Yak intelligence and you are demanding. Yak intelligence, how can I change my life, how I can grow

Відповідає фахівец.

Otzhe, in the first place, it will be necessary to make those speeches, like robbing people of self-forgetfulness! Rob tse,zabuvayuchi about an hour, inodі on Skoda "we will need on the right." That is, it’s not important - I’ll take it out for a penny, for it’s dividendy, and it’s impossible not to do it.

Guess - what are you busy?

In other words, the meta in the fact that you are engaged in a team, you can bringjoy (Not contented, that is very short of an hour, but itself inevitable, which reminds me of joy).

ALE is the only moment in that - why CAN I GIVE THE WORLD my joy from my beloved busyness?

THAT є - why can I polish my light, take care of my "leave the hobby"? For example, take a song, ale write it SO, if you put the texts before them, SO, it’s not just minds that smell, but all the hearts of all, who’s hearing.

The paradox is that if a man goes to his own sight, he will cease to be his! If you start realizing your help potential - the age of everything is more beautiful than everything - both far and close.

Shukati himself, ale through the prism of koristі іnshim.

Bring cinnamon, ale the indicator of the state, only the power of joy.

So why are you busy?

If a lyudin is busy with his beloved right, he will become happy, and not for an hour, sooner, happier - he is a guide, tse shlyakh, and not a Kintsev zupinka.

So, for example, lykar-psychiatr, Ron Leider saw the vision of talent:

Linguistics. The words іgri, rimi, squirt beats to the whole type. Such a person speaks correctly and writes correctly. Viddaє perevagu sleepily spluttered with the desperate. Yogo's natural gift is reading, writing, oratory.

Logic. Nose type is good, love facts, figures, pidrakhunks. His talent is in the rational, critical misdirection and mathematical approach to the finalization of the factory.

Uyava. The power of the mind is figuratively targeting. As soon as you are rozvineni uyava, take color, shapes, textures, then your gift is mislity by images, baciti light through form and color. You, shvidshe for everything, have a good imagination, you can draw and imagine thoughts and ideas.

Muzyka. As you love to hear and listen to melodies, in your heart and soul rhythm. I love musical compositions and get used to them. Todi your talent - spiv, musical ear, feeling the rhythm.

Kinesthetics. People with such a gift befit the right, sport, dance, robot hands. It is possible to construct models, lipiti, dance, trimmings, satisfaction of physical activity.

MіzhosobistіsnІ stosunki. The talent is attracted by the team, whom they feel like they are. People want to know good things from the team. Їх gift - the minds of other people's needs, sentiments, bazhan, vminnya pratsyuvati with people. Such an individual building bachiti svit ochima ochima and effectively interrelate with those who feel.

Reflexion. You are often engaged in introspection, contemplation of vlast vchinki, showing strength to reflexion (growing with yourself), thus straightening in yourself, thinking of your inner needs and respect. Ludin of a kind like to spend an hour alone with himself. Wine of Independence and Disciplines.

Model. The sphere of capturing a type of talent is a systematic classification, analysis and model of development and development. At the same time, it’s intuitively reasonable that he is guilty of being guilty of the control of the world and the way in which speeches and appearances in the new one are made.

In order to be smart - what is my meta, I need a first for me - why can I be a miracle (en)? In which area is knowledge and intelligence, and how can I serve the world based on talent?

Ale is so important to intelligence, it’s not a robot, it’s a way of life, which can rob people HAPPY is the main thing!

Approved by psychologist, psychotherapist O. A. Volkova

Psychologist's nutrition:

Hello, my name is Natalya, I have 21 years of age, friendship, children are dumb. At school, I didn’t scold a student, but I’m not girsha, I wondered Russian language, literature for 4, I’ll be more brightly rated in class, English I wondered more beautifully for everything, but I didn’t think it’s good enough, but I won’t s minus, I just got better in class. My mom is a medic, and I thought I might be a medic. Nadіysla went to 11th grade in medical college. Ale, I was starting to be jealous of the fact that I was looking at the students in the world (I myself am Silska), I wanted to get dressed more beautifully. It’s good for me, and I’m sorry, I’m suffering through it at once, so I went to work, and I thought I’d take the passes. At the pidsumku, nevertheless, on the last course I was asked to write an application. And I started pratsyuvati for the 2nd year. Because of my impatience in looking good, I took a pose, paid money, more credit, then I know poses, since I couldn’t do it anyway, the bigger dad didn’t know about my borg’s pit until recently, and were so joking about the salary is good (and I went to the redemption of the boroughs, and I didn’t go too far).

I get the infection on 2 robots, and a third of the robots will show up. I plan to close my loan soon, and position. I don’t want to go to college for a fee, I don’t want to pay at once, it’s not a penny to pay for the first month. I’ve got a housewife with my mom, so I’ll get ready to go to the VNZ. Only the problem is that I don’t know where to enter, I can’t be merciful suddenly, I can be like a medic's robot, but not all. I want to know such a robot, for which I will be successful from satisfaction. Through my boroughs, I didn’t develop myself, in that plan, my one-liners already denied rights, went through the course, became friends, achieved chogos, and I didn’t. I want to remember something, hoped to go to a good university for such specialty, and read it like that, but those people who thought I was not happy, did not think well, and I can be short.

I have no interest in earthly movs, I am very small, I want to go to informatics, .... and another problem - my interest is short. So, I am able to play with little things, I can do it, but I can’t say so, I love celebrity; I am vmyu gotuwati, ale I do not like gotuwati.

How can I be smart, how can I seek success? I don’t just want a good life, I want a life more beautiful than evil people, I want to be meaningful, I want a good life in my mind, but I’m not simple at all. How to know those who are good in life will bring me success.

A psychologist advised on nutrition.

Good health Natal!

I want to divide my mind into 2 parts: to know success for myself and to be successful for them.

I'll find out from the ones. If you want to bring someone to someone, show it, it means ... I often go out, not to people.

To know success for oneself means to work for those who bring satisfaction (and a penny). I criterion of success for all children.

From one of your meals, I cannot tell you what you are doing. Ale, I will write a little food, I can help you. Give feedback on them honestly for yourself (in writing).

A yak in your child's life Kim Wee wanted to be in 5-6 rockies?

What is the best value in your life? Would you like a mother, what a bootie? What is the demand for zrobiti, what are you doing?

How busy is it to bring you satisfaction? Chim Wee are ready to take care of you, if you don’t pay for the price?

Take a few tests to help you find your interests and health. Store a list of direct activities, such as clicks and then store a list of professions in them. At the leather profession, write down the plus and minus. Such an analysis will allow us to grow your vibration more and more.

In order to achieve success in any region, it is necessary to spend more than one day. Listen to yourself, train yourself to self-control, play the necessary calls, learn the history of the life of successful people.

Do you understand that in your extreme point the camp is mortally insecure?

If the child sees a vital need for life (in їzhі, respect, I guess, love, etc.), since I’m not able to satisfy myself, I’m crying for help.

We cry not too much, screwing up respect for mothers, check that you will come and give those who are in need. As soon as the mother does not come (for the wrong ones), the child will be aware, as the need will become more and more hospitable and more hospitable, if there are posters and shouting stronger: the need itself does not know anything. If you ignore your need for good and good looks, the child simply cannot be seen.

The results of unsatisfactory consumption in love are not so obvious, because they are not driven in at once.

The need for love is the strongest need for people. And as soon as the child is so nichto and do not come, win, so vividly, stop shouting and placards, alas, not because of the need for a wondrous rite, but as a result. The child is in powerlessness and rozpachi, it is even more awful, and there is no reason to come, but no need can be satisfied with none and none.

Vin pochinaє shukati dzherelo country I know Vin: tse yogo vlasny bazhannya, I want it more, I want it more, I will suffer more.

This is how to fix the path “letting go of the bazhan”.

Winning to forget about your feeling and consuming. If you see a pain and unhappiness, the child will be diligently grasping: there are children with early achievements, early intellectual successes (even in 2-3-4 rocks, they will repair readings and rakhuvati). Youmu authorities are self-defeated. Reconciliation "I am not like that", "I am not good enough" to live unhappily to direct mothers of their nibs for those who, for example, have abandoned them in the nursery and went. According to the day, the direction of the niv, the addressing of the mother, on oneself. “I went to the wrong person, because she’s rotten (my mother can’t be foul); It’s even too early to see the truths (“rosumit”) of the ones: “I’ve gone, the one who needs to make a penny, and I don’t deny the right to vimagati in no way be with me”.

I todi in a grown-up vіtsі mi maєmo:

1. "I don't know what I want.""I want, you said, you said, you want." Inevitability of vitrachati on themselves pennies and іnshі resources. Vira in vlasnu lack of abject minds, short clothes, short robots. Bagato altruism, bazhannya pikluvatisya about the others. (Lyudin is unaware of robbing those whom he needs himself).

2. “I don’t know what I’m seeing.” Having been rocking for a long time ... The stinks of insensitive surfaces, which are constantly pereroblyayuyutsya, overworked until hanging.

3. “I do not give up the right to ask, vimagati, to see who wants to see those people, especially those who are quiet, who are for me less valuable. " (“I know what I’m not giving me a stench to: they have their own inquiries and interests, I’m not up to me”). “I don’t need anyone”, “I shouldn’t love me”. (It's just not hard to believe in tsey).

4. The greatest fear of being seen, zvidsey - one hour - demonstration of independence (like compensatory behavior) and self-forgetting adherence to people. This is how the fear of repetition of an early childish vision, "not-accepting", "not-love", is manifested.

5. "I am not angry with anyone, I am kind."“I’m not right, I’m guilty myself.” Fear of presenting negativity. Self-accusation and a lot of negative perekonan about himself. І before usim tsim - fear of feeling, fear of anger, and a lot of mischief; the strongest struggle between the impulses of love and hate.

Tse describe the nature of the depressed people.

Yogo 2 main problems:

1) chronically unsatisfied demand,

2) the unwillingness of directing his name, streaming it, and at the same time streaming it and all warm feelings, with a skin rock to shy away from it all the more and more fall into the mind: well, it’s not timid, it’s not too old, it’s not too old. The reason is that it’s wrong to be robbed, but not the same.

If you don’t kill anything, then, at least an hour, or a human being “burned at robots”, you can help yourself more and more - more and more; For yogo power I will go down and out, there will be unbearable hatred for myself, see the turbot about myself, in the future - see the way of self-help.

Lyudina looks like a booth;

On the smallest hopelessness, I see and have a lot of strength, the energy is guided by the mission.

It’s a waste of love. Vin wants to live, ale, start to die: the dream will break, the exchange of speech ...

It’s important to be aware - why don’t you think about it, it’s not about the deprivation of volodinnya kimos anyway. Nawpaki - in a new volodinnya deprivation, and not in the snake of the intelligence of any merriment. Let us take a look at the power of Ya. Youmu is unbearably heavy and empty: but you can't put it into words.

Tse - neurotic depression. Everything can be overridden, not to bring to such a result.

As soon as you know in your inventory, if you want to change, you need to read two words:

1. Vivichi of lower guides, the text will remind and repeat it all hour, as long as you don’t come to see the results of chih new viruvan:

  • I am entitled to consumers. I є, і I - є I.
  • I am entitled to demand and satisfy consumer.
  • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to buy whatever I demand.
  • I give the right to greed for love and love for others.
  • I give the right to the organization of life.
  • I am giving the right to displeasure.
  • I have the right to be sorry and sp_vchuttya.
  • ... by right of the people.
  • I can edit the video. I can be alone.
  • I’m going to think about myself.

I want to brutalize my readers' respect for those who do not read the text "in themselves". Autotraining itself will not give any consistent results. It is important to live a skin phrase, to see, to know їy pіdtverdzhennya in life. Importantly, the girl wanted to believe that there could be some kind of winding up like that, and not just like that, like the sound of her own. As soon as it appears, it’s about the world and about itself in the whole world, to lay down those who have lived through life. And tsi phrases - deprive the minds of thoughts, thoughts and jokes of the powerful, new "istin".

2. Hurry up to direct the aggression against the one to whom the won is addressed to us.

... so that the opportunity to see and turn to people and warmth appears. Obviously, it’s not ruinous, and it can be shown.

How to take note of early signs of depressiveness in children

If you think we’ll think that we’ll think about a person with a depressive character, if we don’t have to skarzhi all hour, then it’s not like that. Often (especially in a young person) there are duzhe miles, chuiny, comrade and charming lyudin. It’s a bit of a bad thing, it’s a win for you. Win without zusil know, as the truth of the dishonest children of the people.

The true criterion of simplicity: as long as you are close to you, if you don’t feel anything straight, you can’t love and respect you, you’ll get lost, as long as you go, you can change your plans, if you don’t want those who are wrong. From your widespread knowledge of love, you will be abo zbigati (znetzinuvati, do not remember, ignoreuvati, slyly see), or posters, if you do not see it. To the one who is even more painful - mind, as much as he needs love, which is so dumb. Yak has long been "guilty" of love to him ... published

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