and believe it is good, if only in that case, if the virgin is strong, but what is it?"

Not smart, honestly, it’s the axis. Why do I write in the powerlessness of the power of God, and for all those who are screaming about the unlimited power in the people? Did the stars hit the taku vira? Why do you think that it’s easy to give a woman a simpler, without something like a zusil ...? Ale with all I know, de buvaє bezkoshtovny sire.
Zgіdno from Bіblієu, the human being is created "behind the image and likeness" (But. 1; 26) of his Creator. Reason, freedom, the gift of creativity, the unrepeatability of human specialties - the best value, rejected by people. Celebrate the supramundane order.
“I’m a bastard of people, how’s all over the world, and my soul’s shit?” Why would you give Ludin for his soul? (Matthew 16; 26). The Christian will be told the food of the vidoms: “God loves so much light, that He has given His solemn Sina” John 3; 16. Nothing dear for God for the world of people. And the shaman-magician vvazhaє let the charuvati, unaffected by the bazhanya of the other side. When you give me the vibe on the one side, because you don’t know about the thing, why just go to see this people don’t know? The fans will charm their idols .. well, madder, wait, the idol who knows the nobility doesn’t know, middle of all, it’s going crazy. Chi tse morally? Yaka culture can also be brought up to the people, re-transforming it into the object of its zabaganki? The culture of work and exploitation of children. Who is thinking about it at our hour? And the old man Kant was saying: "Lyudin can’t get on with it, but I’ll only start it”. This is an anthropological maxim.
I have found a field in the fact that people are ready to be separated from their freedom. Vona is tight-fitting, so it is a lot of good to regularly cope with the predictions of horoscopes or diagnostics of karma. Even if you can, all the blame for your children can be called to the "will of the zirok": moving, am I? Vipiv zyivogo - it seems like zirki, nahami squad - karma taka. Ale yaksho karma is the sukupnity of coli-nih diyan, and those verses of the total depletion of it - know: “The Lord is the Spirit; but the Spirit of the Lord, there is freedom ”(2 Cor. 2; 17). Do you also have the Spirit of the Lord in your life, or the spirit of slavery? Christ reveals all links with causally inherited stosunka in "Him by my maєmo vikuplennya Yogi with blood and forgiveness of grikhiv" (Col. 1; 14).
Christian repentance and voiding of God's forgiveness is the affirmation of freedom and moral prominence.

The alternative is hammering. The picture is quite satisfying to open up in front of the occultist's eyes, it is possible to see it, as it is learned, as people can be introduced into the whole system of values. Інші is an object of management, due to the implementation of my bazhan. It is such an unkind look to marvel at people "babtsya" and the one who turns out to be vicious before her. The exploitation of the human body is prostitution, the exploitation of the human soul is the nondelivery of satanism. To navigate in a human way can be called a guide. Why are you talking about God?

Chim nasty astrology and horoscopes?

Overflowing with horoscopes was natural for the linguistic society, in which the law of the share (fate, fate, karmis) is carried over the usim of beings, who are able to help the gods. Ale Christianity brought a sound about the freedom of people in Heaven - not the laws of karma and astrology, ala Lublyachiy Batko, at the will of Yakoy, EVERYTHING IS ALL and human hair. The repentance of the rogue did not come from the past, but from the heroic deed of his virginity. Not a horoscope grafted Mary Magdalene and Peter to repentance, ale їkhnyu love to Christ. Vira in horoscopes parallels the will of the people, fetters freedom that seems to be dull. Astrology is not nonsense about a man, because I think low about her ... There are two. Knowing. What is the power supply for ti hto? I am Taurus. What about you? I am a scorpion. As a result of lyudin hto? creature, plazuna, coma? The stench is not to ask the blessing of God, but to make yourself up with horoscopes, not to go - to get rid of.
I can tell a man at once from someone who is good for it ...
Lyudin was inspired by the signs of heaven, I think, through the lingering of the planetary nobles simpler than the intelligence of God, not through the voice of conscience and soul. Well, star and bring you to God, as if you became a human (human, not a star)

Zgadaimo about the magicians (astrologers, magicians, magicians), who came to wedge themselves in Christ

The Lord has given joy to the Magi: “Having lost your heart and soul, DO NOT turn around until Herod, with a great way they went to your land” (Matthew 2,12). The Іnshy shlyakh buv vіdkritiy їm sent by the creation of the Savior. The first, the insight from the great: give the magi a way to turn to home, God will punish him by himself, in order to give up the trash craft (Div. Tertulian. About idolatry, 9)

(Andriy Kuraev "If the sky grows closer, about miracles and sabobon, about sins and holy"
Ivrey Dionisiy Svichnikov “the mark between the serpent's prayer,

About extrasensi, astrologers and evil spirits

If you are not promising ...

Repairing from the 90s of the last century, in our land paths, folk culture, extrasensory tosho have become popular. The newspapers are playing around with deception, de hereditary clairvoyants, they smell the servants of the love spell, "correcting karmi", liking alcoholism and the nobility of "being without love". The central TV channels broadcast the chakluns.

For the sake of sixty rockies in atheism, the people know all at once having become religious, albeit, as a rule, they are turning not to Christianity, but to a vague language.

Christian glance at extrasensory

The seers, the clerks and all those who see it, see the stench, what is the stench, and in the minds of awakening "the power of svidomosty", so that I gain the strength from the "hoarding of all the dying" and ».

In any case, the Church has been placed before the psychics of one thing: if the stench is not shahrai, it means that all the above-natural powers are all evil spirits.

What Orthodox talk about extrasensory

On the right, in the fact that the spiritual light can be either heavenly or baking. In order to perform miracles by the power of God, you need to be holy. For the prayer, say, of the Monk Seraphim and St. Nicholas, God has just spotted the ailments, having pinned down the dry land and resurrected dead.

Read about Orthodox miracle workers:

Important! The gift of the blessed miracle-working is given to people because of the lifeless righteousness of life.

And say about extrasensory it is unlikely that it is possible, that їkh їх "seemingly dzherela strong", call it not "seeming" and as much as not good. I can only sing like a chakluni, but not a lot of mysticism, but I’m deprived of the power of my mental energy, for all the same thing.

Chi zmіnyu spravu vikoristannya chakluny Orthodox saints and prayers

The most interesting type of chakluns is a very extrasensory type, which propagates occult ideas, formed by pseudosonic terms. For example, singing, how to use the technology of condensation at their own space energy, but instead of wrecking on the wake of a new light, for example, likuvannya ailments.

Alle in the middle of them і traditions, which lead to the crossing of the folk language of the language, changes in the Christian rituals.

Often people of little knowledge are crushed with a pantelik, the presence of Orthodox attributes in the witch doctor's office: svichok, ikon, Biblii. Such chakluni can send people to the temple for holy water, or to please the reading of prayers, if only the form. The essence is to become occult, unchristian.

What kind of prayer is this? The price of the brutalization of people to God, for every need and faith, and humility. Praying, ask God for help, put your life on Yogo's will, lay your hope on Yogo's mercy. Here ric is not in words, but in the inner mood of the people.

Chakluni is just a magic snake. Find the text of the prayer "Our Father", not about the mercy of God, but about the mechanic movement. Nibito, the words of the whole prayer, in their own way, may cause strength. If it’s going to be 3 times at the sunset, on the 15th day of the month, etc., then it’s worth it - you go through the slider, you’ll see a competitor from the robot, donka see it, and so on.

Do you want to tell the psychics?

They themselves are embarrassed and sacred. One on the right, to bend over to the image, give thoughts to God, іnsha - viconati for the fortunes of the clairvoyant Yakis Chaklunsky ritual - reporting to 9 ikon.
Buvalo, how the witch doctors have nailed their magic to give their magic to the Holy Church Mysteries.

For example, they sent the client to receive communion, to cleanse himself for further rituals. For they ruled the ludin, being christened suddenly, with the label "otrimat іnshu inner day", that is why Persha "strongly pozhkodzhena psuvannyam".

The one who is the vicon, please be glad to play the nighty hell. Moreover, here it’s hard to grasp the sense of the Holy Great Mysteries, the stink of a part of chaklunism. It's important to see more blues!

Help is needed, to repent before the Lord, change, take away the grace for additional help in struggling with sin. Partake of the Holy Communion until the Til and Blood of Christ, people become one nature with Him, to be with God Himself. Tse Sacrament is the basis of that sense of our religion, the main meta of the life of a Christian.

You cannot be a stage of preparation before other rituals. Nichogo big, nizh eucharist, dumb. And the baptism will be more than once, and not just a jazz "baptism of the day," but a dedication of Christ to oneself. The grace of christening is to be lost with people for all life.

Uwaga! Zmіshyuchi occultism with the attributes of Orthodoxy, chakluni mamagayutsya to show that the stench, nіbito, call us not bewitching to the Church. It’s necessary to fool people, or maybe to yourself. But there is nothing here, just replace sense and bluesness.

Chekaє on lyudin, the yak turned to chakluns

The priest saw a few other histories. The stench develops roughly behind such a scenario: people come to the pathway that scars, say, on a rotten health. Vaughn signifies that you should read the three for a day by stretching out the prayer "Our Father", and I will add it as "an especially strong prayer."

Lyudin is still vikonuє, ale lіkuvannya did not become. Come suddenly. The Tsilitelka seems to me: I see that there is a stronger pressure on you because of your otochennya. Tse yakas woman with dark hair, yaku you know about children, let’s think, who can be. Think. Z'yasovuyut, tse tse kolishnya classmate of the client, yak sack in the middle of the road.

The clerk to please the welcome door to the sacred Ukrainian land, 30 times read the akathist of the Mother of God "Non-Porushna Stina" and, holding out a month, justly describe, repeat the prayer for the grace of the auri.

Placement of the church before the extrasensory

In this vypadku still more efficiently come to the zahist. Ale marvelously, the lyudin is delighted to see the clairvoyant, but as soon as the hour goes, then it’s better than the old school. I feel healthy, I feel sick, life has a dark gloom of bad luck, my soul seems to be empty and dull. Inodi on the new know to attack the rozpachu. “Not even evil and strong is a woman, there is no need to dry you. Vaughn would like to customize your aura and cut the term life! - I will explain to you the path and the deed more if you can, come in to the host. “Glorified by flattery and death, let your anger be for death! Yak Yagoriy having fought, rewinding, so I wicked the enemy, I will correct him. Sour, sour, boil all day ... "- repeat the client, seeing to his coli-mate classmates, they deserve fierce hatred.

Prayer from evil forces:

Yakshcho client nareshty would like to turn up to the priest, who will let his eyes go to the right camp right. If Lyudin came to the path, began to read the serpent, she called out evil spirits and gave him the power to pour into her life. The closeness of the soul to the invisible evil light depends on the wickedness;

The loss of health and the failure of knowledge from the path is also the reason for them in full. Ale is golovna їхnya meta, the moral degradation of the people, especially the kind, is extremely moral, as it is to give in to the virostity in the soul of hatred. Tse best anti-Christian "zahid vikhovannya".

And boo, scho bazannya of the client is right. Oculta dia yes ochіkuvannye efect and I will take away the call of prosperity, such as wine shukav. Ale will pay dearly for the price. Not even about those who go to the chaklun to be recognized at the camp of the soul of the people, their life can be skalichene without a bar.

The priests saw a lot of such histories: those who were extrasensory lіkuvatisya from ekzemi, helped. And for a bit of rocky sickness on cancer of the shkiri. I asked the sorceress to bewitch the cholovik, but the truth came, they became friends. Appearing as a sadist and having made a squad in an attack of an unreasonable malice .

Tі force, as I go through chaklunіv, I want to deprive people of zapastiti, "the devil є people-nose pliers from the cob" (Ivan 8-44).

It's joy! More often than not, you can kill the one who has seen the clergyman - as soon as possible to the church and repent to all fathers for help, for the Lord has mercy and has taken away the people from evil forces.

Do you see the transmission of "Battle of the Extrasensory"

You will definitely not bring corista souls. A Christian is not marvelous at the occult practice, aje won, as it has already been said, is tied up from evil forces. What do you want us to do? Until then, at the "Battle of the Extrasensory" there was a lot of bullshit and bluesness. For example, the Monk Seraphim became a great magician and extremely extrasensory and nothing is seen.

Christians, who know their faith, jar on such a lick, but those who do not know can be introduced to Oman.

Video about placing the church before the extrasensory. Revised archpriest Andriy Tkachov

Our apocalyptic hour is about people's interest in occultism, extrasensory perception, parapsychology, but in the growth of people who have seen a greater vision of God. The era has come, as you can boldly call it "naughty vidrodzhennyam". It became so, that the people who inhabited the Christian land, scrambled until I became, in which people began to live until the quiet death of Christ the Savior. The most recent and gloomy camp, having declared about themselves two in the human history: before the All-Holy Flood and before the coming to earth of the Lord Jesus Christ. The third and last period of the fall from God, the extreme insanity of souls and the root of the demonic infusion, - due to sorrow, it is possible to promote ninja.

And at this hour, our Church is placed before the occult methods of the church, very negative. According to the rules of St. Basil the Great, people, who are busy with the wave of a charming stick, are fond of such a churchly punishment, like vbivtsi.

It is familiar with the rules of the VI Ecumenical Council, people who go to the aid of enchantments, take sixth etiquette, as it is, the people themselves, enchants, robots of talisman. Those who are rooted in the right and quiet, who do not go through, are drawn from the Church.

Rigid adjustments to chakluns, vorogas, paths, tobto representatives of the occult sciences, Old Zapovit. The Repeated Law (chapter 18, p. 9-13) says: "If you go to the earth, for the Lord, your God, will not come, because they robbed the people through the fire, vischun, vischun, vorozhka, enchanter, enchanter, wiklik of spirits, enchantor and nourishment of the dead, who is awesome before the Lord, who is to mend the price, and for this guide, the Lord, thy God, viganian is in thy face., by thy God.

Book Levit says: "Do not turn to the quiet, who wicked the dead, and do not go to the enchantments, and do not bring yourself to the desecration of them. I am the Lord your God" (19, 31). "I, as if the soul turned to quietly, how to wick the dead, and to the charms, who walks prodigally after them, then I will wrap my face on that soul and blame for the people... Sanctify yourself, and be holy, for I am the Lord your God, holy" (20, 6-7).

Knizi Vihid says: "If I say to you: to be brutalized to the wicked dead and to the charms, to the whisperers and cherevomovtsy, - then say: why the people are not guilty to kill themselves to God? Would you feed the dead? the whole word, then there is no light in them.

The book Levit is especially harsh and said directly about people who engage in occultism: "Cholovik is a woman, if the stench wicks to kill the dead, or to volkhuvati, do not be able to see death; the stones must be beaten (20, 27)."

Such a rank, in the Old Commandment, is placed before people, who are engaged in chaklunism, fortune-telling, charisma, up to stars (astrologers), etc., so that they are ecclesiastical occupations, a lot of reading and writing - right up to death. About quietly, hto before them to be victorious for help, it is said: "... I will denounce Mo against that soul and blame for the people" (Lev., 20, 6). That is, hto go for help to the chakluns, magicians, shamans, extrasensuals, just to mend the suffering spiritually and just to the end. There are a lot of people, like UFOs and "aliens", it is also tragic to end their life. Thus, in life, the words of Bibliya "... I blame my face for that soul and blame for the people".

What are the terrible occult methods of healing? Hypnosis, extrasensory perception, chaklunstvo, koduvannya vikoristyuvuyuvuyu method and the rapist injected into the psyche of the people, attracting the will and viroblyayuyu behavior of people from the alien will of the hypnotist, the psychic, the ingenuity of the program. The program, passing by the testimony, behavior, vchinki and the way of targeting people. Youmu to be built, to blame for your own will, for your bazhannyam. Forwarding the will of a stranger, a stranger to the spirit. Such a violent infusion intertwines the specialness of the people, paralyzing the will, changing behavior and finding the target. Lyudin becomes a biorobot, the Image of God is driven into them.

The image of God is carried in the skin of a human being, like a filthy and bad guy. The image of God is in the people of the one who has power, power over God: mind, free will, immortal soul. By accepting the will of the people and imposing their own, they are able to target the behavior of the people, to appreciate the Image of God, to change him, to nurture the soul of the people.

As of the day of the Holy Fathers of the Church , A person can come from the power of the will, from the will of God and from the will of the beast, to impose on you at once through the middle man - chaklun, psychic, hypnotist.

Extrasensory perception, bioenergetics, chaklunstvo, magic go through the full path, against the fence of the Church and the Holy Letter, invading the spiritual lights and achieving singing psychoactive results. Aleextrasens and chaklun invade the spiritual light with his sinful, unclean soul, and naturally, the spiritual light may stench with a lack of negative forces (bisexual).

"Blessed are pure in heart, for the stench to savor God," says the Gospel. Occultists invade the spiritual world, not cleansing the soul of repentance and grabbing a sinful rite against the fence of the Church.

P Ravoslav's not to put on the spot for some kind of supra-natural health, or to put on the spot the cleansing of souls from grikhiv through repentance, prayer, prayer, peace, good faith, love for God and people.

The basis of Christian life is love and faith, good help, asceticism (fasting, streaming). Christian way go through morally thoroughly: "Be thorough, like your Heavenly Father thoroughly є", and not through the right, how to develop above-natural health without cleansing the soul (repentance), love, good help. Such a path is not safe, zagibily .

In the film “Thinking, I’m thinking ...” - you can feel the people who are engaged in parapsychology, so called “culture”.

Text version of teleprograms

Lead: Summer in the Internet, on television, among the friends of the ZMI, you can know the majesty of the naked person, who can smell the services of extrasensory, bioenergetics, magicians, clairvoyants. Moreover, the range of problems, such as smelling the stench of the virginity, reaching a wide one: from the development of a disease to a special life and to a love spell of pennies and good luck. Why it’s so rich, and what the stench is not safe, this year is spoken by the rector of the church in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Vtamuy my sorrows” by the abbot Nektarin (Morozov). Hello, Father Nectar.

There are more than one ric in the "epidemii" community, as it’s bachimo, it’s not a big deal, and it’s just about building up, gaining wraps. What are the prices for?

Igumen Nectariy: Melodiously, here you can name a few of the main reasons. One of them is in the fact that for the people it is powerfully not satisfied only with that, that they can proponate material light. Lyudina instinctively whispers about her problems behind the boundaries of visible light. To put it this way, for people who are generally intelligent, the words of the church are naturally sacrificed in prayer to God and ask not only for salvation, but about how you can consume your time, because our life cannot get along without it. For the people, well, yak didn’t come to God in a fair way, didn’t turn up, I’m still like abstraction, yak didn’t go down to his life. At the same time, from this yogi soul, it is easy to tell yomu: "you are weak, you are surrounded, you need this help, as people cannot give you." The first axis here is on that road, which is logical to bring the ludin all the same to the temple, the numbers of the pasta appear and the power, in the ludin, is religiously unwritten, the natural order to trample. And tsіltsі and pastes і tі samі fakhіvtsі are even wider in the market of ecclesiastical services. Ce і magicians, і extrasensory, і astrologers, і so called grandmothers and іnshi, іnshi, іnshi, all similar publications.

Why do we have such excitement for this day's day? On the right, all the precursors of this problem are practical - but the problem is not a rik, not ten years, it’s periodically stretching out, melodiously, all the history of people - to converge in the fact that all the unfavorable periods of history 'The language appears in a splash of interest to the whole side - for the very reason, we are talking about.

Why do you know, how to judge from a religious, spiritual look at that chi іnshu crisis in the country, near the sights? That from the fact that people forget about God, because of New, they are seen as far away as from Dzherel of their own butt, and to bring to hell in us - in economy, in politics, in the special life of specific people, and from the special life of that specific people , scho to stink. In the first place, the message of failure, panics: "Kudi iti?" And all the tsya masa for the truth of the distant views of God of people is direct there, where we speak. And in our country we can support in a stretch, unfortunately, even more rocky in extreme instability in politics, and in the economy Oskilki, it's a pity that people’s problems are not to be dealt with until now, even if they are both potential lies and suckers.

Ved.: Alright, I am constantly chuєmo about those people who call themselves clairvoyants, extrasensory perceptions, and true criminals, even often deceive their "clients", appear to be confused by swindlers. Neither lyudin, zvratayuchis to such a "fakhivtsya", not afraid, why cheat him? Why does the fear come from, why is there no healthy deaf?

Igumen Nectariy: Well, I know, there are several reasons. First of all, for the sake of truth, a lyudin is a whole lot, as from an enviable inveterate she can repeat her mercy. I, as if vipadkovo pobachiv, as on a maidan, for a special purpose, the instructor will appreciate the good news of lack of confidence. Є This is a need for a nap, as I’m at a service dog, і it’s even simpler to try: the instructor podklikє to himself tsucenya, which came with the owner і, since that fun pidbigє, win yogo pinch. It hurts to see it, it’s awful. The first axis is even trickier, but the puppies, who didn’t go for the first time, didn’t go the first time, and who didn’t go the first time; yat develop. I appeared - do not be afraid of them, the stench is all one comes to pass. It’s a pity that most people live without turbulence, they don’t think so, that reality itself, I’m going to waste. Well, and plus, melodiously, є in the whole element of the familiar "delegation of visibility." If a person is strong in thinking about the reason for being, from her it is even more important to cleanse the clever things. Psychologists think that there are no fears and phobias in the current people. If the phobia is right, it’s even worse than that, and it’s possible to fall into one - the whole fear of living in principle. And what is the most terrible in life? Chi is not fear of hunger, not fear of death, not fear like ailment, dumb. Tse fear vidpovidati for the gift of buttya, yaky tobi dav God. Svychayno, not skinny ludin rose in the same rank, ale so. Є the majesty of the spokus komus ciu is the versatility of the "revision".

If a person comes to the church, fix it to explain: "Tsya diya vikonutsya with such a mark, tse with such a mark ..." Well, it’s a ludin to come before a chaklun, a magician, a clerk, it’s not a good idea. Vin kazhe: "The axle is my problem, see me." Already the very process of the beastly transmission is that a man doesn’t trick or shy away with her (and it’s true that she doesn’t know what to shrug with her). This means that the price of a singing person is: all the same comes to us and not to be mischievous about those who can fool you, and do it, and become proud of Shkodi, Shkodi, and then I know more. Moreover, it is possible, not to tsy, but to another, third, fourth. That is why I was rich in bringing back the bachiti of people who were passed on like a restaurant: a little bit of stink came to a woman, a little to an astrologer, a little to an extrasensory person from a far-off land, which is not remembered, how to be called, ... There may come a moment in the cich blues, which would be critical, if the psyche of the people, and the old warehouse will come to such a camp, as soon as it is natural to get close to death. Such people are also bachichi.

Lead: Why shouldn't we go to people who don't go to magicians and civilians for other minds?

Igumen Nectariy: So. Є people who simply don’t go for their warehouse, і don’t go through those who stink like this: “If I don’t mind being robbed with me, then I won’t give anyone anything to do with me.” You know, we have a norm in Radianskiy medical bully: "Do you need me at once to get sick? .." Tse abnormal pidhid before the process of treatment. Those same and here. Lyudina maє rozumiti. I’m not guilty, I’m not guilty — because people are not critical of the message. By the way, those people who play with the totalitarian sects, those who go to extraneous, magicians and occultists, are people of approximately the same warehouse. All people who are not smart are critical of misleading, analyzing and telling people to delegate their opinion for themselves and for their share. Moreover, it’s ridiculous - people are ready for an hour to do something for themselves, to visit the school for a healthy life, if only it wouldn’t look for it.

Lead: Father, ale these situations, if people cannot be adequately assessed. I say all at once, guessing the butt of the mothers of Beslan, Yakim Grigoriy Grabovy, having seen the resurrection of these children. In such cases, singingly, it is important to see the mother of someone who is critical of the approach. Lyudin was brought to the meeting. Can you, can you go to yourself?

Igumen Nectariy: As if there were no people in the camp, there are all the same robitim those who are in power. Surely, Grabovy, at these tragic situations, won the most terrible, found the rank on the human mountain, on that camp, in which people passed. Ale, from his side, as if to a terrible terrible episode, to the whole terrible tragedy, the stench wasn’t too small for the potential readiness of the brutality to be something like a charlatan, then it didn’t become, if the tragedy became for the truth. That there is only one way not to make such a pardon - the price of such a pardon to such a kind of market, but the price of the same.

Tse of commerce, cerinok, and for the better, nothing more. If you do not want to start a swindle, do not want a charlatan, the most common people who are fair are those who can. Ale the nature of the tsikh possibilities tse vzhe іnshe food. I say bi like this: drinking up to a charlatan is not so good, for a charlatan can get a penny, fool, take a dare, as it is impossible to smuggle into life, but you can’t make a spiritual wrong. And if he is not a charlatan, if he is not a charlatan, if he is not a charlatan, if he is not a charlatan, if he is not a charlatan, if he is a human being, who, thanks to his mimicry, will serve the dark forces, then everything will be better.

Ved.: So, the Orthodox Church speaks about those who are more terrifying - the ness of our souls through the spirit of spirituality, or I would like to speak about the spirit of light through the process. Naskіlki such is not safe for the real, and why is there a pole?

Igumen Nectariy: Vona is completely real. It's just that there are a lot of people who go out for this kind of help, so I don’t think about any light of spirits. It smells about space energy, about the prikhovani reserves of the people themselves, but not to power it up - not the same energy, but not the same time, but letting it be as long as possible. We are rightfully known in the deyako post-lay space, the field of struggle. Tse is approximately that struggle, about how Dostoevsky spoke about yaku, if he said that in the heart of a people, there’s a field, in which God and the devil are fighting for the soul of a people. Ale everything is not so simple, not so unambiguous. Not those who God and the devil fought for the soul of the people, dumb. God gives people everything that is needed for salvation, and the thief wants to save it - so, singing, it would be correct to say it. And if people are not guilty of moral nutrition: "Do you need help coming?" And far away, if you appear, how can you help me from quiet people, who draw their strength from the whole disgusting God, evil, terrible, ruinous power, and give me the right to leave my life.

Why do we have to do it in order for such "miracle workers" to draw their strength from such an unclean dzherel? For even a simpler reason: how can you talk about those who have boiled miraculous miracles in the history of the Orthodox Church - so, really, boules, and all of them boggles, but only of them did not engage in the "practice of fixing". It’s just people who lived in God, and the Lord quickly felt and viconized prayers through the purity of his heart, through his closeness to God. The Lord senses the skin of the people, and the prayers of the skin of the people are ready to visonuvati, but the problem is that when the hour of the prayer of the people can appear for her it is not safe. And a lot of people whose prayers can’t be seen, not only to those who ask for the stench, which is not for criminality, but simply to those who write the stench, to suppress the form of Marnoslautery, that is to invoke the stench. Such vipadkіv in the history of the Church seems to be rich, if people have gone only from the one who has repaired it, how the stench of the miracle-worker, how the Lord is showing all the goodness. To that, the Lord and can be victorious about people, who are close to him, pure in heart, for those people, who can’t give a shkodi. Tse yak child, who can give a little, and you won’t have that ailment, as you want a child who’s been drinking, but you yourself can take a too large dose, or wrongly, if you’re wrong for what you want.

Those people who are engaged in the practice of civilization today, as if to marvel at their life, are not righteous, not saints, not self-righteous, not bezmovniki, not supporters. Tse people, like in their haunted life, to shy away even more gruhiv, guilty. On the right is not in what I think I am annoying and seeming, how the stench of dirt comes from those who are. That nі, the stench can be, і not gіrsh, ale and not smitten. І todi winyk power supply: the smell of stench may be a divine gift? Just take the inheritance of such a kind of beast, my bachimo, how the stench appears even more ruinous. It takes an hour for a lyudin to come to an extrasensory person with a virazkoy, but I have a bit of rocky luck because of the "help" - and won’t go to the crawfish. Boo, so, what is the call to ruin the life of the family, like the zavdyaki folded like love spells and doors. Boo, scho in such a family there are terrible events, the reason for which they call is not sensible is, for example, the cholovik took a rapt from the window, and the squad took it and turned the gas ... then I grow up to play both the family and the person.

Ale buvah and so, nothing so terrible is visible in the rank of not tramping, protest speech is more terrible: the people in their life pass through God. Why did the Lord give us ailments, sorrows, as important furnishings? - The one that is good for us, the unreasonable, є the drive for Nyogo to turn around. The first axis, as I had already shown, was breaking the lyudin along the singing road, and with a rapt at the new way to the road, there was a hthos, and even: "Don't need to go there, I will show you everything at once." I "see" a problem without repentance, that without a heart of a people, and a man like that, and not to come to Dzherel buttya, luckily that little thing. The price is worse than seeing the inheritance of such brutality.

Lead: Tim is more often, when they come to the point of being extrasensory or clairvoyant, a lyudin can bash Christian attributes around himself - іkoni, svichki, Rozp'yattya. It is important for you to know in the whole community, to what kind of priysh, charlatan or magician, who can make a shkodi of your soul. In such vipadkah, what guilt is guilty of brutal respect, just think about it?

Igumen Nectariy: Well, the first thing for everything, the paraphernalia - it’s all natural, it’s alive in the land with even more old and old Orthodox roots, and those people who are busy with such messages, they can play a miracle in winter. I want, so to say, a "layer" of fakhivts of this kind, such as a majestic draft, cleverly it seems, until I go, but I don’t know anything about Shid, I smell like the attributes of the religious religion. Tse can booty sticks, scorching, singing sounds, singing position, shati and іnshe. What do you need to marvel at in order not to be foolish? Well, I know, about what we are talking about: why is Lyudin shukaє in front of us? Achievement of your soul, dzherelo dashing your life? Iakshcho lyudina started to make a good start, she won’t mind, but it’s dzherelo - yo access to God, and to see unmistakable about Nyogo. For the great rakhunk, you need not forget about those who need to be analyzed and critically missed - those who are absolutely powerfully skinny intelligence, promising for their life of people. The first axis of the price is small, cautious, more critical, misleading, analysis - the stench can already allow such a daring to be eliminated.

Ved.: Father, but what a robiti, I know, for example, I know that if my dear fellow is going to get to such a clerk, let’s say, if I’m trying to explain, “You can tell your soul,” I’m looking forward to knowing ... but it’s like: "Hi, it’s not important, but they helped me all at once, they helped me a lot, but I’m not sick anymore." Yak buti, yake "stop word" for a new one to know?

Igumen Nectariy: The apostle speaks about those who are clever, demanding with clever arguments, but quietly, who are obviously unreasonable, demanding with fear. So, if people are not afraid of spiritual heritage, we can explain the power of the heritage of the physical, about which they talked about earlier. As far as lyudin is alive in a bitter svit, won’t show that it’s just the way to please the agreement. For example, people have to sell that apartment for sale, because there are legal issues. I didn’t read the contract about the delivery of quiet services, as a rule, as a rule, її didn’t write. And here is a lyudin's identity and a written agreement, the subject of which is vin himself, but in the whole agreement, as inherited ones, it is not my understanding. Persh, nіzh koristuvatisya lіkami, then read the papіrets, then get to the new, instructions, in which it is written, that there may be side inheritances of the given drug. I need people to know, because nowhere else I knew, as there may be inheritances. And if you do not want to pray for a new one, you will be encouraged to make the correct vibration. I want a good idea to lie down from the people themselves. The first skinned people are obov'yazkovo God will give in his heart. As soon as lyudin shukk, I’ll be deceived, I’ll focus and fall into the focus. And when we look at us, it’s not enough to kill those little things that we can.

Ved .: Boo so, what a lyudina herself in herself sees as an unprecedented gift: won’t, if she’s transferred like a gift, or if she’s seen, what can I like, if I’m pouring on some people. Who is guilty of such a development, as it is to be set, and how to help him grow up, from whom is this gift - from God who protects his side? I dont think so, the devil can’t give the money to them.

Igumen Nectariy: It is necessary, melodiously, not to suspect the self-development of other gifts, to turn to the already existing information. For us, people of the world, the library of holy fathers' creations is so great, more precisely, a household piece of information. And for all the development, for all the development of the quiet situations, which are described in the lives of the saints, among the children of the Fatherland and the Patericon, you can work your way into the bedroom. If the saints were given the miraculous gift of miracles, the creation of the unclean, the condemnation of unclean spirits, the greater part of the saints, they asked for the gift of a gift, they asked for the gift of God from them. Moreover, the holy ones, the Lord took away the gift from those who prayed for them. For what? They knew the stench that it was easy to find it by God’s gift to focus, it was easy to fit in.

Why did the Apostle Peter come with water and then start to sink? It seems to be just the fact that he wondered. And why bother to dig a little more? Win not hesitating to step on the boiled water, because of it. Otzhe, youmu whistled viri, schob tse zrobiti. Ale, like deyaki tlumachi explain, at what moment I have forgotten, that I am walking by the power of God, thinking that I am I myself. And as soon as I thought about it myself, at the moment I was already thinking and drowning.

Those same vіdbuvaєatsya, and it is even easier to become with being like a human being, because she rejected from God what a gift, they were afraid of the saints of the gifts. Ale scho is holy lyudin? Tse lyudin, yak zdobula tsyu holiness, tsyu purity we prevailed by feat, respect for ourselves, from the proud, puffy, unclean thoughts and ruffs of the heart. And chi maєmo such dosvid mi? Chi maєmo mi dozvіd a kind of struggle, pick up to heart purity? Ні, not maєmo. And in addition, as a gift (not to be able to pick up, the sounds of wine), we will appear, obviously, very soon we can save us.

But I don’t think I don’t want to give you people, don’t prepare for the whole thing, the Lord Himself, that Winn’t cry about people and don’t want to die for her, but I don’t want to focus. Todi tse is fair because it is from the gateway, and the gateway cannot do justice miracles. Protect wins power with a negative sign, which can lead to illusion of miracles. There is nothing you can’t solve in a proper way, you cannot solve anything. Ale, put a patch on, so figuratively, primitive it seems, so, very, very well, maybe.

It can be a natural healthier people. Yaki? Not like the riddles "reserve", about how to speak extrasensory, but, shvidshe, even though it was consumed, that the primordially beautiful Bula is beautiful, the Bula has perfected it. For the first time, the boules are lured even more than a lot of possibilities, as they are not lured to us at once. Singingly, naygolovnіsha zmіna, scho vіdbulasya, - the price of the loss of health to the soul of the people. The axis of me is read in the Writings, as the Lord sent down the fall of our forefathers the shkiryan rizi for them, and the stench became ours and our extravagance for all life. Crazy, it’s not shkіrnі pokrivi, yakі, mabut, a bunch of boules are present in the people. Tse y do not skins wild creatures, you covered yourself with yakami, you should not be afraid of the cold. Tsі shkіryаnі rizi, for the glamor of the saints of the fathers, - as "vіdgorodzhenіst" in the spiritual light. For what? To that, in her own sickly camp, Lyuda nabagato shvidshe entered into a relationship with a light of sick spirits, below with a light spirits of svitlikh. But nevertheless, the sensitivity of the souls of the people in question has been adjusted. As if the membrane was even thinner, as if I would catch the sound of the one that was seen, it would be even more obscure, unclear. But once again, having survived, as those who have experienced it, have experienced it again, the other, the third, it is even easier for them to get sick, it is even easier for them to get sick. And the thief is here in order, and is already ready to take the people, as she has died, and lead him by the hand. To help you not having done it, but simply having done it. To that, it is the same - it is true, but it is true for the same.

Buvah so, that I see, that it is possible to see the close people. What do you see? Our soul is awake. It’s more beautiful to not make a message, but if you want to ring up and power it up. I should be able to find a way to prove myself, do not rakhuvati the next time, since I know I have seen it, it’s so good. Well, I know the ascetics in the history of the Church, as they repaired the Bachiti from below, a little like voices, and at the same time, they became real. And then the stench of raptom, for a moment, threw themselves into the breakthrough, laid hands on themselves, or in the other way they ended their life even more hard.

Ved.: As far as Lyudin is, all the same, Tim must be tormented, how, having seen his gift, it’s not possible for someone to do it, because it is possible to see some three things change and witness?

Igumen Nectariy: I know such fear, such nevira is the essence of the hope for God, so God has much more ways to help people. And to respect, even through our assertion that we are not sensible to us, I would like to help ready-made nadati - for good reason, the pride is great and the lack of intelligence is great. We have є hands, we have є legs, we have є strength - і those who can really put ourselves in the service of our neighbor, and in the inheritance of such a service we can be more singing. But how could we, as if we were not aware of the strength, the sounds of the nobility, could they do it? What about a spat to create, and then run? I don't know. It’s not a matter of one, I don’t know it myself, it’s ruining my own people. Most of the time talking about medicine, one of the basic principles is "Not naughty". And how can you be singing, why not a naughty one, if you are an operative, how can you see your testimonials inappropriately?

I had a chance to merge quite a bit with one great extrasensory. It’s wonderful to sound: "kolishnіy extrasensory", even by itself to lead to a thought, but in connection with "profession", like a lyudin’s nabuvє, and then maybe it’s overshadowed. I tried to finish the soup, the door of the luddin, as she herself spoke about those who were even more kind of clever: those who won’t be bothered — it’s just a pittance, the exploitation of the fact that she’s not smart enough until the end of the day. The first thought made him feel more impressed by him, and the conscience tortured him for a reason, but he was aware of the one he was doing. It is a pity, such is the honesty, the breadth and the willingness to inherit the greatness of conscience - a great fertility. And yet another moment: I saw that I didn’t feel safe about it, that I’m afraid, for the truth, I didn’t know how strong it was, and how much healthiness would arise. And the demand to say, that those who come from God, wait peacefully and calmly, and in people there is no fear, no trepidation, no tremor. Navpaki, see the light. And the "power", as to come from the gate, and "help", as to come, is bound to be very uncomfortable, non-peace, zeal, exaltation. Alas, I know, in a fair way, people can do it right up to the level of good and evil, to the level of spirits, like one of the apostles. For us, the wicked German people, it is more beautiful to simply remember, for everything that God sees, the Lord will give us Himself, and the non-living people who are "cosmic energies" are the ones who have to go out the door in order to help us fool.

Raised by Inna Stromilova

Christian egregor is one of the greatest in the world. Until now, there are millions of viruchikh connected. Thousands of magicians to vikoristovuyuyu will strain energy, practicing Christian magic and conciliar chaklunism.

It is not a good idea to create an energy-information structure by yourself. Yak і be-like іnshiy, Christian egregore being set up by a group of people. With the development of egregore, the middle form is for yourself, pouring in your creators. More donors can be found at the Egregor warehouse, and those who are stronger are winners. Opponents of the Egregor, by their struggle against him, are so alive to him, as his true followers.

Religion of the common milion of people in the whole world

Hristiansky egregor enter orthodox, catholic and egregory vidgaluzhen christianity. Religious Egregories are the leaders of the bully who need the middle of nations, powers and nations.

Elementi structure

Three main elements of the Christianity Egregor:

  1. Biblia Holy Letter is a great book from the golden embossing of letters on the black obkladintsi.
  2. Chrest from rosip'yatim Jesus Christ. Bachenna Egregor has a magnificent cross. Everywhere there are promenades, which take into account the paramidal structure of the Egregor.
  3. Structures of the paramidal form. Inodі pіramіda swing like a bezlіch rhombus, folded at the correct pіramіda. The stench will come from the back and forth between you. From the bottom of the right promenades, they fall on the churches.


The energy of the Egregor descends on the church from above, enveloping the church and taking part in the services. Energy to Catholicism - a gloomy that is important. Orthodox egregor is a light, you can sound high frequency. Having eaten a drink, you can see a bit of a liquorice. The energy of the Christian mysteries of meek, fostering cordiality and kindness, only to sound from the bottom of that turbo.

Psychics brutalized respect for the fact that it takes an hour to go down to the church, do not go far behind the dome. And in one moment it will be pulled up to a number of sporuds, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the inner space by itself. It’s worth explaining that it’s not all churches to serve the clergy. Trample in such a way that the heads of the people think about the commercial services, replace the thoughts about the strength of the religion. Mimics and paraphies, which were based on services, de prayers are read mechanically, do not see the religious energy. Such churches are energetically empty.

Church, yak spovnena energija, will welcome new paraphies

Our picture is promoted by the churches, the hearts of the priests and the paraphies are shown to God. Хні heart viprominuyut energy, as it flows into the energy boiler of the church.

The power that penetrates the church through the exchange is growth. Call the power of the Egregor by absorbing the largest dome. For the tradition at the whole time, there is a vivtar and everything, which is used in a new one, to drink a strong inflow of the Egregor. Tsya part of the v_vtarya is not available to everyone.

On the surface of the planet, there is a powerless movement of strength, and there is a strong stream of earthly energy in the sky. Potiyuєste at the mountains and skeletons. For a long time on such m_stsyah temples and temples were built, and then they began to build christian churches. If the church is motivated by the house of strength, then the energy, how to go from the earth, to be built from the energy of the elder and if it is possible. If a parathian comes to such a church with an open heart, then, having been overwhelmed with two energies, it is quickly cleared up from the information smittya at a thin level.


Do you want to turn the power of the saints into energy? The thoughts of parapsychologists are scattering. Earlier, I respected, the remains of themselves have been relieved of energy. Energy, how to live, the energy of a religion and a mission of strength, which is a temple of motivation for such a mission.

Christians worship not relics, but the Spirit, where there is a bag in them

Ale dosvid vivchennya of the relics of Seraphim of Sarov, showing outstanding results. If the extrasensitized people were snapping at the saint, the spirit of the saint appeared with the relics. Usi, who had come to worship the holy people, repented themselves with a friendly infusion. The psychics, like they did it, spent a pre-session in some of the temples and churches, for an hour the spirits of the saints, who were brought down to their imperishable remains.


Accepting people of blackness is a little bit thin. I will shave the strum of sexual energy among adepts to be surrounded by a mental block. Tі, hto іtnіy bachiti tіlo tіlo people, you can pomititi, scho for such a block taz people are dark.

When the vilikuvati taz was struck, the blocks of the Egregor on the backs of the clergy were stupefied. Viyavilosya, scho blocking the pelvis to enter the program of tsikh blocks. It’s not an individual vibration of the skin of a person, which is far away from the world’s life, but a part of the egregore, which is about people in the region. At the same time, from time to time, Egregore sends:

  • back blocks;
  • collar, nashinovaniya on the vibrations of the heart and back;
  • programs for power and back.

When trying to destroy the code, the program will repair the op_r. People want to see a normal energy stream, ala, following the programmer, the very blocking access, curling the lower chakri.

Elements and connections

If one is able to pray, the chakra on the other hand will light up, letting through the light of the soul. Prayer for a Parathian is a way to get angry with the energy of the Egregor. At the last hour of the block, there is a personal library that hangs over your head.

Controllability The triviality of the connection to the energy of the steps of the adjustment. Christianity gives nastanov a blocking of a third eye. Within the framework of the relegation, the third eye can be used to pour money into the air of people. The installation poklikan zmіtsniti i politi vіru, even through the third eye of the luddin, it is connected with demonic forces.

Krim head, angry can become a deprivation on the level of nirok. Connected to the whole part of the launch of the donation program, so that the development of the Christian virginity is well received. The program is designed for the victory of stones at nirkah abo pukhlina.

Yegregor yak lives with energy, and he lives for those who are. Growth and cohabitation will be unevenly and aggressively for an hour, even in the skin of people the potential is strong. One old style, which is not taken in the snake. Egregor's cauldron, where all the energy flows, majesty.


The tradition of Orthodoxy is based on the garbage and mortals. The basis is good to lead to the results of that success on the spiritual path. Sins darken thinner, shy him with important and gracious, and garlic lighten and lighten dry.

The texts of the sacred books are interpreted in a simple way for an hour. Skinny vіrіuchiy vіlniy vіlnіy itself vіbiratіt vіbіrati vіdіvіyu treatyu and slіduvіvati yоu, іtіsіnіyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu successfully them. An hour on the way there are pastes, which give immeasurable information to the time, which must be done in the framework of tradition.


Khristiyanskiy egregor is a man without curators. It’s just the power not to be aware of him at the least and the versatility. Head of curators:

  • to get new messages and new energy;
  • seize egregor;
  • atakuvati is quiet, hto get ready to introduce the last.

As soon as the virtual self-directed rozcharuvavsya at the first and the second, there will be no attack. Alle the connection with the Egregor can be made through the agreements that have been laid down in the past.

Parapsychologists were able to support in the development of such curators of the Christian Egregor:

  1. Reptilian. The stench blew out the lusciousness of the servants of the highest ranks. Ukhni thin tila looked like clergymen, dressed in cassocks.
  2. Demon. Horns, great goats, who can capture Egregor and attack his opponents. You can be spared by the shoulders quietly, which will be required by the customer. For those in the arsenals of demons є belts are those stripes. Attack quietly, hto negatively at the will of those who are in power.
  3. Dragons and snakes. It is stored in bagatyokh crystal ridges. Often, the skin ridge is larger than a lump, more than a thousand meters of such folds. May be high frequencies, not skinny extrasensory building їkh poachiti. The stench is aggressive, їхnya aggression is streamed deprived of the will of others. Can misfortune on be-yak lyudin. For life, a lot of energy is needed;


Christ is eternal. Winner of the Middle Ages of the Earth. Be-like a heart, like more and more, see the channel, through what flow of myak and love the energy of the Jesus Christ is blessed. So go to navchanni.

Christ is the giver, who is in the process of transition to 4 scholarship. Yogi life є a symbol of the fact that purity is pragmatic and vira help to know all the air on the path of the new, opening up the inner Divinity in people.

Plus robots

Koristvatisya energієyu Christian Egregor can be yak vіruchі, and th magicians. Runnin 'snakes, as you connect to the Egregor. In їхніх texts there is no beast to God, angels and saints. The charmer is victorious to a special force, stuck to such a snake.

Інші texts to avenge the brutality to the best spiritual forces. Reading їх, the magician switches on to the Egregore and draws from new uninterrupted energy. Chaklunism of serpents with the names of the saints is not a matter of course, as the magician does not connect to the energy of Christianity.

The church is negatively placed before the magic of chaklunism, ale vikoristannya of serpents, brutalized to the church power, fall on the sign of prayer. To that, the egregore will not block the magician, but come up with energy.

In addition, the Christian egregore is reminiscent of a viable magician's energy for chaklunism, win over him. With the christening of the skin of a ludin, I will rid myself of the zhisnik - the guardian angel. And if the will of the one is strong, then the greater the abductions and incursions of the energetic church.

Christian Egregor is taut. A colossal energy has been handed over to the new one. Vaughn is constantly self-aware, lively and energetic. The rituals performed with help can be superbly strong.

Who cares about

Vvazhaєte, how the religious egregore is ordered to the one on whom the verse of the second messenger is directed: God, angels, saints. All the above-mentioned Duma and Religiyni days do not fall in love with the Egregor, and people also did it. Kozhen egregor mav creators, donors, who have formulated it. Navigate to such great and ancient ones, like confessional egregory, bully creators, who lived in their energetic cohort.

The Christian Egregor, like before the other energy-information statements, go to order the Egregor of the planet, like, at his own devil, to enter the warehouse of the other Egregor. At once the stench becomes a universal rose. Such an order і vіn іsnuvatime doti, docks live people, like live egregory energіyu.

Yak z him pratsyuvati

In order to be able to connect to the Egregore, it is necessary to determine the rules of behavior adopted in the middle of the last day. It is necessary to see in God, to see the power of his angels and saints. Without viri zhodna zmova that prayer will not work.

Christian paraphernalia you can also connect to the church energy before the hour of prayer

Krym tsyogo, skinny hour every hour is vinen:

  • lead the church;
  • take part in the services;
  • follow the rituals of the Christian tradition (fasting);
  • read religious literature (Bible, life of the saints);
  • pray.

Vira and emotsii, as lyudin vidchuvak, perebayuyut at the church, and the payment to the Egregor for this energy.

Krym emotsiy, it is recommended to give mercy and donate pennies to the temple. Viddavati pennies - zdіysnyuvati energoobmin. Magicians, who practice Christianity, show the singing part of their income to the church. The breeders of this kind of stench create a permanent hope for the energy of Christianity.

Do not forget about a zahist who spreads to all people. Dati її can be baptized and blessed booth. Energy and pennies, as will be vitrized at church rituals, will pay off too much at the sight of those who are interested in school programs, study and adapt.


For an hour of robots in the church energy information field, it’s not easy to forget about minus. Voni is like a suttuvi, like a plus:

  1. The magician, connected to the Christian egregor, is uncomfortable to pile up the power of the specialist. All who will try to take care of those, who will be seen by the church.
  2. The confessional egregore does not like independent specialties. The smell of shit shkoditi youmu. Christianity is not a name for that black magic, but be it a magician - the specialness is strong that is not lying. By the rules adopted by the others, such people will get embarrassed and their fate will be turned on.
  3. Religious egregore strongly infuses witness and preference. In some ways, you can easily see your thoughts from those that you have planned. Dogmy and suvori rules to shy away from misinterpretations of different people of the same type.

Yak zvіlnitsya vіd nyogo

Without people, be-like energoinformatsіyna will be resumed. To that, connect to the egregore simpler, not unique. If Lyudin is more likely to fix the opir of energy, fighting with it, then it is not necessary to vitiate the power, as to go to the light, having received it.

In order to be connected from the energy of the church, it is necessary to change the way of thinking and learn, so that the dogma of religion has more control over the people. As a magician, who has practiced Christian magic, having violated to switch to bila or black magic, then the sound from the Christian Egregore you can only get it and you can find something special.

To connect it is necessary to clean up the eyes of the ikoni, to rip that holy book. For the magician, it is necessary to show the energy information field, from which one is connected there is a thread that is bound. Quite a thread of thought is formed, firmly that riche. We are the images of God, angels and saints, who come to witness, slid to forget. Do not get rid of any kind of energy, Egregor breaks the calls, but he is drowned.

Egregore can be taken away without asking for permission to connect to the people. You can win the troublesome thoughts, lose self-respect. Images that appear at the head must also be cleaned. It is important in the period of zvіlnennya zvazhati on the bottom. They have cleared the information about the ability to display food and remove pastes when connected. It is impossible to accept negative emotions, the stink of the ringing.

It is important to supply food until the cob is cleaned, to which Egregor is connected to the Christian? What a tradition of development and what a way to drink? It is important that you do not throw yourself in jokes; Aja Lyudin, having been born, has already lost strength to the singing energy-information fields, and, perhaps, to please, since past life. Happy people - tse ti, who know their way and next to you.

Secrets of esoterics on the site

Є people are skeptics. For you, who believe with God. I dare to say, I’m all one, you don’t get caught up in it, you don’t bring it up. Yomu nikoli - win pratsyu, self-righteousness. And what about esoterics? Religiya? Vera to God? In people? Do overrozum? Maybe in your own? Bagato hto do not forget about such speeches, but thinking about it, do not know the difference on your power supply.

Esotericism is a tse of knowledge, not accessible to people, not necessary from magic, mystery, occultism. Accept such stinks before. Knowing that vminnyi, which could not be all mothers. Leave vibrani.

Having read the small lines in the Internet, you can deny the lack of promulgation of the data and the weakness of those who are also esotericism. Once you have bothered to change yourself and your life to be more beautiful, having chosen the strength and passed the course of video seminars, prompted by the fakhivtsy so that everyone can reach success in their own mission.

One does not need to be afraid of the understanding of esotericism

Esotericism is a great part of human life, which helps you to know yourself through knowledge of light. Її vivchennya is not given to the skin. Adzhe tse is not just a relіgіya chi science. There is a thread itself that will unite all the nuances and aspects of the mysterious light and the area of ​​unknown magic that will bring us away.

Naypershim with such a secret partnership of the Bula Pifagorіyska School. Vona dililasya zvychaynu that esoteric. This chateau took an oath of preoccupation about the numbness of the one who was brought up by the members of the suspension. First, the knowledge of the stench was eliminated there, the people were unprecedented and unprecedented. The infection of the esoteric is not accustomed to us. Є Information is available, wikladen at videoseminars and maister-classes. Why should people be afraid of someone who doesn't want to tinker with someone who is not home and how they live in an unknown region of life?

The main criterion of human non-pretense is discernible:

  1. Bagato hto does not want to vivchat a new religion. As a matter of fact, esotericism is not deprived of religiya, I would like to stick with it. Vona dopomagaє razkriti yourself that vlasny prikhovanie internal potential. So, here є relіgіya - vira in itself and navkolishnіy svit.
  2. Nevira is the power of changing one's life. The thought is always material. And the bazhannya can always be here. Everything can be done - it’s just as easy as it is to go through a difficult path to knowledge.
  3. Negligible good luck new knowledge, some good luck with a special life. Esotericism gives the chance to succeed in one galus of human performance. Win permits all the criteria, which are very important, in time. Covet the bazhany і nypotaєmnіshiy all-round.
  4. Fear of being put before the witness of magic. Varto means, scho unrecognized - tse magichne. Tse just don’t know. When the seminar passes through it becomes clear that those who are renowned for being unmoved and unhappy are often magical.
  5. Visits to the hour. It takes an hour and a little for the passage of the day. Ale zgodom, vitrazhenny year old pay off a hundredfold. Life is in vain, everything is on its own, and everything is in the middle.

Galuz, it’s already established, science, like psychology, has long been zazha for an esoteric thought. Give up to її methods. Nicely put before the practice of the secret knowledge.

What is it, esoteric knowledge?

Why is it that not everyone is given the esoteric knowledge? Will we rob Lisha? In addition, it is not a skinny person who is ready to say goodbye to the great light, the trivial space, the perception of the spiritual stability of his life. Lyudin's skin is the forge of his own happiness. Tі, hto rozumіut tse, pragnut short.

SHO TAKE Esoterica - add to the site

Until you reconnect yourself. The middle. Fixing s dummies. And the thoughts are the same, which will be seen with us. Esoteric practices give people yak knowledge. The smell will help you to see the space. Check out misliti inakshe, yak earlier. Throw in and see those who are seen. Those who need to be robbed are able to achieve success in the bazhani galuzi. Zrozuti, so light is not trivial. Vin vzagali bezmezhniy. Svidomost is omnipotent.

Why would Lyudin come before esotericism?

Good roads can lead to that knowledge. Podії, people, vypadkovіst? In any case, esotericism appears in the life of the people, if it is needed. The reasons can be useful:

  1. Poshuk new, non-sentient witnesses. If it’s boring, the light will take in its addiction, so it’s not possible to bring past joy. Esoteric can help you to look at everything in your own light, to poke a new one and turn it into a miracle.
  2. Poshuk to the method of lіkuvannya. If traditional medicine is powerless. If the pilgrims did not help. It’s not out of place about sickness ailments, but about a post-depression, about a sickness of life itself, if you want a little bit of a man to get mired, you cannot reach your goals. Lyudin turns around at the razpachi. I esotericism, magic, rituals to help you to find yourself.

Esotericism and magic are the ancient sciences. The price of knowledge, accumulated powerless fate and capital. There is great wisdom, as it is possible to make a skin, which is really good. І help it to be difficult. It is due to the gravity of the article. Reach the results and be happy.

Simpler to say, this is also esotericism, in such a way. Try to explain the folding bud of the visible and invisible light and the processes that flow through the cich light and pour it onto the people, the little ones and the share. Bagato hto chuv about unaware dosage of kind On the basis of this principle, a large number of modern commercial practices for achieving financial success, practices for helping bazhan people or formulating podіy, have been created.

Esoteric practice is directed towards the achievement of a strong expansion of people's lives, as it would be more thoroughly perceived. For a great, applied sense, all the esoteric ideas are directing the inner life of the people, their enthralling possibilities and the development of specific primes for self-realization and development. Esoteric flows є in all light religions, if there are many independent esoteric systems.

To be aware of the theoretical visual systems, so that one can see only the spiritual development of the specialness by means of the accumulation of special knowledge and meditative practices. Є current, stems for reaching the end result with additional rituals, rituals and others. Occultism, like the transmission of magic, the beast to unknowable powers of spirits, natural forces and bags of parallel lights, is known to them. Tsikave put before food, as well as esotericism among representatives of religious systems. For example, dumka, how would it be like an esoteric practice of being protected by Christianity, and the brutalization of the knowledge of what practices roztsinyuєtsya as a grave crime, for which a harsh punishment was transferred.

Aleksei, the church’s establishment is not quiet, who is to blame for the esotericism of the revision of his life problems. Such a camp of speeches, in our opinion, of tying around us, that the office of the church will impose a rough fence without explaining the real possibilities of esoteric practices. At the same time, there is a great number of specific rituals that are so called church magic, which are available for knowledge and become widely stagnant. The modern people, the nobility, would like to go to the power supply: "Esoteric - what is it?" Knowing about the esoteric methods of knowledge, people are not afraid of pardoning, and the problem is not to go through a non-overwhelming transition to the road to happiness.

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