Brilliant people of our time. In general, Australian laws can and do not comply, the main thing to report it in small print

Currently, the UK has the most geniuses per capita than anywhere else in the world, according to a new study on the country's role in science, technology, entrepreneurship and the arts.

Nearly a quarter of the 100 living geniuses in the list are British. Among them, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the world wide web (he is one of those who got the first place), as well as physicist Stephen Hawking, who took the seventh line.

Much of the British in the list ?? these are musicians and artists, including Damien Hirst (15th place), poet Seamus Heaney (26th place), playwright Harold Pinter (31st place), Sir Paul McCartney (58th place), David Bowie (67th place), author of Harry Potter books, JK Rowling and director Ken Russell (shared 83rd place).

Sir Richard Branson ?? head of the virgin group ?? Got 49th place, a chimpanzee specialist Jane Goodall ?? 58th, and psychologist Dorothy Rove ?? 72nd

In total, the list includes 24 Britons: so, in the country one genius accounts for 2.5 million people ?? this proportion is higher than in any other country.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Albert Hoffmann, a Swiss scientist who invented the drug LSD, shared the first place on the list, compiled by a commission of six innovators.

Are they followed by George Soros ?? American financier and philanthropist, Matt Groening ?? creator of "Simson", and Nelson Mandela ?? former president of South Africa.

Some names on the list are surprising. So, Osama bin Laden ranked 43rd, dividing it with Microsoft founder Bill Gates and former heavyweight boxing champion Mohammed Ali.

Americans account for 43 geniuses from the list ?? one for 6.9 million inhabitants.

Creators Synectics, a global consulting company, chose geniuses by assigning up to 10 points to each according to several factors: its role in changing the belief system, public recognition, intellectual power, achievements and cultural significance. This summer, the company sent emails to 4 thousand Britons asking to name up to 10 living candidates for the title of geniuses.

As a result, 1.1 thousand names were obtained from all areas of life. More than 60% of them were Americans and British. Only 60% of these people are still in good health.

Then the commission needed to arrange the geniuses in order and make a short list of 100 people who were to be assessed according to five parameters.

Nigel Clark, managing partner of Synectics in the UK and Europe, says: "Many people say that you can learn a genius by the fact that he turns the usual ideas about the world upside down."

"I think in this, Albert Hoffman and Tim Berners-Lee are similar to the geniuses of the past. Both of them have turned our world upside down in their own way. For that alone, they can be considered the greatest living geniuses today."

100 geniuses of modernity

1. Albert Hoffman, Switzerland. Chemist

1. Tim Berners-Lee, UK. Computer scientist

3. George Soros, USA. Investor and philanthropist

4. Matt Growing, USA. Satirist and multiplier

5. Nelson Mandela, South Africa. Politician and diplomat

5. Frederick Sanger, UK. Chemist

7. Dario Fo, Italy. Writer and playwright

7. Stephen Hawking, United Kingdom. Physicist

9. Oscar Niemeyer, Brazil. Architect

9. Philip Glass, USA. Composer

9. Grigory Perelman, Russia. Mathematician.

12. Andrew Wiles, UK. Mathematician

12. Li Hongzhi, China. Spiritual leader

12. Ali Javan, Iran. Engineer

15. Brian Eno, United Kingdom. Composer

15. Damien Hirst, UK. Painter

15. Daniel Tammet, United Kingdom. Encyclopaedist and linguist

18. Nicholson Baker, USA. Writer

19. Daniel Barenboim. Musician

20. Robert Crumb, United States. Painter

20. Richard Dawkins, United Kingdom. Biologist and philosopher

20. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, USA. Publishers

20. Rupert Murdoch, USA. Publisher

20. Jeffrey Hill, United Kingdom. Poet

25. Garry Kasparov, Russia. Chess player

26. Dalai Lama, Tibet. Spiritual leader

26. Steven Spielberg, USA. Producer

26. Hiroshi Ishiguro, Japan. Robotics

26. Robert Edwards, United Kingdom. The pioneer in the field of IVF

26. Seamus Heaney, Ireland. Poet

31. Harold Pinter, United Kingdom. Writer and playwright

32. Flossi Wong-Staal, China. Biologist

32. Bobby Fisher, USA. Chess player

32. Prince, United States. Musician

32. Henryk Gorecki, Poland. Composer

32. Avram Noam Chomsky, USA. Philosopher and linguist

32. Sebastian Troon, Germany. Robotics

32. Nima Arkani-Hamed, Canada. Physicist

32. Margaret Turnbull, United States. Astrobiologist

40. Elaine Pagels, USA. Historian

40. Enrique Ostrea, Philippines. Pediatrician and neonatologist

40. Gary Baker, USA. Economist

43. Mohammed Ali, USA. Boxer

43. Osama bin Laden, Saudi Arabia. Islamist

43. Bill Gates, USA. Entrepreneur

43. Philip Roth, USA. Writer

43. James West, United States. Inventor of electret condenser microphone

43. Tang Woo Ding, Vietnam. Biologist and Medic

49. Brian Wilson, USA. Musician

49. Vint Cerf, United States. Computer scientist

49. Henry Kissinger, USA. Diplomat and politician

49. Richard Branson, UK. Publicist

49. Pardis Sabeti, Iran. Biologist, anthropologist

49. John de Mol, the Netherlands. TV producer

49. Meryl Streep, USA. Actress

59. Margaret Atwood, Canada. Writer

58. Placido Domingo, Spain. Singer

58. John Lasseter, USA. Computer multiplier

58. Sunpei Yamazaki, Japan. Computer scientist and physicist

58. Jane Goodall, United Kingdom. Ethologist and anthropologist

58. Kirti Narayan Chowdhury, India. Historian

58. John Goto, United Kingdom. Photographer

58. Paul McCartney, United Kingdom. Musician

58. Stephen King, USA. Writer

58. Leonard Cohen, USA. Poet and musician

67. Aretha Franklin, USA. Musician

67. David Bowie, UK. Musician

67. Emily Oster, USA. Economist

67. Steve Wozniak, USA. Engineer and co-founder of Apple Computers

72. George Lucas, USA. Producer

72. Neil Rogers, USA. Musician

72. Hans Zimmer, Germany. Composer

72. John Williams, USA. Composer

72. Annette Beiler, New Zealand. Philosopher

72. Dorothy Rove, United Kingdom. Psychologist

72. Ivan Marchuk, Ukraine. Painter and sculptor

72. Robin Eskovado, United States. Composer

72. Mark Dean, USA. Inventor and computer scientist

72. Rick Rubin, USA. Musician and producer

72. Stan Lee, USA. Publisher

83. David Warren, Australia. Engineer

83. Jon Fosse, Norway. Writer and playwright

83. Gertrude Schnackenberg, USA. Poetess

83. Graham Linehan, Ireland. Writer and playwright

83. JK Rowling, United Kingdom. Writer

83. Ken Russell, United Kingdom. Producer

83. Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov, Russia. Small arms designer

83. Eric Jarvis, USA. Neuroscientist

91. Chad Worach, United Kingdom. Co-founder of the charity Samaritans

91. Nicolas Hayek, Switzerland. Entrepreneur, Founder of Swatch

91. Alastair Hanny, UK. Philosopher

94. Patricia Bass, USA. Ophthalmologist

94. Thomas Jackson, USA. Aerospace engineer

94. Dolly Parton, United States. Singer

94. Morrissey, United Kingdom. Singer

94. Renolph Fynnes, United Kingdom. Traveler

100. Quentin Tarantino, USA. Directing

Aislinn Simpson

Daily Telegraph

It means “the entrance to the lakes” - in this place an extensive network of rivers and lakes flows into the ocean, creating ideal conditions for fishing.

Indeed, there were quite a few fishing trawlers on the quay at Lakes Entrance, which immediately sold fresh fish and shrimp. Almost all holidaymakers in this place in Victoria could see the boat, in many hotels corners with tables for fish were made.

Well, where there is a fish, there are pelicans.

And the fishermen, respectively ...

In general, apart from fish and a couple of beaches, there is nothing particularly to watch at Lakes Entrance, except for the Griffiths Sea Shell Museum, a private maritime museum where you could find just tons of different types of seashells, dried and dried fish and other reptiles.

Not far from Lakes Entrans are the Caves of Buchan (Buchan Caves).

Well, after visiting the caves, it was nice to have a cup of local beer in the Bullant Brewery brewery.

  25 Aug 2012 12:12

We were already in Canberra in 2008, dropping in for a couple of days on the way to Sydney. Then we saw that there are many places in the city that can be visited in a few days.

Before leaving Canberra, we visited the Australian Parliament Building. At the entrance there were several policemen who let visitors through the frame, like at airports. After walking through the halls and offices, visiting the green roof, we went further ...

  15 Aug 2012 02:10

The Economist Intelligence Unit Consulting Group published its best cities in the world and was headed by Melbourne for the second year in a row.

The top ten cities look like this:

Great Ocean Road

  20 Jul 2012 03:02

Last December we rode the Great Ocean Road and only yesterday added all of that trip.

You can drive all the way in one day, if you leave early in the morning, stop not everywhere, and return directly on the highway. In order not to hurry with sightseeing, we stopped for a couple of nights right in the center of the road, in the town of Port Campbell (Summer's Rest Units).

On the first day it was overcast, so I had to put on jackets, but on the second day the sun came out and it became much more fun.

A few sights that we visited:

Despite s18 (1) of the Spam Act 2003 (Cth), I agree and acknowledge that any message. I understand that I can, at any time, opt out of contacting Vodafone Customer Care.

Generally, australian laws  you can not perform, the main thing to report about it small print.

  23 Feb 2012 05:13

She received the surname “MacPherson” (Macpherson) from her stepfather, Neil MacPherson.

Thanks to his ideal body proportions (90-61-89), at age 18, El signs the first contract with the well-known modeling agency Click Model Management.

In 1985, El decides to marry the photographer and creative director of Elle magazine Gilles Bensimon, who was 20 years older than Macpherson. Thanks to her marriage, El appeared in every issue of Elle magazine for six years.

In 1986, El got on the cover of Time magazine. By that time, she was already on the covers of such magazines as Cosmopolitan, GQ, Harper 's Bazaar, Vogue and Playboy. Also, during her career, El appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine six times.

In 1989, MacPherson and Bensimon divorced, and, along with her husband, El also lost her largest employer, Elé magazine. This period in the career and life of a girl is not easy, but El pulls himself together and decides to go on.

El Macpherson in the film "On the Brink"

In 1990, the first film was released with the participation of a famous model - “Alice”, director Woody Allen. Then she plays in several films: “Sirens” (with Hugh Grant), “Batman and Robin” (with George Clooney), “On the Verge” (with Anthony Hopkins) and others.

Also in 1990, MacPherson launched its underwear line, Elle Macpherson Intimates, which is sold exclusively in Australia.

In 1995, together with her friends with super-models, El opened the chain of restaurants Fashion Café, which did not become profitable and was closed in 1998.

In 1999, El Macpherson starred in five episodes of the popular TV series Friends.

In 2003, El was engaged to French financier Arpad Busson, from whom she gave birth to two sons - Flynn (Flynn) in 1998 and Cy (Cy) in 2003.

In 2005, the couple broke up, and today El with children lives in London.


  22 Feb 2012 02:08

I read today in a local newspaper about what to do while traveling, and I see this advice:

Smile. Always smile.

It "ll get you places you wouldn't believe. You can’t get to know where to go. it "s called Russia. (They" ll think you "re mad.)

In translation:

Smile! Always smile.

This will open up so many new opportunities for you that you never dreamed of. For example, a waiter from Paris will suddenly speak in English, or you will finally find this fucking @ #% place in the train - just smile a little and act accordingly.

One exception to this rule is Russia. They will think you're crazy.