Congratulations on the day of geologist Short. Cool greeting happy geologist

Geologists are the glorious and necessary people,
After all, the geologist, where you want, the treasure will find.
I am just not clear why,
Interest from the treasure never give him?
Let's drink in honor of you good wine,
And wish not to split the head in the morning,
And also wish you human happiness,
Let you bypass all the bad weather. © ©


You are looking for real treasure in depths,
Our mother is their mother-in-law and beloved land
You try to always be the first
Where would your trails profession started.
Today I congratulate everyone geologists
And I wish to find your main treasure in life,
And what, that's what I no longer know,
Every may be something that he will be very happy. © ©


Geologists of dashing, funny and fearless people,
They communicate with Mother Nature on "You",
They bring the state on a white dish,
The valuable content of our immense land.
Today we will congratulate the pioneers of fearless,
Geologists, let you always shine always
Wherever you are, in the most impassable more often,
Your cherished and guiding bright star. © ©

Geologist path your career Surov,
You walk where no one went,
Today is such
For the holiday you pleased.
I wish you to seek not in vain,
Find only success
And today let's friends.
Let's drink to the geologists of everyone! © ©

Happy holiday geologist ours you
We wish that earthly land,
Opened the doors fasten
Like full pantry.
There are interesting places of interest,
You will find a lot,
Never be a friend, do not miss
After all, it is only the beginning! © ©


Geologist, he is like scout,
Departures the secrets of land
He is only intuition adviser
And great knowledge is important.
On this day we wish, geologist,
So that your work was highly appreciated,
And for everyone so that he was important and roads.
It's so difficult and dangerous. © ©


Geologists want to step you soon,
There will be no long preface today,
All those who are looking for gold and gas,
In severe and dangerous conditions.
Today you all congratulations send,
Wish - let you succeed,
And let your hard, painstaking work,
Complete, in fairness, will be rewarded. © ©


Geologist, you have no house for a long time,
You are distant expedition places
It is not rarely difficult for labor,
And thoughts all family live.
But sometimes it is necessary to rest,
And with friends holiday celebrate.
Your favorite time to give
And for the holiday nice drinking. © ©


On forests, deserts and valleys,
Tireless geologists go,
Looking for something in the earth's depths,
And not only seek - find!
Let your grave work and friendly,
Relief people with benefits,
Find always what you need
And let the sun burn over you. © ©

Geolog Day began to celebrate since 1966. Marked on the first Sunday day of April this holiday all those whose specialization is somehow related to the extraction and search for minerals. Typically, the next day after the holiday, geologists ended with a long winter "vacation", and they traveled from far expeditions. The holiday itself is celebrated fun, large companies. Noisy feasts are held, of course, and students. Young future experts on the day of geologist love to leave the launo of nature and prepare a kebab. According to tradition on this day, the first courses are dedicated to geologists. To do this, it is necessary to overcome many obstacles and demonstrate their sufficient physical endurance. Indeed, in this profession, these qualities are the main.

Geologists are our cheerful people:
Without humor, - no success.
No wonder their holiday in April is coming
To the next day of fun and laughter!
You are all anarchists, a little artists.
Without a field and mountains - you do not need joy.
There every man that Count Monte Cristo,
There every woman is a dream.
My toast is for geologists, young and old.
For a rare tribe - Earth's favorites.
Take your holiday my modest gift:
A bottle of wine and these poems.

Geologist is like scout
All the subsoil of earthly big countries
You intuition adviser
And your knowledge is needed.
So let us always work, geologist,
Will be appreciated,
And the state, people of roads, -
After all, he is so difficult he!

Son, what are you picking for a fork?
Until you eat, we will not go to the movies.
Useful resources take off?
There everything was found to you for a long time.
In the Sellic phosphorus, in the eggs of calcium.
Geologist in Pope! Drish Vinaigrette.
And pull out your fingers from the nose.
No minerals in it.
Well, enough to laugh at the father,
Already, my fingers scolded stretching.
In the nose will not stop picking
We will become a geologist as dad.

All your life, geologists - in the taiga,
The hat in the forest and the mountain tent.
And even on a holiday in your boot
There is still a patch yesterday.
But here you are ready to take comfort
And live in warm, comfort and rest?
And for today today they sing everything -
What life is not thinking without a fight.

In drives, in expeditions,
In search of deposits,
Forgetting about all traditions,
No family days of birth ...
Endurance, patience,
Accompanies always always
You success, luck
And shines a guide star!

By swamps and a deadly taiga.
He no little kilometers walked.
Medium desert and on a snowy river.
Under open gloomy sky spent the night.
But all the time does not grant anything
He consciously walked to the cherished goal.
And it does not matter: at least west, east.
Firmly believed that everything will be fine.
Minerals, oil and gases found
The state is extremely necessary.
In those places where he roamed along the paths
Raised followed by a miracle city.
So let's drink on holiday for him,
For his difficult, people need,
I feel we will support most
This feat, I know, do not erase years!

Our buffa from this life will be a long
While with a wheel in a naked hand
Walks in native land geologist
And the bottles in the backpack will thwart.

Geologists you can accurately
We, people, simple to tell
What wealth gave us nature,
And where they need to look.
We wish you great good luck,
Let the dreams are fulfilled
Let the search lead you
To places where the bowels are rich. © ©

Severe geologists, your works,
How much in the search for oil, ore,
You passed long roads,
Look at each corner.
You were able to get down and walk,
So that "good" is useful to find,
For the country, for me, for yourself.
Geologist with the holiday you. © ©

For coal, oil, ore and gas,
For gold, and our other wealth,
Geologists, country more than once
Thank you very much.
And we wish to find
Love you and joy to meet
And never forget
Your work will appreciate adults and children. © ©

We, geologists you,
Congratulations without prefaces
You are looking for oil ore and gas,
In painful, harsh conditions.
Today, everyone greet you,
Flowers and wishes,
For your heavy bold work
Let all the desires come true. © ©

Your path is thorny and not easy,
Today is your holiday.
We congratulate on the holiday - geologist!
And read this verse now.
Let God send you all health,
After all, your work is complicated and thorny,
Let success with you follow everywhere
Let the way your life will be rays. © ©

Geologists, your work - romantic campaigns,
This is a friendship strong, and even the fire songs,
And let the years flying in these campaigns
The main thing that would always have the soul was young!
Please accept our congratulations since
We wish you in life to find many wonders,
Today your profession is a birthday
Today you can hike, with vodka, in the forest.©


You have land of the earth to find any die
Earth for you is not just a job - fate!
I want you today to wish only the world,
Love, spiritual heat, happy geologist!
I wish you great discoveries and achievements,
You faith and hope never lose
Never know in your work defeats,
Let there always be a young your soul!©